Ecco di cosa avevo paura, che il mio umore dipendesse da qualcuno.
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Mi preoccupavo di non fargli del male.Poi lui mi uccise.
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One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.
Sigmund Freud (via theemotionmachine)
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Non ci scegliamo reciprocamente in modo casuale. Noi incontriamo persone che già esistono nel nostro subconscio.
Sigmund Freud (via soffiovitale)
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La prima regola per sentirti vivo è fare la cosa che più ti spaventa.
The Vampire Diaries (via ipusheveryoneaway)
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Il rapporto perfetto è quello in cui entrambi parlano e si trattano come migliori amici, giocano come bambini e si proteggono come fratelli. E si prendono come due pervertiti.
Labellezzadellepiccolecose - (via labellezzadellepiccolecose.)
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E allora baciami - Roberto Emanuelli
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You promise to stay in touch with people, but it doesn’t work out. It never does. And you forget about what the friendship used to be like, why you liked that person. And I hated it.
Morgan Matson, Since You’ve Been Gone (via wordsnquotes)
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“I heard an airplane passing overhead. I wished I was on it.”
- Charles Bukowski (via travelaroundtheworld82)
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When you arrive after a long flight and inhale the smell of a new country a smile creeps upon you. It’s unknown and it’s beautiful. It’s an adventure and a new vibe. A new way of looking.
Annedi Bergsma (The smell, culture and vibe of a different country is so stunningly beautiful)
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