THINGS TO DO IN LA: Upright Citizens Brigade
Upright Citizens Brigade – Long day at work? In the mood to laugh your face off?  Head on over to Upright Citizens Brigade, LA’s hottest spot for comedy. Located in both New York and LA, UCB breeds some of Hollywood’s most hilarious stars.  So, make your way to Franklin Street for seven nights a week of the best improv and sketch comedy in town. UCB is quaintly tucked between adorable shops and restaurants as well, so after the show, hit up La Poubelle for divine French cuisine or Bird’s Cafe for the best rotisserie chicken in town. 
For more info Los Angeles Lifestyle and things to do in LA, click Click Here
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5 Reasons Why Guys Need Bottle Service at Hollywood Nightclubs
I’m not gonna lie, just a few years back, bottle service at Hollywood nightclubs was an exclusive thing. Every venue would have just a few special tables set aside for their very special guests. If you were lucky enough to make it into the “VIP room,” you’d be partying with actors, musicians, and models, along with the handful of extra peeps connected enough, hot enough, or perhaps just dressed really well enough to get inside. The whole idea behind it was for celebrities and VIP’s to have a way for themselves to be separated from the masses inside a nightclub. And only those connected enought people could actually get into these Hollywood nightclubs in the first place. At that time, it was all about the "quality" of the crowd.
Fast forward to 2012, and nightclubs in Hollywood have sold out to the bottle service business. In fact, bottle service has become the standard for most nightclubs around the world. It started getting popular in Europe, Miami and NYC, and then quickly spread to LA and beyond. These days, anyone with the cash to throw down that isn’t a “bad look” for a club, can typically secure a table inside. 
So, why do guys need to get bottle service? Here’s the top 5 reasons:
1.)  YOU (almost) NEED IT TO GET IN: The clubs these days are built around table/bottle service. The dance floors have gotten smaller and the number of tables has gotten larger. Unless you’re rolling out with large group of attractive girls, it’s going to be difficult to even get inside. Groups with more than 3 guys are almost expected to do bottle service in Hollywood these days. If you're well connected to an owner, promoter, or doorman, you may be able to still swing the easy entrance. Otherwise, if you don't have the cash to throw down, there are plenty of cool bars and lounges in the area without doormen.
2.)  IT’S (practically) FISCALLY PRUDENT: At hot Hollywood nightclubs, even if you can get in, you’ll easily drop 100-150 bucks at the bar buying that cute blond and her friend drinks and a couple shots, only to find them suddenly disappear when you turn around to pay your bill. Spend just a tad more and avoid that mess. Think about it, if you’re with a group of 6 guys, it cost each of you maybe 150-200 bucks for a two bottle table.
3.)  YOU GET TO STAKE YOUR CLAME:  When you’re walked to your table it’s like placing your flag on the moon (sort of, lol). You are buying your spot for the night. It’s easy to spot people walking by, and it gives you a place to regroup and for friends to find you. Ultimately, you are paying for the real estate to have your own mini party within the whole club party.
4.)  GET TREATED LIKE ROYALTY: Yes, we know that your mom thinks you are the most special person in the world. But for the rest of the world, that’s not necessarily the case. Door guys, bottle girls, promoters, the clubs manager, and most guests in the place will treat you like you’re the king. 75-85% of a clubs revenue comes from bottle sales. You’re in charge (well…kinda).
5.)  THE GIRLS: If you don’t already have some girls in your group, this one’s for you. And come on, we all know that 90% of the time you go out it’s to meet somebody special. Ms. Right or Ms. Right Now. And if you’ve got a table, you’d be amazed how many girls you can meet by inviting them for a cocktail at your table. It’s a great ice-breaker and not as smarmy as trying to buy a girl a drink at the bar. Trust me, the pretty reality star ten feet away wearing those sky-high heels would love a place to sit. Also, ask the promoter you went through to get the table to bring some girls around, and he’ll happily comply.
Another tip is when your bottle waitress pours your first drink, hand her 20 bucks and ask her if she can send some girls over. She’ll be more than happy to help, knowing that you’ll buy more and her tip will be bigger at the end of the night. And lastly, when your bottles are brought out with sparkers….well forget about it. Girls follow those things like moths to a flame. Funny, but it’s true.
***** BONUS Tip: BOTTLE Pirates – Beware Nightlife’s Most Dangerous Villains.  These are the girls in the Hollywood nightclubs who will come try to mooch off your table and drink your booze for free, only to suddenly disappear the moment the bottle seems to be getting low. If you notice your so-called new “friends” suddenly get less interested in the conversation and their eyes start to wander when you pour the last drop of Goose, you’ve probably got a bottle pirate on your hands. One great way to test this is to casually mention you’ve just ordered another bottle and it’ll be out in a second. If her face lights up and her body language suddenly pivots back towards you, then you know what you have to do. Spend more or move on.
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Hollywood Nightclubs and Top Tips for How to Get In
Hollywood Nightclubs, as we all know, are quite the scene. They are a place to see, be seen, and party your butt off. But it’s a dog-eat-dog world when it comes to getting in. In an industry that is ALL about appearances, good-looking girls usually have a good handle on how to secure passage across those velvet ropes. Read any nightclub’s Yelp review and it will be filled with bitter guys and girls who never did their research to figure out how to get in. But for guys  who aren’t related to Gene Simmons and girls who don’t necessarily live in “hot girl land”, the few simple tips here should help you out: 
1.) Look the Part . Know ahead of time what kind of scene the club caters towards. The Ed Hardy and Affliction and Jersey Shore type attire is always a no –no. Girls, go for something sexy but not too “I work the local corner” ~esque. Most guys don’t know the different between Forever 21 and YSL, so save your cash. And guys,if you’re not an “in-the-know” hipster with ahead-of-the-curve style, just invest in some designer denim, a fitted blazer, and good shoes. Speaking of shoes… 
2.) Shoes Are Key . Believe it or not, this is a big issue when it comes to entry into Hollywood nightclubs. Oftentimes nightclubs don’t want tennis shoes into their club. That’s why you should always be equipped with heels (for girls) and the stylish sneaker or dress shoes for guys. 
We’re all pretty familiar with what dress shoes look like, just try and stay away from anything your grandfather would wear, unless he’s Ralph Lauren. The in-betweens are the tricky ones. A perfect example of kicks like these are Creative Recreations, look them up now if you’ve never heard of them before. These shoes are perfect because they go well with jeans and slacks, they’re not bulky like normal sneakers, and a majority of them are fully leather, so they’re pretty easy to sneak by a bouncer.
3.) Guys Bring Some Ladies.  I’m sorry but unless you want to spend your Saturday evening on the wrong side of that velvet rope outside the hottest SBE joint, this is one of the big ones…if not the biggest.  If you want to enjoy your boys-night out, hit up a bar or boys-towns if that’s your thing, but for your trendy Hollywood nightclubs you’ll want to keep those ratios tilting in the females favor.  2 to 1 at least is ideal.  Unless your one girl is a serious looker, then you can just roll in with your golden ticket.
4.) Befriend a Promoter Love them or hate them, promoters are here to stay. These are the guys (and girls) responsible for bringing the party to the club. Find one that’s high-up on the promotion team, and he probably has good sway with the doorman. If you’re tight, he might even be able to swing the impossible and get the “it’s just me and my buddy” duo into the venue. But be nice. They can also ban you from the place.
5.) Flash some Cash.  Perhaps the easiest way to enjoy the hot Hollywood nightclubs is to book your VIP bottle service.
At your typical hotspots, you’ll encounter what is referred to as a “bottle minimum”, meaning you must purchase at least x number of bottles to reserve a table. Depending on the size and gender ratios of the group, it’s usually 1 bottle per 3-4 people, with bottle prices starting at around 400 bucks for your standard Grey Goose at a hot club.  For clubs that have been around for a bit longer, it may be in the 250-300 range. And remember, this price is before tax and tip. Tip your waitresses generously. They work hard and have to put up with you hitting on them all night after all.
If you can’t afford a table, you can always try to discretely slip some bills to the doorman or a promoter. And don’t insult him with $20 bucks for you and your 4 dudes. $25-50 bucks a head usually does the trick. It doesn’t always work, but it can be worth a try.
6.) Smile . Believe it or not, flashing that grill is actually one of the best ways to get you past those ropes and into the dopest celebrity filled Hollywood nightclubs. Attitude is important.  Don’t EVER get pissy and use some stupid line like, “Do you know who I am?” Trust me. The doorman knows.  You’re the dumbass who thinks being a dick is going to help anything. It won’t. Guy or girl, be nice. Make the doorman laugh and he might even overlook your overly baggy jeans, fat friends, bad ratios, and the fact you don’t know a soul in the place.
Seriously…smile. It just might work
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Hollywood nightlife...you go to source http://www.dailyiso.com
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