A Flower with Wonderful Ideas!
83 posts
Wonderful... wonderful ideas.
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hmm-thats-a-wonderful-idea · 2 months ago
This isn't really a bad ending or a dead end, but I just thought of it and wanted your opinion.
Flowey's on a fresh start this time, mainly hanging around with Papyrus and talking about nothing. Papyrus asked about why monsters can't just take down the barrier now or something loosely related, and Flowey replies that it would take all the monsters in the underground to equal the power of just one human soul. After some mental math from Papyrus though, he says can't they all band together and take it down with the 6 souls they already have? Flowey tries to shoot the idea down with a sarcastic "sure, why not, if you can get everyone to tolerate each other for long enough". Paps being Paps, he gave it his best!...and actually succeeded. For the first time, Flowey has gotten everyone past the Barrier with no deaths, and he barely had to lift a petal. He's not quite sure how to feel. Eventually he resets, but it was interesting to see Paps get everything he wanted that time and everyone praise the two as their saviors.
Not a Wonderful Idea, Nor a Dead End...
but a secret third thing.
Better Path 1: Bring it in, Guys!
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hmm-thats-a-wonderful-idea · 2 months ago
I have a idea for a 'DEAD END'. DEAD END 6: 'Stronger Together', or 'Bring it in, Guys!' This idea is Flowey using the amalgamates a bit too much. He manipulates the amalgamates to hate humankind even more, and, as a side effect, makes them hate even monsterkind. Slowly but surely, their determination grows stronger, and they melt together. This, creates a abomination, just like HOPELESS, but this one isn't controlled by neither Flowey, or Alphys. So basically a ending with HOPELESS, but he can't get control over it. The amalgamates have grown so hateful of everything, that they've decided to just kill everything in sight. They banded together and merged, leaving only one amalgamate, a combination of all. CHIMERA. Chimera has a double meaning, sounding pretty darn cool (imo), and also meaning something scientifically, that also fits with the idea. 'A chimera is an individual whose body is composed of cells that are genetically distinct, as if they are from different individuals – and sometimes they really are from different. individuals.' This amalgamate is completely immortal, and would only be able to be killed if you somehow managed to remove all of its determination without getting sucked in yourself. This amalgamate doesn't want to absorb people and break out, no, it just wants to ravage the underground. It wants everyone DEAD. Please review this, I will be waiting eagerly for your answer!
Oooh! intriguing! How.... WONDERFUL.
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hmm-thats-a-wonderful-idea · 3 months ago
Pleaseeeees do more I’m so invested!!!
When I have enough time in my schedule, I will do more.
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hmm-thats-a-wonderful-idea · 4 months ago
since someone else mentioned an amalgamate, i tried to think of one myself
what if Flowey arranged a meeting between Snowdrake and his mother? either sneaking him into the lab, or sneaking her out
a meeting that became more... permanent than anyone would've wished
Wonderful Idea #25: No Longer Alone in the Snow
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hmm-thats-a-wonderful-idea · 4 months ago
Don’t know whether or not this is already a wonderful idea but what if Flowey decides that maybe his pathetic king of a father could be made into the perfect tool for his plans.
He basically manipulates Asgore by pulling the “I’m your son reborn” card on him and slowly driving him away from all of his close friends or maybe even convincing him that those with power in the Underground like Undyne and Alphys are too much of a threat.
Undyne wouldn’t hesitate to dethrone him if she sensed his weakness and once Flowey shows him the Amalgamates it’s only a matter of how long Alphys can hide before she’s dealt with.
And if Flowey really feels like driving Asgore down the deep end, it would be hard to bring him to the Ruins and let him deal with the “traitor” Toriel.
By now Asgores listening to only Flowey and completely isolated from everyone else, from there it’s easy to convince him to take the six human souls, cross the barrier, wipe out humanity, and then return with seven more souls for his son to use to be reborn.
This could even lead to a Dead End; Asgore grows wise to his sons manipulations and plays along, growing colder but keeping his morals, when he absorbs the six human souls he gains control of the timeline and uses his newfound control to reset to a point before Floweys creation and stops Alphys from going with her experiments. In his eyes he’s finally allowed his son to rest in peace and now has the drive to go through with his plan and use the human souls to free his people.
Wonderful Idea #24: "The Resurrection of Asriel Dreemur"
Dead End #5: "King of the Universe"
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hmm-thats-a-wonderful-idea · 4 months ago
Secret path for Wonderful Idea, the Fallen Angel of Death.
Flowey, bored out of his mind, finds a body underneath the flowerbeds at the start of the Ruins. And, even before he digs it up, he knows who it belonged to.
His Best Friend.
And then, he has a realisation. If putting Determination into an Inanimate Object created him...
What would happen if he returned the will to live to a Human Body?
Of course, he knows he can't just ask Alphys for Determination, and the Human Souls are beyond his reach.
But he's been around the block. He knows another way to gain Strength. And so, piloting the body of his old sibling, he starts a Genocide route.
(He is blinded by his own excitement when the body starts moving unaided, starts leaking thoughts into his mind.)
(He doesn't realise that, after everything, they would have one more monster to defeat)
Wonderful Idea #9999999999999999999999999999999999999: Together Forever, Once Again
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hmm-thats-a-wonderful-idea · 4 months ago
Wonderful Idea dead end where Flowey manipulates Alphys into giving him more and more DT, trying to ensure no future human can outpace him.
And yet, everything has a limit, even Humans. Flowey starts melting, and Alphys takes the chance to throw him in the DT extractor, turning him inanimate once more.
She goes on to live a quiet and sheltered life, returning the SOULs to Asgore and forbidding any future testing with DT or Human Souls, instead pushing further into robotics.
Dead End #4: End of an Era, and the Beginning of Another
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hmm-thats-a-wonderful-idea · 4 months ago
Had this wonderful idea after seeing that post with the musical. Flowey teaches Shyren the confidence she needs to succeed!...maybe too much confidence in the form of hypnotic/deadly singing and taking over the airwaves. This one is specifically to screw with Sans really nore than achieve anything regarding the souls. (As a bonus, free singing lessons!)
Wonderful Idea #23: Shyren's Song
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hmm-thats-a-wonderful-idea · 4 months ago
This would likely be most effective with Toriel or Asgore, but Flowey’s shapeshifting abilities plus his ability to move around with roots would make for great false hallucinations chanting about their sins or weaknesses…
Wonderful Idea #22: Ghosts of Sins Past
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hmm-thats-a-wonderful-idea · 4 months ago
I had an idea...eventually Flowey goes over the logs of how he was made while kinda feeling lonely (not that he'll ever admit it) and thinks, "what would happen if I tried to "clone" me?"...a power struggle ensues. Feels more like a dead end tho.
Dead End #1994: Paradox
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hmm-thats-a-wonderful-idea · 4 months ago
What about something with Mad Dummy/Mad Mew Mew? Maybe Flowey could try convincing Mad Dummy that fusion is easier with monsters instead of dummies? Perhaps he could try convincing them to make their "perfect body" with stuff from the true lab?
I have no idea where I'm going with this I just wanted to contribute to the AU because I think its so cool
Wonderful Idea #21: Warped Mirror
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hmm-thats-a-wonderful-idea · 4 months ago
if Flowey manipulates Napstablook to steal Mettaton's program or be a rival for if the only way for Metta to stay close to him, But it ends up pushing you away more than bringing you closer.
Wonderful Idea #20: Spotlight
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hmm-thats-a-wonderful-idea · 4 months ago
Mettaton is going to do a program to reveal people's biggest secrets to become popular, (why are the monsters so bored~ with nothing to do underground), ends with Metta revealing Alphys' secret laboratory to the public and all the terrified monsters decide to take down Alphys, but end up taking down the mettaton with them.
Wonderful Idea #19: Gossip Bot
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hmm-thats-a-wonderful-idea · 4 months ago
Okay, so I know I've already suggested some chaotic in the form of the Tempolcalypse, but what if there was a dead end situation where Flowey chose to start this idea via starving them, and the shopkeeper Tem endied his run early by siphoning his determination (vampire style), but in the process... end up abducting Flowey's (very determined) mind? My idea was that since Temmie hasn't gotten her education, their intellect is still flawed, but to compensate, Flowey's intellect serves as a teacher... a very bad teacher, one where he's essentially enabling them specifically to go crazy by exposing them to forbidden knowledge, and the two start seeking control over the body because Flowey wants his Godliness back and Temmie doesn't want to die, until both end up becoming one. Both drive each other insane by looking into one another, and just like that, a nirvana is reached... Temmie thinks they are Flowey, and Flowey thinks he's Temmie, yet at the same time they are still themselves, just in one body... and just like that, they start playing around with this new state of being, which in turn leads to multiple incidents. The merged duo think they are a bird, so suddenly they can fly. They think they are a rebel, so they go to war with Asgore only to steal the souls. They think they are God, so they blinded the underground with light, and ascended to the heavens. They think, therefore they are. Two Egos inflated by power, one body that shouldn't be able to sustain so much... yet it does. Flowey is technically dead, and Temmie ends up taking his place, blinded by the 2nd ego (what is left of Flowey) and the chaos unleashed with it by siphoning his determination.
Dead End #3: The Temscended
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hmm-thats-a-wonderful-idea · 4 months ago
I know my idea is not “wonderful” but
I thought of a scenario that Flowey uses Endogeny, the dog amalgamate. Like, Flowey keeps telling Endogeny to do what he wants it to do, and being the “good dog”, Endogeny obeys him. I would call this idea, “The Good Dog”.
Hmmm.... you might be on to something!
Wonderful Idea #18: "The Good Dog"
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hmm-thats-a-wonderful-idea · 6 months ago
I don't know if this is how to submit something. But I just got a wonderful idea of my own. A common idea is that there are 10 save files. 9 is the PLAYER'S, 8 is Flowey's, and 1-6 are the other humans, and 0 is Chara's which Frisk then also uses. That leaves Save 7, it is assumed due to its mimicry to be Lemon Bread, a notably determined monster, who also (barring a clearly unintended exploit with high crit damage weapons) cannot take damage.
This could be a Dead End or a Wonderful Idea
Id call the Dead End "Sour Solitude" and the Wonderful Idea "Sweet Silence"
Onto the Idea. Flowey knows about the amalgamates, Alphys was probably guilted by her creation to inform him of the others, in what way, it doesn't matter. While skulking around the lab, Flowey decides to save, figuring "This is somewhere new, better be safe." And lo and behold something mimicking the save point. After a few missteps and reloads, that Lemon Bread surely notices, it begrudgingly agrees to aid Flowey with his plan to gain a more lofty control of the timeline, before Flowey's time. Knowing that he has an ally, Flowey gives up just long enough for Lemon Bread to control the timeline. Lemon Bread can then decide to preemptively end Alphys's flower experiments with some magical persuasion if need be. Or if Lemon Bread actually cares to help, Both end up a few souls richer basking on the surface, in the glow of a wrecked city. In fact, during either path, perhaps with a human Soul, Lemon Bread even gains enough physicality to revert some aspects of their individuals back, if they even want that anymore.
I would draw this but I am so tired rn.
What you have is a WONDERFUL IDEA!
Wonderful Idea #17: Sweet Silence
Dead End #2: Sour Solitude
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hmm-thats-a-wonderful-idea · 7 months ago
it's been a blog for a while, but thank you for the celebratory remarks!
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