hollowedsammy · 5 years
       Every day when I wake,                     I’m trying to get up  —
             They’re 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣.
    Chewing me up,                   𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘶𝘵  !
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hollowedsammy · 5 years
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Hamilton, “Wait For It”
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hollowedsammy · 5 years
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Hamilton, “Wait For It”
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hollowedsammy · 5 years
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Mike Posner, “Slow It Down”
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hollowedsammy · 5 years
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2.04 // 3.05 // 5.02
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hollowedsammy · 5 years
HEADCANON: Despite having lived in Halloway for two decades, Sam still has a noticeable Louisiana drawl.
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hollowedsammy · 5 years
Hold my hand Ooh, baby, it’s a long way down to the bottom of the river Hold my hand, Ooh, baby, it’s a long way down, a long way down
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hollowedsammy · 5 years
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hollowedsammy · 5 years
Run boy run! This race is a prophecy Run boy run! Break out from society
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hollowedsammy · 5 years
Hello, hello, everyone! My name is Susie, I am 21-soon-to-be-22, I live in the EST timezone, and this is the first of my two characters, Sam! If you’d like to plot, like this or IM me! This contains his basic info, backstory, info about what he’s currently up to, some misc. information, a small playlist, tropes that apply to him, and wanted connections. Yeah... I went a little hard.
☾  ↪  cillian murphy, male, forty, he/him.  /  ❛  have you heard from samuel marx lately ? yeah, the forty year old mechanic / drug dealer. pretty sure they’ve been here twenty years, and from what i’ve heard, sam can be kind of cynical  &  self-serving, but i caught them on a good day once, and they were pretty funny & clever. i’m probably overthinking it, but given all the crazy shit around here, i hope they’re okay. maybe they’re watching their favorite scary movie, i heard it’s child’s play.
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trigger warnings: homophobia, parental/domestic abuse, self-harm, depression
Full name: Samuel Joseph Marx
Nickname(s): Sam (everyone), Sammy (his mother, close friends, or significant others only)
Age: 40
Gender: male
Sexual orientation: bisexual
Birthday: January 12, 1956
Zodiac: Capricorn
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Personality type: ISFJ
Family: Joseph Marx (father, deceased), Serafine Marx (mother, deceased)
Criminal record: shoplifting (3 counts), underage drinking (2 counts), auto theft (1 count), fraud (2 counts), possession with the intent to distribute (2 counts)
Beware the Quiet Ones
Cornered Rattlesnake
The Cynic
Deadpan Snarker
Don’t You Dare Pity Me!
Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas
I Just Want to be Loved
I Need a Freaking Drink
Lower-Class Lout
Not Good With People
Perpetual Frowner
The Runaway
Smarter Than You Look
The Snark Knight
Sour Outside, Sad Inside
When He Smiles
“The Mute” by Radical Face
“Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked” by Cage the Elephant
“Run Boy Run” by Woodkid
“The Kids Aren’t Alright” by Fall Out Boy
“Emperor’s New Clothes” by Panic! at the Disco
Sam was born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He had a small family -- just him, and his parents. His father was a police officer, and his mother was a housewife.
Sam never got along with his father. Never. He can’t remember a single time that he didn’t entirely despise the man.
Joseph Marx was a corrupt cop, as well as an abusive husband and father. The Marx household was frequently filled with the sounds of slamming doors, screamed profanity, and glass breaking. While he frequently took his anger out on his wife, Sam quickly became Joseph’s favorite target.
Sam was also a favored target of other kids. An incident during which two older boys held him under the water instilled an unshakable case of hydrophobia in him, and he was often beat up when teachers weren’t around. Many said he brought it on himself -- what did he expect, when he was so obviously queer, dressed in such ratty clothes, acted so strangely?
Unsurprisingly, he developed delinquent behavior early on, and was frequently in trouble for cheating on tests, stealing other students’ possessions, skipping class, smoking, drinking, and stealing cars for joyrides.
Bullied at school and abused at home, Sam had few friends, and spent as much time as possible out of the house. He’d wander the swamps and streets alone, only occasionally having a companion with him.
Finally, when he was sixteen, Sam hit a breaking point. A terrible fight with his father led to Sam being thrown into the kitchen window. The glass shattered, cutting into Sam’s skin. His mother tried to help him get cleaned up, but Sam had had enough. That very night, he packed a small bag and snuck out the back door. He stole a truck from one of his neighbors, and hit the road, never to return to Baton Rouge.
Lacking any sort of plan, Sam wandered from town to town, making money via odd jobs, shoplifting, pickpocketing, purse-snatching, and selling dime bags of weed. He had his fair share of scrapes with the law -- even spending six months in a correctional facility when he was eighteen -- but always managed to worm his way out any long-term consequences. 
While in jail, Sam finally wrote to his mother -- now that he was eighteen, he couldn’t be forced to return to his family’s home, so he could assure her that he was alive. While he kept in contact with his mother from then on, Sam never spoke to his father again, and refused to ever return to Baton Rouge, even after his father was shot and killed in the line of duty.
Sam got to Holloway at the age of twenty. He only intended to stay for a couple weeks, long enough to make enough money to make a cross-country trip. The girl he was dating at the time went to school in Maine, and he wanted to go visit her.
When the first Hollow Man murder happened, a couple weeks after Sam’s arrival, he was nervous. When it became evident that there was a serial killer in Holloway, he started thinking maybe he should just say “fuck the money” and skip town altogether. However, before he could, the police were asking to talk to him.
It had been discovered that a couple of the deceased had bought drugs off of Sam a few times. While they hadn’t thought much about Sam at first, this caused the cops to look closer at him. Upon further digging, the investigators found that Sam was a drifter who had dropped out of school and run away from home, had a history of behavior issues, an ever-growing rap sheet, a brief stint in jail to his name, a skittish and antisocial air about him, and an obvious hatred of cops.
Yeah. It did not look good.
Sam was interrogated many times. His story never changed. He did sell weed to two of the deceased. No, he didn’t hurt them. He never even interacted with them beyond the sales. He was asleep at the time of the murders. No, no one can confirm that, he was alone. No, he doesn’t have a hotel room, he’s been sleeping in his truck.
Despite a lack of solid evidence or a motive, Sam was still a prime suspect for the first few murders, and he was told not to leave town. Knowing it’d look much worse if he ran, Sam decided to get a job -- partially because he was stuck in Halloway for the foreseeable future, and partially because he knew he might have to hire a lawyer soon. He eventually persuaded the local auto shop to hire him as a mechanic. (Accused of murder or not, Sam is damn good with cars.)
No official charges were ever brought, and eventually, another murder took place while Sam had a clear alibi, having been drinking in a local bar in full view of at least a dozen people all night. He got busted for having a fake ID, but at least he wasn’t an official murder suspect anymore.
Key word being official. Some suspected that Sam had an accomplice, and that the whole thing was a set-up to clear his name. Despite rumors, whispers, stares, and even a few people accusing him of the crime to his face, he always maintained that he never hurt anybody.
After being cleared, Sam intended to get out of town as soon as he could. But then, the girlfriend in Maine he’d been planning to go see dumped him... via postcard. It was the cherry on top of what had been a shitty few weeks.
Sam decided to stay for a little while until he figured out where to go next. He was rather enjoying having a steady paycheck for once, and it wasn’t like he had a plan. “A little while” eventually turned to twenty years.
Sam has now lived in a half-double in town for many, many years. It’s small, but he makes it work.
While most have probably abandoned the idea that Sam killed anybody, he’s still not exactly Mr. Popular in town. He’s known to be a sarcastic, self-centered dick, who has no respect for authority. (Some things never change.)
He still works at the auto shop. The original owner’s son runs it now, but Sam is the longest-standing employee, as well as the best mechanic.
Sam still hates cops. If he could refuse service to them, he would.
He’s still selling weed on the side (his boss looks the other way -- so long as Sam doesn’t get busted while at work, he doesn’t really care), and can be bribed into purchasing alcohol for underage students. However, he refuses to get mixed up in anything harder than that.
He mostly keeps to himself, and isn’t known to be particularly violent. If someone else attacks him, he’ll defend himself, but he rarely throws the first punch.
He’s been in an even more melancholy mood than normal lately, because his mother died last month.
He honestly thought the Hollow Man business was behind him. But now that a new victim has been found, he can feel people looking at him sideways again.
And, no matter how much he says he doesn’t care what other people think... he doesn’t like it at all.
Sam’s sexuality is not public knowledge. He’s not ashamed of it, but he also wants to avoid harassment, so he’s only ever openly dated women. The only people who know are men he’s been with in the past, and maybe, maybe a very close friend.
Despite his dislike of people, Sam is quite fond of animals, and even adopted a stray cat he found a couple years ago. He’s named him Hecate, and he is quite possibly the ugliest cat in existence -- he has one eye, crooked fangs, and scratches everything that isn’t Sam.
Sam suffers clinical depression, but is in denial about how serious it actually is. It’s driven him to make some pretty damaging decisions, and he’s had a habit of burning himself with cigarettes since high school. The scars are all over his shoulders, arms, and stomach. 
Sam was -- and still is -- a frequent target of classism. Due to his lack of education and working-class background, many assume the worst in him, and many underestimate his intelligence. While he uses it to his advantage, he is irked by it.
It surprises people to learn that Sam is actually very well-read, and a talented actor. In another life, he could’ve joined a Shakespeare company. In this one, he reads passages aloud to himself when he’s alone.
Sam claims to hate... well, everyone, but he holds a special contempt for bullies and abusers. One of the only times Sam’s been known to instigate a fight is when he got sick of listening to a drunk guy catcall a woman walking by, and just decked him.
Sam still hates water, and refuses to go swimming -- on the rare occasions he has to go near the water, he won’t put his head under.
Sam has a pitch-black sense of humor. The Hollow Man murders are one of the few things he won’t joke about.
Someone who still believes Sam was or is the Hollow Man.
Related to the above, some of the younger characters have probably been told by their parents to stay away from Sam. Whether or not they listened is up to you.
Friend with benefits.
Someone who has become aware of Sam’s depression and is trying to help him -- whether he likes it or not.
Unrequited crush (from either party).
And anything else you can think of!
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hollowedsammy · 5 years
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Cillian Murphy photographed by Vassilis Karidis for So It Goes Magazine (2014)
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hollowedsammy · 5 years
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#me too, Shane
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hollowedsammy · 5 years
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All religion is a foolish answer to a foolish question.
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hollowedsammy · 5 years
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Peaky Blinders Episode 5.03: The Loop
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hollowedsammy · 5 years
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Only Angels Have Wings (1939) dir. Howard Hawks
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hollowedsammy · 5 years
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hollowedsammy · 5 years
“You keep bringing this ‘illegal’ thing up as if it means something to me.”
— Ilona Andrews: Magic Shifts (via faefever)
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