Hi 👋, My name is Mohammad, and I’m reaching out in a moment of desperate need. I’m a father of three young children living in Gaza, and we are caught in the midst of a catastrophic war. Our home is no longer a safe haven, and the future here seems increasingly uncertain. 💔
I’ve launched a fundraising campaign with the goal of raising $40,000 to relocate my family to a safer place where my children can grow up in peace and have a chance at a brighter future. 🕊️🇵🇸
Unfortunately, my previous fundraising efforts were abruptly halted when my account was terminated without explanation. However, I remain determined to keep fighting for my family’s safety and well-being. 🫶
If you could take a moment to read our story, consider donating, or simply share our campaign with others, it would make an incredible difference. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to safety and a new beginning. 🙏
Thank you for your time, compassion, and support. ❤
https://gofund.me/fd1faea2 🔗
Everyone should read this and donate!
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You got any advice on how to contact Kyubey?
There's a section on communicating with him in this post: https://www.tumblr.com/homulilythemagicalgirl/753039834286800896/everything-i-know-about-kyubey
As for general advice, saying anything along the lines of "I want to make a contract" usually gets his attention.
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Grief Releasal Thursday! Let out all your grief into the grief seed!
I usually only clean my soul gem right before fighting a witch, but I think that's a very good idea. I will clean mine now.
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Day 38 <3
🎀✨Day 38: It's been two months since I contracted and become a magical girl. It's a bit hard to keep up with school and magic at the same time. ⏱💣I've collected many sigils, but I've only fought two witches. I currently have two witch sigils (one, which is too powerful to fight on my own), two familiar sigils, and another witch sigil that I shouldn't fight because they're in another territory and that would be rude (I only wrote it down for practice). There's also one near my house, but it's hard to get the sigil without being suspicious. At this point, I'm worried the familiars have turned into witches by now. 💐☕I prioritize fighting witches over familiars because of their higher danger level, but as a result, I've never actually fought a familiar before (I know that's not saying much considering I haven't even fought many witches, but still). 🎧🌊I've always wondered how many grief seeds a puella magi would have on hand at any given time. I assumed it would be only one, if any. I currently have two grief seeds that are completely empty, and I used one up fully. I noticed they tend to have three uses even if you feel like your soul gem was more or less cloudy then usual. It all evens out I guess. 🍎📿Also, for what sensing witches feels like, and what it's like to find sigils, I sensed a witch at school, but since it takes a few minutes to get the sigil down correctly, I stayed there during lunch to make sure I'd have enough time to get it right. While I stayed right at the labyrinth's entrance, I could feel overwhelming negative energy, and it just felt like bad emotions and like it was harder to breathe and think there. If you leave your soul gem far away, you don't really feel that anymore. I've used that trick whenever I was "off duty" because I don't like the way sensing witches makes me feel. As for sigils, you kind of get visuals in your head just by being near them, but it's hard to "detangle" the lines in my mind, so it always takes a bit. There was one really powerful witch I mentioned earlier. The way I know they're powerful without fighting them is that I could strongly sense them a block away, but most witches are harder to sense that strongly that far away.
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idk how to play this game but
🍰:whats the funniest thing that has happened to you magical girlwise?
🍰: I think the funniest thing I've seen as a magi was when I fought a witch with a team, there were holes on the ground, and some of them kept falling in, and it turned out that was the correct way to the witch??
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🥯 and 🥞 😈
🥯: what's something you wish could change about the magical girl community? 🥞: is your current concept your first, or did you have a previous one? talk about it! 🥯: I wish I could make it more suitable for all kinds of magis. I don't see many resources for Sailors or Precures, but at the same time, I hardly know anything about them, so I wouldn't be able too teach anyone. 🥞: This is my first concept. It just stuck out to me, and it felt like fate. One day, I just felt like I was going to become a magi, and to be honest, I didn’t have a concept at all. I was going to be any kind of magi I could. When I heard you could be a puella magi, of course I wanted to be one! It sounded like the most accessible one and the one I knew the most about.
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You can ask me any of these. I love this game! ^_^
(pt: magical girl ask game!)
disclaimer: this post as well as all of my other posts are not roleplaying, delusion or an aesthetic. i practice pop culture witchcraft and manifestation, and don't take my beliefs being disrespected lightly. if you're here for any reason that is in bad faith, please leave. for my personal comfort, i also ask that nsfw blogs and magical girl rp or aesthetic blogs DNI.
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🍦: what's your favorite part about your magical girl outfit? (if you have more than one, you can choose one to talk about or talk about all of them!)
🧁: what's your least favorite part about your magical girl outfit? (same as above)
🍰: funniest thing that has happened to you, magical-girl wise?
🥧: what was the weirdest or randomest result you've gotten?
🍪: anything to say to those starting out in their journey?
🥞: is your current concept your first, or did you have a previous one? talk about it!
🧇: what's something you love about the magical girl community?
🥯: what's something you wish could change about the magical girl community?
🥐: what was the randomest or most niche source of inspiration to your magical girl concept, outfit or weapon?
🍩: if you were to switch concepts with another magical girl in the community, who would you swap with?
🍨: what's a situation where magic really helped you out?
🍫: do you have any friends that are also magical girls? talk about itttt!
🍮: what was your favorite moment in the community?
🥠: what was your favorite moment of being a magical girl in general?
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hope you guys like it and i BETTER see tons of asks in EVERYONE's inboxes! i also invite everynyan to make their own mahou ask games as well if they want to :)
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sorry im putting this in the ask box but i saw your last post, i dont think your evil dont say that about urself, stay safe :)
I am glad. I got very worried for some reason that something happened while I was away. I will always come back as a cute magical girl, no matter what happens.
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Day 37 <3
🎀✨Day 37: Lots of things having to do with soul gems makes me feel physically empty, sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a bad way. When I contracted and wasn't used to my soul being outside my body, I felt dizzy and empty, and then when I purified my soul gem, it made me feel empty in a good way, like I got rid of clutter in myself. ⏱💣I should really fight the witches and familiars I find. I kept putting it off because I was worried I couldn't astral project, but you don't need to. I should just bilocate since that's a lot easier for me to not get lost. 💐☕There are worse villains than witches, and they keep trying to sabotage everyone. I wish I could fight them, but I'm supposed to trust others to fight them in a better way. 🎧🌊I think of being a magical hero like being an exorcist. The witches are basically souls that need to be put to rest, so fighting them helps them as well. Sometimes I see people saying they feel like fighting witches is like fighting anyone else and you shouldn't do it, but there's no cure for them, so it's better this way. 🍎📿You guys would never think I'm evil, right? Can I still be a cute magical girl, no matter what happens?
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Can you please teach me how to become a magical girl, it's been my dream my entire life. Even as a kid, thinking about it is how I felt like I belonged.
Now that I think about it, I haven't made a guide for that, but that would be very useful! I will make a guide and edit this later to link to it. For now, know there are many methods to become one. There's manifestation, being chosen, astral projection, reality shifting, etc. There are a few books about it on Wattpad.
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Actually, there is something...difficult, I wish to ask you. Your opinion on, I mean. I'm not sure if Tumblr is the best place or...mm. Perhaps sometime.
You could ask me it in private messages here or on Discord. I'm listening.
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Me: "You can't just click all those Discords" Also me: "Watch me, me."
Ahaha, I do look forward to seeing you there! ^_^
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Here are a few I know. Most, you have to verify.
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Day 36 <3
🎀✨Day 36: There is a new magical hero symbol! Like the shifting symbol, it is a way to subtly know if someone's a magical hero! There's also an emoji combination too: 🎀🌟. They were both decided on by Magi Metro. The drawing is by Rem (@meguca-meduka).
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⏱💣I think I found a familiar, so I'll try and fight them if I can astral project. I'll also try and train in the astral if I can. 💐☕I've been having a strange feeling that there's a rival magical hero in my area. I hope it's just a feeling. I don't think I'd be able to win any fights yet. 🎧🌊I haven't done a cool transformation sequence yet, but I should. I only poofed into my magical outfit, but I think it would be nice to be stylish with it. 🍎📿I keep getting these weird feelings (memories? visuals?) I haven't gotten since last year, and the voices have been a lot more clear this year, but they've also been less frequent. I feel like something's trying to tell me something, and I'm not understanding it.
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Yo yo!!! We’re on a few magi servers together, you seem really cool. Can you talk a bit about your first time getting to the astral? (sorry if you have already)
I’m yet to get there but I’m super interested ♪
I talked about my first astral projection in this post, but I wasn't sure it was astral projection at first. I'll recap here. I fell asleep, trying to astral project, I had a nightmare that really startled me into waking up, then I don't know if I fell asleep again or what, but suddenly I wasn't in my physical body anymore or anything that resembled my physical body. It was like I was a cloud of mist, drifting along a street. I couldn't see, but I knew where I was. I was spinning. I thought I hadn't yet astral projected, so I tried to astral project when that happened, but I ended up going back to my body that way.
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Everything I know about the astral realm
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What the astral realm is
The astral realm is kind of like the counterpart to the physical realm. Unlike the physical realm, it is where your soul is not attached to anything, so you can wander anywhere. Some magis fight in the astral realm instead of the physical one.
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How to get there
You can go to the astral realm by astral projecting. There are a few different methods to astral project, but the gist of them is: 1. Lay down and relax. 2. Let your body fall asleep, but keep your mind awake. 3. Move your astral body out of your physical one. There are meditations that can guide you and tell you what to do as you listen. I recommend you check them out if you haven't astral projected before.
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Why you would go to the astral realm
For magis, they might go to the astral realm in order to talk to an incubator, or they might visit to fight a witch. Some magis fight only in the astral realm. These are called "astral magis". As a magi, it is easier to astral project because your soul is already outside of your body. It may be easier for astral magis than physical magis, but I am unsure.
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What the astral realm is like
The astral is different for different people. Some say you can sense things you couldn't in the physical realm, some say it feels just like the physical to the point they had to see their body to confirm, and I personally see it as a dark place with no sound, with only touch and intuition to guide me. It feels much more free than the physical realm.
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Bilocation is a compromise of the physical and astral realms. When you bilocate, you are in both simultaneously. You can bilocate by starting to astral project, but instead of continuing, you keep some focus on the physical realm as well. It's best not to lay down if you are trying to bilocate in case you fall asleep. I bilocate when I want to astral project with someone else because I am able to communicate in this realm where I can see and hear clearly.
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Congratulations on the successful witch hunting, Homura. May your future ones be just as successful
Thank you, Incubator! I didn't know you guys read my blog as well. I'm going to make sure to hunt lots of witches!
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