home2tuckfeel2 · 6 years
weve seen that the friendsim trolls dont adhere to any sort of rules when selecting screen names so are we just supposed to assume that the hivebent trolls just… Did That
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home2tuckfeel2 · 6 years
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home2tuckfeel2 · 6 years
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Karkats just a typical male author :\
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home2tuckfeel2 · 6 years
what if the trolls sign titles are the names of the beforus ancestors? if so,
aradia’s the Excavator
tavros is the Unfledged
sollux is the Cynic
karkat is the Signless (again)
nepeta is the Disciple (again)
kanaya is the Fruitful
terezi is the Watcher
vriska is the Conqueror
equius is the Engineer
gamzee is the Capricious
eridan is the Zealous
feferi is the Cleric, then eventually Empress
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home2tuckfeel2 · 6 years
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home2tuckfeel2 · 6 years
sollux is one of my favorite homestuck boys i think because he’s so straightforward. is he an asshole? yes. does he have trauma? yes. does he front about it? no. he minds his own business. he just wants other people to mind theirs. “don’t ask me about my disability or my mortality” quote of the year. there were like 2 redeemable troll boys and sollux was 1.5 of them
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home2tuckfeel2 · 6 years
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“Please don’t take these as fighting words, but my aspect is simply the best there is.”
Rose Lalonde | Sakura-con 2013
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home2tuckfeel2 · 6 years
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occasionally some really cool analysis shows up on /r/Homestuck.
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home2tuckfeel2 · 6 years
honestly tho like people who aren’t…raised by alcoholics don’t really…understand roses distaste for the moments when mom lalonde is affectionate and Trying. theres something sickening and horrible about the way emotionally absent parents try to suddenly make up for years of neglect in short bursts but you really dont have any idea who this person loving you is, not really, so its empty, even if genuine. its hard to explain to someone who comes in thinking “oh but mom loves rose” the gut wrenching disgust and horror that comes with the territory of “this person loves me but i know this moment of affection won’t last” like. people who write off rose as just being 13 really just. they dont get it
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home2tuckfeel2 · 7 years
you ever think about how Mituna inflicted his own traumatic brain injury presumably to save the members of his session from some impending disaster, fulfilling his role as an Heir of Doom in an attempt to call the bulk of the session’s doom onto himself despite very probably knowing how doom works and that he was destined to fail, and then was resurrected after the Scratch only to be presented with the Vast Glub and make the exact same fucking choice
n then you gotta watch the fandom go gosh what a lil baby
because I think about that a lot
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home2tuckfeel2 · 7 years
This is a matter of life and death.
Hello! Mod 5ider here! I’d like to take a moment to talk about something very serious. 
tl;dr? skip to the sixth paragraph for the point.
I’ve been a member of this community for as long as I can remember. You may know me by a vast number of my other names; such as 5-second-gigapause, Bibliophallic, ms-paint34, deej300, passiveaggressionpause, or even ask-caliboner. Over the years, I’ve worked tirelessly to provide this community with countless forms of auditory, literary, visual, and interactive art; without any designation, expectation, solicitation, or reservations towards receiving anything in return.
I did my best to keep my personal life out of it, because I understand that for many of you my content is something of an escape-fantasy for you. My life, and the situations that I am dealing with would dilute and defeat the purpose behind making these works in the first place! I did not do it, after all, in order to become famous, or make money off of my following.
I did not do it to garner attention or show off my impressive skills. It not do it to accumulate the following of devoted fans who want nothing more than to loyally, and attentively support me in all my future artistic endeavors. I did not do it as an outlet for all the pain, rage, and anguish that I deal with on a day to day basis; that you might understand how difficult it is to live as I have. 
I did it because I want to make people happy… and, as long as people were being touched by my works, I told myself that I didn’t mind that all these things that normally come with popularity, and being a person who regularly and predictably produces great art, may not ever come to me. Even though the works that I produce would gain upwards of tens of thousands of views and listens, I did not mind remaining in relative obscurity all this time. I did my absolute best to make absolutely certain that my private life, and my public life, were kept very distinct.
I wanted to solve my real world problems with real world solutions; even to the point where I would take down posts that spread information regarding my private life if they were to go in front of the wrong audience.  
Unfortunately, my problems have now grown beyond the scope of my control. I am dealing with a situation that I have no imaginable way to deal with on my own. On the evening of Tuesday, March 21st, my nephew attempted to kill me. I survived the attack, suffering only a broken arm, and a crushed larynx. He is on the run, and charges have been filed.
Nothing I couldn’t handle.
As you can see, I made no mention of this at any point on my art and poetry centered platforms. I did not want to make a commotion, and I did not want to attract unnecessary attention to the situation; which was already very delicate as it was. I would handle it, just as I handled everything else. My throat healed quickly, after all! but as time went on, it became more and more apparent that there was something wrong with my arm.
A Doctor would later confirm my suspicions in a Friday morning appointment to the orthopedic center. Apparently, my bones were slowly, but surely, slipping out of alignment over the past three days, and I would have to have surgery done very soon, or lose the faculty of my arm. 
My right arm.
The arm I use to draw.
The arm I use to strum the guitar.
The arm I use to write poetry. 
The arm that I’ve used, and trained, and perfected to do the amazing things that I can do as long as I have been alive.
That is what is at stake. 
I simply cannot deal with this on my own. I simply do not have the means to fund this surgery on my own. I simply do not have 5,700 dollars to give.
So, I find myself at an impasse. 
I need your help. 
If you have ever listened to a piece of music that I created, or laughed at a short story I wrote, or marveled at the masterful artworks I planned, or gasped in awe of a poem I writ, then I charge you to commission me. Donate to my paypal. Buy my album. Request a poem.
Or even if you can’t support me monetarily, please spread this post to as many people as you can. There’s no way I can drum up what I need within a week, without your help, and I do need your help. I need it now.  
Because if you wait too long, you’ll never see anything from me again. 
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home2tuckfeel2 · 7 years
someday i’ll be done talking about homestuck but not today so here’s my headcanon: once they get to earth c they discover one of the reasons echidna determined that karkat was so important is that it turns out hes some kind of fucking public administrative savant. he is just terrifyingly good at bureaucracy and nobody knows why. dave is pretty content to fuck off and let troll kingdom govern itself, terezi’s busy, jade just sort of checks in occasionally, but karkat vantas? he was BORN for this. like if leslie goddamn knope was a bisexual teenage boy who wrote profanity laden dissertations on the cinematography of bridget jones. jade has a cute idea for a public works project and karkat has all the paperwork filled out and submitted in triplicate with construction started in about three hours. as far as anyone can tell he mostly just sits at his desk and yells at everyone (nobody else even has a desk, or an office, but he insisted on getting one) but somehow shit just Gets Done and everyone is impressed and a little unnerved
like listen. usage of his leadership skills? jack noir parallels? it’s funny? karkat gets to be useful and fulfilled and accomplished at something for once in his life? it’s perfect. c’mon. 
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home2tuckfeel2 · 7 years
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that’s it folks, that’s chapter 1 of self disclosure.
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home2tuckfeel2 · 7 years
fuck myer briggs fuck astrology
if you ask someone who their top 3 favorite homestuck characters were you literally know everything about them
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home2tuckfeel2 · 7 years
So anyway, despite that stupid fucking post I just saw, I’m in love with all the “””””””rules””””””” of trolls that hiveswap is breaking, and that person can go cry me a river in their unfun baby corner
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home2tuckfeel2 · 7 years
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i might have actually shed tears about this
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home2tuckfeel2 · 7 years
Hey, homestuck people, you can get hiveswap for $4.50 right now, someone might like the deal
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