hollybriars-blog · 5 years
hit   the   ❤ !   length   will   vary.   &&   i   might   drop   in   to   plot   !
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hollybriars-blog · 5 years
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“ isn’t that just – so crazy to think about ? ” messi began, shaking her head, “ to get a guy to buy a necessity, i have to market it almost inappropriately ? i have to give a cleaning product sex appeal. it’s a sponge ! whereas if my target audience was a woman i could literally just say ‘ here’s a new and improved sponge. you’ll like it and will make cleaning easier. ’ and it would work. ”
❝   times   may   be   changing   messi   ,   but   the   boys   are   not   .   ❞   fingers   come   up   to   brush   through   her   pony   -   tail.   hair   had   gotten   into   her   way   earlier   in   the   day,   so   she'd   tugged   it   into   the   messiest   pony   -   tail   in   existence.   ❝   i   mean   ,   you   could   always   cut   your   sponges   into   titties.   you'd   really   be   in   business   then   !   ❞   she   pauses   ,   dropping   her   voice   into   a   deep,   announcer   like   tone:   ❝   the   titty   -   like   sponge   !   it   cleanses   last   night's   deeds   from   your   skin   almost   instantaneously   !   ❞   she   can't   help   the   little   giggle   that   follows   —   utterly   dropping   the   act.   ❝   they'd   be   snatchin'   that   shit   right   off   the   shelves.   ❞ 
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hollybriars-blog · 5 years
there   was   something   about   the   end   of   the   day   —   when   everyone   was   filing   off   campus   …   or   back   to   their   respective   dorms.   it   was   calm   —   peaceful,   even.   there   were   so   few   people   walking   on   the   outskirts   of   campus   that   she   couldn't   help   but   do   it   herself.   it   gave   her   time   to   think.   moments   of   utter   silence   were   so   unbelievably   rare   these   days.   a   sound   touches   her   ears   —   it   was   light   ,   at   first.   curiosity   drives   her   forward.   she   wasn't   an   investigator   —   not   by   any   means.   typically   pretty   good   at   minding   her   own   business.   however,   the   music   was   nice.   she   recognized   the   song   almost   instantly.   she   just   had   to   see   who   was   playing.   she   stops   at   the   door,   trying   to   peer   in   without   interrupting   them.   but   —   alas,   whomever   it   was,   had   positioned   themselves   just   out   of   view.  
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she   pauses,   considering.   then,   finally,   she   pushes   the   door   open.   spotting   a   girl   with   a   foot   in   the   water.   her   guitar   positioned   in   her   lap.   it   brought   a   smile   to   holly's   face.   the   sound   seemed   to   change,   with   the   door   open,   so   she   slid   inside   and   let   it   shut   quietly   behind   her.   she   had   to   tell   the   girl   how   amazing   her   music   was.  
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        sometimes , at the end of classes , josie liked to sneak into the pool with her guitar to sing a few songs in the comfort of her own presence. there were only a few times that someone entered the pool area when she was there but it was rare. with one foot in the water, josie began playing her guitar and began playing roses by the chainsmokers ; one of her absolute favourite songs.
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hollybriars-blog · 5 years
eyes   raise   from   her   phone   ,   brow   raising   curiously   .   teeth   tug   her   bottom   lip   inwards   ,   pondering   the   situation   for   a   moment   before   finally   :   ❝   i   mean   ,   you   could   always   slap   a   dirty   joke   on   the   front   of   it.   ❞   an   amused   smirk   lifts   onto   her   features   ,   ❝   you   know   ,   make'em   laugh   'n   they'll   buy   your   shit.   ❞   she   had   been   laid   on   her   belly   ,   staring   at   her   phone   ,   rather   than   the   book   that   was   open   in   front   of   her.   she   was   supposed   to   be   studying.   however   ,   that   hadn't   really   worked   out.   finally   ,   she   pulls   herself   up   into   a   sitting   position.   crossing   her   legs   in   front   of   her.   ❝   if   not   that   ,   then   just   slap   titties   on   the   cover.   they'll   appreciate   that,   too.   ❞  
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“ my market research class just gave me the most insane assignment – i’ve been given a mock brand and they only sell sponges, and somehow i have to figure out how to market it exclusively to men. i have no idea how to pitch it ; what man on this earth actually cares enough about a 3-pack of different colored sponges ? ”
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hollybriars-blog · 5 years
okay ! i’m headed to bed. i’ll be on to reply to starters and really get the ball rolling in the morning.
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hollybriars-blog · 5 years
hello !! my name is parker && i’m 19 years old.  i’m kinda shy , so i rarely reach out to anyone first . however , the way to my heart is dogs && ghosts. which , while a weird combination ... they make my heart go uwu . 
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okay so this bio is kinda  ... not good . but i wanted to get it out so i can write !!!! so here you go , under the cut is a rather lengthy bio for my lil brat . i hope u guys like her ! 
GENERAL. NAME.    holly ann briars. NICKNAME.    her mother always called her pumpkin , because of a childhood fascination with pumpkins. AGE.    twenty - two. BIRTHDATE.    may 17th , 1997. ORIENTATION.   pansexual . OCCUPATION.     student .
PHYSICAL. HEIGHT.    5'7" WEIGHT.   52kg.   EYES.    blue . HAIR.     longer , a medium brown shade. straight — with light waves , depending on the humidity. TATTOOS.   n/a.   SCENT.      she has a very flowery scent , with a light clean undertone . she loves vanilla , and will often be found wearing a nice vanilla perfume.    SKIN TEXTURE.   very soft . she's absolutely obsessed with lotion & skincare , so hear skin is healthy as can be . CLOTHING STYLE.    it's very versatile . holly loves long flowy shirts and skirts . with the occasional dress thrown in — but she also has a thing for sharp , edgy jackets and boots that reach her knees. it's just whatever mood you catch her in . POSITIVE TRAITS.    she is so positive , her entire outlook on life is very optimistic. under that , she has a kind streak that she likes to keep hidden. she's very generous , and very reliable . she's charming , and knows how to work her way through a conversation.
NEGATIVE TRAITS.      on the flip side though , she is very reckless. she cares little for her own physical safety. she's got a sharp tongue, and will spit negativity if given the chance. she borders on having a narcissistic personality , and is very vain .
NOTES ON PERSONALITY.   a lot of how she acts is a direct correlation of what happened with her brother . she carries a lot of guilt on her shoulders over it. she suffers from post traumatic stress disorder. her panic attacks are typically triggered by bodies of water , and or being exposed to anything swimming related .
BAD HABITS.   she tends to tug her hair out when stressed , and is often wearing extensions to hide the spots that she's tugged out. she bites the inside of her mouth until it bleeds.  
EYES.   her eyes , a deep oceanic blue , flow just like water . they sparkle in the sunlight & will certainly capture your heart with one glance. she's gotten fairly good at doing her eye makeup to accentuate the color of her hues. she has thick bottom lashes , with matching upper ones.
HAIR.   long , landing just below the middle of her back. though it's quite straight , it has it's days where it will get a light wave to it. she enjoys those days , as she's not entirely fond of the stick - straight look that she typically has going on . a medium brown , with some lighter highlights flowing through .
MOTHER.   abigail rose briars , alive . childhood : as a child , abigail was a very good mother. she was a single mother , working two jobs . doing her best to keep food on the table for her little girl. she did her best to bond with holly, through everything. elder childhood : they only got closer as she got older , that is , until her little brother florian was born . after he came into the world holly felt replaced . she felt as though her mother didn't care for her and there was a lot of jealousy . however , abigail tried to get through to her daughter . begged her to understand .pre - teens : after florian died , her mother withdrew herself from holly. which , while understandable from an outsider's perspective . . . it was very traumatizing for a girl who was already carrying so much guilt . teens : her mother , utterly withdrawn from her , kicked her out of her home at 17. she has not spoken to her since.
FATHER.   declan michael mathers , deceased . holly never knew her father .
BROTHER.   florian alexander briars , deceased . she never wanted her brother , after his birth , she grew very resentful towards him because of how much attention it took away from her. however, she grew to like him. she even loved him , eventually .
she was born at exactly 9:30 in the morning. her mother had a c - section . her grandmother was stood at her daughter's side , since her father wasn't in the picture.
her entire family was in the waiting room — anxiously waiting to hear the gender. they erupted in applause as soon as she was announced.
without her grandmother , eliza , they wouldn't have made it. eliza watched holly a lot growing up and took her to all of her school functions and made sure that she had things to do after school.
holly's mother adored her and tried to be around as much as she could — but she was doing everything possible to keep a roof over their heads + food in their bellies.
she worked two jobs throughout the entirety of holly's childhood.
when holly was nine, her mother fell pregnant with a little boy.
holly was excited, right up until florian was born. his birth took the attention away from her , and she grew very frustrated with him.
it took her a good year and a half of constant contact with him before she got even remotely comfortable with him. around two, she had even grown to love him.
he died when he was three. she was getting ready to turn thirteen. abigail had left them alone for thirty minutes. so she could shower & stuff while they were playing in the medium - sized pool they had in the yard.
it had been entirely accidental. really , it had.
holly was just a kid. she was playing with him — tossing him around as she'd seen her mother do countless times. they were having a blast.
her mom's phone rang , and she left him on his floaty to go answer it .
in the two minutes that she was out of the pool , her brother fell into the water. he'd inhaled so much water that even after she jerked him from the bottom … he was unconscious.
she panicked — believing that he was dead and she took off .
when the police finally picked her up , she was questioned thoroughly. they believed her story , which was the truth.
her mother , distraught , utterly withdrew from her. underneath it all , she truly believed that her daughter had killed her brother out of jealousy.
she tried to gather evidence against her daughter on the downlow — but there wasn't any. everything that holly had said lined up. eventually holly stopped trying.
they coexisted until finally , holly found out about her mother's beliefs when she was seventeen.
her mother finally exploded and kicked her out — telling her that she did believe that she killed florian on purpose.
she lived with her grandmother , eliza , until she graduated high-school. soon after that eliza died .
she left her granddaughter everything she had in the will.
which is how holly lives the rather lavish life that she does .
( full bio coming soon on my blog .. )
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