hollyehyde · 5 years
So this is tumblr...
Hi... so i’m Holly. I’m being that stereotypical 16 year old that is trying to find a way to showcase the voice that I suddenly realise I have.  I’m going to give tumblr a go. To be honest, I always remembered hearing the phrase ‘that’s so tumblr’, and I don’t really get it now, because people would always link a certain image of vibe to this website. Maybe a photo that was super saturated or included palm trees... I don’t know. But... I have spent maybe 5 minutes on this thing, and I already see way more then that ‘vibe’. I see it as a platform for so many people like myself who want to be heard, or who want to inspire others.
Well, sorry to cut this first post short but that’s my thought for the moment. I think the next post is going to emphasise of what I like, why you as a reader should continue reading.... by the way congrats if you managed to get up to here. I mean.... i’m glad your engaged. To be honest, I haven’t quite worked out my style yet, you know! I think that it’s going to change and develop... and i’m excited about that. 
If you have been a... is the phrase ‘tumblr-er’ for a while. Any hot tips, getting responses, readers etc? Would love to know... I’m going to share a little more about what I like and all soon... just getting the hang of this now though. Ok, i’m going to go now.
Holly xo
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