Development Hell, by Joe Luna

Development Hell, by Joe Luna A new 25-part poem published by Hi Zero, with illustrations by Martin Steuck. Designed and typeset by Ian Heames. Printed on Risograph by Earthbound Press. 36pp saddle-stitched on Munken Lynx paper in black, red, and aqua blue inks. Published November, 2020.
£10 UK + EU incl. p+p £12 ROW incl. p+p Paypal using the link: paypal.me/hizerohell or the e-mail address: hizeroreadings@gmail.com
NB. Pls include shipping address when making an order, or send separately to hizeroreadings@gmail.com if using the button.

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This reading is unfortunately cancelled, and will be re-scheduled as soon as the situation allows.
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CANCELLED Hi Zero #78 - Tuesday 31st March CANCELLED
Hi Zero's 78th reading will take place on Tuesday 31st March, and featuring readings/performances from the following: Danny Hayward Danny Hayward’s recent books include ‘I/II’ (Shit Valley Verlag, 2017), and ‘Pragmatic Sanction’ (Materials, 2015). He lives in London. + Calliope Michail Calliope Michail is a poet, translator & occasional instruments mule based in London. Her first chapbook-length collection of poems, Along Mosaic Roads, was published with The87press in 2018, and other work has appeared online and in print in Snow Lit Rev, Berfrois, Pamenar Press, Datableed and Penteract Press. She occasionally tweets and retweets @catonacanto. + Alison Rumfitt Alison Rumfitt is a poet who lives, studies, and looks for work in Brighton. In 2019, Zarf Editions published her debut pamphlet, The T(y)ranny, a criticism, in poetry, of Margaret Atwood, which is far more entertaining than that sounds. Her new book WH() WILL SURVIVE AND WHAT WILL BE LEFT ()F THEM builds on the ideas she introduced in The T(y)ranny to create a harrowing narrative about gender, the end of the world, and having sex in fallout shelters. It is being published by the87press somewhen soon. Critics have falsely accused her poetry of being 'violently misogynist'. She believes that Princess Diana was murdered and that the earth is sort of wiggly-shaped. + The usual music from a thing, books, bar, and discussion. More info coming soon. Upstairs at the Hope & Ruin, Queen's Road, Brighton. Doors 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start. £3 for all. More info soon.
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Hi Zero #77 - Tuesday 25th February
Hi Zero's 77th reading will take place on Tuesday 25th February, and featuring readings/performances from the following: Lucy Beynon & Lisa Jeschke Lisa Jeschke and Lucy Beynon make theatre in London and Munich. Past pieces include 'David Cameron [a theatre of knife songs]' (2013) and 'The Tragedy of Theresa May' (2016). + John DeWitt John DeWitt is author of Ends (Tipped Press, 2012), Visceral Apocrypha (Shit Valley, 2013) and The Neckless Spokesperson of the Garden of Earthly Delights (Face Press, 2019). He is doing doctoral research on poetry's mother tongue at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris. + Sameer Hasan Sam is currently a Masters student at the University of Sussex. Sam's current preoccupations revolve around fictions, hanging out and cracking wise. + The usual music from a thing, books, bar, and discussion. More info coming soon. Upstairs at the Hope & Ruin, Queen's Road, Brighton. Doors 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start. £3 for all.
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Hi Zero #76 - Tuesday 28th January
Hi Zero returns in 2020 for the seventy-sixth reading, featuring the work of: Steven Seidenberg Steven Seidenberg is the author of Situ (Black Sun Lit, 2018), Null Set (Spooky Actions Books, 2015), Itch (RAW ArT Press, 2014), and plain sight, due out from Roof Books in Spring 2020. His collections of photographs include Pipevalve: Berlin (Lodima Press 2017), and the forthcoming Imaging Failure: Abandoned Lives of the Italian South (Contrasto 2020). + Paul Green There are several Paul Greens writing poetry in modernist/avant mode in UK and Paul A.Green is only one of them, although probably the oldest, having made his performance debut with Pete Brown in 1965. His poetry collections include The Gestaltbunker (Shearsman 2012), Here Comes the Alchemical Revolution (Argotist E-book 2017) and Shadow Times (QBS Books 2019) while his speculative fiction includes The Qliphoth (Libros Libertad 2007 and Beneath the Pleasure Zones I & II (Mandrake of Oxford 2014/2016). A selection of his dramas for radio and stage Babalon and Other Plays was published by Scarlet Imprint in 2015. His most recent recording is Symbols and Sounds on the Phantom Airship Label in 2017. He is a member of the Quantum Brothers with artist Jeremy Welsh. Their videos and installations have been presented at the South Bank Poetry Library, Glasgow Revue of Live Art, Hay Poetry Jamboree and various festivals and conferences around Europe. He plays the saxophone furiously but in private. + Beattie Beattie is a drag queen, English student and writer living in Brighton. They like to think they are significantly less unbearable than these facts suggest. Their work deals with foxes, Catholic theology and the art of being single. You can find them on Twitter @LydiaHax + The usual music from a thing, books, bar, and discussion. Upstairs at the Hope & Ruin, Brighton. Doors at 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start. £3 for all. https://www.facebook.com/events/450713825851323/
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Hi Zero #75 - Tuesday 17th December
Hi Zero's annual collective obscene emoji returns with a line-up not to be missed.
This will be an end-of-year thing featuring many more poets than usual, books, bar, music from a thing, and discussion.
LINE-UP (schedule to be affirmed):
Owen Brakspear
Owen Brakspear writes what could perhaps be called poetry whenever he finds the time, whilst doing a Masters in Comparative Literatures and Cultures.
Nina Ward
Nina Ward is 24 year old writer from Chester. She recently completed her MA in Creative and Critical Writing at The University of Sussex. Her interests are headless saints, visceral poetics and apostrophes. She is an advocate of trepanation for the NHS.
Stavros Anagnou
Stavros is a performance poet and student of intelligent and adaptive systems at the University of Sussex.He likes to write about mental health, politics and the overabundance and ontology of hipsters. He has performed across many nights in London and Brighton.Including: spoken word london, extra second, Folked up, Propped Up, week behind bars and an event for Yanis Varoufakis' DiEM25 branch in London. In 2019 He received a scholarship from Louvana records and the US embassy of Cyrpus to study theatre under Athina Kassiou and perform at the fengaros music festival as part of the fengaros music village collective.
Nehaal Bajwa
Nehaal Bajwa is technically a PhD student at the University of Sussex, working on fathering in Pakistan, who has ventured out of post-election writing seclusion to shuffle awkwardly about in front of you, and is a member of the Devil's Dyke Network.
Louis Klee
Louis Klee is an Australian writer. He grew up in the Australian Capital Territory on Ngunnawal land and is a currently a graduate student at Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge. His poems, described at once as ‘urgent and politically charged’ and as ‘oblique and musical, corresponding to those incantatory states that cannot be paraphrased’, have won the Peter Porter Prize and been anthologised in Best Australian Poems. With Imogen Cassels and Robert Newton, he edits the small roughly Cambridge, UK poetry magazine, fennel rising.
Luke Roberts
Luke Roberts wrote Rosa (2019), Sorbet (2018), Headphones (2017) and the forthcoming Landscaping Under Duress. He lives in London.
Anna Jepson
Anna Jepson was the first poet on the moon.
Joseph Persad
Joseph Persad lives out a cycle of intense repetitions in London. By pressing into or against these repetitions in numerous ways, distinct patterns and other flourishes emerge, as whirlpools will within a river's constant flow. Of these some are salvageable as poems. Of these none would guarantee recognisable effect. That's just the way it is.
Polly McCormack
Polly McCormack is a West Yorkshire poet and English student living in Brighton.
Colin Lee Marshall
Colin Lee Marshall lives in Seoul. He edits the straight-to-pdf zine Erotoplasty, and his books Nidors and Nidors (2) have been published by Crater Press.
Beattie is a drag queen, English student and writer living in Brighton. They like to think they are significantly less unbearable than these facts suggest. Their work deals with foxes, Catholic theology and the art of being single. You can find them on Twitter @LydiaHax.
Dan Spicer
Daniel Spicer writes about music for The Wire and Jazzwise magazines. He is the author of Anadolu Psych, published by Repeater in 2018, and Lost In The Vaults, published by Eleusinian Press in 2019. His poems have appeared in Datableed, Erotoplasty and on BBC Radio 3. He has self-published three poetry chapbooks: Osshole Accidents in 2012, Notes For Colour in 2015 and From The Bottom Of The Tower in 2018. A collection of his poems, collage and dreams entitled These Changes has just been published by Slightly Off Kilter, and his poem ‘Vertigo but the eye is stoned’ has just been published as part of the Hi-Zero Z-fold series.
Ed Luker
Ed Luker is a poet, teacher, and writer. He teaches at University of Surrey, Birkbeck, and the Bishopsgate Institute. His latest book is Heavy Waters on The87Press. He is tired.
All taking place upstairs at the Hope & Ruin, Queen's Road, Brighton, on Tuesday 17th December.
Doors 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start.
£3 for all.
The Hope & Ruin has a stepped street entrace of approx. 10-15cm, and two flights of stairs from the pub level to the venue on the first floor. There is a wheelchair accessible gender-neutral toilet on the ground floor of the pub in the stairwell; the m/f toilets on the first floor (the venue) are not wheelchair accessible. There is a bar in the venue, and plenty of seating.
This information is not exhaustive, so If you have any other accessibility inquiries, please contact me (Joe Luna) or the venue.
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Hi Zero #74 - Tuesday 26th November
Hi Zero Seventy-Four features readings from the following poets: Caitlín Doherty Caitlín Doherty is a poet who lives in Lewisham, works in publishing, likes riding her bike and swimming in chlorinated water. Her work has appeared in some magazines, she's the poetry editor for the Salvage journal, and she has three chap books out -- the most recent is a collaboration between Sad Press and Face Press, called Endland. She really wants a dog. + Tom Betteridge Tom Betteridge’s two pamphlets of poetry are Body Work (Sad Press, 2018) and Pedicure (sine wave peak, 2017). With Dr Ellen Dillon he’s co-editing The Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry’s special issue on Peter Manson’s poetry and translations. A new pamphlet, Dressings, is forthcoming from Materials. + Tom Crompton Tom Crompton wrote Bait Time, which came out through Distance No Object earlier this year. + All happening upstairs at the Hope & Ruin, Brighton, on Tuesday 26th November. Doors open at 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start. Music from a thing, books, bar, and discussion. More info coming soon. ACCESSIBILITY INFO The Hope & Ruin has a stepped street entrace of approx. 10-15cm, and two flights of stairs from the pub level to the venue on the first floor. There is a wheelchair accessible gender-neutral toilet on the ground floor of the pub in the stairwell; the m/f toilets on the first floor (the venue) are not wheelchair accessible. There is a bar in the venue, and plenty of seating. This information is not exhaustive, so If you have any other accessibility inquiries, please contact me (Joe Luna) or the venue.
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Hi Zero #73 - Tuesday 29th October
Hi Zero Seventy-Three features readings and performances from Dolly Turing & Sally-Shakti Willow, Samuel James, and Rosy Carrick, upstairs at the Hope & Ruin on Tuesday 29th October. Here they are: Dolly Turing & Sally-Shakti Willow Sally-Shakti Willow researches, writes and performs utopian poetics as ritual to open up [r]evolutionary space for positive transformation. Sally-Shakti’s poetic rituals include ‘radical doula’ a poem for the Rise Up & Repeal anthology (Sad Press 2019), which was written with the intention of performing a ritual/role/service as a ‘long-distance doula’ for the birthing of conscious and supported abortion practices in Ireland following the vote to Repeal the 8th Amendment in 2018. She sometimes teaches/has taught literature, poetry, creative writing and Wellbeing When Writing at the University of Westminster. Poetry publications to date: The Unfinished Dream (Sad Press, 2016) and Atha (Knives Forks and Spoons Press, 2019). Forthcoming: [un].holy: 33 sonnets for Brigid and Writing Utopia, an anthology of utopian poetics co-edited with Sarer Scotthorne (both with Hesterglock Press, 2020). Dolly Turing works in poetry, sound, play, ritual, magic. They love collaborations, resonance, dissonance; finding new, open, transformative ways to tell stories, and remembering to tell the cosmic joke. One growing, evolving thing they are working on is Quest)ion), a poetry meets soundscape ritual about what it is to love places: real and imaginary, spirits, stories and nothingness. What responsibilities do our ancestors leave us with? What is belonging? What is ‘home’? The other, Play Stance, explores play as transmutation, metamorphosis and meaning cookery. The two overlap, both with a side of queerness, and invoking of high/hard spirits. Their first pamphlet OH (PARA)COSMIC BEING came out with The Vinter Olympiks in October 2016. They have had work published by Datableed and Litmus and music out on Contour Records. Their poem The Past’s Future in Ignota’s Spells anthology was described as a “bold anthem” in The New Statesman (wtf). Together, Sally-Shakti and Dolly have written and performed a series of collaborative anti-racist dub-ritual-poems for the Original Plus Dub anthology (Hesterglock Press, 2019) and Freedom of Movement – a ritual-poetry-protest-anti-Brexit-performance at the mid-point between Article 50 and the initial Brexit date, with Yael Karavan & Xelís de Torro. Their work at October’s Hi Zero is both a new beginning and continuation of this process. + Rosy Carrick Rosy's first full poetry collection, Chokey, was published in 2018 by Burning Eye Books. For the last decade she has hosted the poetry stages at Latitude and Glastonbury festivals, and is also co-curator of the Port Eliot festival poetry stage. Rosy has a PhD on the poetry of Vladimir Mayakovsky and has released two books of his work in translation: Volodya (Enitharmon, 2015) and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Smokestack, 2017). Last year, Rosy's debut play Passionate Machine won the Best New Play award at Brighton Fringe and The Infallibles Award for Theatrical Excellence at Edinburgh Fringe. This year she has been alternately touring that show and working on Musclebound, a new project about the politics of the eroticised torture of male bodybuilders in 1980s Hollywood films. It's going to be VERY SEXY. + Samuel James Samuel James lives and teaches in the south of England. He writes stories that are sometimes like poems, lifted from a variety of sources ALL Upstairs at the Hope & Ruin, Brighton. Doors at 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start. PLUS Music from a thing, books, bar, and discussion. £3 entry. ACCESSIBILITY INFO The Hope & Ruin has a stepped street entrace of approx. 10-15cm, and two flights of stairs from the pub level to the venue on the first floor. There is a wheelchair accessible gender-neutral toilet on the ground floor of the pub in the stairwell; the m/f toilets on the first floor (the venue) are not wheelchair accessible. There is a bar in the venue, and plenty of seating. This information is not exhaustive, so If you have any other accessibility inquiries, please contact me (Joe Luna) or the venue.
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Hi Zero #72 - Tuesday 24th September
Hi Zero begins the new season of readings and performances with THIS, on Tuesday 24th September, at the HOPE & RUIN in Brighton, in the EVENING: Benzo Fury [Daniel Spicer & Verity Spott] Daniel Spicer and Verity Spott are poets and musicians based in Brighton. Since 2015, they have played, together with drummer James Parsons, in the improvising trio In Threads. The trio’s album ‘Orange Justice’ is due out on Eyeless Records later this year. Tonight, they are making a rare appearance as the duo Benzo Fury. [Formed in 2015, Brighton-based trio In Threads are James Parsons on drums, Verity Spott on cello and Daniel Spicer on wind instruments, violin, piano and miscellaneous bits and pieces. In performance, they make improvised spontaneous compositions that are joyous, mischievous and intense. They released a self-titled CD-R on Beartown Records on 2015 and a new album is coming soon on Eyeless Records.] + Sarah Crewe Sarah Crewe is a working class feminist poet from the Port of Liverpool. Her first poetry collection, floss, is available from Aquifer Books. Previous work includes weimar after dark, (a zine of poems on Rainer Werner Fassbinder's Berlin Alexanderplatz) and echolalia (Litmus Publishing, 2016). Her poems have also appeared in zarf, para.text, Cumulus, Tenebrae, Guttural, Datableed and the And Other Poems website. She has a MA in Poetry as Practice from the University of Kent and is one third of Stinky Bear Press. + Karl M V Waugh Karl M V Waugh is a musician, poet and mathematician based in Brighton. Karl’s musical output is prolific. He has worked and collaborated with many musicians over the years and plays regularly with Chloe Wallace (as The Zero Map) alongside his band The Emperors of Ice Cream and the noisy dangerous playgroup duo Binnsclagg with Verity Spott. Karl’s book of poetry “Obsessed by Proportions” is available from Sad Press. Karl keeps a blog of writing and photography. He also has a bandcamp page where many albums can be found. Directions to both are below. https://karlmvwaugh.wordpress.com/ https://disillusiondotdotdot.bandcamp.com/ + The usual music from a thing, books, bar, and discussion. Hi Zero Z-folds on sale from James Garwood-Cole, Kat Sinclair, Mitchel Pass, and Karl M V Waugh; other merchandise available. More info, reader bios, etc. coming soon. Doors open at 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start. Entry is £3. The Hope & Ruin is easy to find: it is here: https://goo.gl/maps/A6dTpeUoqErynRC6A Hi Zero readings will continue throughout the year, almost always on the last Tuesday of the month. Look for these events or search for the website. ACCESSIBILITY INFO: The Hope & Ruin has a stepped street entrace of approx. 10-15cm, and two flights of stairs from the pub level to the venue on the first floor. There is a wheelchair accessible gender nuetral toilet on the ground floor of the pub in the stairwell; the m/f toilets on the first floor (the venue) are not wheelchair accessible. There is a bar in the venue, and plenty of seating. This information is not exhaustive, so If you have any other accessibility inquiries, please contact me (Joe Luna) or the venue.
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Hi Zero #71 - Tuesday 28th May
On Tuesday 28th May 2019 we close out the current season of Hi Zero readings with three Berlin-based poets: Lotta Thießen Lotta Thießen is a poet and translator who grew up in Porto and lives in Berlin. Her chapbook In This came out in 2016, and she has published in magazines including Mask, Dinner, Legoville, Architecture et Poesie, and Splinter. She co-runs the magazine and reading series artiCHOKE in Berlin, which brings together poets from a German-speaking context and from other countries/languages. She also edits the internationalist feminist poetry publication Vírgulentxs. Fragments of Baby is forthcoming in 2019. + Joel Scott Joel Scott is a poet and translator, originally from Sydney. He co-runs the Berlin-based magazine and reading series artiCHOKE. His translation of the second volume of Peter Weiss’s Die Ästhetik des Widerstands (The Aesthetics of Resistance) will appear with Duke University Press in early 2020. His most recent chapbook is called BILDVERBOT. + Marty Hiatt
Marty Hiatt is a poet and translator from Melbourne living in Berlin. He runs bulky news press, has work in Cordite, Otoliths, past simple, dinner, scallysub, and Overland. His recent books are hard-line, the manifold, back to noise and *Paraphrenia,* which was published by MATERIALIEN in 2019. + Information about artiCHOKE, run by Thießben, Scott, and Hiatt: Four times a year, artiCHOKE brings together poets from various languages and contexts with an emphasis on political and experimental writing. Every event is accompanied by a multilingual publication with translations of the work and critical introductions. + The usual music from a thing, books, bar, discussion, the lot. All taking place upstairs at the Hope & Ruin, Brighton. Doors at 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start. - ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION: The Hope & Ruin has a stepped street entrace of approx. 10-15cm, and two flights of stairs from the pub level to the venue on the first floor. There is a wheelchair accessible gender nuetral toilet on the ground floor of the pub in the stairwell, but the m/f toilets on the first floor (the venue) are not wheelchair accessible. There is a bar in the venue, and plenty of seating. This information is not exhaustive, so If you have any other accessibility inquiries, please contact me (Joe Luna) or the venue.
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