honourablepirate · 6 months
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honourablepirate · 6 months
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honourablepirate · 6 months
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This looks like a fucking parody post, or an edgy edit, but it’s 100% official real Flintstones.
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honourablepirate · 6 months
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Are you talking to your car? — Her name's Florence.
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honourablepirate · 6 months
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Gwendoline Christie for MYKRO MAG by Paul Scala
Styling Tom Eerebout
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honourablepirate · 6 months
Tony : Hey kid, I bought Netflix since you've been talking about it lately.
Peter : Oh, thank you Mr. Stark! I'm glad I don't have to share accounts with Ned anymore now.
Tony :
Tony : You wanted an account?
Peter : Yeah, what did you get me?
Tony :
Tony : I bought you Netflix
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honourablepirate · 6 months
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2x06: Emma doesn’t need anymore excuses to grab him
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honourablepirate · 6 months
Hey remember when Tumblr banned porn and everyone fled to Twitter and the internet by and large became that much more insufferable? Yeah well, we’re about to get the sequel no one’s been waiting for
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A recent lawsuit is calling into question the very law that makes user-generated content possible on the internet and it’s going before a bunch of old people who have no idea how the internet works. If Section 230 gets repealed or modified, the internet as we know it will radically change forever. Content policing will be that much worse; and either the guidelines will be so restrictive it’ll squeeze the life out of their sites, or sites will close their doors all together by not being able to meet the moderation demand and not wanting to risk being liable. 
Unlike SOPA way back in the day, this one is quietly flying under everyone’s radar so there’s no big pushback like last time, so there is a very real possibility this goes down in the worst way possible. So Yeah Ya’ll may want to start saving your favorite content if you feel it’s going to go bye-bye
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honourablepirate · 6 months
Bruce is insecure about his position in his family.
The seed was planted from the beginning, when he first met Dick and was turned down as a father.
At that time, he himself didn't think it was a big deal. Dick is a traumatized kid who has yet to know him. But as the time passed, it became something Bruce would lie awake thinking about. Should he ask again? Would Dick be mad if he did?
And then Dick leaves.
That cements it in Bruce's heart. He isn't Dick's father, and his relationship with Dick is dependent on they being Batman and Robin.
Because he was not a good enough Batman, he lost Robin, and with Robin, Dick too is gone.
Next, Jason. Bruce has a new son, one that is legally his. This time I will do everything right, he swore. Then Jason is gone.
When Jason returns, he refuses to return to Bruce because he was such a failure as Batman.
Tim came to Bruce because of Batman. Tim wants Batman and never Bruce.
Even when Tim's parents are being awful. Even when Tim needs a parent, Bruce will never be a choice Tim considers. That much was clear.
Tim admired Batman but never wanted anything to do with Bruce.
Cassandra is his daughter. She even seems to like being his daughter. But with how low the bar for her father's position is, he can't help thinking about how she would want to leave him too when she knows better.
At least there is no way she can find a better Batman, even if she finds a better father.
Damian is his biological son. Damian is proud of that fact. He feels like he should be more secure in his position as Damian's father, but he just can't. Dick is a better father to Damian than he is. He can see it. Everyone can see it. Day after day, he feels like he's losing Damain's respect little by little, each time he can't understand him or be at ease with him like Dick. To make it worse, Damian's Batman is Dick before Bruce. Damian sees Batman as something great, and Bruce is Batman, but he is still not Damian's Batman.
He doesn't know what he would do if one day Damian looked at his version of Batman and found it lacking.
Batman needed to be perfect or he would lose his family.
(If he ever told his children about this, they would scream for hours about how false it was. For years, they have seen Bruce as their father. For years, they desperately wanted Bruce to be a father before Batman. But Bruce doesn't know.)
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honourablepirate · 6 months
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honourablepirate · 6 months
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honourablepirate · 6 months
Hunger Games didn’t really eat holes in my brain the way that it did for some other people but god the opening lines. The opening lines. Katniss wakes up in bed and immediately, instinctively reaches beside her, only to find the bed empty and cold. Before we even know her name – before we know literally anything about her or this world or her place in that world – we know that she loves someone. We know that she is reaching for where Prim should be, sleeping safe and warm beside her, but Prim is not there. She is not there, and her half of the bed is cold and empty. People talk about characters being “doomed by the narrative” when most of the time the character was literally just a well-foreshadowed death, but Prim WAS doomed by the narrative. It’s the very first thing we learned. It’s the most key, integral, important piece of information we’re given about everything that is about to happen: Every single choice Katniss makes is to protect her little sister, and it isn’t enough. In the end, Prim still dies. Prim was dead before the story even started. Katniss, reaching. Prim’s side of the bed was cold and empty. There is no version of this story where Prim could have been saved. Katniss, reaching. The very first thing she does in the series. She wakes, and she reaches, but Prim is already gone. THAT is how you do Doomed By The Narrative. Edit: Also it is key that there was literally nothing Katniss could have done differently. If she had not acted to save Prim, Prim would not have survived the Hunger Games. But by acting to save Prim, Katniss accidentally kicked off an entire rebellion and ultimately massively increased the amount of danger Prim was actually in. The key is that this is irrelevant. If Katniss had done literally anything differently, Prim still would have died. If Katniss had faltered or changed course at any point, Prim still would have died. There was never a point where Katniss could have changed Prim’s fate. There’s no version of this story where Prim lives to see the end of it. She’s dead before the story begins. That’s doomed by the narrative.
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honourablepirate · 6 months
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Found on Zillow- somebody doesn’t know how to build stairs. Those shelf brackets must have a weight limit. (Not to mention that they look like hell.)
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honourablepirate · 6 months
Due to a combination of the residual childhood trauma hypervigilance and ADHD selective processing I am constantly on both ends of the spectrum of being aware of things. Did I notice the way someone shifted their arm in a manner that they usually don't, indicating that they may be irate with this situation? Yes. Did I notice that conversation in this room is not drifting towards a subject that these people would naturally talk about next, indicating that they are avoiding the subject? of course. Did I notice that the person who frequently parks here has removed that sticker from their car? Yeah clearly. Did I notice that truck almost hitting me? No.
My brain is the box that Schrödinger's cat is in, and there is no knowing whether I am aware of everything or absolutely nothing of what's going on unless you crack it open and check. Before that, I exist simultaneously in both the states of hyper-awareness and not being aware of jack fucking shit.
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honourablepirate · 6 months
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Beautiful Emma Swan: Emma happy to see her boys.
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honourablepirate · 6 months
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Barn Owl Extreme Cuteness (x)
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honourablepirate · 6 months
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