hollychevalier · 5 years
“I haven’t come to share your meal… at least not that kind of meal,” Ryder told her with a grin. He took a seat down beside her, ignoring the fact that she might not want his company. “Remember all those meals we use to share? Ah, I miss the good old days.”
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“Jesus Christ,” Holly all but shouted as she was joined by yet another person she didn’t want to see. “What kind of fucked up Welcome To Your Life episode is this.” She huffed, almost stunned by her cursing. “There were no good old days, I was depressed and stupid and just wanted to make bad decisions. You were a bad decision.”
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hollychevalier · 5 years
Hadn’t one reunion been enough to inflict upon Holly? Seeing Ciarán the last time he was in town should have been the end of it, but yet seeing the young novice of a vampire sit there alone consuming one cupcake after another was just too good of an opportunity to pass up. “From what I remember, you always wanted to share everything with me,” the vampire quipped, taking a seat across from Holly regardless if the hostile nature warranted anything but his company at this current point in time…or any point in time. As Ciarán sat there, blue eyes gazing over at the familiar face that had come to disdain his presence he couldn’t help but allow a seemingly smug grin to pull at the corner of his lips. She did amuse him like it or not and there had been a reason Ciarán spent as long as he did with her. “You look good, Holly.” He finally spoke up, breaking the uncomfortable silence before reaching for one of the cupcakes and dipping his index finger into the frosting to lick, even if he had no real joy in eating this sort of thing anymore. “We could make these better.” 
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And here she thought she’d been in a bad mood before. At the very least she was being melancholy in only the way Holly Chevalier could but her expression soured immediately given her new companion. His first words wounded her and she knew he’d done that on purpose, she only wished she wasn’t the sort of person who so openly wore her heart on her sleeve because she was sure he could see the pain and anger he caused her. All she’d ever wanted in her life was to be loved and here was the one person she thought had, who had never meant it at all. What a cosmic joke. “You look awful,” she countered, eyes flickering to his hand. “How? Are you planning on choking on them?”
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hollychevalier · 5 years
Alex had done it, she’d gone and she’d testified against Morgan. She’d told them everything that she knew about her father, every terrible thing he’d put her through. About all the things she’d come to learn about her father once she’d left that world behind. He’d asked to see her afterwards and she had hesitated but gone anyways. It was time that she faced him. What he told her next though rocked her whole world. One of her sisters was living right here in Hollow Grove and it was someone Alex knew. Holly Chevalier. She’d fled, trying to process what this all meant but eventually she found herself at the dance studio. Leaning against the door way as a class finished she waited until the students had started to clear out before she entered the space. “Hey Holly,” Alex said hesitantly. “Do you have a minute to chat, I just… I’ve stumbled across somethings and I had some questions for you.” How the hell was she supposed to have this conversation. Alex had no idea, honestly. 
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Selfishly, she wanted to know nothing of the Clave trial. Holly had no knowledge, no involvement of them and besides the theatrics she managed to carry on the previous year, she’d never as much as come face to face with them.  She didn’t keep up with what was going on, she had no idea who was testifying, nothing, completely out of the loop and she preferred it that way. She’d managed to keep herself busy in her studio. Her studio. The thought of it still blew her away, though she didn’t dare change the name. Miss Holly’s didn’t have the ring that Miss Anne’s did and so she carried that on. She’d only just finished a class of ten to twelve year olds when a familiar face stopped by, she was surprised to see Alex, but more surprised to see her without her little one, who Holly had been endeared too also. “Oh?” Her question was framed strangely and even if she hadn’t had a minute to chat, she would have said yes to hear what Alex had to say. “Sure, I suppose. What kind of questions?”
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hollychevalier · 5 years
Dash spotted Holly and approached with a smile, he was however caught off guard by her words. “Seriously?” Dash held his hands over his heart. “You wound me, Chevalier. You wound me.” He shook his head looking sad. “You alright there Hols?” He said looking at her stash of cupcakes before settling into the chair across from her. “You sure you don’t want to share just one with little old me?”
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It was hard to for her to be mean to anyone, much less Dash Hastings, father of Holly’s child. Or so she liked to joke. She’d gotten so attached to Darcy that she was practically her own mini me and considering that the girl was pretty much her own source of light in her life, she didn’t want to do anything that might jeopardize that. “I’m fine,” she told him, though she still looked miserable. “Just thinking about how long and stupid my life is gonna be.” She managed a sheepish smile, pushing two cupcakes in his direction, a sort of peace offering. “Only cause you asked so nicely.”
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hollychevalier · 5 years
It certainly wasn’t difficult to forget the face of the drunken vampire who wanted a quick makeout session a few nights ago, but the change of mood going from an overtly friendly nature to one of hostility for her own cupcakes certainly was an interesting change of pace. As was evident by the perplexed expression crossing the features of the witch as blue eyes ventured from the cupcakes to the other and back to the cupcakes. The chocolate one, in particular, kept the attention of the witch from venturing back to meet the vampire’s gaze. “I wasn’t…” She was, but the point was she wasn’t going to act on it…even if that was the last chocolate cupcake in the bakery. So to make a passive point, Farren took a seat at a table adjacent to the other, her chair nearing Holly’s own far morer than would be typically accepted as far as sitting at separate tables went. “But, that is a lot of cupcakes.”
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Holly, bless her sweet little heart, did not remember. Though if you told her this fact she’d deny it vehemently, swearing that alcohol simply didn’t have that effect on her anymore. It was something she’d tell herself so that she could continue to indulge without any guilt. She was a vampire now. Weren’t they all destructive and gluttonous in their own way? She wasn’t mean, never mean, just moody. Stubborn and sad and all the things she told herself she’d never be again, if she was in the dramatics mood, she’d talk about how she was full of ennui, instead she eyed the redhead cautiously trying to place a familiar face. “I’m eating to fill the empty void that is my soul.” Okay, maybe she was in the mood for dramatics. “I told her I wanted to try one of each. I’m not going to gain weight so why the hell not.”
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hollychevalier · 5 years
“That hurts,” Mako sighed and flopped down in front of her, his own dozen set on the table. “See, I was gonna share but now my heart, it’s kind of broken, you know?” His boyish, slightly manic grin flashed and he bit into a particularly cheerful-looking cupcake with relish.
Oh it had to have been him. Of course it was. She wasn’t mean, Holly was never mean, but even in her moody sense of self she felt apologetic when Mako was involved, it was like being rude to a giant stuffed bear. “I’m sure you’ll manage,” she said but she’d managed a sheepish smile and she sighed visibly, shoulders heaving up and down as she did so. “Will you at least eat with me?”
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hollychevalier · 5 years
Arthur muffled a sigh. The young woman really had a way of playing on his nerves simply by opening her mouth. “If you’ve developed a mind reading skill, it needs to be worked on a little more,” he said dryly. “I was just trying to get to my table. The only open one is behind you.” With that, he moved past her to sit down at the table he’d indicated. 
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Ah yes, Arthur Grey. The human embodiment of the white crayon. Or, well, vampire embodiment. She would have rather run into the devil himself at this point than someone so overwhelmingly dull, rude and condescending. “Then sit,” she simply replied, no point in drumming up any sort of emotion for this. She just grabbed her next cupcake, momentarily pictured herself shoving into his face, and took a bite.
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hollychevalier · 5 years
Nina raised her eyebrows at the girl’s rude and presumptuous behavior. “How lucky for me that I don’t have the slightest desire to stuff my face with sugar,” she said, smiling sweetly. Seeing her brother back in town had put her in a foul mood and she was far from her usual sunny self. This girl’s attitude wasn’t helping. “I was only going to tell you that you appear to have a bit of frosting in your hair. Unless you went to a truly talentless salon and that’s supposed to be a highlight.”
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“Lucky for you indeed.” It was starting to dawn of her that she should have taken her entire baker’s dozen to go, a part of her had only hoped that she’d get Luna out here so she could cry about her impending immortality that was now looming over her head but no luck. She tugged at the base of her pony tail and shrugged one shoulder. “I’m saving it for later,” she commented lamely. She almost felt like she did when it was her time of the month, and hell-- at this rate she’d prefer that over this. 
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hollychevalier · 5 years
The high of monster jam had worn off faster than she’d wanted it to and she’d been thrust back to this life that she didn’t much care for anymore. She’d spoken with her mother over facetime and she’d commented on her skin, how she didn’t seem to have aged a bit since she was about twenty years old. There were times when Holly could easily pretend she was living a normal human life, she’d only been a vampire for about six years after all, but she'd been brought back down to reality all too quickly. She didn't think there was getting out of this funk, but she was certainly attempting to by eating her way through a dozen cupcakes. All placed in front of her in different flavors, she'd taken a large bite of one when a familiar face neared and through a mouthful of food all she managed was, "Don't even think about it-- I'm not in a sharing mood."
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hollychevalier · 5 years
You are my fire
“The one desire– believe, when I say, I want it that way.”
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hollychevalier · 5 years
how did you feel about being a vampire?
“Doesn’t everyone here know how I feel about that?” Holly shook her head, looking down at her lap for a moment. “I hate it. Worst decision I ever made and I hate that I was stupid enough to think, sure– let me give up my life for someone who claims they love me. Someone who tells me we were going to spend an eternity together. I hate the sight of blood. No one takes me seriously. I’m never going to have kids–I’m never going have kids.” She repeated this last sentence, feeling sick to her stomach even though she was sure it wasn’t possible. This question was far too serious for her own liking. “And I don’t even sparkle, I was totally committed to sparkle motion,” she added, trying to make light of the whole situation. “I want my money back.”
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hollychevalier · 5 years
Kate | Ever
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hollychevalier · 5 years
Kate | Ever
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hollychevalier · 5 years
“I think my fifteen-year-old self is currently deceased over the sight of her.” she replied wistfully, still swaying a little at the sight of Rihanna on the stage, despite the fact that she had seen her in previous years. “And holy shit, I can’t believe Lizzo is here too. I mean, we have literally the best luck in the world right now.”
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“You know I didn’t think I could get starstruck anymore.” She told her shaking her head in disbelief. “I mean-- I’ve met my share of celebrities. I met Lin Manuel Miranda when he was doing In The Heights but this--” she looked up at the stage. “You think Lizzo will teach me that flute/twerk trick?”
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hollychevalier · 5 years
Luna smiled and leaned into Holly when their heads pressed together. She hadn’t had as many as Holly, she didn’t think, but she felt a little tipsy. Maybe. Maybe more than tipsy, but still good. “What you did, as long as you love me,” she finished singing. After, she gave a giggle and joined in Holly’s excitement. “Yes. I’ve been waiting for this day for months. But I have no idea if they’ll remember us.” Luna hadn’t considered that possibility, really. They’d never received any restraining orders, and meeting them had been…well, it was the Backstreet Boys. Need she say more? “Were we memorable enough?”
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“Were we memorable enough?” Holly sounded aghast, mouth gaping as she pulled away from Luna. “Have you met us?” Though she held herself in high regards she had compelled the security at Backstreet Boys to let her through, would they remember them. “There’s only one true way to find out,” she told her linking her hand with hers and tugging in the direction of their stage. “Let’s go ask them.”
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hollychevalier · 5 years
“Finally, someone takes me up on it. I’ve propositioned about halt the people here, but then again I mean, I don’t actually think I knew some of them. Which is weird since I’ve only ever lived here.” she replied with a chuckle, having momentarily forgotten that there were people from all over coming to Hollow Grove for this week. “Streaking … I haven’t done that since I was… god, eighteen, nineteen. With Harry Taylor, I thought it’d make me look good with him it didn’t. I might need more shots for that.”
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“Everyone here’s lame.” She said, emphasizing the last word, though that wasn’t necessarily true as much that her perception was severely skewed. “Guess that’s why someone gave me that look when I asked if they wanted to make out.” She shrugged this off like it was nothing, like she asked this question often. Though, really, she did.  “Why would you need to look good for someone named Harry Taylor,” Holly’s nose scrunched up. “How many shots?” She asked eyebrows raising.
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hollychevalier · 5 years
Drunk and far too friendly with everyone for her own good, Holly slid an arm around Luna and pressed her head against hers. “I don’t care who you are where you’re from--” she started to sing, clearly getting amped for their new tradition. She kissed the top of her head and squealed. “Are you excited. Do you think they’ll remember us?”
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