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honey-it-is · 1 year ago
Today I managed to touch on everything, but little by little. I spent the whole evening in the study room. Tomorrow, my plan is to wake up before 9 and dedicate myself to engineering. I have several electronic volumes on the subject, I will go through the topics, make a brief overview, and then start working on the drawings. I need to do a lot of work because on Monday I will go on a quest (they said it's scary, and now the teacher who suggested our group participate is worried about me)))
Сегодня я успела затронуть все, но понемногу. Я провела весь вечер в комнате для занятий. Завтра в планах встать раньше 9 и посвятить себя машиностроению. У меня есть несколько электронных томов по этой теме, я пройдусь по темам, сделаю краткий обзор и займусь работой и чертежами. Мне нужно проделать много работы, так как в понедельник я пойду на квест (сказали, что это страшный, и теперь преподаватель, который предложил нашей группе участвовать, беспокоится за меня)))
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honey-it-is · 1 year ago
It turned out that the concert was not at 17:00, but at 18:30 yesterday, so we stayed there until late. During the event, I met with the university's student council and organization, and I had to take a photo for the university. The concert was not entirely classical, but dedicated to movie hits such as the "Star Wars" march, the song from "Titanic," music from "Mission Impossible," "The Mask," and others. I even enjoyed it. However, my friend was slightly upset and decided to make it up to us by taking us to a cafe, but unfortunately, things only got worse for her. At the same time, I didn't let it ruin my mood and tried to support her. Despite freezing while waiting for transportation, I decided to try a delicious hazelnut-chocolate milkshake and, although I was cold, I was satisfied. When I returned home, it was already too dark, so I had some tea and went to bed quite late.
Recently, I woke up to my alarm clock (I set it so that I wouldn't oversleep for 12 hours straight, but for about 7-8 hours, as my body strongly reacts to lack of sleep - I get dizzy, nauseous, and can't take notes properly, with half of the sentences just disappearing). So I started my day slowly. I did some cleaning and prepared some food. In my plans, I have a presentation and work on mechanical engineering (a big project), as well as starting to figure out what is g-code?
Оказалось, что концерт был не в 17:00, а в 18:30 вчера, поэтому мы задержались там до поздна. Во время мероприятия я встретилась с активом и движом университета, и мне пришлось сделать фотографию для вуза. Концерт был не совсем классическим, а посвящен кинохитам, таким как марш из "Звездных войн", песня из "Титаника", музыка из "Миссии невыполнима", "Маска" и другие. Мне даже понравилось. Однако моя подруга немного обиделась и решила исправить ситуацию, устроив нам поход в кафе, но, к сожалению, все только ухудшилось для нее. В то же время я не испортила себе настроение и пыталась поддержать ее. Несмотря на то, что промерзла до костей, ожидая транспорт, я решила попробовать вкусный милкшейк с орехово-шоколадным вкусом и, хотя замерзла, была довольна. Когда я вернулась домой, уже было слишком темно, выпила чаю и легла спать довольно поздно.
Недавно проснулась по будильнику (поставила так, чтобы не проспать 12 часов подряд, а часов 7-8, так как организм сильно реагирует на недостаток сна - кружится голова, тошнит, не могу нормально конспектировать, половина предложений просто исчезает). Итак, я начал свой день медленно. Я сделала уборку и приготовила еду. В планах у меня презентация и работа по машиностроению (большой проект), а также начать разбираться, что такое g-code?
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honey-it-is · 1 year ago
I have withdrawn from being actively involved in social networks and generally leading an active life. Soon, I will have to undertake my pre-graduate internship, but I am struggling to wake up properly in the early morning.
However, I have finally made the decision to break free from this situation. Recently, I have chosen a supervisor, who has instructed me to come at least once a day, or preferably every day. Moreover, I find the place of my internship interesting.
So now, in the outline of the plan, I need to improve my health (sleep and healthy food, good rest) and my studies (I have a bad memory and I feel ready to start training it, I need to review the materials covered to prepare for exams, and also complete all coursework and assignments on time).
Я отошла от активной жизни в социальных сетях и вообще от активных действий в жизни. Скоро мне предстоит пройти преддипломную практику, но мне трудно просыпаться рано утром.
Однако, я наконец приняла решение выбраться из этой ситуации. Недавно я выбрала научного руководителя, который поручил мне приходить хотя бы раз в день, а лучше каждый день. Кроме того, место практики мне кажется интересным.
Так что сейчас, в рамках плана, мне необходимо улучшить свое здоровье (сон и здоровое питание, хороший отдых) и свои учебные занятия (у меня плохая память, и я готова начать тренировать ее, мне нужно повторить пройденный материал для подготовки к экзаменам, а также выполнить все курсовые работы и задания вовремя).
Today, I am most likely going to attend a classical music concert. I was invited by a friend. Once I return, I will begin revising my report on seismic exploration. I have already completed it and even made several revisions. Yesterday, I concluded that I am pleased with the outcome and I am satisfied with the result. As it turns out from today's conversation with the teacher and my classmate, they expect a more detailed response from me specifically on how seismic exploration is conducted, what kind of waves are involved, and so on, rather than just talking about the sensors used in this field and following the list of the initial introduction to the topic. I need to revise the report and the presentation accordingly.
Сегодня я, скорее всего, посещу концерт классической музыки. Меня пригласила подруга.
По возвращении начну пересматривать свой доклад по сейсморазведке. Я уже закончила его и даже несколько раз пересмотрела. Вчера пришла к выводу, что я довольна результатом и мне он нравится. Как оказалось из сегодняшнего разговора с преподавателем и моим одногруппником, от меня ожидают более развернутого ответа, конкретно по теме того, как проводится сейсморазведка, какие там волны и так далее, а не просто рассказать о датчиках, используемых в этой сфере, и продолжать по списку первоначального знакомства с темой. Нужно переделать доклад и презентацию с учетом этого.
"sounds of crying"
"connection lost"
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honey-it-is · 2 years ago
23, 24/100
yesterday I was at the second part of the team building event, as a result, I have such points - leader 9, expert 9, implementer 8, idea generator 17)))
also yesterday I was in class from 10:10 for two classes, then I studied on my own until 17:00 and after that I went to the event and it lasted until 19:30. I returned home at about 21:00.
today I was at a lecture on economics and after that there was a meeting with graduates of our specialty and neighboring
Now I have plans to clean the room, laptop and smartphone memory
and edit reports
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honey-it-is · 2 years ago
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(photo from the opening of the accelerator)
these days were quite productive, more or less sorted out a bunch of cases. And today I went to two startup events. I talked to a lot of people.
It's already evening and I have plans to learn the theory for tomorrow's delivery of the report on laboratory work. And after tea, reading a book and sleeping.
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honey-it-is · 2 years ago
This day just keeps getting worse and worse. But I'm not discouraged
18 and spent almost the entire 19th day doing household chores.
It's half past eight in the evening and I'm going to tune in to a positive work dynamic for studying.
I would really like to stay up all night and just do my term paper. I understand that this is unlikely to happen.But I'll try anyway..)))
I have such a task, to do a course overnight by 80 percent. Because I couldn't do it all weekend
Well wish me luck
do a term paper
take breaks
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honey-it-is · 2 years ago
Today I was at the opening of the accelerator and at an additional lecture, but I missed another lecture because of them.. passed 1 laboratory on metal-cutting machines
Then I went to get the documents. And then home
I've been cleaning all evening. in parallel, I reviewed the film "Chronicles of Narnia". I'm going to have dinner now and I'm going to write lecture notes
As a child, I constantly reread The Chronicles of Narni a 💚💙🤎🧡
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honey-it-is · 2 years ago
yesterday a friend asked me why I like buying candles so much?
and my answer is simply because they are COOL!
you know something like a garland, but even cooler
And she told me, okay, okay, I got it 😸
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honey-it-is · 2 years ago
today there were too many "favorite teacher" ahah
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honey-it-is · 2 years ago
my plans for the night are to prepare for laboratory work, start term work, mentally prepare for tomorrow's event, read something
oh, yeah, yeah. Dinner 🌌+☕+��
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honey-it-is · 2 years ago
-here are just general impressions about this productive day- (see this toad?She's so perfect)
today, yes, today we were sent a table that shows who has what kind of leader, mentor and who is in your startup group
hmm, it seems to me, or was there a mistake in writing now? Although I think I have them through every step
and in the morning I was my own team in my team, that is, there was only the head and I....
By lunch and resigned, okay, I can do everything myself
and in the evening we updated the table, what turned out to be in the end?
my favorite teacher is with me in the team. and the other participant is a graduate student (?).
And now I'm a little embarrassed that the most inexperienced person in the group is me.
and also the topic is not exactly my specialization, but it is supervised by my department (automation of production processes)
and it was recommended to me by my favorite teacher... and, in principle, everything is interesting to me if, suppose I suddenly find myself at the Faculty of journalism (which is quite far from me) then I will enthusiastically take part in this, although I will most likely be of little use
Yes, I took the social studies exam at school, but still, it's stupid
Well, I'm off now. My thoughts are running away
and in general, I have a happy day on Thursdays in the numerator, all classes are taught by my favorite teacher
he stunned us to do 80% of one of our term papers by Monday!!!!
we'll have to adapt somehow....
Is that what I was talking about?
tomorrow there will be the opening of the startup event
and the number of participants scares me (there are 300 of them)
I have run out of memory on my phone and I got out of this situation with a screenshot))))))
photos of this week
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honey-it-is · 2 years ago
16/100 (I think I need to make a calendar for a hundred days)🤦🏻‍♀️
Today I studied for 5 hours, but I still have an evening ahead of me. I hope to go to bed in time, because I fell asleep late yesterday, closer to midnight.. The words and terms on environmental engineering were also passed again, and for the first time I could not pass one of the terms, it turned out that I just did not have time to write down the definition in full last time... the teacher speaks very, very fast, and although she repeats several times (still fast), you don't always catch what's going on😅
And now, the plan for the evening:
Clean the room ✔(She has no memory left on her phone) So I cleaned up there too... So I spent 2 hours on it............:]
Do a stretch ✔
Read a book ✔
and this is the plan for tomorrow morning, because classes start at noon. Chatted with a friend about studying and about educational matters...I spent 3 hours on this via video link
for the first time I communicate so much on video
and it was unexpected. It's already night and I have to go.
Start doing coursework
Prepare two reports on laboratory
there is still not enough memory on the phone for photos(
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honey-it-is · 2 years ago
today I came to study earlier, I tried to figure out Arduino, I need it for the accelerator. for a startup
I spent 6 hours and 30 minutes on this and on classes
Now I wanted to do my homework for tomorrow, but I understand that my eyes just can't stand it, I need to take care of it
I just watched the Cleaning Lady episode. Just great. Now I'll read a little and sleep, I'll get up early tomorrow and have time to do everything🍀
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honey-it-is · 2 years ago
Обожаю эти цвета/I love these colors
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Autumn making the world look golden.
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honey-it-is · 2 years ago
12/100 I fell asleep for 12 hours
I woke up 3 times, but immediately turned off
He has to wake up and rise...
Uh, I'm shocked.
Looks like I needed to rest
the plan for today:
studying, reading, homework.
I want to make myself a new habit tracker
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honey-it-is · 2 years ago
today was quite a productive day
I've been sleepy all day
so I wanted to fall asleep in the evening
аnd this morning.
I'll probably be asleep in an hour..
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honey-it-is · 2 years ago
in general, I have just finished the report and I really hope that there are no serious errors. today I studied for 10 hours. that's how suddenly the timer showed that here, darling, look how slow you are
already today I have made a rather important decision to participate in an educational program for the accelerated development of startups... Suddenly something heavy for me
Ahah, now it feels like I won't even have time to breathe
I hope not to fail and enjoy the process
Tomorrow classes in the morning, and I'm still awake as always
(summer photos)
I think I forgot to eat today..
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