hnrand-blog · 6 years
Let’s start a follow train! If you’re part of the lgbtq community like and reblog and make some new friends!!😛🏳️‍🌈
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hnrand-blog · 6 years
Lily Ann
By Hannah Randolph
“You touch her again you die!” I shout.
He grabs the top of my shirt, almost lifting me off my feet.
“Listen here boy. I am the man of this house so you follow my rules. I’m letting you live here when I can throw you out on the street. And don’t think you’re mom will do anything about it. She needs me, not you.”
He throws me down, I try to land of my feet but I loose my balance. He grabs my mothers wrists and pulls her into the bedroom. I can’t do anything now.
I walk down the hall to my sisters room. It’s not much, just an old toddler bed to small for her now. She turned five this year, old enough to have a bigger bed. When I walk into her room she’s playing with her one stuff animal, she calls bunny. Her bright blue eyes look up at me when I walk into her room.
“Lily Ann, it’s time for bed. Come to the bath room so I can brush your teeth.”
She looks at me and smiles through her thumb. She still sucks on it.
She walks over to me, safety blanket in hand, and raises her hands, signaling me to carry her. I lift her up and place her on my hip. I walk to her drawer and find her pajamas. Disney princess, her favorite, yet too small for her.
I carry her to the bathroom and place her on the toilet. The bathroom isn’t much, just an old toilet and a slightly broken sink. Beside the sink is a gross, never cleaned bath and shower combo that never has any warm water.
I walk to the sink and grab Lily’s toothbrush, I had to take care of her. She was never taught how.
“Okay Lily, open wide.”
She opens her mouth and I start to brush her teeth.
“How was school today?” I ask.
She responds with her mouth full of toothpaste. “I didn’t go. Russel said he didn’t feel like taking me.”
I look at her with anger in my eyes.
“Are you serious! You didn’t go to school today? Alight. This is fine. I’ll just have to take you myself from now on.”
She smiles. She’s always loved walking with me anywhere. I pick her back up and take her to my room. I only have a twin bed, but we’re both so skinny, we always manage to fit.
“Bubby, can you tell m about daddy?” She asks with the sweetest voice.
I look at her and sigh “Dad was a tough man, but even he opulent beat cancer. He anted to metyou before he died but he never got the chance. After he died and father you were born, mom me.”
I look over at Lily Ann. She’s almost fully asleep. I smile and kiss her on her forehead and wish her a goodnight.
I get off the bed, carefully not to wake Lily, and turn of the light. I grab an extra blanket from the closet and place it on the bed. We never have heating.
“Good night bubby. Get your beauty sleep so you can be a beautiful prince,” Lily says in a groggy voice.
“Goodnight princess,” I say as I snuggle her to sleep.
I wake up exactly at five in the morning. I have trained myself to wake up at that time. It’s the only time I can sneak out of the house without Russel noticing. I carefully get out of bed, so not to wake Lily, and walk to the bathroom. I hope in the shower as quick as I can and wash my body and hair. I then get out and brush my teeth. With a towel around my waist, I walk into the small, crappy kitchen. The dishes are piled sky high, and the fridge is practically empty, so we’ll have to eat breakfast at school. I walk back to my room and decide to get dressed before Lily Ann wakes up. I open my old chest of drawers and find a new pair of underwear and clothes for school.
“Lily. It’s time to wake up. We have to go to school.”
She slowly opens her eyes and smiles.
“Good morming Bubby.”
I smile at her as I lift her out of the bed.
“Now what do you want to wear today. How about your new dress I bought you. It’s your favorite color!” I say happily.
I finally gathered enough money from mowing the lawns of the upper class. I call them the royalty neighborhood. Once I collect the money, I debated what I should buy. I’ve always wanted a tv, or even just a small gaming cube. I decided against it however when I noticed Lily was getting to big for all her clothes. When I tried to bring this up with mom, she just looked and me.
“Russel handles all the money. I can’t buy Lily any clothes right now. Russel says we’re to tight on money,” she told me.
When I brought it up with Russel, all he did was scream at me, saying stuff like how Lily should be greatful for what she got. So I took my own money and bought Lily all new clothes and two new pairs of shoes.
“Bubby, we have to go soon! We going to be late.”
“Okay put your shoes on and let’s go princess.”
We both grab out book bags and head out the door.
“ASHTON!” I hear someone shout.
I turn my head to see who’s calling my name.
“James, how are you man,” is say.
“I’m good bud,” he says in his thick country accent, “and how is Miss Lily Ann doing?”
Lily Ann beside me giggled and buried her head in my arm. She’s always had a “crush” on James.
James is my best friend since kindergarten. He’s always been my best friend. We do everything together. When my dad died, and my mom married trashmaker Russel, his family practically let Lily Ann and I in. They feed us after school, let us play around the house, just basic, normal childhood stuff. James is a country boy, he always has on his cowboy boots and his low cut jeans. His shaggy brown hair is always in his face. His body is lean and a little muscular.
“Lily Ann, is that a new dress? Well don’t you look like a purty young lady,” he said, leaning his head to her. She giggled again.
“Alright, come on dude. We’ve got to get her and us to school.”
“Ugggh. Come on. Why can’t I spend some time with my favorite girl?”
“Because you can after school. You know, where we aren’t late,” I say, laughing while picking up Lily Ann and running.
“ HEY!” he screamed as he chased after us.
We ran all the way to Lily Ann’s preschool, laughing all the way.
“Alright dude,” James said, out of breath “you win. Goodbye Lily Ann. I’ll see you after school.”
“Bye-Bye Jams,” Lily Ann said as she walked in the doors.
“You know dude. Your sisters old enough to go to Kindergarten now. Instead of staying here with some three year olds,” James said to me smiling.
“Yeah well, try telling that to Russel. He already tells me that one kid is to much. He might take me out of school soon so he doesn’t have to pay anything that has to do with me.”
I turn my head to James. He isn’t smiling anymore. We’re both silent the whole way to school.
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hnrand-blog · 6 years
I think I’m in love with you.
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hnrand-blog · 6 years
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hnrand-blog · 6 years
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hnrand-blog · 6 years
Feminine girls wearing masculine clothing rb if u agree
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hnrand-blog · 6 years
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hnrand-blog · 6 years
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hnrand-blog · 6 years
The stars in her eyes distract the girl looking into them.
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hnrand-blog · 6 years
A letter to you❤️
Hi, it’s me. Now I’m not prone to writing love letters but you just make me smile so much I had to be that cheesy person and write you one. Now here’s the thing. I’ve liked you forever. And for a time I thought we should just remain friends, but I was wrong. You light up my whole world and I’m blinded by that light. I can’t see anything or anyone else but you. Your smile makes the world turn and you’ve got curves in all the right places. Your beauty is beyond the goddesses of Ancient Greece and the radiance of Apollo. Thank you for seeing that I am worth something to you. Your time, money, your kisses. Everything. You being you is enough for me.
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