ashes in my wake.
166 posts
the incomparable MISS JULIET THORPE. a prized lady among the thorp family, eldest daughter the lord and lady blended thorpe family. of spoiled, extravagant nature, of unflinching - leaving beauty, and - ashes in her living wake.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
honeyedache · 14 hours ago
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Juliet felt her cheeks only grow more and more red, as her stepbrother's words dove and cut at her, each word far more cutting than the last. He certainly was her match when it came to her sparing. Her stomach dropped at his threats as her doe eyes, dark and now focused, looked into his own. "You must have forgotten since you were gone how many of your staff is now mine - and I take very exceptional care of them. They are loyal to their lady - not to an insolent, horrid little man that barely knows how to enter a soiree with grace. What ever would your father say at your veiled threats? Would he tell you, once again, how disappointing you are as heir - how his own stepdaughter is far better suited? Since you were gallivanting around in your little adventures, I was here for our darling little sister, helping and acclimating her to our new family life. Where were you, brother? Where were you, besides what I can already assume you were?" She glared, ever so fiercely at him, hoping her words hit every nerve she could. Juliet was out for blood, and knives on her tongue could only be expected.
"A face like yours? I can surely only imagine - but it is not your face where the ugliness seeps out of it, but instead everywhere else." She snarked back and as his next words came out, Juliet felt her entire being shake with rage and fury - as well as horror. This was her matinee, her own event - and here she was, squabbling with her brother and he dared to mention her Oliver? It seemed to be no doubt a chord to hit the blonde with - others had thrown arrows at it, and none hit her as hard as Tobias did at that moment.
Breathing quite heavily, face flushed and angry tears sprang to her eyes - a new butler. Her entire heart fell in her chest - the very mention of it, word for word, brought up to her like this - it brought shivers down her spine. A lone tear of rage fell down her cheek, quickly, and not at all seen if you didn't look close enough. With a swift movement, however, Juliet raised her hand to slap her brother - hoping to wildly disarm him. There was no rage like Juliet Thorpe whenever her beloved Oliver was mentioned that way. Follow your lover into poverty. Juliet would do exactly that - but first, she would smack her half brother into the next century for insulting him.
"How. Dare. You."
The mention of her servant staff, he let that go not thinking it was not as entertaining to toy with as the other topics they were sparring about and thinking his words, like hers, had no effect. The staff had been kind to him so he didn’t want to use them to goad anything from his new sister at their expense. “If nobody wants me milling about then I would not be here,” he sighs back thinking how much easier that situation would be for everyone but the head of their shared house had other plans to his annoyance. “You may have gotten your way so far, but things could very well be changing in our house with my return. I do hope you’ll keep pushing and trying to get your way, it would make it so much more fun for me to try and stop.”  The idea of marrying any of those lords himself caused a laugh from him. Not malicious but he couldn’t help it. “Lord Glenn only makes for a good partner on a temporary basis if my memory serves me correct. Best to leave before he gets too attached,” spoken as if giving her advice. “Unless he does take a liking to you. I have some familiarity with him and other Lords, maybe I could encourage them to call on you. A brotherly favour for my new spinster sister.” Their father being taken with Juliet made him want to lessen some of the ease he thought she had if only to punish his father. In his head, if word got back to his father how unhappy she was then he would grow tired of his eldest son fast and leave him be. A foolish plan but the only one he had. “Yes, I’m sure broing is the word her and my father would use,” said completely dry and sarcastic as he fought an eye roll. “I haven’t had his money in years,” he snapped back with more ferocity than he wanted to present. The entirety of the situation was because of his father’s desire to have him back no matter how miserable it made him. “If you want me gone, tell him. I am more than happy to grant you that wish and eager for it happen more than you could understand.” In an attempt to calm himself down he takes a breath and choses to respond to another of her comments. “With a face like mine I have never spent a coin or any other currency for companionship,” he remarks with a shrug. It’s vain but he knows he has an appeal.
A blush? That surprises him. A smug, satisfied smile, spreads across his face with no attempt to hide it. “Oh my,” he begins with a chuckle and staring at her in disbelief. “You mother told me of Whistledown and your mention in it. What was it?” he hums playing as if he did not read or memorise the words from past copies he'd found in the house. “Miss Juliet’s affections are eagerly bestowed on Oliver Heywood, doting upon his attentions,” he says keeping a hawk’s eye on her for her reaction. “Since you speak of my supposed scandals, of which you know nothing, then I can only wonder what my father would say. Maybe we could find a new butler to save your reputation, or would you follow your lover into poverty?” It was cruel and he knew it but welcomed the words falling out of his mouth. “My father and I chose not to speak of mutual dissatisfaction, but something tells me it would worse for you than it would be for me.”
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honeyedache · 15 hours ago
Juliet had given her whole self to Oliver before - and he had been ever the gentleman that she needed - that she craved. His body fit with hers in a way that sent ever most shivers down her delicate spine, again and again - which left her panting like a kitten, lapping her love in most sweet kisses over both their flushed bodies. It had been entirely everything to her, to lose her maidenhood to the man she loved ever so much. He had given her everything, and she had given him the same, as she trusted him with her very soul - they were connected in only a way soulmates could find themselves connected
"Oh - Oh, my love. My Oliver." Juliet gasped, her voice a whispered honey that gasped at his kisses on her neck, each one a measured gift that sent her over in ecstasy. Even more so, when her beloved traveled further down, pleasing her with his fingers where her passion awaited for him - she gasped even more, her lips colliding with his. She giggled into the kiss, her cheeks hot and flushed for him, as no man had ever pleased her - and she was certainly no man ever could besides her Oliver.
"Mmm, I will do more than mark my territory. You are mine - and will always be mine. I knew it - I knew it when our eyes first met. Do you remember? You - " She let out another small gasp at the ecstasy awarded to her, and another bite went to Oliver's collarbones, to perhaps get him back in the most loving way. "You were serving - serving us supper. I - I walked in and there you were - those arms, those curls, that smile. Oh, lust filled me - and love. I knew when I saw your eyes." She giggled, pulling on his red curls, something she loved to do.
"You didn't mean to, but I saw you smirk at my comments to my mother. That smirk." She gasped again when he moved over a particular spot and let out a sweet, melodic moan. "Oh - Oh, Oliver!" She writhed underneath him, aching for him more and more with each finger, each digit that plunged into her.
"As - As many as I desire? What if I want twelve with my beloved?" She jested, giggling. "You would give me anything I want and I know you would - as I would for you, my darling. I am but only yours - and hell hath no fury like me if anyone tries to take you from me."
As he moved his fingers further, she couldn't help but feel utterly taken over, her words no longer able to come out as she gasped, louder, trying to stifle herself in his kisses. "My Oliver Heywood - M-My Oliver He-Hey..." She couldn't get through the entirety of his name before fully letting herself go at once with his fingers - just at his touch and felt her own orgasm come over her, cheeks entirely flushed. She could feel herself clench down on his fingers - as she writhed with such intense pleasure.
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As they switched positions, and Juliet recovered, a devious smirk overtook her features as he continued to move her fingers slow and then fast for her Oliver, touching him with such suspense and baited breath. "Do you quite like that, my darling?" She went on, teasing his tip, again and again. "Tell me again how much you adore me."
Oliver was wholly convinced every curve of Juliet's body was carved by the gods for him alone. He was convinced her heart, her spirit, her passion were also designed for him to love and cherish until his dying breath. He was certain all of London could feel the earthquakes, the avalanches the two caused in the midst of their throes of passion. She was lightning, her touch lit him up from the inside out. He knew he’d love her for eternity.
“You are the greatest force, my love,” he mused against her lips, capturing them in a heated kiss. He tangled his fingers in her blonde curls, tugging on them just enough. “My Juliet,” he crooned, sucking on her neck, “I want to please you first, darling.” He pulled back to look in her eyes, “Won’t you let me please you?” As much as he wanted her, as hard as he was growing with every heartbeat — he wanted to worship at the alter that was her hips. As she bit on his neck, he let out a load groan, bucking his hips forward in desperation. “Marking your territory?” he asked gruffly, a smirk on his lips. He knew the mark would be impossible to hide, but he didn’t care anymore.
As she brushed back his curls and told him of her dreams, he couldn’t hide the smile to lit up his face from ear to ear. “Gods, I love you Juliet. I will build you a house with my bare hands,” he promised, running his hand up and down her back, “And I will give you as many children as you desire. We’ll have redheaded children with their mother’s beautiful eyes.” What a beautiful thought. It was all he could hope for — a future with his love, he couldn’t bear to think of it not happening.
He desired a life with Juliet or nothing at all. But, he wasn’t naive enough to believe forces wouldn’t work against them, fighting tooth and nail to keep them apart. And he feared — feared — what would happen to Juliet if they took her from him. “I want to protect you, Juliet,” he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, “I don’t care about what happens to me so long as you’re safe and happy.” His fears subsided when she kissed his hands, oh how he loved when she did that. He pressed his hand on her chest, “And this heart — this beautiful heart — is all I need. You are my world.”
“Mrs. Juliet Heywood,” he mused, “You will be the most gorgeous bride. I cannot wait to say my vows to you.” As he straddled her — lips moaning in her war, he ran a hand up her thigh slowly, teasing her ever so gently before touching her where she needed him most. “I love hearing my name come out of your beautiful lips,” he whispered in her ear, peppering kisses on her jaw as his fingers worked their magic.
As soon as her hand touched his length, he hissed in pleasure and pleaded with her, “Please touch me more, my love.” He grabbed her hips and flipped them over yet again so she was straddling him. Looking up at her pure desire — not just for her body, but for her heart, her every breath — he nodded his head, a smirk on his lips, “You’re mine. My Juliet.”
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honeyedache · 16 hours ago
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The Duke certainly did not look down upon any serving staff - if anything, he could be found eating a rather large pastry, hidden in the kitchen chambers, whenever there was a large gala at his home. He would much rather be with his staff, than be with a bunch of strangers that chose to try and get into his good graces. The staff knew everything - knew how he liked his food, his clothes, and they were not family - but rather intricate and most significant part of his life. He could admire the young man as he brushed the mere, and smiled as such, a small smile, but certainly more than what he gave to most people.
"Ah, so she is new? How beautiful she is - reminds me of the horses we have in our stables, the younger ones. They are rather beautiful - such majestic creatures." He agreed, and reached out with his hand to pet. "Do you mind?" He nodded, his smile growing a bit. "My stables are fastly growing, more than we thought, but I cannot ever deny a good mare to keep and home. My wife rather scolds me about it - says I have more love for animals than people, and I suppose she is right." He chuckled, dryly. "And so what is the name of this young man this mare has clearly bonded with?"
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There was some satisfaction in the repetitiveness of his work, or so William had thought. Kensington Park wasn’t ideal for training horses, but it was better than being confined to the stables. Nothing beat the feeling of fresh air, but maybe that was because Kensington Park, for the most part, was free from horse manure. Though the Sinclair’s had no new horses, Goodwood Racetrack had enquired about his services to train a particularly spirited young mare, and after going through the basics of the gentle exercises, the slow walks, William always found that the best part was grooming a horse, soothing their nerves and whatever worries plagued his mind. It was a quiet art that took years to master.
William was bent over the mare now, brushing her glossy coat, when he noticed the Duke approaching, straightening up when the man came closer. Duke Christopher Whitlock was certainly a commanding presence, every step seeming controlled and precise, the kind of thing that would have many admiring him. As the Duke came closer, William gave a respectful nod, a little taken aback that such a man would approach him, never mind speak to him. “Today is more to get a feel for her, to see her quirks and personality, your grace. William smiled modestly, his hand continuing its work along the mare’s flank. “She’s still young, Your Grace, but with time, she’ll be even finer; she just needs patience.” Though his words seemed boastful, William knew that he could back them up with his reputation amongst the horse trainers. None in London were better, or so they all said, and there was no shame in taking pride in your own abilities.
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honeyedache · 16 hours ago
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Oh, how the Duke adored his darling Maude, but he could not help himself to tease her in every way. The darling girl had been his true source of joy his entire life, and yet he had suffered so much in his early time of her birth. So much had happened, so much loss and secret, but the only bright spot was his beautiful girl. To him, she was the diamond of his life, the true love he had always yearned for - his reason to keep living. Her silliness, her flair for life was something she surely received from her mother - and all of her beauty. It was astonishing to see. "Last time I checked, my darling, you do not tell me what I cannot or can call you. Are you not the claimed diamond of the season? This is something we surely knew before it was declared, hmm?" He half smiled, taking a bite out of his pastry. "Tongues belong inside our precious mouths. You are to have civilized at the breakfast table - if not for yourself, my darling, then for your little brother who is still learning." He lightly scolded and then, out of love, handed her her favorite pastry fresh from the kitchens. "You did? A woman of the Ton sleepingly excellently? You are not at all anxious, my dear, about all that is occurring?"
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“Please don’t call me that, Father,” Maude whined playfully as she tried brushing her wild curls with her fingers. She had woken up so late that the maids didn’t have time to tend to her hair before she was sprinting down the stairs, not even bothering to waste time to put on shoes. Ever the picture of elegance. “I apologize for being late, but can’t a girl catch up on some beauty sleep?” she questioned, raising a teasing brow. A silent gasp slipped through her lips as the Duke turned to her five year old half-brother for backup. She’d once been the Duke’s backup — his partner in crime, until everything changed. She cut her eyes at her younger brother, sticking her tongue out at him as she plopped herself in a chair. She’d most certainly be sneaking a frog into Alexander’s bed later that evening — that was decided. As her father looked up from his reading she could see a glimpse of a smirk on his lips and it caused her to feel at ease. Tiny moments they shared reminded her that perhaps all was not lost, perhaps she wasn’t a disgrace, perhaps he didn’t love his — their — new family more than he loved Maude. She poured herself some tea, dropping two sugar cubes into it before nodding. “I slept excellently.” A lie. “And how about yourself, Father?” she asked, hiding her worries behind a sweet smile.
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honeyedache · 16 hours ago
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The Duke did greatly respect the Sinclairs - he held no malice for any member of the family. From what he could recall, they were simply a large family, many boys, and he could respect the amount of children that held well manners. Lord Atticus, being the eldest, was one that he did deeply respect. He was a man of proper etiquette, and while he found the fact that Lady Sinclair had bribed others to keep her sons out of war abhorrent, he held nothing against the family, nor the sons. He wanted to investigate though - if the family wanted him and his family at an event, and use his own prestige to make it worthwhile, he wanted to know everything about what he was getting his own name into.
"Mm, indeed, Lord Atticus. You'll find I don't take much stock in what draft writers who called themselves anonymous say. I believe that is a coward's way, and I do not listen to cowards." He spoke, prominently. "I do have to ask you though - what do you think of your Lady mother's choice to do what she did? It must have been a rather terrible blow to take in. I am a man of war, I've been through it - and my wounds are far more mental than anyone could ever realize. It is a mark, you see - on all who served. While I cannot ever condone what she did - I surely think of my own little son and what I would do for his safety. I certainly have empathy, Lord Atticus." He leaned forward, taking a sip of his tea and cleared his throat. "How many siblings do you have, Lord Atticus?"
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This? This was where Atticus felt comfortable. Nerves amongst the masses was much more regular. But one on one? Where it was formal and something substantial? He felt at home in these moments. So after being ushered in, Atticus could feel his shoulders- usually tense, relax ever so slightly. It was comfort in the unknown- confident in his own persona. Finally. Given the rumors flying this season, it seemed each day was wrought with more and more gossip and word slinging. "Duke Whitlock. It is a pleasure as always to be in your presence," And he meant it.
In his seat, he moved his hand to shake the other's in greeting. "It is something I hope to remedy. At least in regards to ink and mud slung with it. But I suppose it is the nature of the lives some of us lead," He admitted. "I must admit, it is something I try and enjoy and when I love a tale, I very much love it. I think hearing the story does my soul better than reading it myself. Men around a fireplace. But I could see how that is quite rewarding. When my younger siblings began, it is a sight to enjoy and those were merely that, siblings."
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honeyedache · 17 hours ago
location: thorpe manor closed to: @secretgcrdens u know who baby
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Juliet hadn't been feeling well or sleeping well as of late. It had been endless nights of no sleep since her stepbrother had arrived back in town, and the endless torment in her head about her current love - the love of her life and what it all meant. The ceaseless words of her stepbrother's threats, Mister Erwood's threats, and what Alice Heywood had warned against - it didn't change anything. Juliet still was utterly in love with Oliver - and he with her, and all that was left was a perfect proposal and the dreaded telling to Lord and Lady Thorpe - which induced her anxiety and nightmares. Most nights she had spent holding onto Oliver for dear life in her chambers, wrapped in covers and waking up in nightmares that she was being pulled away from him. She would wake up gasping for him, only to find the utter relief that hen was still right next to her - right beside her - where he belonged.
Juliet needed air though, and although it was just dawn, she had woke up first before her beloved Oliver and kissed at his chest, up to his neck, to his lips as she leaned over him, in her plain riding dress. "My darling, shhh. Go back to sleep and sleep well. I've kept you up all these nights, haven't I, my love?" She kissed at his hands and smiled at him, softly. "I'm going to take Ophelia out for a morning ride. I want you to rest, my darling. Perhaps the morning air will remedy me and Ophelia always does as well." She told him, lovingly. running her fingers through his wild red curls. "You forgive me for such sleepless nights, I hope?" She teased, putting her cloak on and hood, still standing near his bedside to reach for her.
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honeyedache · 2 days ago
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The Duke had known the Thorpes for quite some time, considered themselves very good friends - and so seeing the younger man was quite a familiar face for him. He chuckled, letting out a sigh. "And I suppose then we can all let out a collective sigh of relief that this daft woman has ceased her pen? I barely know what she speaks about - only that my darling daughter seems to care quite a lot. I, however, only catch the fragments from her and my wife. Quite grateful for that, I will say." He chuckled again, arching an eyebrow at his darkened expression. "Ah, I see. Are you not faring well to the new changes upon your house? I hear the Bennetts are quite afable - very good reputation and all. Lord Bennett was, after all, in the war and fought honorably and died. I have utmost respect, even if the two of us never truly met more than once." He tilted his head to the side. "Are you not happy with your father's new marriage?"
The café was a good place to sit and read through all he could without the prying eyes of his family, old and new, so he thought he could catch up with as much of this infamous gossip columnist as he could in order to understand what had gone on in society and if he could use it for his advantage or for survival. It was a nice atmosphere that he could enjoy, and it was easy enough to be forgotten as he studied the writings.
Whenever a friendly face greeted him, he always returned it with a smile. “The resident gossip columnist seems to have taken a break just in time for arrival. Going by her scathing words, I should count myself lucky!” He laughed but at the mention of the event and his stepsister, the smile on his face hardened. “I’m afraid I had just arrived back when the event was taking place, so I did not spend much time but I’m sure Juliet made excellent use of my fathers house.”
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honeyedache · 2 days ago
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Juliet could only glare, narrow her eyes at the crudeness of her stepbrother, the grotesque words that left his mouth that no doubt wished for a reaction. "You will leave my serving staff entirely alone. They do not wish to be in your presence for one more minute than they need to be, but are rather too kind to say it, so I will say it for them. No one quite wants you milling about." She smirked to him, quite smug in her response. As he went on, Juliet felt her flesh crawl and immediately, her eyes wanted to go to Oliver, perhaps in need of a help, and perhaps him being her first instinct of safety. The mere thought of being whisked away to some lecherous, disgusting old man, or any man that wasn't her beloved Oliver made Juliet's knees want to give out. She would simply not allow it to happen - no one else she wanted besides her Oliver. Of course, Juliet could not admit that, neither could she admit that her and Oliver were more than intimate with one another, and so she blushed at the blunt and cruel words her stepbrother spoke at her. "I have not a single desire for any man of the sort as you've described and I would rather starve myself bare than marry them. It will simply not happen - perhaps you can find yourself married to them, but I will not and no one can quite make me, as I am sure you've noticed. I do tend to get my own way." She smiled, a wider smile this time. "No, she did not tell me - but I am sure it is every bit boring as you. What ever had you come home - running out of your dear father's money because you spent it paying for love? I can only imagine, dear brother." She sniped, arching an eyebrow.
At her step brother's deducing and words, Juliet felt her cheeks run hot as she looked down, blushing. His words hit her like a train as she tried to recover from such a reaction. "Brother, if I were you, I would shut your disgusting, insolent mouth right now. There is nothing of the sort and I can assure you that - but please, shall we talk about the scandals that you no doubt created for your family? I do not know them, but I can only imagine, since your father dotes on me and barely even looks at you."
Too much was being had in sparring with his stepsister. It had been a long time since he had that kind of rapport, yet it was the first time done with true intent behind it that wasn’t playful. As harsh as he was to Juliet, he was kind to the serving staff. Possibly more than he should be. “I will have to see these joyful spirits, maybe even cause some myself,” flirtatiously said not to his sister but in the direction if the staff before his attention returned to her. The threat of Lord Massey had done exactly what he wanted even so, he couldn’t help but stifle a laugh at her quick retort. “From experience I can tell you men his age can be surprisingly fun in the bedchamber, and I assume his level of experience will guide you into your marriage bed. Shall I make an introduction? He has been looking at you all night! Maybe a dance to see how you two pair up!” It was crude and harsh but if he was forced to take part in society, he would make it, so his family wished that weren’t the case. Pointing out another old Lord with a nod of his head, although one of better looks, Tobias plays around with the ideas of suitors just to trouble her. “Lord Glenn will not disappoint you on your wedding night but be warned, I found some of his tastes quite adventurous. Perhaps him if Lord Massey is not suitable.” The playful demeaner turned slightly serious out of curiosity. “You don’t know why I’m back?” For some reason he had assumed everyone knew given that others high standing in the house like her mother knew of his reasons and the shame with it. “Interesting. I suppose your mother does not trust you enough with the truth of situations.” It was to his benefit that nobody knew but when an opportunity to poke at something came up, he wanted to act on it. “I don’t think you are spoken for,” he says getting closer to her in a hushed tone. “Nothing in the gossip papers say and your mother seemed eager to find you a match.” Then it clocked and the smirk grew insufferably bigger. “Unless…” Snickering, he stepped back and looked her up and down. “Not such a virtuous lady after all? Who is he? Not a man of good standing or your betrothal would be covering the front pages. Will my father have to increase your dowry for your indiscretions Miss Bennett?”
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honeyedache · 2 days ago
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The Duke had many things to attend to, and the arrival of the one Korbin Vidura was a most unexpected visit. It didn't take quite the most intelligent person to gather the young man was interested in the beauty that was his daughter - and Christopher had seen them himself dancing at the gala. It wasn't that Christopher didn't like the young man - he barely knew him, but it was rather that Christopher did not like any man that looked near his most beautiful jewel. Maude was his precious jewel that he had kept protected over all of these years - and he would not take her marriage and protection lightly. He sipped at his own tea, listening to the young boy with pause as blinked a few times. He looked upon the ring the man had bought - a beautiful one at that, but was it worth what his darling girl was worth? The question alone made the Duke silent - as he had his own plans for what Maude truly deserved. He had arranged a suitor for her, through the friendship of one Lady Alvardo and that was a match that he quite approved of.
Christopher did not know this man.
"Mister Vidura. You understand that my darling Maude is a diamond amongst the season, but a diamond in this world? Her beauty knows no bounds and yet you come here - you come here and sit there and ask boldly for her hand in marriage." He had to chuckle, shaking his head. "You must think me bloody mad if you think I would agree to this. I do not know of your family, I do not know of you. My darling girl is my only girl and I will not allow her to be married to a man I do not know. I am not denying your offer - but perhaps we have much to discuss, do we not?" He cleared his throat, taking a pause.
"You will have to prove yourself plenty worthy first. What is your family's standing as of now - and how will you see to taking care of my Maude? That is the first of many questions, Mister Korbin, I suggest if you do not care to answer then you retract that ring right now."
@honeyedache with Christopher, at the Whitlock Estate
The moment the door closes behind them, and they are truly left alone, Korbin does feel a little nervous. He leans back on the couch-like bench he was offered, his body in a seemingly relaxed state. "Your Grace. Thank you for your time. I'm sure you must be quite the busy man, which is why I appreciate it even more."
A few beats pass, in which Korbin searches for the right words, then he straightens his back and looks Christopher right in the eye. "I have grown very fond of your daughter Maude. From the very first moment I saw her, before she was even chosen as the diamond, she caught my attention. And after my visits and my time spent with her, I am here to ask for her hand in marriage." Korbin draws a ring box out of his pocket, opens it, and presents the gorgeously crafted ring, crested with gems and jewels of all sorts, formed to look like a beautiful flower. "What I want to make clear, is that I am going to respect your decision. If your answer will be no," I will run away with her, "She ought to never know of my intentions, and I will leave her alone to find her perfect match. If your answer is yes, I would be delighted to make her the future Lady Vidura." A beat passes, "That is, if she says yes. If she wants to marry me. If her answer will be no, and she deems another suitor more fitting, then that is her right, and I will also respect it."
Korbin nods, slowly, nervous, "Thank you for listening to me."
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honeyedache · 2 days ago
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Christopher could see how taken off guard the poor man was and it never failed to make him feel a bit out of place. Still, he smiled, nodding to him. "Mister Amos, you needn't feel uneasy. Why, we are just two men talking about a loyal opera they have just seen - and one of us will be in trouble with their wife when she finds I've been smoking this cigar. Would you care to have one?" Christopher asked, politely with a chuckle. "Oh, I wholeheartedly agree. The stage is a great distraction to the world, I find, especially with what we have been dealing with lately. The war - the tragedy of it all. Not to mention - in ridiculous nature, the insipid nonsense that Lady Whistledown has been spewing. We never do catch a break, do we? I do hope your name was not dragged down with the depths of gross gossip with this Whistledown character?"
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Before his world changed, Amos couldn't stand the Opera. It wasn't something which he found himself seeking out. He had never really seen the point. But since he had got back, it felt like something which could help take his mind off of things. It was one of the few things which stopped the constant flow of anger which pumped through his veins on a daily basis. The Opera - and the Theatre - stopped the thoughts. They filled his brain with stories that he never would have heard of before. After a night at the theatre, Amos wasn't visited by the nightmares that he usually was. No. Instead, he was visited by dreams of the storis that were on that stage. And whilst most of the time it was an escape, tonight wasn't the case. There was something about being in the throng of people that he didn't like. He didn't feel safe. So he quickly made his exit just as soon as she show was done.
The very last person that he had thought he would see was the Duke, "My Grace." Amos breathed as he looked to him, bowing his head in greeting. "You - there will not be long before the crowds are upon us. Perhaps you ought to make your move if you wish to avoid them." He raised an eyebrow. He was certainly not going to tell the Duke what to do but he didn't want the other to be caught up in something which he didn't want to be caught up in. "I'm glad that you enjoyed the show, My Grace." He nodded. "I did too." He lied - it was easier to lie. He had been too distracted to properly pay attention. "They create exquisite work here. Don't you agree?"
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honeyedache · 2 days ago
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Christopher offered a small, but still pleased smile on his features. He realized that with his stature and nobility, he could give off quite an air about him - but he rather hoped that he could at least feign kindness. He was not in the custom of being particularly social - he liked his few people, his family, plants and books - but still, his title did require a sociality to him. "Well, of course, Miss, I would hate for your writings to be ruined due to a broken quill. The worst, I imagine. When I am writing letters to my dear wife, she rather can tell already if a quill has broken or not - due to the lack of neatness of my penmanship. I've never had the neatest, I daresay." She offered another smile.
When she spoke of peace, he had to sigh and nod. "I do quite love it here, I will say. Beauty holds many masters and art is simply one of my heart." He admitted, scratching his beard absentmindedly. "Beyond them? Oh, I do indeed see beyond them, I will say indeed. Beyond them is all I dearly see - a beauty that can keep itself going and a passion as well. The flowers can represent any kind of thing we wish in our heads - and isn't that a lovely thing to behold?" He chuckled, softly. "I apologize, Miss. I did not receive your name and my manners know better. My mother would have greatly scolded me. I am Duke Christopher Whitlock - and you are, Miss?"
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"  Your  Grace,  "  Paloma  greeted  with  a  nod,  her  tone  measured  but  not  unkind.  Though  she  had  little  patience  for  the  ton’s  pretenses,  she  could  recognize  when  someone  was  being  genuine.  Here,  away  from  the  constraints  of  society,  the  Duke  did  not  seem  like  the  imposing  figure  she  had  imagined  but  rather  a  man  utterly  lost  in  his  admiration  of  painted  petals.
She  glanced  at  the  painting  he  had  been  studying,  then  back  at  him  with  faint  amusement.  "  A  broken  quill  is  hardly  the  greatest  tragedy,  but  I  appreciate  your  sympathy—and  your  preparedness,  "  she  added,  eyeing  the  penknife  in  his  hand.  He  did  not  strike  her  as  a  man  who  left  things  to  chance,  though  there  was  something  almost  absentminded  about  the  way  he  carried  himself  here,  as  if  the  weight  of  his  title  had  been  set  aside  for  a  moment.
"  You  seem  quite  at  peace  in  this  place,  "  she  observed,  tilting  her  head  slightly.  "  Is  it  simply  the  flowers  that  hold  your  attention,  or  do  you  see  something  beyond  them?  "  It  was  an  honest  question,  one  she  might  not  have  asked  had  they  been  surrounded  by  prying  eyes.  But  here,  where  he  was  just  a  man  admiring  art,  she  found  herself  wondering  who  he  was  when  duty  did  not  define  him.
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honeyedache · 4 days ago
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Juliet dearly loved the sound of music - playing it and studying it, singing it. It had been one of her favorite lessons as a young girl - and so a trip to the royal opera house was a most delighted thing to behold. She taken little Emily there, her half sister, to enjoy the endless joy of music and the little girl insisted on meeting the players backstage - and Juliet of course obliged. The woman who had played the viola, a most skilled one at that, was a particular interest to little Emily and the little girl flocked over to her. "Oh, tush, my sweet Emily!" Juliet smiled, as she heard the little girl ask if Miss Penelope could teach her at home. "She's quite precocious to ask, but - I suppose it never hurt to ask. She's not my daughter though - just my baby sister and you have quite the talent, Miss Follett. Are you sure you would not be interested? We are Miss Juliet and Miss Emily Thorpe, of the Thorpe family. We would just adore if you could perhaps give her lessons. She's young, but ever eager."
Who: Anyone Where: Royal Opera House- Rehearsal room
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"-I must admit, I am not used to being asked for by name," Penelope mused as the chamber door opened and closed behind the other. She was currently tuning a viola, the stringed instrument delicate held in her hands for a mere second more before she put it down gently. Eyes did not move from the face of the person inside the rehearsal space, one that she had taken so long to get used to. It was a dramatic difference to go from back alleys to being in places like the palace. Or even here.
"You look to have me teach your children?" She hazarded, standing up from the chair to meet them halfway. "-Wait, my apologies. Sincerely. I am still not used to the way things are here. You know my name, but it is not formal. I am Miss Penelope Follett. It is a pleasure-"
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honeyedache · 4 days ago
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Juliet was quite thankful for the carriage, as her delicate feet had begun to wear on her and she wished for comfort in her own home. Perhaps she could entice Oliver for one of his amazing foot rubs - she smirked to herself, just thinking about it. Pulled out of her thoughts, she looked to Lord Atticus with a thankful smile, relief washing over her. "You are far too kind to extend your carriage to me, Lord Atticus. I cannot thank you enough - perhaps with gentleman behavior like this, my mother will cease her harsh opinions - although, like I've said, he has always thought so highly of you in particular." Juliet smiled, climbing up into the nice carriage, relief filling her very veins.
A secret smirk appeared on Juliet's lips as she had toyed with the mention of William. "Yes, multiple times indeed. First, when he ruined my dress when riding his horse in the Kensington Gardens and he refused to apologize - then at the gala when he sniped with me about something or other. Quite a spirited man, I would say and we do often run into one another, at happenstance. You must be incredibly - proud of having such a man work for you, Lord Atticus." She spoke and smiled still, innocently. "You know, I am quite fond of your younger brother, Lord Jasper. We've been dear friends for quite some time - a lovely man he is. He rather makes me laugh." Juliet shared, looking over at Atticus. "Are you two close, Lord Atticus?"
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Atticus was quick to open up the carriage once it arrived and to escort the other up into it. They would have saved a small bit of time just throwing themselves onto horses, but unless he was told otherwise, he would obey the traditions and such left onto them by their parents and so forth. It is merely a hand that guides her, as to not over step, but at the same time, so that she feels secure in the ability to get inside.
"I'll take it to heart and let it rest there. Especially something to look forward to upon the drearier days," He mused. Her smile grew, his did not. Not without attempts of course. The company of the other was not, so far, too bad. But the wives tale of your face sticking to an expression if you held it too long seemed to be true for the eldest Sinclair. Alas, furthermore, that expression was one of neutral...almost aggression. "I would suspend most things for someone in trouble. Squabbling can take a back seat for someone in need."
Apparently Erwood had been...getting around so to speak. Why did Miss Juliet Thorpe run into him of all people though? That was odd. "Crude? Oh. Now that is something that must be dealt with. Tell me, you've met him multiple times? What sort of circles are you two running into to clash so often?"
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honeyedache · 4 days ago
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Juliet had been told countless times to sit, to relax and indulge in her own beautiful party, but she could not seem to relax. Everything needed to be of the utmost perfection - but still, when seeing the seat next to the doctor, she sighed and sat down, a smile on her face as she listened to him. "And I am positive our dear Emily counts you as a dear friend as well, Doctor Silas. She speaks of you for days after your most adventurous visits. I rather think you have made visiting the doctor a most popular and fun affair." Juliet laughed, although grateful to his lovely beside manner when it came to Emily, a most bright light in so much in the world, Juliet found. She most loved her darling little sibling, and as a natural caretaker, a protective woman in every right, it was important for Juliet to know that her sister's doctor was of the most highest order and Silas was. "Ah, yes, a I've been told many time to slow down, but you have known me for quite some time, Doctor Silas - do I seem the type to slow down?" She joked, and chuckled. "Those shoes, yes - my mother rather adores her in those shoes, and Emily quite likes to kick them off. A battle indeed for the poor Miss Chaidee. How entirely lucky we are to have her." Juliet smiled. "You quite like the festive decorations, Doctor?"
silas grins innocently and tilts his head to the side. "yes and i am entirely grateful for it, miss thorpe." he chuckles and offers her the seat in front of him, hoping she would sit instead of standing. "miss emily is a great friend of mine, that much is true," the doctor responded. miss emily thorpe was one of many patients of his, but she was a sweet child who had lovely manners. a brow raised, a challenge to accept. despite whatever the lavender tea tasted like, silas planned on saying it was good. you could only offend a host so many times before you are not invited again. "well, i can never say no to a jam tart..." silas could imagine that pulling something like this off took a lot of work. the ton could be so judgmental, and their minds changed like the tides. the thorpes could be in high regard for now, but one little thing could sway the lot of them. "ah, i am sure they will be relieved when it is over. and you, as well, will get too rest. putting on events like these can be very stressful, so do make sure to take care of yourself, miss thrope." the doctor grinned. "i do believe i saw them earlier. miss chaidee was wrangling miss emily into wearing shoes."
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honeyedache · 4 days ago
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Juliet had never been more thrilled to throw such a lovely matinee - her ideas of floral arrangements, pastel colors - all of it had danced in her head and her dress as well. She had spent ever so much time in the mirror, and decoration - as she was a perfectionist if nothing else and she knew everyone would be her worst critique. The words of her sweet friend and companion, Edmund, meant more to her than she could ever say. He brought such excitement and life into the Thorpe manor each time that he entered, and Juliet felt like the man injected magic and playful, devious nature wherever he so went. It was part of the reason why she adored her dear friend, and why now, after such a legendary success, she took comfort and excitement from his approval. After all, Edmund knew the true beauty of a performance.
Juliet flounced about her chambers, quite on the high of her event, and twirled for her friend. "Do you really think so indeed? I come to find that when it comes to lovely parties, it matters only if you are not written about. I care very much about your opinions though, my dear friend, rather than some insipid nobody. I am just so glad it lived up to your impeccable standards. I could not have done it with you." Juliet dramatically spoke, bowing and giggling, curtseying to her dear friend with a most melodic giggle.
Miss Juliet, you must slow down. You have not stopped all day. You must have your tea and rest now, My Lady. One of her maids had told her and Juliet giggled still, and nodded. "Yes, Yes, Jane, I will indeed." Juliet continued to flounce, taking Edmund's hands still and twirling a bit, only to fall back onto her bed, quite gracefully.
"I have more than enjoyed the day. It was rather perfect - did you see all of those Lord and Ladies faces when they saw how beautiful my event was? I daresay I thought Lady Ardent was going to die of jealousy." Juliet giggled, taking a sip of her tea, a bit flushed now. "You must teach me though the dancing on stage that your actors do! Perhaps I can throw another party and you can teach us all!" She explained, excitedly, her eyes warm and filled with excitement.
"I do not think, my dear, I will be able to sleep a wink tonight."
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There wasn't a world in which Edmund might have declined Juliet's invitation, and there wasn't a world in which he might have felt anything other than fond affection as he witnessed her elation. Yes, the day had been a triumph indeed, though he'd certainly had his doubts at the prospects of spending time among the tone in bright daylight. With no liquor to loosen the tongue, he'd assumed there were little prospects of securing a useful detail at today's event. Not to mention that alcohol worked wonders of livening up someone who might soberly be a horrible bore. And yet he had been proven wrong and had thoroughly enjoyed the day's proceedings.
"It was nothing short of a triumph, my dear. I rather think even dear Lady Whistledown might have a kind word to say about it - how could she not? I'm positive today's events shall remain in everyone's thoughts for the weeks to come." With a surprised laugh he allowed himself to be pulled along, discarding some decorations he had been gathering up on a nearby side table. Juliet's state of undress was barely noticed, a childhood growing up among dancers and actresses readying themselves for the night's performance had desensitized him to it. And even Juliet's lady's maids seemed to be unfazed by his presence. Edmund had steadily become a regular caller of the residence, and so his lingering was accepted without so much as a supicious glance. Truly, he supposed it would be only a matter of time until someone might spread some nasty rumor about their friendship that might end up making its way into the scandal sheets. Until then, though - the world was their oyster.
"Oh, I enjoyed myself tremendously. I cannot thank you enough for your kind invitation." He added an over-exaggerated bow, yet couldn't keep a straight face for very long. "Even the poetry readings were quite enjoyable! I had little faith in the taste in poetry of some of the members of our esteemed ton, and I was pleasantly surprised. Now, my dear, have you enjoyed the day, too? Or were you preoccupied being the perfect hostess?"
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honeyedache · 4 days ago
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Juliet only smiled, nodding. "Don't we all? As women, we often find ourselves certainly accustomed to being utterly captured in the hands of our parents - and then our men. Wouldn't a wild flower be such a lovely thing to be?" She spoke, letting out a sigh. "My mother never truly accepted grass stains on my skirts - if I did so much, I would be utterly depleted in my lectures. It was all to make me learn better, I suppose." She smiled. "That is what mothers are for though, aren't they?"
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Adelaide always tried her best not to think too much about the past, it only brought sadness for the young woman. Whenever she did think about her mother however, she always tried her best to think about all the happy memories she had with her before everything that happened, rather than the sad ones. "I suppose you do make a good point, I would love to be as free as they are." She admitted with a small smile. "You can say that again, I fear they think they are the works of the devil." She teased.
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honeyedache · 4 days ago
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Juliet looked around to see others staring at her, staring and whispering about the intense conversation that was happening right before her. She had never seen Miss Cassandra behave in such a way and it took her quite aback. "I understand, my love - I do, please, of course I do. I am not the one who has entirely vexed them from this event - you know Lord Jasper is a dear friend of mine. My mother had a final say, unfortunately, my love, and please - please lower your voice. I do not want her to hear you." Juliet nervously spoke, pulling her closer away to an opened corridor.
"Out of force? Who forced you, Miss Cassandra?" She asked, most bewildered at the confession as she swallowed hard. "Then you may feel free to leave, Miss Cassandra, at any point that you choose and I only apologize that you did not have a pleasant time. I will not apologize, however, for how or who I invite and why - certainly not to your standards." Juliet spoke, hurt that her friend would do this at her own event.
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Everything that Juliet said seemed to all be excuses to fend off any responsibility and Cassandra had not wanted to engage it in. Her heart broke for a family that was ruined in the eyes of the rest of society. For the Sinclairs who had goodness in their hearts. Shaking her head, "you have a duty and yet you pretend with tea and scones," scoffing, "I understand that what they did was improper, I do. The war ruined so many lives, but they also sheltered me when they didn't have to," for a price, Sir Thayer's words rung in her head. Yet, Cassandra knew Callum could never be cruel to her. "It was survival, distasteful is this conversation," she hushed out, her eyes full of daggers.
"I do not want tea and scones, I do not want to be here," she interrupted, "the only reason that I have to be here was out of complete force. As soon as I can, I plan on bidding this godforsaken place goodbye." Only an hour, Sir Thayer had told her and she felt as if she was counting down the minutes until then.
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