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today i wrote zero words! but i did think about my story twice in passing. that probably counts for something
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The new show sounds cool!
My take on that is the same with the buffy spin-off - I'm hoping it'll be a good show, it won't be the same as the original but I might like it, and if I don't- it might bring new people to the fandom. So we have a lot to gain either way. Let's gooo new avatar show!!!
I genuinely think the premise for the ATLA show is so cool, and it kinda sucks to see people already dump on it when there is *so little* known about it besides the one summary that we got.
ANYWAYS it seems that they’re taking inspiration from the very first concept of ATLA which had that futuristic, post-apocalyptic vibe (shown in concept art below) and I am really eager to see how they tackle that in the new show!
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Love me some "Big Serious Vulcan ™ x Silly Human" types ships
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Star Trek: Enterprise, episode 4x17: Bound.
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Journey to babel has so many golden moments
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sorry another bald tshirt post that came to me last night
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Also sometimes you go to the shitty amateur local theater show and you learn something new, or you feel an interesting emotion or you think about something in a new light. and then, does it matter that it's "bad art"? and is it still, really, "bad" art?
The thing with amateur local theater is it is almost always bad BUT keeping it alive is the most important thing
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I'm pretty new to the ST fandom - did anyone come up with an in-universe explanation for Tuvok being there? Is he undercover (like before VOY)?
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Two possibilities here:
Picard just has the strength and knowledge to do a Vulcan nerve pinch.
Residual Sarek DLC.
Condolences to Not-Tuvok on getting saddle punched, nerve pinched, and Baryon swept. RIP king, worse things await you in the Delta Quadrant.
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"That's song is just elevator music"
Well then, enjoy the ride
when people are like “he’s not even attractive you could find a guy that looks like him at any gas station” i’m like….. well you see there’s beauty everywhere actually
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So did anyone write a sapphic 'Delete the wife' Janeway fic?
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I can definitely see Ezri making a "died and came back wrong" joke while drunk in the very beginning of her stay on the station, and everyone at Quark's just falls into a very uncomfortable silence/awkward laughter
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ezri dax worm girl funnymoment
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i wish star trek got more specific with the disciplines of its scientist and engineer characters i want to know what janeway did her senior thesis on
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I don't ship Marliner personally, but I noticed that this vibe is very common in st shows in general. Interesting
Marinler is a queer ship in a straight trench coat
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Seriously. Name one other M/F ship with as much overthinking and wild theorizing as Mariner/Boimler—a character dynamic that is so obviously romantic, but is otherwise dismissed as platonic by everyone involved in the show. If Boimler weren't a guy, it would literally be #Sappho and her friend material. And then it all makes perfect sense when you realize that the show compared them to Spirk.
And they were bunkmates…
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i dont even know where i would post a star trek meme tbh so im just dropping it here
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on my third watch and glinda’s gay ass going “friend? yes…. i-i mean, i did know her…… that is, our paths did cross” right before the most homoerotic yearning-laden flashback shots imaginable still sends me……. girl please who do you think you’re fooling 😭
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No hate to the people who headcanon Elphaba as autistic, but imo if anyone in this duo is autistic is the one who came up with a special hair toss system that is scientifically proven to make you more well liked and then went on a 4 minute rant about her special interests and the most effective ways to mask become popular
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