honiedbee-knees · 5 years
Bi ppl: *exist*
My ace ass: 
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honiedbee-knees · 6 years
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Go home.
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honiedbee-knees · 6 years
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a comic about someone who gets a visit from the reaper a bit sooner than expected, but has someone whos been waiting for them 
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honiedbee-knees · 6 years
If I hear one more person complain about how some of Lance’s family looks “too white” I’m going to fuckign scREAM.
So here’s the new picture that came out with the book
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And here’s a very recent comment about this photo
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Y’all know that not all Cubans are dark right ?? Cuban families tend to originate from all over. A lot come from Spain but some come from Africa and South America and some even from Europe (Spain is in Europe just so y’all know…). Cubans don’t have a “set skin tone”. They’re not all tan.
Quite frankly, I think the reason everyone expects all Cubans to be tan is because that’s the kind of skin tone we imagine when we think of Mexicans. And honestly? I’ve learned as I grow up that there’s a LOT of people who think all Hispanics look like Mexicans or are Mexican.
Lets be real, this is what most people think of when they hear a character or someone is Hispanic, despite wether they’re Cuban or Peruvian or Colombian or whatever.
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Most people hear Hispanic and automatically think of Mexican. People automatically assume that if someone’s Hispanic, their skin tone is going to look very similar to Miguel from Pixar’s Coco (who is Mexican) and if living in Miami my whole life has taught me anything it’s that that is far from the truth
This is obviously a very common opinion. Someone took the time to write that comment and then SIX more people within a day of seeing just a post on Instagram liked the comment. I want to express that not a lot of people go into the comment section in general so obviously six doesn’t seem like a lot but that’s just out of the people who viewed the comment. Imagine all the people who thought that or would agree with that comment but they just scrolled by ?? Or all the people that didn’t see the post in general.
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Hispanic is a very wide term. There’s all kinds of different people. And Cuban is equally as wide in terms of what the people look like.
Let’s take my own family for instance. I, myself, am very white (I’m only half Cuban). However my sister is significantly tanner than I am. Just naturally. (She’s also half Cuban). My mom, however, is full Cuban. She was born and raised in Cuba just like the rest of her family. She’s as white as I am. Her dad? Darker than Lance. I would say closer to Hunks skin tone. Her mom? On the lighter side but still a bit darker than her. (Her mom also has slight Chinese on her side of the family). Her sisters? Fell closer to as dark as her dad.
My point is, there’s such a wide variety of skin colors when it comes to being Cuban. And to assume that Lance’s family all have to be dark to be considered “actually Cuban” is kind of racist?? As if saying if your white your not actually Cuban. (Something I personally deal with a lot and my mom even more despite that being her homeland).
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Bottom line is, I feel like a lot of people are trying to start something they shouldn’t. They want to argue that some of Lance’s family isn’t dark enough to be considered Cuban when they don’t even understand the heritage of Cubans. Don’t start something just bc the creators might be “acting racist” or whatever. Because they’re not. The fact that Lances family is such a wide variety of colors is actually really cool!! And really does a good job of showing just how big of a difference skin tone cane be between Cubans, even within the same family.
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Idk maybe I’m overreacting, I probably am, I’m just tired of people trying to make a bigger problem out of something that isn’t a problem to begin with.
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honiedbee-knees · 6 years
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story?
If you couldn’t tell, this is based on this Hamilton song. This is an AU of We’ll Meet Again, where they were able to defeat Zarkon when he attacked Altea but Sheeva still didn’t survive.
Let me tell you what I wish I’d known. When I was young and dreamed of glory. You have no control. Who lives. Who dies. Who tells your story?
His father always told him that when he thought he was about to do something impulsive; something that could have dire consequences. He never thought about what it could mean for him.
When he first heard what Sheeva was going to do, he begged him not to go back into the fight. He had already had his fair share of suffering; he lost his arm for star’s sake!
“Alluran, I have to this!” He pleaded with him to understand. Alluran shook his head, just barely suppressing the sob that wanted to tumble out.
“You’ll be killed Sheeva! Look around! We’re lucky to be alive right now and you want to throw that luck straight out the window!” He cried, gesturing to the large bay window in his bedroom. Just over the horizon, they could see smoking rising. Zarkon was closing in on the capital and it wasn’t long before he knew the soldiers would be sent out. The Lions had already been sent away in case the battle didn’t stay on Altea.
“How can I just sit here and wait!?” He demanded angrily pacing around the room. Alluran watched him, his heart aching. He glared down at the ground, tears rolling down his cheeks.
“I know I can’t stop you,” he said quietly. Sheeva stopped pacing and looked over at the Crown Prince. “I just wish I didn’t have to,”
Sheeva gulped. “I’m sorry,”
“Don’t say things you don’t mean,”
“Alluran,” he tried, trailing forward slightly. Alluran shook his head and turned away from him.
“As soon as you walk out of that door, you forfeit all rights to my heart,”
Sheeva let out a short gasp of surprise. He clenched his fists tight in indecision but ultimately headed for the door. Alluran’s legs shook with the want to fall to the floor and sob but he held strong.
Sheeva stopped at the door and looked back at Allurance.
“I’ll see you on the other side of the war, my love,”
Keep reading
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honiedbee-knees · 6 years
Are you straight? If you watched season 7 and didn't feel betrayed, didn't feel deeply hurt, is because you're straight and you don't understand what it is like to be played with like that. You don't understand what it is to be POC and LGBT and to have the characters you see yourself in mistreated like that. You don't understand, yet you talk about stopping negativity when we must critic this because it's unfair. We must spread awareness. VLD hurt us. They must listen to what we have to say now.
I was genuinely not going to answer any asks like this but this actually made me think.
Assuming I’m straight just because I watched a season of a kids show is just amazing to me. I’m actually kinda hurt because for the first time I was actually starting to understand who I am, but I guess I’m straight now.
When I first saw what happened to Adam I was pissed off I was angry. It’s not right that they introduced a character in the first episode and by the time they get to Earth, he’s gone. So yeah, I was devastated but then I actually thought about it.
They’re in a war where people get killed, captured, and there isn’t anything they can do about it. Did you look at the memorial wall? He wasn’t the only one that died.
You act like they threw a car on him and said that’s that. He’s a soldier, it’s his job to be in danger and protect citizens. 
Did you forget that Shiro is LGBTQ2+ representation, or does he have to have a boyfriend in order to be gay? 
You don’t know anything about me and don’t assume that you do. Don’t assume that I don’t understand. We’re talking about a children’s show for god’s sake.
They don’t have to listen to what you have to say. You can say whatever you want, you have your opinions and it’s great that you want to spread awareness but attacking people is not okay.
I am disappointed in the way somethings happened but I filed it away and turned to the rest of the season. Do you remember the good things that happened? And I’m sorry in advance for SPOILERS but:
Hunk got some backstory finally
They returned to Earth
Lance got reunited with his family
Shiro got a new arm
They were able to save the Earth
Sendak is gone for good
That’s all I got for today. I’m turning off my anons for awhile because I’m sure this will be taken negatively but seriously if you can’t say something to me off of anon then don’t say it at all. I’m not the creators so don’t unload onto me just because my opinion is different than yours.
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honiedbee-knees · 6 years
@ people who have hated on every single season of voltron since the beginning: consider this, maybe you just don’t fucking like the show 
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honiedbee-knees · 6 years
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He must have been terrified but he got up anyway :””)
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honiedbee-knees · 6 years
What is happening with the Voltron fandom?
Guys, are you seriously hating on the GREAT season that the creators just gave us??
This season was about war, a more serious plot for the story. It was really well done, the animation was gorgeous and we got to see the paladins grow as such. Are we going to ignore the great development that Hunk got?????
It was sad that Adam died. But he was breaking up with Shiro in the memories, he wasn’t going to kiss him or hug him when he was so angry.
It’s sad, but Adam gave his life to protect earth. All the other pilots died too, not only him.
Again, the season was intense and good, because we are reaching the final. This season was about lost and war, about grow and winning. Not about your ships, whatever you like.
Don’t hate the Voltron staff when they worked so hard to gave us this amazing season. They are not homophobic because they killed Adam. They were so excited and happy to reveal a LGTB character, but you are just ruining it.
Please stop, they deserve better. Please don’t fight, don’t threat them. You ask for representation but you don’t even respect them. Because there were not the representation you wanted, you just can’t go saying it’s queerbaiting.
Just that. I really love this season and seeing the hate that is reciving upsets me.
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honiedbee-knees · 6 years
i’m getting a little weary of seeing posts talking about how it’s homophobic that shiro has suffered in the show, because i feel like y’all really aren’t seeing the big picture here. this is not the example of “bury or torture your gays” that you guys believe it to be. 
for one, i think it’s really important to remember that shiro is not the only character that has suffered. he is not the only character who has been ‘brutalized’ as so many posts have described it. have his issues been more overt lately? yes, of course. because that was a plot arc. but remember that the others have suffered, even if perhaps not AS MUCH as shiro. 
allura has lost her entire civilization, her father died at the hands of a former friend, she literally woke up from a 10,000 year sleep still reaching out for him. she thought she had found an ally and companion in lotor, only to realize that he had brutalized what few remained of her people for CENTURIES. 
coran lost everyone he loved, he watched a family he’d loved perish, he watched as the sole surviving daughter suffered that loss. he has suffered and stayed strong through it all. 
keith has lived a life of solitude without his family, losing his father at a young age (and as someone who lost their father at about the same age as keith, i can tell you that this is absolutely emotionally brutal). he believed his mother had abandoned him. and he’s had to see the person he cares for and loves most suffer through a war. he literally had to fight the person he cares for and loves most in hand to hand combat. he literally accepted that he was going to die too if shiro was going to die, and was okay with that. if that isn’t suffering, i don’t know what is. 
they’ve come near death - lance practically died until allura brought him back (as she did for shiro as well!). 
pidge lost her father and brother for years, and was the only person who believed they were alive. also she’s a CHILD in the middle of a fucking intergalactic war. sam and matt holt SUFFERED at the hands of the galra too. they were brutalized too. matt became a rebel fighter, in tons of dangerous situations, because of this. but we don’t see as much of the suffering because they aren’t our protags. 
hunk’s family too! hunk’s family was imprisoned by the galra, and he couldn’t do anything about it! he came home, and his family was gone. he came home expecting to see them, and they weren’t there because his enemy had gotten to them first. that’s suffering. 
look, i get it, the last couple seasons have had a lot of focus on shiro and what he has gone through, but that is mostly because it’s been relevant to the primary plot. 
you guys are also so focused on the fact that adam died that you can’t see the bigger picture. adam died along side tons of other fighters, straight, lgbt, or otherwise. but adam was never meant to be the rep. it was shiro. shiro is the rep. and before you scream at me that well, he’s gay and he’s suffered, i want you to remember what that suffering means in the bigger context of the show. it’s not pointless suffering, and he’s not the only one suffering. 
has shiro suffered? of course. as have all the paladins. but you know what shiro has also done that is literally REVOLUTIONARY to LGBT characters in mainstream media? HE HAS SURVIVED. just last week, happy posts were going around about how there should be a reversal of the ‘bury your gays’ post, where a gay character is just impossible to kill, and shiro was always mentioned. because YES. that’s IT. he’s literally flipped ‘bury your gays’ on its head! why are y’all forgetting that now??
he has suffered and he has made it through EVERY FUCKING TIME. he has endured trials and tribulations, while always coming through those trials, always surviving, always coming out stronger, always excelling. 
y’all are so so focused on his hardships that you forget that they have written him, not to suffer, but to SURVIVE. 
this is not “bury your gays”, this is “your gays will not be fucking stopped” 
i really had to get that off my chest. thanks for coming to my ted talk. 
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honiedbee-knees · 6 years
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I thought it was good
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honiedbee-knees · 6 years
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My zine finally came in the mail and I love it!
Y'all did an amazing job!!!
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honiedbee-knees · 6 years
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My zine finally came in the mail and I love it!
Y'all did an amazing job!!!
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honiedbee-knees · 6 years
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My zine finally came in the mail and I love it!
Y'all did an amazing job!!!
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honiedbee-knees · 6 years
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Coran, Coran the gorgeous Pan. <3
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honiedbee-knees · 6 years
White people with dreadlocks who scream “the Celts had locks” every time you get called out. Stop. Just stop.
I’m mixed race and a Celt so here I am to tell you that Celtic people do not traditionally wear locks. Any Celt in the Isles today could tell you that. Most Celts living in North America could tell you that. Most Creole people who are Celtic could tell you that. 
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See this? This is called plaiting. It’s a type of braiding. THIS is the Celtic and Nordic style that ancient Romans mistook for dreadlocks because they were Colonial Imperialists who didn’t see or care about the differences between the cultures they were “conquering.”
If you are Celtic, Nordic or trying to emulate Celtic culture (which is a discussion for another day) and you have dreadlocks all that says to me is that you don’t care about or respect those differences either.
I apologize on behalf of Celts with locks and random white people with locks who try to make this excuse. I can only hope correcting them might make a bit of a difference.
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honiedbee-knees · 6 years
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be nice to my good girl :’’’’)
(And you can read all my other Voyd comics here!)
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