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Is this situation what happens after prolonged narcissistic abuse ?
My mom has discredited my feelings and instincts about my emotions so much all my life that now i’m confused whether or not i am indeed being emotionally abused or if i just dramatize stuff to paint myself as the wronged innocent victim. The latter makes me feel like a toxic person and i worry about it...
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Don’t let them lie to you. Don’t let them tell you differently than what you know or act differently. If you can’t control their gaslighting, control your inner thoughts. Correct them in your mind, but DO NOT believe their lies. Do NOT let them confuse your reality. Do NOT let them normalize their wrong doings.
A narcissist will never or hardly ever admit where they did wrong. They perpetually do wrong. They refuse to see, they refuse to hear or listen. That is why none of the pain can be resolved WITH THEM. It’s resolved OUTSIDE AND AWAY from them. It’s resolved within you. As much as you can do it for yourself inside, the outside matters too. What you are around matters too. You can’t suppress your feelings without suppressing yourself.
If you are going through any type of narcissistic abuse, I love you. I’m here for you. You aren’t alone. Don’t give up on you.
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