hopelesstargazer · 10 months
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hopelesstargazer · 11 months
jujutsu kaisen characters as ghibli flims.
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s’cuteee, i literally cannot fathom this enough.
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hopelesstargazer · 1 year
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Just imagine the treasures tucked away in All Might’s wardrobe…
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hopelesstargazer · 1 year
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“We’re a team.”
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hopelesstargazer · 2 years
This user supports AO3
This user is anti-censorship
This user believes in “don’t like, don’t read”
This user believes in “ship and let ship”
This user believes that fiction tastes and preferences do not dictate moral character
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hopelesstargazer · 2 years
You... You do
anyone else like ranma?
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hopelesstargazer · 2 years
Researchers have, for the first time, recorded the aye-aye – a long-fingered lemur – inserting its extremely long digit up its nostrils and then licking its finger clean.
Credit: Anne-Claire Fabre
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hopelesstargazer · 2 years
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Frog stacks
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hopelesstargazer · 2 years
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★ ねこ堂 | MHA log2 ☆ ⊳ various (boku no hero academia) ✔ republished w/permission
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hopelesstargazer · 3 years
The Taken
This story was written in response to this post. I hope you enjoy :)
Nihijb had always been scared and alone. But nothing quite scared her as much as the rumours whispered in passing every now and again. It’d started to be more frequent lately.
Humans. Deathworlders. Sentient life from the most dangerous, least habitable corner of the galaxy. Beings that liked to take the ones who no one kept an eye one. The outcasts and lonely were abducted by them. Every time one of them saw someone they could take without a protective being willing to take them on for this person’s sake, they would do just that.
People were not sure what happened to the Taken. They did not return to talk about it, and everyone only whispered about it - but everyone knew it was happening. No matter the planet, no matter the race, no one without strong backing was safe.
Nihijb was not safe either. She was right there, the perfect victim. That was why she was listening more closely to the speculations.
The Taken were probably forced to work for the humans. They might become test subjects or food - though humans apparently had officially claimed they would not condone such behaviour from anyone, that they would start a war to end that kind of thing.
Many suspected that the Taken were trained. Made into soldiers. A gigantic, brainwashed, interspecial army ready at the fingertips of those humans. But the human ambassadors emphasised that there was no army.
Nihijb shuddered at the thought that she might end up like that. That was the worst thing other children had taunted her with: That they hoped she would be taken and vanish as part of that gruesome mystery forever.
It was cold the night it happened. Cold and dark. Darker, actually, than her home planet with its midnight sun usually was. The clouds must have been rather thick.
The human was hurrying by the ally Nihijb was sitting in, her breath held anxiously to try and go unnoticed. The human, tall and clothed in a garment Nihijb recognised as a dress fluttering in the nightly winds, froze regardless. And as she could feel both her hearts to speed up in terror, she wondered whether this human’s ears were keen enough to hear it. She had heard they had creepily keen senses.
The human approached slowly, strangely enough keeping a polite, reassuring distance from the terrified Ne’av. They even sat down in a way Nihijb was sure they could not stand up from quickly.
Or maybe they just knew it looked like that and they were trying to lower her guard. Might be that, too.
The human flashed their teeth, and Nihijb nearly fainted. Before she could stutter out an apology for whatever offence she could have committed, they spoke with their strange, flown voice that sounded like the whispers of the winds: “Hi there, little one. What are you doing here all alone? Do you need help finding home?”
Nihijb had heard a rumor that humans could hear when one lied. So lying was futile. But if she spoke truthfully, she would be revealing herself as the perfect victim she was.
“I… I don’t want to leave this place.” That was not a good answer. But the winds had the words echoing through the ally, and she knew she could not take them back.
Yet the human did not answer to the defiance an unresponsiveness she’d shown them, looking around the ally instead. “It’s a nice ally. Seems… comfy? It’s warmer than right outside it, at least. And it’s clean… somewhat.”
Nihijb had not expected them to agree with her. She had expected many things, but none of them had been so… positive? Approachable?
"Say, little one, this… isn't where you live. Right?"
The weird windy voice was soft, compassionate. Nihijb did not know how to feel about that. But for now, she decided to answer truthfully since that ought to be better than angering the beast in front of her: "I just… Don't want to go back there."
The human's face-fur did something funny. Their eyebrows, was it? Since when was fur supposed to move around your face? Was it sentient? Nihijb hoped not, that'd be beyond terrifying.
"That's not good… What made you not wanna go back?"
Nihijb shuddered, pressing against the hard wall behind her and lowering her eyes sadly. She did not want to say it, didn't want herself to admit it out loud. As if that'd make a difference. She knew it didn't, and she knew she should not defy a human, but…
No. Defiance was let go once before, surely that must've been the worse decision. "I am" - Nihijb sighed - "hated. By the gods. The missing limb I was born without is proof of that. That's why they… I don't… I promise I wasn't… But…"
Somehow the human must have understood her absolute gibberish response that Nihijb herself didn't fully know the meaning of. At least the human… summed? Hummed? Something like that. A response, maybe in their home world language.
"So they abuse you at home. Because you were born missing an arm and are considered hated by your gods now?"
Nihijb nodded, sadness sounding inside her heart like the ever present rustling of the leaves on the fertile ground. The human pressed their lips together, and she was not sure what it meant, but that was the moment the fear installed by the rumours came back with a vengeance. There was only one direction this could go, and it was not a good one.
"You can say no if you don't want to."
A sentence Nihijb had not expected to be directer at her ever, much less by a human. But one that reassured her nevertheless. A lot.
"But I would like to offer you a way out of this life." They reached forward, their claw stopping a decent distance away from Nihijb, talons turned to face towards the earth. Showing their wrist. A strangely pacifistic gesture to come from a deathworlder.
"Come with me? I have a lot of blue-ra- uh… movies we can watch. There's a few other kids like you staying with me, too. I know goind with a stranger isn't ideal. And I'm no therapist or educationalist, but I oughta be able to do better than those people. I promise you can go any time you want, so…"
Nihijb was not sure what it was. Maybe the way the human sounded so nervous. Or the safe distance they had kept the entire time. Or their compassionate gaze. But as she contemplated the deathworlder before her, who'd been the first one to talk to her like an actual person, she suddenly couldn't help but feel that they were right. Maybe the brainwashing had begun already, but she somehow believed this human that her life would be better with the deathworlder than her homeworlders.
Nihijb ended up taking the human's hand.
On the ship, she found about seven other people waiting for the human. A blind ocheraha and an ocheraha she could not see anything wrong with that looked very similar to the first one. A kjek'kr covered in scars. A sethuzu without any glowing marks. A rorrlchra with purple feathers. An adult hehehit making weird motions with his hands with a questioning look on his face. And another human, this one with red fur on their head and clothed in what appeared like one of those "suits"?
"This child will stay with us for now. Everyone, please be nice to her." The human in a dress turned to Nihijb, bearing their teeth a bit again. "Welcome to the Neverland - Fahijet chose the ship's name based on her favorite movie." The hehehit grew red, so Nihijb supposed that was Fahijet.
The other human let out a sigh, though, statling Nihijb. "Honey, we have to stop adopting homeless alien children now." Their green eyes took in Nihijb and suddenly the human made a chocked sound. "… Right after this one. Hello, my precious little friend. I'm sure my big idiot of a wife forgot to do the introductions, so allow me to do it! Welcome to the family, princess."
"I am not a princess?" That was all Nihijb could answer, because… Wow. Just, wow.
"Well, to me you are. You're my little princess now, so that's that." The human bared their teeth too, and Nihijb suspected it was actually some kind of friendly gesture.
For some reason, it felt as though she would not regret her choice.
A very happy week later, she asked Fahijet why the humans were not simply revealing the truth about the Taken. She answered with her hands - hand speech, that was what it was, she was mute - that the humans said it was too bothersome. "But I think they do it to protect us. The rorrolchra and many others wouldn't let people like Ruirem, people like us go otherwise."
Nihijb had lost count of the how many-th time it was that she started crying since entering the Neverland with her new mom. But not once had those tears been sad.
Nihijb didn't have to be scared nor alone anymore.
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hopelesstargazer · 3 years
🎉Happy Birthday🎉
🔆Yuji Itadori🔆
~20 March~
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Disclaimer: Only official artwork is used in this post, hence the lack of artist credits.
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hopelesstargazer · 3 years
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hopelesstargazer · 3 years
I hate that SEPTember OCTOber NOVember and DECember aren’t the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th months.
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hopelesstargazer · 3 years
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Made a quick Miraculous Ladybug design for bookmarks, figure I’d share here. ^^
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hopelesstargazer · 3 years
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Made more Miraculous Ladybug fan art bookmarks~
(Chat Noir to match the Ladybug one)
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hopelesstargazer · 3 years
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I can't believe Sophie accidentally animated Howl's skull. What do you even....do in that situation?
When you flip the pov around you realize that most of howl's reputation is theater and the whole book was actually much, much weirder from Howl's perspective
You're a grad student. You want to study magic. You're emotionally stunted by a demon contract and chronically bad with women. You engage in moving castle shenanigans to avoid every responsibility that doesn't install itself in your house and refuse to leave. You're minding your own business, occasionally popping home to see the niblings.
Enter a women bespelled by your ex to look like a grandma who decides she's in charge of your house, your demon, and your apprentice, is utterly unimpressed with your theatrics, and is unconsciously doing magic stronger than you've been able to manage in years of study while so far in denial about her abilities that she jokes about being a witch
I would be furious
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hopelesstargazer · 3 years
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Needle Felted and Embroidered Art Hoops
Yuliya Krishchik on Etsy
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