holeinwallpoem · 2 years
Hi all. So…you may have noticed that I have been inactive for a while. On all my roleplay blogs.
I’ve gotten busy this semester (though that seems to happen every semester) and haven’t had the time or motivation to reply to threads. I apologize for going mia.
It’s been getting a bit…well, cluttered checking all the blogs I’ve made. So…I made a multimuse blog and will probably be moving all roleplaying there. It’s @olivesgardenrp. I’m just finishing getting it set up. It’s gonna be low activity for now. Check it out if you want
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holeinwallpoem · 2 years
What if someone created an AI that was educated purely from everything on Tumblr?
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holeinwallpoem · 2 years
so much hate on the dash rb to hug the person you reblogged this from <3
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holeinwallpoem · 2 years
Btw this is @theomniplayer I made a second account for rp now (this is replacing my Omni blog idk if I’ll move the others across too)
Oooo hello hi
Sorry I haven’t been replying, I have bad work ethic and keep thinking I have time to do things and then I don’t
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holeinwallpoem · 2 years
excuse my foolish heart but i think we should hold hands and go on bookstore dates
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holeinwallpoem · 2 years
I will make all the microplastics in your body form into a d20 that emerges from your nostrils and always rolls nat 1s
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holeinwallpoem · 2 years
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[image ID in alt text] discourse blogs will be blocked :)
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holeinwallpoem · 2 years
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holeinwallpoem · 2 years
the star bucks barista looking at your boyfriend in your passanger seat and saying aww so cute does he want a puppuccino
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holeinwallpoem · 2 years
Reblog if you love all your rp partners, even the ones who play popular muses, and recognize that each person's interpretation of their muse is valid, no matter how many other versions of that muse are around
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holeinwallpoem · 2 years
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Reblog to tuck her in
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holeinwallpoem · 2 years
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this week i married john wayne bobbitt (2002) - dottie brewer
“everything happens so much”
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holeinwallpoem · 2 years
Sayori: This is a disaster! The printer messed up the invitation! It’s supposed to say “Monika’s Birthday”
Yuri: What does it say?
Sayori: “Monika’s Bi”
Natsuki: That could still work.
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holeinwallpoem · 2 years
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holeinwallpoem · 2 years
Autistic people are like, “yeah I love following rules” and then proceed to rip apart the gender binary
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holeinwallpoem · 2 years
heads up to firefox users using the “I don’t care about cookies” extension: if you haven’t seen the popup yet (it came up quite late for me) the dev sold out and it now belongs to Avast - the spyware bundled onto laptops everywhere which uses browser extensions to aggressively collect and sell user browsing data! delete it now.
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holeinwallpoem · 2 years
Lies I already made a new main
hey guys i am literally insane right now and considering deleting all social media accounts i have ever made. if you don’t hear from me again i’m fine, that’s just what happened. very sorry for all the threads i have not replied to
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