homesslicess · 3 years
Protective GOM! (Gn!Reader)
A/N: So these all vary in length so sorry for that lol. Also I’ll be making a second part soon. This took a lot of time as is, but I’ll try to get the next part out before my winter break from school is over :)
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Seijūrō Akashi:
This man is ruthless
If anyone so much as looks at you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, they are- Uh- dead :)
Akashi has a lot of connections and will use them to his advantage
So let’s say you both were at an expensive restaurant (Seijūrō wants to show off his amazing s/o) and your waiter has a staring problem
You could feel his gaze checking you out, which makes you feel uncomfortable
Akashi has yet to notice the guy because he’s not paying attention to him (why would he when he has you right in front of him) but he does notice you shifting uncomfortably in you seat
“Excuse me,” Akashi’s sharp voice rang clearly through the quiet restaurant to the waiter who was giving the Akashi the food he ordered while still side eyeing you. “I would appreciate if you would stop looking at my s/o in that way.”
The waiter glances at Seijūrō for a moment and with a coy smirk cleared his throat. “Of course sir, I’m very sorry.”
He glanced at you one more time before leaning over the table to set your food down in front you you. His hand grazing your thigh while doing so and you tense up.
The sudden crash of Akashi’s plate filled the once quiet restaurant and everyone turned to look over at your table.
Your waiter was now wearing Seijūrō’s food and his face turned a bright red.
“My apologies, perhaps you shouldn’t have been so close,” Akashi says, his voice full of venom and a glint in his eyes holding a silent threat.
The waiter quickly made up an excuse and rushed off in embarrassment and fear.
“Darling are you alright?” Seijūrō asked, attention fully on you. Any sign he was a very was angry (not at you of course) was hidden away.
“Yeah Sei, I’m okay now, thank you.” You pause for just a moment before continuing. “Do you think, we could eat somewhere else though.” Your voice fell to a whisper, slightly self-conscious to all the people looking your way.
Seijūrō just smiles gently at you. “Of course love, wherever you wish to go.”
You both stand up, Akashi quickly left the money for the uneaten food, before either of you leave.
On the way out he holds your hand reassuringly while rubbing comforting circles with his thumb.
“Don’t worry darling, I’ll make sure everything is okay.”
You smile up at Seijūrō taking his words as him comforting you, what you didn’t know is he’s already called his connections to make sure that waiter gets exactly what he deserves.
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Daiki Aomine:
Daiki, unlike Akashi, will not be so discreet
Aomine usually will insult or call out the person publicly trying to embarrass them
And if that doesn’t work violence is the other answer, he does try not to when you’re with him, but he has a breaking point
You both were out on the public courts, Aomine shooting hoops and trick shots while you watched (you’ve tried to play with him before but he annihilates you and laughs afterwards while you try to regain your ability to breathing again)
So you were watching on the bench, and reading your newest book, when another basketball rolled up and hit your leg
You set down your book and reached down to picked it up, when some guy jogged over, assumingely to get the ball back.
When you sit back up right to give him it to he was a little too close for comfort
“Here’s your ball,” you say politely.
The guy, ignoring your boyfriend completely, looked you up and down before smirking, “Thanks you,” he pauses for just a moment before leaning even closer towards you. “Hey why don’t you come with me and we could get out of here?”
Aomine, although it didn’t seem like it, was paying very close attention. Now he couldn’t hear what this guy was saying but he didn’t like the fact that he was so close, so he was gaging you’re reaction, just in case you knew him or something. When Daiki saw how you were leaning away from this random guy and he was leaning closer, he finally snapped.
“Hey!” Aomine shouted from across the court, making both you and the guy turn to him. “Are you so lame that you have to try to get with someone else’s s/o?” All while laughing mockingly at him.
The guy turns to face your boyfriend and his eyes narrow showing outwardly that he was getting pissed off, which Daiki caught.
“Well I just thought they would want to be with someone who wasn’t ignoring them.”
“Who said I was ignoring them?” Aomine replies while walking over in an intimidating fashion.
“Well I mean, you left them here alone, what do you expect to happen? Someone not to hit on them?”
At his last sentence he turns to you with that sickening smirk again.
“Now, lets get out of here.” He says while gripping your wrist.
“Let go of me.” You state firmly, while trying to pry your wrist away, but it did nothing against the stranger. Instead his grip tightens making you wince.
“Now, don’t be like th-” The guy was cut short by Aomine fist making contact with his face.
The stranger instantly went down letting go of you in the process.
“Don’t touch them,” Daiki at this point was fuming no longer keeping his mocking facade.
Aomine has had it up to here with this guy, who wouldn’t take no as an answer. Cracking his knuckles, he was about to give this guy the beating of his lifetime, but you, begrudgingly, decided that it would be best you you both just left.
“Daiki,” you say calmly, standing from the bench while placing your hand on his back. “Can we just leave?”
Aomine was about to protest but looking back at you, he could tell you just wanted to go home and forget about what happened.
After a moment of hesitation he finally answers you. “Yeah, lets get away from this prick, he’s boring me”
You chuckle quietly and take his hand as you both started to walk back to your place. It was silent for a couple minutes before you speak again.
“Thank you Daiki.”
“Hm? Psh, that? That was nothing.” Aomine said confidently, but you could tell from the pink dusting across his face that he was getting flustered.
You just look up and smile at him, and he smiles back.
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Atsushi Murasakibara:
So I know I’ve mentioned this before but he’ll literally crush anyone that looks at you in a way he doesn’t like
He has a mind of child sometimes and hates to share and he gets jealous veryyy quickly
He’s not the type to notice things right away (or sometimes at all) but when someone says something flat out in front of him to you that he doesn’t like he gets pissed off really fast
So you both decided to have a picnic (food is really the only reason Murasakibara will leave the house)
You had a blanket set out on the grass and had a pile of food in the center (which your boyfriend was consistently consuming) while laying down in your lap. You didn’t mind of course and while he was eating (you taking some for yourself) you just talked about anything and everything
You weren’t the only people there, in fact the park was quite crowded, kids running around, other couples having dates, and friends just hanging out in groups
One of these these groups, with like five different guys, you caught the attention of. They all were on the grass just hanging out before they started to observe the other people in the park and you became their peak of interest, skipping over your ginormous boyfriend completely.
Eventually though all of the guys collectively got the guts to go over and try to talk to you.
Your fingers generally comb through Murasakibara hair as both just sit enjoying each others company while listening to the background noises of other people and your boyfriends consistent chewing of his snacks.
The comfort of your surroundings soon vanish when the group of guys loudly approached the both of you all extremely smug and cocky.
“Hey,” one starts looking directly at you. “Wanna get out of here, we could show you a great time.” He says provocatively making the others snicker behind him.
You chuckle nervously not exactly sure how to react. The absolute audacity of these men. You glance down at your boyfriend who was before staring into a bag of his favorite chips. Now though, he was looking directly at the boys who interrupted the both of you with annoyance and a look you couldn’t quite place.
“No I’m okay,” you speak hesitantly becoming slightly more tense, which Atsushi does take notice of, considering you hand was still was tangled in his hair.
“Aww don’t be like that,” another guy speaks.
“I’m here with my boyfriend and I would appreciate if you left us alone.” You reply firmly starting to get fed up.
Speaking of your boyfriend, Mura was becoming more agitated by the second, so much so that the pile of snacks was now forgotten.
“I’m here with my boyfriend,” another guy mocked you making the others laugh. “C’mon don’t be such a prude.”
How fast Murasakibara stood up after that last comment was made was definitely unusual for the lazy giant. One moment he was in your lap the next second he was standing up towering over the pricks that decided to bother you on his and yours date.
The unsuspecting boys jumped back in surprise to the speed and the height your boyfriend just showed. You, who was getting uneasy from the guys constant pestering and inappropriate comments, sighed in relief.
“I’ll crush you for speaking to my y/n-chin like that.” Atsushi usual lazy voice was full of venom, as he used his height to intimate the group.
Others in the park were starting to stare but you weren’t to focused on them, what you were focused on was the amount of anger in your boyfriend’s eyes.
“Uh we didn’t me anything by it.”
“Y-yeah dude.”
“We are very sorry!”
I was obvious that guys were scared by the rushed stuttered out way they replied to Atsushi.
“Ehhhh I don’t care, you upset y/n-chin.” Mura says, his glare almost lethal now.
It started with one of the guys sprinting away, then another, and eventually all of them. They decide that this little game they started, wasn’t worth their lives. One of them even tripped over his own feet when he was a fairly good amount away.
Turning around Mura looks over at you, who was still sitting down. “You okay Y/n-chin?” His normal lazy voice finally reappearing with a hint of worry to it.
You smile gently up at him. “Yeah Atsushi, I’m okay now.”
Murasakibara sighs exhaustedly and collapsed back on the blanket, his head back in your lap. He reaches over to the snack pile and grabs the first food item he touches. Laughing softly you brush your fingers through his hair once again.
“Good,” Mura dragged out with his face in the bag of his snacks he was currently eating before pulling it out and looking at you directly in your eyes. “No one’s aloud to talk to my y/n-chin like that.”
You cup both of his cheeks and gently place a quick kiss on Mura’s lips. “Thank you Atsushi.”
A light brush spreads across his cheeks before he looks away embarrassed.
“Yeah no problem y/n-chin,” Mura replies quietly before shoving more food in his face, making you chuckle.
Brushing his hair with your figures again you sigh contently, it being peaceful finally once more.
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homesslicess · 3 years
Eyeliner (Ryota Kise x Gn!Reader)
A/N: so it’s a personal headcannon of mine that Kise definitely wears eyeliner daily <3
Word count: 544
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“Ryota Kise, stop squirming” you try to say sternly but the grin that appeared on your face showed you weren’t serious.
“Y/n-chi~ it tickles.”
Kise bursts into giggles once again making you pull the liquid eyeliner away from him for the fifth time. You were standing in between both of Ryota’s legs while he was sitting on the edge of your bed.
Eventually Kise does calm down from his fit of laughter and now was watching you with a smile once again. You firmly grab his chin and tilted his head sideways just slightly.
“Close your eyes,” you softly whisper out, too focused to bother speaking louder.
Kise of course just hummed in agreement and did what you told him, grin growing even bigger.
The tip of the eyeliner made contact with his left eyelid and finally after almost a dozen tries you got a fairly good wing.
“There!” You exclaim pulling away excitedly.
You handed Ryota the mirror that was placed on the table next to your bed enthusiastically while setting the eyeliner down at the same time.
Kise of course takes it with pride, excited himself to see how you did. (especially since it took you almost 20 minutes to do it, but Ryota of course was not going to bring that up.)
It was quiet as Ryota examines your work, then breaking the silence yelled out, “Y/N-CHI ITS SO GOOD!”
You laugh at his sudden out burst, which you’ve gotten used to after dating him for as long as you have.
“Now all you have to do is my other eye and I’ll be all set!” Kise grins at you.
You groan and throw yourself on the bed next to him.
“Other side? Nope not gonna happen,” your voice was muffled by the blankets your face was pressed in.
“But y/n-chi, it was so cute when you were concentrating.” Kise pouted, poking you in your side repeatedly.
“How do you do that every morning?” You ask exasperated at this point and swatted his hand away.
Ryota just laughed and grabbed the eyeliner you left out on the table and in 2.5 seconds he copied the wing you made previously perfectly.
You lift the up your head and glare at him jokingly. “You know, proving my point isn’t going to make me feel any better.”
“Y/n-chi don’t look at me like that,” Kise whined, flipping you over so your back was to the bed and he was leaning over you, arms on either side of your head.
You hummed up at him gently brushing back the hair that was falling in his face. Ryota’s playful face melted into a genuine smile.
Leaning down he place a general peck to you lips before pulling away quickly.
“You look so stunning y/n-chi,” He states while sitting up pulling you with him.
You scoff at him playfully, “says the model.”
Kise gasps dramatically and holds your face out of no where pinching your cheeks in the process.
“Don’t deny facts y/n-chi you are striking, absolutely breathtaking, captivating-”
You cut him off, “I get it Ryota.”
“Great,” he beams. “And don’t forget it.”
“Now,” he starts once again, pulling the eyeliner out of nowhere. “My turn to do yours.” Making you giggle and nod in agreement.
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homesslicess · 3 years
Dating Murasakibara Headcannons (Gn! Reader)
A/N: I just started rewatching KnB and have a lot of motivation to write for it :)
Word count: 607
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Okay let’s get something straight, this guy is 6’10 (208 cm) there’s a 99% chance he is going to tower over you.
Atsushi will also bring that up whenever he can
“Ehhh y/n-chin, why are you so tiny?”
“Atsushi, that’s the third time you’ve asked me that today.”
You’re the only person he will willing share his snacks with.
I feel like he would have the tendency to get jealous a lot. He wants your full attention while you’re with him and if you aren’t going to give it to him, he will whine and pout.
He love cuddling you cannot convince me other wise, loves being the little spoon.
Of course that won’t stop him from grabbing you and holding you to his chest so you won’t get up and leave.
You’re the person the Yōsen team will call if Atsushi doesn’t cooperate. I mean, to be fair, you are the only person that he will listen to.
Also nicknames, and lots of them.
His to you tend to always involve food, or your height.
You usually just stick to Mura or Sushi, shortened versions of his name, but he loves them non the less
Another thing is I feel like Atsushi will always share his thoughts with you, which can be both a blessing and a curse.
On one side he does communicate a lot and that’s a big part on making relationship work and knowing how to make things better or fix things
On the other side his big mouth has gotten you and him in some embarrassing situations
This one time you both were in the convenience store getting your daily after school/after practice snacks 
You were browsing while Mura was piling up every snack he could get his hands on when you both heard the door in the front slide open signifying someone else was here.
Atsushi was facing that way, because his snacks were placed in that direction.
He glanced up and his voice that he didn’t even try to conceal carried all around the store so everyone around you both heard him.
“Y/n-chin why is that guy’s nose so funny looking?”
Everyone in the store looked at both of you and your cheeks heated up in embarrassment.
You tried to hush him but he, of course, did not get the hint.
“Ehhhhh y/n-chin, why are you hushing me?”
Yeah he’s a little dense
Atsushi is absolutely obsessed with you in his clothes
Because of his height you’re practically drowning in them
Literally his hoodie goes down to your shins but they are all extremely comfortable (10/10 would recommend)
His favorite thing to do is cuddling when he eat his snack, while you’re wearing his clothes.
He’s also surprisingly good at comforting you
Not with words necessarily but more physical reassurance, and does a surprisingly good job at listening
He’ll scoop you up and place you right on top of him to let you rant about whatever you need to while he watches intensely (and maybe eat his snacks)
Once you finish saying, crying, ranting, etc, about anything you need to he will hug you tightly and probably pat you’re head.
“It’s okay y/n-chin I’m right here”
9/10 times if you’re crying over someone or something someone said he will threaten to crush them, and by threaten I mean promise.
No one makes his s/o upset
Loves it when you hold his face and place kisses all over him
He’ll get all smiley and the tips of his ears will turn red whenever you do
Overall Murasakibara is a really good boyfriend and would do anything for you :)
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homesslicess · 3 years
Confessions (Daiki Aomine x gn!Reader)
A/n: It’s my first time posting my writing on an account so let me know if you have any constructive criticism. Anyways I hope you enjoy :)
Word count: 710
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“I like you y/n,”
Those three words echo though your head and you couldn’t help but snort quietly.
“Sure you do Daiki, and I’m dropping out of school to join the circus,” you reply sarcastically, looking back at the movie that was being played on the t.v. in his room.
Aomine was completely unaffected by being blowed off. In fact he leaned in closer towards you. His bed that you both sat on squeaked by the sudden movement and the movie was beginning to fade in the background.
He gripped your chin softly, shifting your head to look him in the eyes and spoke once again, “I’m not joking y/n, I like you, a lot in fact.”
He paused for a minute looking at your face, more specifically your cheeks that have started to heat up and you’re eyes which have found the wall behind him a lot more interesting.
“No, you don’t Daiki, stop messing around,” You mange to force out.
Smirking cockily he continued “I’m not joking y/n. You know for being so smart I’m surprised you haven’t noticed earlier, do you think I willing hang out with people I don’t like? Outside of school at that. I don’t even talk to Satsuki as much as I do you.”
Your eyes trail back to his when his hand that still gripped your chin squeezed softly indicating he wanted your attention.
“Well- I mean,” you started to reply not sure exactly how to convince more yourself then him, that your best friend, who you’ve been crushing on for the past year, was indeed not romantically interested in you. “No I guess not,” you say finally after a moment has pasted.
His reasoning fairly convincing, considering Aomine didn’t put up with anyone he didn’t want to. The many girl that have confessed to him in the past and got there hearts ripped out and stomped on by Daiki could testify to that.
Daiki leaned in closer, so close in fact that you were sure if either of you talked your lips would brush against one another, but that was soon proven wrong when he broke the silence after it had fallen upon the both of you.
“Exactly y/n, I like you. Have since you’ve been on my back about ‘actually trying’ during practice. The question is if you like me back,”
Biting the inside of your cheek you take a minute to collect yourself, taking a deep breath you finally were able to choke out a response, “I like you too Daiki.”
A look of relief washes over him, although it wasn’t obvious, Aomine was pretty worried that him confessing to you would backfire. He didn’t want to mess up the friendship you both grew together over his feelings. He really did like you, love you even. He wanted to take things slow though, so he went with the less extreme version of how he felt about you.
A genuine smile appears on Aomine instead of the usual teasing smirk that played on his face a moment before.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked abruptly, the question hanging in the air for just a second.
“Please do,” you say, hardly above a whisper, your stomach feeling as if it was flipping inside out.
With that Daiki closed the gap that was hardly there between the two of you. His lips and yours molded together perfectly, as if you were made for each other. It was almost as a match, which was always there, finally had the spark to light.
His hands trailed gently over your body, as if you were made of glass, and eventually falling in place of your waist, while you settled yours behind his neck.
The kiss was innocent. Both you and Daiki exploring the previous uncharted territory. The feeling in your stomach didn’t go away, in fact it became more prominent. You almost pulled away just to pinch yourself to make sure you weren’t dreaming.
Eventually though you do pull away, albeit reluctantly and red faced. A silence once again was placed on the both of you as the movie hummed in the background.
You finally speak a smile beginning to grow on your face, “So, when’s the date?” You ask, making Aomine grin as well.
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