honey-parker · 6 years
yay! I wasn't sure if I wanted to write this but I have a pretty solid plot line for the start and finish so hopefully part one will be out in a few days 💓
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honey-parker · 6 years
crooked - privateer! tom holland au teaser
pairing: privateer! tom x reader
a/n: lol this is really short and confusing if I don’t continue this so leave some feedback please :))
word count: 485
summary: when a wayward son of a prestigious nobleman leaves the posh luxuries of life at court, he tries his hand at sailing the seas of his country, taking up the activities of a crooked pirate, conquering a kingdom, and making a queen out of a criminal.
As the door opened with a loud creaking, the man entering was faced with the sight of the notorious privateer with his legs propped up on the shabby work desk, twirling a small dagger around his finger. The only light came from the few candles adorning the shelved walls, making the pirate look even darker in addition to the expression on his face. 
Looking up through lidded eyes before lifting his head, he sent a lopsided grin at the man before him. 
“I hear you’ve brought me another proposition, Mikaels.” 
He grunted an affirmation, his throat not allowing any more sound emit and dropped a jingling bag of silvers onto the table.
“The commissioner requires the services of the Ghost, being held in the Akha Penitentiary,” he paused and smiled back, “-and I was told you have a contact there.”
Tom’s smile dropped at this. All of his jobs were contractually confidential. Yet, then again, when was he himself one to obey a contract? 
Before the man could notice he faltered, he slipped him an even wider closed grin. The subtle threat of exposition was unexpected, but nothing he couldn’t handle. 
“Now are you going to make me get my hands dirty or are you going to up the silver and tell me who your rat was?” 
“Two-hundred silvers?” he questioned teasingly, the heel of his boot digging further into the man’s temple as he grunted. “Yes,” he groaned as the pressure increased, “Yes! It’s all in Nymer waiting for you,” 
He raised his brow, “And Q isn’t going to hear about your little slip up to me, huh? Or am I going to have to keep you tied to the flagpole until we return?”
“No! He’ll hear nothing of this!”
Tom let out a chuckle and retracted his foot from the commission messenger beneath him. With a smirk, he exited the cabin and light broke into the room, exposing the messenger clutching his head on the floor to the crewmen outside.
“Let’s go start a prison riot, boys!” he walloped, throwing a fist in the air.
If you were to catch a glance at him before his days of criminal accessory, you’d be in awe of his beauty. his graciousness. his natural look of triumph that seemed to seep out of every pore.
and now?
now that man was the same kind boy, hiding inside the shell of a ruthless privateer, peeking through in his playful demeanor, only mercifully let out to wander in the comfort of his private quarters in the dead of night. wandering his mind and pondering how he grew up in a kingdom that felt completely foreign, with a family that felt like strangers, and a longing for adventure that left an aching in his chest stronger than poison. 
and that kind boy hiding inside of the pirate would’ve died if not for an adventure, a ghost, and a crown. 
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