holland-the-kind-blog · 12 years
Holland could read Naerwen's expressions quite well now. She saw that she was still scared. That no matter how much she wanted to believe her, she couldn't. Why would Naerwen believe her? Holland was just a normal girl. She had no way of knowing if she could really get this done. But she wanted to try. She wanted to try for her friend. 
"Let's just take a break from that for a while to get your mind off of it, hm?" Holland suggested. "I'm sure to think of something. And when I do--I'll let you know." She beamed at the girl. Holland wasn't the type to be able to sit down in a quiet room to think of a plan. She had to be busy and do that kind of thing. 
The Awakening | Naerwen & Holland
Holland had said not to worry, but did she know how impossible that was? Naerwen was terrified that she would live with these questions forever. That she would die without ever finding the answers. The thought nagged her. They refused to leave her mind.
Holland was so kind, offering to help Naerwen like this. She had already done more than Naerwen deserved, just helping her get to Cair Paravel. She could have left her there in the woods to freeze, but she didn’t. She could have left her at Cair and gone her own way, but she didn’t. Holland was so kind hearted and Naerwen knew that she could never repay her.
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holland-the-kind-blog · 12 years
"Well you're not strange!" Holland exclaimed. Aldara was a kind girl, and the two of them were most alike. If Aldara was strange, that meant Holland was too. And she didn't think she was. Out of the ordinary: yes. Strange? No. 
"Wow, those are wonderful hobbies to have." She gave Aldara a sweet smile. "I wish I had the time back then to do all those things. Like--I never learned how to cook." Holland shrugged. She usually just ate bread or things kind passerbys gave her. 
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Aldara & Holland || Same Dream
“Of course that counts!” said with a smile “I love reading, it’s one of my favourite hobbies”. Aldara listened to the girl and nodded “well, I wasn’t socialize. I didn’t have friends because they thought I was a strange girl” told laughing and lughed louder with her friend’s commentary “I’m sure of that! You have something special hidden” winked and smiled at the girl.
“Well… Apart of reading, I love writing, walking in the woods and in the beach on the night when is summer, dancing when I’m alone and maybe singing, spend time with my friends, cook but my favourite hobby is IMAGINE” she smiled at herself and looked at Holland “nothing special” laughed.
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holland-the-kind-blog · 12 years
That was a good question. What did she like to do? She never had time to do leisure activities while she was living on her own these past few years. And even has a young girl, she was trained to be a blacksmith, day and night. Wanting to be a warrior was embedded into her brain and that was usually all she talked about. 
"I'm not too sure. I don't have many hobbies or anything. I enjoy reading--if that counts. I didn't get out or socialize too much. I didn't have the time to find out what else I was good at." She told Aldara. As she spoke, she realized how sad that sounded. "Don't worry though! I'm sure I have some hidden talent!" 
"What about you?" She asked her new friend. "Is there anything else you like to do?" 
Aldara & Holland || Same Dream
Aldara looked at Holland confused, she felt something was not alright in Holland but she didn’t know.
The girl laughing and nodded “yes… It’s funny and a little sad too” said but without lose her smile “but you’ll see, we will be a great warriors” winked at her friend. She listened to her “for me is alright, don’t worry but…” she thought about Edmund’s situation “my teacher is really bussy right now but I’ll ask him…”. Aldara was in a hurry, the things weren’t good with the King and she didn’t know if she should ask but Holland seemed really happy. She could understand her so she wasn’t going to disappoint her new friend.
“And tell my Holland… What do you like to do? Apart of dream about being a warrior like me” asked laughing.
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holland-the-kind-blog · 12 years
She had a point. Holland was well aware of the fact that the kings an queens were very busy with political matters at the moment. Now wouldn't be the best time to go to them with a matter such as this. Looking up from the parchment, Holland smiled at Naerwen. She looked so afraid and frail. Grasping her shoulders, she pulled her into a hug.
"I'll go do some looking around on my own and see if there is a free moment where we could talk to one of the kings or queens, or at least someone who knows Aslan." Holland rubbed her back comfortingly. "Don't worry too much. It will all be okay." 
The Awakening | Naerwen & Holland
Placing the pen down, and holding the sheet out to Holland, Naerwen pulled the book to her chest and stared down at it. She didn’t know where to start on their search. Who could tell the young girls what they wanted to know? Was there even anyone in Cair Paravel who could?
Finally, Naerwen looked up at her friend. Seeing the look on Holland’s face, Naerwen’s heart stirred. The green eyed girl’s determination gave Naerwen hope. If Holland was set on finding answers, and believing that they would get them, then Naerwen could believe it too.
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holland-the-kind-blog · 12 years
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Post the mood of your mun and muse right now.
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holland-the-kind-blog · 12 years
"That's a good thing. At least they respect it." Holland nodded knowingly. She was glad that she had some form of support. Holland, on the other hand, was just looked at the petty female blacksmith who would soon die anyway. It made Holland sad, not that she would show it. She was a bit jealous of Aldara. 
"It is funny, isn't it? Dreaming of being who we want to be, yet we have no practice." She laughed along with her. "You have a teacher? Can you ask him if I could join in on your lessons? If that is alright with you, of course." 
Aldara & Holland || Same Dream
“Do you work in the library?” asked excited “I love books!! I spend most all of the time there when I visit the castle… It has to be fantastic working with books” said imagining herself in the library. She wouldn’t be a good librarian because she would be all of the time reading and not paying attention to the people who would visit the library.
“Yes” answered with a huge smile “they used to don’t like that dream of being a warrior and the sword fight, well, they still don’t accept it” said laughing “but they respect my dream. They decided to give me one and support me” Aldara smiled thinking in her parents and looked at Holland a little worried “it’s great”.
The girl started to laugh “so we are two girls who dreams with being a warriors but we don’t know sword fight, we have a lot of work” said still laughing and nodded “yes, we should but we need a teacher, I actually have one but he’s busy now”.
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holland-the-kind-blog · 12 years
Holland thought for a moment. Where in the world could they start their search? What could they do to further along this ordeal? It was hard enough that Naerwen had no memories and Holland wasn't from Narnia. She knew nothing of this land and little of Aslan. 
Regardless, Holland promised to help Naerwen and she wanted to help her. "We could talk to the kings and queens? We could get you an audience and I could read what you write for me. I'm sure they of all people know something of your situation." Holland knew they could help. Their knowledge would be of much more use than hers. 
The Awakening | Naerwen & Holland
Placing the pen down, and holding the sheet out to Holland, Naerwen pulled the book to her chest and stared down at it. She didn’t know where to start on their search. Who could tell the young girls what they wanted to know? Was there even anyone in Cair Paravel who could?
Finally, Naerwen looked up at her friend. Seeing the look on Holland’s face, Naerwen’s heart stirred. The green eyed girl’s determination gave Naerwen hope. If Holland was set on finding answers, and believing that they would get them, then Naerwen could believe it too.
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holland-the-kind-blog · 12 years
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holland-the-kind-blog · 12 years
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holland-the-kind-blog · 12 years
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holland-the-kind-blog · 12 years
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holland-the-kind-blog · 12 years
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holland-the-kind-blog · 12 years
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holland-the-kind-blog · 12 years
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holland-the-kind-blog · 12 years
ooc: hi guys! NRPFamily won't let me post in there for some odd reason! D: I'll be gone until Sunday night because I'm going to visit my Grandparents who live in the middle of nowhere! 
I'll see you soon!
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holland-the-kind-blog · 12 years
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holland-the-kind-blog · 12 years
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I wished I looked as cute as she does when she shops :P
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