homelifegoodss · 3 years
Water Ionizer, What is it?
The history of the water ioniser is a tale of how science stumbled upon one of nature's mysteries in a remote, harsh part of the world where the locals were known for their extraordinary longevity and health. By electrically separating improperly filtered tap water into alkaline and acid water, a water ioniser produces alkaline water.
 They discovered that the locals drank glacier water that was streaming into the valley, which was the source of their exceptional health. Then, by chance, other scientists discovered how electricity could be used to re-organize, re-structure, and re-energize water in the same way as nature does. The Water Ionizer was born as a result of this discovery, and it is now widely regarded as the most significant advancement in health care.
 Farmers who supply cut flowers are now using acid waters to keep their flowers fresh and alive before delivering them to flower shops. Experiments with the human body, on the other hand, took longer due to the fact that the results were not negative.
 A number of companies have started selling "water ionisers" online in recent years. These companies say that their products can produce pure alkaline water that can aid in disease prevention. Such arguments, on the other hand, lack scientific backing and make little sense in light of existing chemistry and physics rules. Purchasing a water ioniser has many major drawbacks.
 Ionizer replacement filters
 The pH in drinking water is raised by alkaline ioniser water filters. This aids in the delivery of the body's daily dose of alkaline minerals, which enhances good health and pH balance. These filtration systems come in a range of shapes and sizes, including pitchers and water ionisers.
 How do these water ionizers work?
 A two-step procedure is followed by water ionisers. These systems remove contaminants from drinking water such as sediment, bacteria, and chlorine. The ioniser adds a slight electrical charge to the water after it has been properly filtered. Electrolysis is a mechanism that divides water into two streams. The first stream, which is safe to drink and cook with, reduces water by using positively charged ions. It contains alkaline minerals including calcium and potassium that can be contained in tap water. The second stream undergoes oxidation. Acidic minerals can be found in this source.
 Turbocharge your Filtration
 It uses the industry's established top-performing media and blends them with a modern, high-tech, proprietary media in a cutting-edge way, similar to a turbocharger that amplifies combustion to produce powerful output. The end result isn't your average water filter. It's the most cutting-edge filtration technology on the market.
 It's important to remember that it's not about the quality of your water filter or how long it will last. It's all about how long YOU want to live and how much better your life will be until you've found the right water source for you.
 Flexible solar panels
 Every year, solar panel technology advances at a breakneck pace, with new innovations such as flexible solar panels being launched and built upon on a regular basis. Solar panels made of ultra-thin silicon cells have been around for quite some time. Organic solar cells have recently advanced thanks to studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Researchers also discovered a way to use organic materials with graphene electrodes instead of silicon as the basis for solar cells. The brittleness of traditional electrodes has been a limiting factor in panel versatility until now, but due to graphene's transparent and flexible nature, this approach could lead to thinner, more flexible, and more robust solar panels in the future than what we can currently achieve.
 Flexible panels are only available from a few solar installers as part of a rooftop or ground-mounted system. For one-off solar ventures, such as an RV solar setup, you can buy flexible solar products in small sizes online.
 Pros and cons flexible solar panels
 The ability to suit a variety of solar projects is the most significant benefit of modular panels. For example, if your roof can't support the weight of conventional solar panels due to structural issues, thin-film solar panels might be a great alternative that won't jeopardise the structural integrity of your house. Flexible panels can be moulded to suit the surface they are mounted on, making them ideal for non-traditional structures such as carports.
 Flexible panels are much more portable and easy to handle than traditional panels, which can be bulky and heavy and require heavy-duty roof mounting systems. They will likely reduce the cost of installing your solar array.
 The main disadvantage of thin film or flexible solar panels is their lower performance compared to traditional panels. Furthermore, compact solar panels aren't a good match for many home rooftop solar projects since there might not be enough roof space to generate the amount of energy you need.
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homelifegoodss · 3 years
Alkaline Water: What Is Kangen Water & Is It Really Worth The Hype?
Kangen water has grown in popularity as the new way to enjoy healthy drinking water in the midst of the alkaline water trend. Kangen water is made from a particular line of water-ionizing machines that filter your tap water to one of five pH levels (from very acidic to very alkaline), and it's advertised as being better for drinking, washing, food preparation, and beauty care, among other things.
 Kangen water, according to the retailer, will not only be better for our bodies, but will also enhance the taste of home-cooked meals, boost hydration, offer customers glowing skin and hair, and more. Is Kangen water, on the other hand, capable of doing any of these things? Is bottled water and tap water dangerous? There is some research that suggests Kangen water might be useful for washing, but there isn't much else to back up its other claimed benefits.
 Some research suggests that alkaline water can help delay bone loss, but it's unclear whether this effect is sustained over time. Some people believe that alkaline water will help them avoid diseases like cancer and heart disease. However, there isn't much evidence to back up those arguments.
 Water ionisers, which have long been marketed worldwide, have recently sparked renewed interest. A water ioniser is a home appliance that claims to increase the pH of drinking water by separating the incoming water stream into acidic and alkaline components using electrolysis. Despite the fact that they are labelled as "water ionisers," the devices are actually water electrolyzers. Water is split into hydrogen and oxygen by an electric current in this electrochemical process.
 The process' efficacy is debatable because electrolysis takes a long time and a lot of energy; therefore, the amount of hydroxide that could be produced in a fast moving stream of water like a running tap would be limited at best. Furthermore, since reversing the reaction takes much less energy, if the region between the alkaline and acidic water is at least semi-permeable, the water will undergo a different reaction, leaving only neutral water.
 Water Ionizer Health Claim
Water ionisers are often advertised with health statements, which are usually based on their purported ability to alkalize water. The ability to delay ageing, prevent cancer, provide protection from nuclear fallout, give the body more energy, and counteract the effects of acidic foods have all been claimed as benefits.
 While these advantages sound fantastic, there isn't enough evidence to tell for sure how beneficial this form of water is or how it can help people's health in the long run. Any statements made about alkaline water's ability to help hydrate us are similarly false. The commercially available bottles of alkaline water, on the other hand, contain no hydrogen and thus have no real benefits.
  Is it true that drinking alkaline water is beneficial to your health?
The neutral pH of water is 7, as you can recall from chemistry class. Any pH below that is acidic, and any pH above that is alkaline. Is alkaline water all it's cracked up to be? Alkaline eating is supposed to be better for us, but is alkaline water all it's cracked up to be?
 The concept behind drinking alkaline water is that it will neutralise the acid in your body, allowing you to control your pH levels and reap a range of health benefits. Since there are several factors that contribute to an alkaline condition in the body, determining if drinking alkaline water returns the body to an alkaline state is challenging. Small studies have shown that alkaline water can reduce the effects of high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and elevated lipids, and other studies have shown that it can reduce the effects of high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and elevated lipids.
 Kangen water, as previously said, is electrolytically reduced, hydrogen-rich water that works to bring your body back to an alkaline state. Current research say some points to the unlikelyhood of alkaline water becoming a life-changer when asked if there is any merit to that.
 There is no recommended amount of alkaline water that enhances health and there is no evidence to support its health benefits. If you want to start drinking alkaline water, start with a small amount and gradually increase it. This will help to mitigate the corrosive effects of alkaline water.
 Well, none of these arguments, nor the assertion that drinking ionised water would have a significant impact on the body, are backed up by scientific evidence. Furthermore, many people have incorrectly assumed that electrolysis transforms water from large non-bioavailable water clusters to tiny bioavailable water clusters known as micro clusters.
So what’s the best drinking option for us?
For instance, we can avoid drinking tap water wherever possible and instead drink filtered water. In the end, filtered water would be preferable to tap water in almost all cases. If you ever buy an alkaline water pump, make sure you know how much molecular hydrogen it contains. Carrying Alkaline water home in a gallon jug from a store generator is also a waste of money, and any possible advantages would be due to the placebo effect.
 Start by using filtered or reverse osmosis water as much as possible to ensure that you're getting the healthiest possible drinking water. Invest in a water filter as well, whichever one suits your budget. The cleaner our water can be, the better—which means that some filtration is preferable to none. And whatever you do, don't believe the hype about costly water.
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