hollowbeanz235 · 5 months
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Here yall go, its small i know and a little patchy but i hope you all like it. :]
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hollowbeanz235 · 5 months
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Sorry i haven't been posting, but due to it being summer i should be able to post a bit more. Any who, different comic is in the works about these two. stay around for updates on it.
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hollowbeanz235 · 7 months
Ok so, as you all can tell I've stopped making the park comic. It's hard for me to draw and Wright, but as you can tell by my background. I really like errorink in the minosculeverse, love that universe. Would you like to see a comic on that? I've been making story boards and I might go through with it. Thank you for your time my beans. :>
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hollowbeanz235 · 9 months
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I hope you all enjoy this chapter, ive been giving it some thought and i dont know how frequently i can post this story compared to my other one, but i will do my best!
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hollowbeanz235 · 10 months
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hollowbeanz235 · 10 months
Deep Dark (The Park)
No one's POV
As ink and error held up their weapons, getting ready to fight this "thing" it grew bigger, consuming the light around them." Ink why is there somthing like THIS in undertone?!?!" Error started Wisper screaming as he started the first attack dogging the bite that was threw his way.
Both of them started working together, although let's say it wasn't working the best. Inks paint only got ingulfed, looking like it was making this monster stronger." I don't really *huff* know, but it hits like a truck *huff huff*"
Ink started losing his breath( once again how?) They fought for a long time, throwing everything they got at it.
And FINALLY error made a decision he should of made a while ago. He spawned a portal under this beast, and left it to die in the underworld aka OG gasters layer. It was trying its best to stay in the world it was in, clawing at the portal and the strings that were pulling it in.
After a couple of minutes of struggle, it finally got dragged into the portal, although not all of it was in. Error closed it quickly, catching its hand in the process.
*SMACK* it's hand was chopped of, a clean cut too. It moved around for a couple of seconds before finally becoming limp." WHAT WAS THAT THING?!?!"Ink screamed running over to error, picking up certain items that had been dropped in the heat of the moment."I-Idon't know, but whatever it was it had a kick like a mule."
Error picked up his scarf and put it back on, another item that had fallen off." Well I'd say...so what do we do now?" Ink said picking up a stick and poking at the hand with it.
Error looked at him in confusion, and maybe some slight anger. "I'm sorry we just fought lord only knows what that was, and your asking me what we do now?!?!" Error bent down to inks level, staring at him with an annoyed look on his face.
"You wanna do stuff with me, check aus, draw, other things." Ink looked at him with excitement. Bouncing a little, "after the experience I just had, he'll no. I'm going to the void, bye squid." Error said as he teleported away.
Ink sighed and teleported to the doodle sphere.
Inks pov
Man I really wanted to show him some of the drawings I made, I think he'd like them, and that's saying a lot for error, the destroyer of aus. But meh, I'll go check on aus by myself, per usual.
Time skip, ink is getting to the end of checking aus
This should be the last batch I have to do today...that's odd, it's not there. I started looking around checking for the trio I left in this specific area, "where are they?!?!" I started freaking out, what if I misplaced them. What if they were destroyed.
"AHA...wait, that's only 2" I stared at the 2 papers thinking of what else I could of possibly done with the third.
I can't find it, this is a problem I really liked that au, and if I don't know where they are they could have a virus or be infected or many others things I'm currently not going to think about, because if I do, I will hyperventilate." Let's draw, that usually helps."
I started with a circle, a sad circle, but it was a circle. Drawing line after line, it started to calm my nerves(HOW?!?!)
Drawing helps quite a lot when my thoughts get too scrambled for my mind to understand it. Which is quite nice, and...done.
I got that drawing done pretty damn quick...well not like I have anything else to do today, I could go bother error again, although I don't know how much he would enjoy that...MMMEH ITS FINE, HELL BE FINE. I teleported to the anti-void..." too empty" I said to myself not trying to look around that much.
"Error! You still here?" I started screaming to find him, the anti-void is practically a labrith if you don't know the place well, and white...too white, "Error" I looked towards the (sky?!?!) Seeing errors signature blue strings.
No one's pov
"Heya squid, what are you doing here?" Ink felt strings around his body, bringing him up to errors canopy "oh, hey error!" Ink seemed happy, then again it's easy to fake a smile when you've been doing it for a while.
"Hey error, so I've been thinking. Your not doing anything, we could go do something!" Ink twirled around in the strings.
"Why? I could just sit here and enjoy the silence." Error untied him and brought him down back to ground level." Well, we could do fun things instead of you just sitting here all day." Ink seemed optimistic to do this, to have fun with error. "What would we do, if I said yes?" Inks heart lit up.
His mind started racing,"we could eat, go to a restraunt, or play bored games, or watch a movie, or go to a concert or-"error stopped him.
Holding up his hand " only, if Iget to pick the restraunt." Error looked at him seriously, dead eyed stare."oh well sure! I don't see why not." Inks face lit up, showing pure excitement to actually be doing things.
Alright, I'm gonna end this chapter here, a stunning 929 biggest chaper I think I've ever made. Hope your enjoying this book.
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hollowbeanz235 · 10 months
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Hello everyone! sorry that part 2 took so long. i do have school and work going on, hope you enjoy!
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hollowbeanz235 · 10 months
Hey yall, this is my book the park. It was made on wattpad and this is the first chapter, sorry if it's cringy I've gotten better as I went. Enjoy!
Inks pov
I've been sitting here for a while looking at my reflection in the water, usually there's music and sound in undertone. Such joy and happiness, apparently not today. This is odd, today is odd.
I don't know why I had the impulse to come here, I don't even remember when I came here. God's I'm all over the place.
Why do I exist? That's a serious question...I don't remember starting at all, I just remember being. Man my memorie really is gone at this point isn't it, apparently in my lost thought I didn't realize how much time had actually passed.
No one's pov
Ink stood up, grabbing Broomie in the proces then suddenly.
the skeleton jerked at the loud noise, swinging his head to the direction from which it came from, listening with his ears(how?!?!?) Trying to hear more....nothing no noise no birds nothing. " wonder what that was" He said turning back around exploring and or leaving.
But soon in the treeline a saw a very familiar outline " error! Hey hey error!" Ink waved at the other skeleton running towards him and sitting down.
"HI Ink, you seem...like usual." Error seemed nervous, not expecting the smaller one to sit right next to him. " yeah I was just over by the lake, what are you doing here?"
Inks eyes changed whith his emotions, making error blush a ever so slightly a hint of yellow sitting just bellow his eyes."I just found it was quiet in this au today, I just needed to be out of the void I guess." Error looked into the aray of flowers, they were all so beautiful."What on earth are you doing here ink?" Error looked back down at him.
Scilence, only scilence." I-i don't really know, guess I just needed a break." He looked down at his brush, going with the grain.
"That's alright I guess, life hurts sometimes." Ink put his head on errors arm (he's to short to reach his shoulder) and closed his eyes. Error flinched slightly at the contact, he had never been the greatest with it. And sometimes it hurts. Ink slowly started to fall asleep, enjoying the scielence and warmth of his surroundings.
      Time skip, because I said so.
as the loud noise happend again Ink woke with a flinch, looking around frantically."Ink hey calm." Error brought him back to reality, snapping at him.
"What was that?!?!" Ink said, he was concerned. "I don't know I herd the noise earlier, but I didn't think about it." As they both stood up and started walking towards the noise, they geared up, ink holding his brush and error taking out his strings. With anticipation they slowly made their way around the thick trees and saw it.
"OH MY GOD, LOOK AT THE LITTLE BUNNY." Ink started running towards the bunny, error trying to stop him. "INK WIAT NO, THAT LITTLE THING CANT MAKE THAT MUCH NOISE" error tried grabbing for him but wasn't quick enough.
Slowly, a shadowy figure appeared from the trees. Appearing behind the cute bunny and ink, staring them down with a hungry look on its face.
"Ink, PLEASE just put the rabbit down, and walk back to me slowly." Ink looked at him in concern, but obeyed. Put the rabbit down and walked towards him.*wispering*" why are you so freaked out?" Ink turned around to look at the horror known as the thing.
"That's why" it had multiple legs an odd amount literally there was 9 of them if not more, many eyes and claws. And yet it slightly resembled a dear or a moose, haha yeah maybe if moose or dear was a mix between oh god help me and radiation.
Ink and error stood behind it, weapons at ready. "Ready ink?"
Ink only stared at him " as ready as I can be."
To be continued
So what do you think? Should I keep on writing this rewrite?
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hollowbeanz235 · 11 months
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Hey yall, hope you enjoy this small bit of the start of the park. This is the comic series of my original book "the park" the book can be found on wattpad, please note that i am not the best artist and some things don't come easy to me to draw, but i do hope you enjoy!
I do not own any of the characters in this book, please go look at the people who did make them.
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hollowbeanz235 · 11 months
Hey there yall, sorry the comic may be a little late. Got sick and couldn't work on it for a day.
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hollowbeanz235 · 11 months
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These are bass clarinet paras, or at least the one to the right is the one to the left is an alto.
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hollowbeanz235 · 1 year
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Sweet little sneak peak of this week's comic.
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hollowbeanz235 · 1 year
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hollowbeanz235 · 1 year
Testing lol
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hollowbeanz235 · 1 year
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This is my take on ganondorf, he's kinda a mix between old and new ganon, I'm not good at hair, especially braiding so sorry that doesn't look the greatest. Hope you all like it :>
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hollowbeanz235 · 1 year
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Its a baby mushroom cow, [a little backstory and or lore...?] The baby mushroom cow is born a light pink and the red from there cuffs and feathers spread as they get older, they sprout mushrooms. These mushrooms can be any type and fall of after a while.
This little one was born with a bright red mushroom on its head ✨️Fun fact! The bigger the mushroom, the older and wiser the cow! ✨️
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hollowbeanz235 · 1 year
Hello everyone, I'm new to tumbler and I wanted to try it out. I hope you all enjoy my art and posts! :>
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