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Indie Pkm oc based on the Holon Phantoms TCG set
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holon-researcher · 3 years ago
B and U for the alphabet headcanons meme!
B - Boy/Girl - What is their gender? What’s their relationship with their gender? Has this changed over time? How does their gender identify relate to their gender expression?
Leith is a cis man who has never questioned his gender in his life, but he is also a man who doesn't care about whether the things he does/wears are 'traditionally masculine or not'. You can rip his lush bath bombs from his cold dead hands.
U - Ugly - What traits to they find unattractive in others? Do they have any of those traits themselves?
Disorganization, 'brutal honesty', bragging/pridefulness, interrupting/talking over people, unwillingness to learn. These are all things that come to mind. I think the only one that Leith himself has is the bragging one, all the other ones are traits I'd consider opposite to him.
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holon-researcher · 3 years ago
Headcanon A-Z
A - Advocate - How do they show their support for others? Are there any causes that they publicly support? Why? B - Boy/Girl - What is their gender? What’s their relationship with their gender? Has this changed over time? How does their gender identify relate to their gender expression? C - Caregiver - How do they give/receive care best? Do they care for everyone or just a small number of people? How do they react to someone in need? D - Director - How much do they feel the need to have control over their life? Do they spend a lot of time telling others what to do or and they more likely to be more obedient to others? E - Entrepreneur - How do they make money? Are they willing to take financial risks? How do they approach making deals with others? F - Friend - What kind of friend are they? How do they judge potential friends? Where do they draw the line between platonic and romantic relationships? How far would they go for a friend? How do they handle conflict in relationships? G - Growing - How have they changed over time? How has their self-image changed? Are they more or less of a risk-taker? Has their approach to romance changed? H - Hero - What makes someone a hero in their eyes? Who is their biggest hero in life? Why? Do they consider themselves to be heroic? I - Inventor - How creative is their thinking? Do they seek out the opinions of others or rely on their own ideas? What’s their problem solving approach? J - Joker - What’s their sense of humour like? Do they enjoy slapstick comedy? What kind of humour do they enjoy in others? K - Know It All - Are they a Know-it-All? Do they actively seek out new knowledge? How do they behave around others how have a great amount of knowledge on a topic? L - Lover - How do they show love? Do they love themselves? Do they believe that all you need is love? M - Miracle Worker - Who or what do they consider to be a miracle? Do they believe in magic? N - Navigator - What’s their sense of direction like? Do they have a set path in life that they’re planning on following? What do they do if they’re knocked off course? O - Organiser - How organised are they? Do they have any unusual organisation systems? What would cause them to be uncharacteristically (dis-)organised? P - Philosopher - Are they particularly philosophic? What do they believe is the purpose of life? Do they have any particularly strong convictions or ideologies? Q - Queen - What kind of leader are they? Are they entitled? What have they inherited from their parents? How powerful are they? Do they act superior towards others? R - Rebel - Do they follow rules, bend or break them? Do they find rebelliousness in others attractive? S - Seeker - How do they go in search of new information? Do they accept ideas on faith or do they need to test out information for themselves? T - Teacher - How often do they have to teach others? How do they go about it? How do they learn best? Do they dive in first and reflect later or study the theory of something new before putting it into practice? U - Ugly - What traits to they find unattractive in others? Do they have any of those traits themselves? V - Visionary - Do they have a plan for their future? How imaginative or creative are they? Do they have vivid dreams? W - Witness - What do they consider the best thing they have ever seen? What would they most like to see in their life? X - Xceptional - Who is the most exceptional person in their life? Are there any rules that they have notable exceptions to? What gets them excited in life? Y - Yes! - Do they believe in luck? What makes them feel lucky/grateful? Z - Zoo - What’s the favourite animal? Do they ever behave animalistically? If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Why?
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holon-researcher · 3 years ago
//I was really thinking about just what actual paying job Leith should have, since he doesn't get research grants for the Delta Species stuff (since technically he shouldn't be there).
I thought about him being a research assistant to a professor that studied ancient extinct Pokemon, at least during the time he was going through his bachelors program to the end of receiving his PhD.
From there I was thinking about him being an assistant college professor for an online Biology program? Or something. He could teach like Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
I don't think he'd be an asshole professor (gasp, I know), because he genuinely enjoys talking about this stuff so answering questions or offering tutoring wouldn't be an issue. He also knows being a dick would only create more work for himself.
Though, money really isn't a big problem for Leith anyway because his family is fairly wealthy and he actually has a good relationship with them.
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holon-researcher · 3 years ago
well, hes a fine young man. if you overlook the atrocities
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holon-researcher · 3 years ago
//Nerd moment: Looking at my cards and realizing there is a delta species dark/steel type Meowth card, which is interesting considering like, many years later the games would introduce both a dark type and steel type meowth form. I am going to tumble this info around in my brain for a bit
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holon-researcher · 3 years ago
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More art I commissioned of Leith, this time by @kaenblue. These are all so good, I love this bastard
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holon-researcher · 3 years ago
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Some art I commissioned of Leith by @roskii and I absolutely love it
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holon-researcher · 3 years ago
//I got some good ass Leith art I commissioned that I gotta post when I get on my laptop
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holon-researcher · 3 years ago
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holon-researcher · 3 years ago
“You’d do well not to mock the person in power, darling,” Sanctus warned gently through his tense smile. “But yes, I’m certain it will be most diverting indeed.”
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He accepted Leith’s gesture, wrapping his arm around the scientist’s own. He made a show of lightly sinking his nails into the man’s sleeve. Flattery? Now that was more like it. That lessened some of the tension in his expression.
“Thank you. I’d be lying if I said yours wasn’t nice as well. I believe there’s a river of the same name, correct?” Somewhere in or around Galar, if he recalled correctly. “Were you named after it?”
“Yes, yes, of course. I wouldn’t want you to do anything drastic of course, my love.” He was rather surprised when he accepted his arm, looping his own around Leiths. Still, the scientist wouldn’t let it show, and would proceed to pull out his phone with his free hand to schedule a ride to the capital. He could drive, but he’s sure neither of them would be comfortable with Leith driving them anywhere at this point. 
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“Yes, I do believe so. You’re quite knowledgeable, aren’t you? I do believe your name is quite fitting. Fair, with white hair like snow. Lovely, really.” Oh, now that he saw he responded well to flattery, he was going to lay it on thick.
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holon-researcher · 3 years ago
tell me what the worst takes for my muse would be if they were a canon character.
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holon-researcher · 3 years ago
a  list  of  my  favorite  one  -  liners  from  the  website  pinterest  . feel  free  to  customize  as  you  wish  !
‵  perhaps  i’ll  write  a  book  of  great  shit  i’ve  done  nobody’s  ever  noticed.  ′ ‵  as  god  as  my  witness,  i  will  never  be  a  victim  again.  ′ ‵  i’m  becoming  less  interesting.  the  world  is  noticing  and  so  are  you.  ′ ‵  you  are  such  a  soft  and  messy  thing.  nobody  knows  how  to  take  care  of  you.  ′ ‵  with  each  passing  day  i  can  feel  my  potential  melting  away  into  nothing.  ′ ‵  everyone  thinks  i’ve  gotten  better.  i  haven’t.  i’ve  just  gotten  better  at  hiding  it.  ′ ‵  i  haven’t  felt  real  in  a  long  time.  ′ ‵  i  told  my  therapist  about  you.  ′ ‵  and  i’m  plagued  by  childhood  traumas.  ′ ‵  you  don’t  need  a  reason  to  save  people.  ′ ‵  and  here  you  are  living  despite  it  all.  ′ ‵  i  can  do  this  .  and  even  if  i  can’t  ,  i  have  to.  ′ ‵  i’m  afraid  of  what  i’ve  become.  ′ ‵  i’ll  do  this  my  way.  ′ ‵  you’ll  be  just  like  your  father.  ′ ‵  i  wanted  to  write  down  exactly  what  i  felt  but  somehow  the  paper  stayed  empty.  i  could  not  have  described  it  any  better.  ′ ‵  sometimes  i  have  a  way  with  words  —  sometimes  words  have  their  way  with  me.  ′ ‵  some  days,  i  feel  everything  at  once.  other  days,  i  feel  nothing  at  all.  i  don’t  know  what’s  worse;  drowning  beneath  waves  or  dying  from  the  thirst.  ′ ‵  don’t  promise  to  live  forever,  promise  to  forever  live  while  you’re  alive.  ′ ‵  you  wear  the  kind  of  smile  that  would  be  cruel  not  to  kiss.  ′ ‵  in  your  hesitation  i  found  my  answer.  ′ ‵  thinking  of  you  is  a  poison  i  drink  often.  ′ ‵  flowers  will  grow  from  by  bones.  ′ ‵  if  i  can  still  breathe,  i’m  fine.  ′ ‵  you  already  know  how  this  will  end.  ′ ‵  who  am  i?  ′ ‵  i  fought  the  war  but  the  war  won.  ′ ‵  we’ll  never  be  those  kids  again.  ′ ‵  they  made  you  into  a  weapon  and  told  you  to  find  peace.  ′ ‵  they  know  you  walk  like  a  god  —  they  can’t  believe  i  made  you  weak.  ′ ‵  a  scar  means  i  survived.  ′ ‵  i  was  not  made  to  be  subtle.  ′ ‵  my  purpose  is  greater  than  my  pain.  ′ ‵  you  will  not  choke  the  divine  from  me.  i  am  my  own  god  and  martyr.  ′
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holon-researcher · 3 years ago
//If anyone would like to plot things with Leith I am 100% down 👀
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holon-researcher · 3 years ago
ermm….aren’t you gonna tell me what a special boy i am and how my discoveries will shake the scientific world and how fascinating my experiments are now? lol…… i wore my longest most flowy lab coat today do you like it. ignore the bloodstains lol ahahaha. oh and you totally saw the brains in jars right
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holon-researcher · 3 years ago
//If Leith were a Pokemon/had a PMD au, he'd be a Linoone. Thank you for your time
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holon-researcher · 3 years ago
“A date? You flatter yourself, sir,” Sanctus said through a tense grin. He could get a date from anyone whenever he wanted! Such nerve! Now he had every intention of racking up the most impressive bill he could muster. “I’m merely bored and peckish, and I’m never one to pass on the opportunity to ‘kill two birds with one stone’, as they say.”
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"Might as well go now. There’s no time like the present, don’t you agree?”
A name, hm?
“Call me Gwyn. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Doctor Sutherland.”
“Oh? Perhaps I do. My apologies for misreading your intentions.” Well, looks like someone was grumpy and to think Leith had been so nice as to play along. Oh well. “Well, I certainly hope our little night out proves to be entertaining regardless.” And he’s sure it will, regardless of outcome.
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“I agree, why dawdle when fine cuisine awaits us.” Leith would offer his arm to Sanctus with a teasing grin, fully expecting a rejection to the gesture. “Gwyn? What a lovely name. No, I assure you, it’s my pleasure sweetie.” Well, maybe he’ll keep playing the game a little longer now that he sees that it gets under his skin. 
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holon-researcher · 3 years ago
acts  that  could  be  aggressive   //   or  a  little  bit  sexy   //   or  both.                     send  a  symbol  from  your  muse  to  mine.  feel  free  to  combine  actions  or  add  specifics  even  when  it  doesn’t  ask  for  it   !     can  send  non - sexually  as  well.
🔪   //   put  a  knife  to  my  muse’s  throat .
🖐️   //   put  a  hand  around  my  muse’s  throat .
👕   //   slide  a  weapon  up  under  my  muse’s  shirt     (   can  specify   ) .
👔   //   grab  my  muse  by  the  collar   &   pull  them  closer .
🔒   //   lock  my  muse  in  a  room  alone  with  your  muse .
🗩   //   verbally  threaten  my  muse     (   please  specify   ) .
🔙   //   push  my  muse  against  a  wall .
📌   //   pin  my  muse’s  wrists  above  their  head .
🔵   //   grab  my  muse  hard  enough  to  leave  a  bruise .
🔑   //   handcuff  my  muse .
➰   //   tie  my  muse  to  a  chair .
⭕   //   restrain  my  muse  with  an  item  of  clothing     (   please  specify   ) .
🚨   //   push  my  muse  to  the  ground   &   straddle  them .
📢   //   tell  my  muse   ‘  stop  squirming   !  ’ .
🔗   //   otherwise  restrain  my  muse     (   please  specify   ) .
👀   //   grab  my  muse’s  jaw   &   direct  their  gaze  towards  yours .
⚡   //   tug  my  muse’s  hair .
⚠️   //   bite  my  muse     (   can  specify  where   ) .
😏   //   give  my  muse  a  hickey .
✂️   //   run  fingernails  over  my  muse’s  skin   &   scratch  them .
💦   //   cover  my  muse’s  mouth .
💋   //   give  my  muse  a  kiss  that  draws  blood .
🗡️   //   cut  my  muse  with  a  knife     (   can  specify  where   ) .
💀   //   kidnap  my  muse .
😶   //   put  a  hand  over  my  muse’s  nose   &   mouth .
💥   //   tighten  something  around  my  muse’s  throat  that  restricts  their  blood - flow  /  oxygen  supply     (   please  specify   ) .
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