holy-batmans · 3 days
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Have some more ✨Suggestive Boots✨
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holy-batmans · 5 days
Do you ever just come up with a fic idea and you're like 'Oh wow this is evil. This is so angsty and emotionally devastating why would anyone do this.' but it's you doing it
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holy-batmans · 5 days
don't want to write I want to think very hard about my fic until it emerges from my head fully formed like athena
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holy-batmans · 25 days
the relationship between a writer and their WIPs can be so…(transmutive, agonizing, soul shattering, haunting,)…personal…
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holy-batmans · 25 days
dick is so funny hes like im my OWN man with my OWN life and im NOT batmans fucking sidekick ANYMORE im NOT gonna take his orders im NOT gonna do whatever he asks me to im gonna live for ME and do what I DECIDE to do and follow my OWN path and forge a name for myself INDEPENDENT of bruce because i am NOT him and im NOT going to live under his shadow anymore. but then bruce calls like “hey dick i know youre halfway around the world currently having an identity crisis and going through severe unchecked emotional turmoil but can you come back to gotham? i cant reach my glass of water and dont want to get up. also could u like, ruin every aspect of your own life on your way here” and dick is like “Absolutely. Ill be there Five minutes ago”
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holy-batmans · 26 days
Tim showing up to Wayne Manor aged 13 wearing a t shirt saying "I'm not the step Robin I'm the Robin that stepped up"
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holy-batmans · 27 days
you COMMENT on fic? you comment on the story like it's worth something? oh! oh! love for reader! love for reader for One Thousand Years!!!!
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holy-batmans · 28 days
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The early diary of Anaïs Nin but also me lately. Need to bust out my journal
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holy-batmans · 1 month
it's me and the four people on ao3 who understand my favorite character in the exact same way against the world
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holy-batmans · 1 month
artist in denial of being depressed: omg this 2 month long art block has been crazy... sorry i haven't updated any of my fics in a long while! it's just been super difficult to daydream! so weird that i've lost a little bit of passion for my current comfort character and ocs... this couldn't possibly have any implications or alternative explanations
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holy-batmans · 1 month
Do you have any mutuals who you also know in person?
Yes, we were IRLs first and then followed each other on Tumblr
Yes, we were mutuals first and then planned to meet in-person
Yes, we were IRLs first and then coincidentally became mutuals
Yes, we were mutuals first and then coincidentally met in-person
Yes, the situation is more complicated than that
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holy-batmans · 1 month
utilising the gift of imagination to hallucinate moments of tenderness between fictional people
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holy-batmans · 1 month
Sometimes the rats in my brain come together and start yelling “YEARNING” and in trying to appease them I ask “FOR WHAT” but they are too small so all they can say is “YEARNING” which is a very big word for such a tiny creature, even collectively
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holy-batmans · 1 month
but in all seriousness, I’m chewing on the headcanon that Bruce killed a lot with Ra’s and the League of Assassins before forming his own no-killing code. and the batkids always think he’s never killed anyone and doesn’t have the stomach for it, but the opposite is true. he had the stomach for it and he was good at killing people. and if he didn’t have his code, his rules, he would simply never stop killing bad people who deserve it.
I’m imagining some sort of visit from Ra’s or Talia where they tease/allude to this right in front of the batkids and everyone just goes quiet. because Bruce? killing people? but there was always a reason he was going to be heir to Ra’s. they wouldn’t have chosen him if he didn’t have that kind of potential.
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holy-batmans · 1 month
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ollie is the queen of bullshit so he saw right thru bruce’s facade.
“we went to boarding school together. bruce was the weird kid in knee socks who’d throw up if someone looked at him. no way he becomes a womanizer”
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holy-batmans · 1 month
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more low quality images from meeee
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holy-batmans · 1 month
bring back tumblr ask culture let me. bother you with questions and statements
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