Yale and the World
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hist426j · 5 years ago
Library contacts
Archives at Yale - the finding aid database for searching and navigating all Yale archival collections.
Manuscripts and Archives website
Divinity Library Special Collections website
20th Century America subject guide - a list of primary source databases available at Yale for the study of 20th-century America.
Feel free to contact any of us if you need assistance as you start research for your final paper.
Chris Anderson - special collections librarian, Divinity Library Special Collections - [email protected]
James Kessenides - Kaplanoff librarian for American history, Department of Area Studies and Humanities Research Support, Sterling Memorial Library - [email protected]
Bill Landis - head of public services, Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library - [email protected]
Mike Lotstein - university archivist, Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library - [email protected]
Judy Schiff - chief research archivist, Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library - [email protected]
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hist426j · 5 years ago
Collection information for QR assignment due Nov. 15, prior to Nov. 19 session in Manuscripts and Archives
The following information is taken from Professor Engerman’s Quick Response (QR) prompt due FRIDAY 11/15, NOON:
Based on the research question developed in response to the QR prompt, each student will request 2-3 boxes to explore in the November 19th class session that will meet in the Gates classroom, Manuscripts and Archives. Boxes should be requested by Friday, November 15th, at Noon to ensure that they are on site by Tuesday morning’s class session.
The following is a list of some key collections on the topics of Yale and World War II/the Cold War. The collection title (or the titles of specific parts of the collection) links to the online finding aid for each collection in Archives at Yale. As noted by Professor Engerman in your QR prompt, you can go “off-list” if you find other useful material that you’d like to explore in class on November 19th. 
World War II:
Charles Seymour, President of Yale University, Records (RU 23)
Series II. War emergency planning records.
Series III. Post-war planning board records.
Scattered files of possible interest in Series I. Correspondence and subject files, for example:
4 folders on Institute of International Studies: Angle-American relations in the post-war world, 1942-1944.
4 folders on Medical School, Institute of Human Relations, 1922-1950.
1 folder on President's Committee to Study the Post-War Aspects of Campus Life - spiritual and moral, 1944-1946.
ROTC-related files, 1937-1950.
Reserve Officer Training Corps Records (RU 599)
Correspondence, reports, memoranda, photographs, newspaper clippings, and memorabilia documenting the activities and operations of the Army and Navy Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) at Yale. 
Army Specialized Training Division, Yale University, Records (RU 89)
Correspondence, transcripts, photographs, instructional materials, and administrative files documenting the Army Specialized Training Division at Yale, particularly the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP) and the Civil Affairs Specialists Training School. 
Unfortunately much of this collection is closed because of the presence of student records scattered throughout. There are two accessions of publications and reports that are open for research:
RU 89, Accession 19ND-A-171.  Civilian Affairs Training School, printed materials on the Pacific theater in World War II, circa 1941-1961.
RU 89, Accession 19ND-A-172.  Civilian Affairs Training School, printed reports, circa 1943-1945.
Navy V-12 Program, Yale University, Records (RU 586)
Student files, memoranda, correspondence, and rosters documenting the Navy V-12 Unit at Yale. Included is correspondence between the Navy and Yale University documenting the establishment of the Navy V-12 program at Yale. 
Unfortunately much of this collection is closed because of the presence of student records scattered throughout. Box 9 and Box 10 are open for research.
Cold War:
Human Relations Area Files Records (RU 476) 
The Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) was founded at Yale University in 1949. Its mission is to "encourage and facilitate worldwide comparative studies of human behavior, society, and culture." Records consist of minutes, correspondence, memoranda, bibliographies, reports, and papers documenting the activities and operations of the HRAF.
Institute of Human Relations Records (RU 483) 
The Institute of Human Relations (IHR) was established in 1929 at Yale University as an interdisciplinary center for cooperative research on problems of human welfare. The Institute's efforts at interdisciplinary programs to study social and cultural issues were largely funded by outside agencies. A wide range of publications and studies resulted from the Institute's projects. The administrative structure of the Institute created organizational difficulties, and the IHR was absorbed by regular departments and schools in the 1950s. Records consist of administrative and subject files, annual reports, financial records, publications, and correspondence documenting the activities of the IHR at Yale.
Financial records in boxes 44, 46, 47, and 48 are restricted. Financial records in boxes 45 and 49 are open for research.
Secretary’s Office, Yale University, Records (RU 49)
Fisher, H.B. [F.B.I.], 1943-1953.
A. Whitney Griswold, President of Yale, Records (RU 22)
Especially files on specific topics, for example, files on academic freedom in boxes 1-4.
Thomas Irwin Emerson Papers (MS 1622)
Emerson, a passionate civil libertarian throughout his life, graduated from Yale College in 1928 and Yale Law School in 1931. He worked in several capacities in the New Deal during the Roosevelt administration, and taught on the Yale Law School faculty from 1946-1976.
See especially files on specific topics:
Academic freedom
Civil rights
Emergency Civil Liberties Committee
Federal anti-subversion legislation
Internal Security Act of 1950
Loyalty programs
Sobell (Morton) case
Sobell-Rosenberg case 
Duncan Chaplin Lee and John Lee Papers (MS 2062)
Duncan Chaplin Lee graduated from Yale College in 1935 and was a Sterling Fellow at the Yale Law School, 1938-1939. The collection consists of the personal papers of Duncan Chaplin Lee and his son, John Lee. Materials include Duncan Chaplin Lee’s correspondence, writings, photographs, and biographical material regarding his personal and work life. Key within these materials are documents that chronicle Lee’s evolving interest in Marxism-Leninism in the 1930s, his military service, and the events that surfaced after he was accused of espionage in 1948.
Paul Harold Lavietes Papers (MS 1589)
Lavietes graduated from Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University, in 1927 and from the Yale Medical School in 1930. The papers consist of correspondence, writings, and research material relating to his career, and include items relating to his investigation for possible Communist sympathies by the Veterans Administration and the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC).
John Punnett Peters Papers (MS 897) 
Peters graduated from Yale College in 1908, and was affiliated with the Yale School of Medicine and the New Haven Hospital from 1921 until his death in 1955. The papers contain correspondence, reports, writings, and personal papers documenting his crusade for national health insurance and his support for progressive causes, and include materials on his disloyalty charge.
The following World War II-related photograph collection boxes will be in class on November 19th. You do not have to request any of these boxes if you’re interested in looking at them.
Paul Wilkinson Photograph Collection Documenting Yale During World War II (RU 704)
Yale University Military and Wartime Activities Photographs (RU 750)
Boxes 3 and 4 and two oversize folios contain the World War II-era photographs in this collection.
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hist426j · 5 years ago
Materials used in Oct. 22 session in Manuscripts and Archives
RU 24 James Rowland Angell, president of Yale University, records
Series I box 84 folder 839 “Foreign Students” 1930-1934
Series I box 115 folders 1173-1175 “Institute of International Education” 1922-1934
Series I box 53 folder 542 “Corporation and Faculty Committee to consider Cosmopolitan Club proposal for foreign students” 1926-1930
RU 22 Alfred Whitney Griswold, president of Yale University, records
Series I box 232 folder 2158 “Yale Men Abroad” 1961-1963
RU 233 Yale-China Association administrative records
Accession 1991-A-035 box 13 folder 190 “Chinese University of Hong Kong: Programs for Exchange Students” August-December 1975
RU 47 Dwight Hall, Yale University, records
Accession 1988-A-105 boxes 112-113 folders 1271-1299 multiple topics on international students and the International Student Center 1918-1962
RU 218 Department of Germanic Languages, Yale University, records
Accession 1990-A-122 box 14 
folder 880 “Study Abroad” selected correspondence only 1964-1965
folders 884 and 886 “Study Abroad – general information” 1965-1973
RU 20 Richard C. Carroll, assistant and associate dean of Yale College, records
Accession 1971-A-003 box 29 folders 343A-347, selected materials on Junior Year Abroad in France, Italy, and Scandinavia 1954-1966
Accession 1971-A-003 box 38 folder 523 “Study Abroad and in U.S.” 1964-1965
RU 412 Office of International Education and Fellowship Programs, Yale University, records
Accession 2001-A-007 box 1 three folders of Fellowship statistics 1980-1985
RU 126 Yale College records of the Dean
Accession 1983-A-051 box 13 folder 154 “Junior Year Abroad” 1972-1973
MS 602 Yung Wing papers
Accession 1999-M-068 box 1 folders 1-8, correspondence to Mary Kellogg 1878-1886
RU 534 Yale Association of Japan photograph album
Accession 1936-A-007 box 1 photograph album circa 1912
Selected Class books by decade in the 20th century – Yale College and Sheffield Scientific School
For Yale College class books: In Orbis do a “Call Number (Local)” search on Ybb followed by a space and the last three digits of the graduating class you’re interested. For example, Ybb 916 will retrieve all of the YC Class of 1916 class books available in Manuscripts and Archives. 
For Sheffield Scientific School class books: In Orbis do a “Call Number (Local)” search on Yb followed by a space and the last three digits of the graduating class you’re interested. For example, Ybc 916 will retrieve all of the SSS Class of 1916 class books available in Manuscripts and Archives. 
 Selected Yale campus directories by decade in the 20th century
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hist426j · 5 years ago
Materials used in Oct. 1 session in Manuscripts and Archives
Links from collection titles below lead to the online finding aid for each collection in Archives at Yale.
Yale Peruvian Expedition Papers (MS 664)
Correspondence, administrative records, scientific reports, writings, and illustrative material on the three expeditions to Peru sponsored by Yale University between 1911-1915. The most celebrated discoveries, the finding of Machu Picchu and of Vitcos, the last capital of the Incas, were studied during the expeditions by scientific specialists who were drawn principally from the Yale faculty. The papers include their diaries, manuscripts, and published reports of their work, as well as the writings of Hiram Bingham III, professor of Latin American history at Yale, and leader of the expeditions. Among the prominent members of the expeditions were: Isaiah Bowman, Orator F. Cook, George F. Eaton, William G. Erving, H. W. Foote, Herbert E. Gregory, Edmund Heller, and Philip Ainsworth Means. Correspondents included scientists and government officials both in South America and the United States. Among these are: Sir Clements Markham, Alberto A. Giesecke, Edward C. Pickering, Thomas Barbour, Pliny E. Goddard, A. B. Leguia (President of Peru), F. A. Prezet, and Edwardo Higginson.
Box 5, especially folders 25-29: 1911 expedition correspondence.
Box 6: 1911-1912 correspondence.
Box 7: especially folders 68-72: 1912 expedition correspondence.
Box 10: 1914 expedition correspondence.
Box 11: 1914-1915 expeditions correspondence.
Box 15, folders 237-258: correspondence with the National Geographic Society, 1912-1915.
Box 16, folders 259-267: correspondence with the National Geographic Society, 1916.
Box 18: journals and notebooks of participants in the 1911 expedition (Bingham, director; bowman, geologist/geographer; Foote, collector/naturalist; Hendriksen, topographer; Lanius, staff assistant; Tucker, archaeological engineer).
Box 19: journals and notebooks of participants in the 1912 expedition (Bestor, assistant; Bingham, director; Bumstead, chief topographer; Eaton, osteologist; Erdis, archaeological engineer; Hardy, assistant; Heald, assistant topographer; Little, assistant).
Box 20, folders 27-29: journals and notebooks of participants in the 1912 expedition (Nelson, surgeon; Stephenson, assistant topographer) & folders 30-36: journals and notebooks of participants in the 1914-1915 expeditions (Anderson, assistant topographer; Bingham, director).
Box 22: journals and notebooks of participants in the 1914-1915 expeditions (Ford, surgeon; Hardy, interpreter and chief assistant; Hasbrouck, engineer).
Box 23: journals and notebooks of participants in the 1914-1915 expeditions (Hasbrouck, engineer; Maynard, topographer; Means, assistant, a Harvard student, later a prominent historian, explorer, and author; Meserve, surgeon; Westerberg, assistant topographer).
Boxes 24, 25, & 26: reports and articles from 1911, 1912, and 1914-1915 expeditions.
Box 31: glass slides taken by Harry W. Foote, collector/naturalist for the 1911 expedition, of expedition staff, ruins, landscapes, local people, buildings, and animals. Extremely fragile, use nitrile gloves, handle with care and use light table to view.
Box 34: photographs taken on expeditions, maps, newspaper clippings. Use nitrile gloves when handling photographs.
Boxes 35 & 35A: scrapbooks of clippings relating to the Yale Peruvian Expeditions, 1911-1916. Scrapbook pages are extremely brittle, please turn pages carefully.
Arthur Twining Hadley, President of Yale University, Records (RU 25)
Records contain the official correspondence of Arthur Twining Hadley during his tenure as president of Yale University, 1899-1921. The papers document the rapid change and expansion that occurred at Yale during Hadley's presidency. The incoming correspondence contains letters from members of the Yale faculty and administration; requests for personal appearances and speeches and articles; inquiries from educational administrators; and correspondence with alumni relating to fund-raising and class reunions. The outgoing correspondence, in letterbook form, consists of carbon copies of Hadley's official outgoing correspondence from 1899 to 1921.
Box 8, folders 143-147: Letters from Hiram Bingham to Hadley, 1900-1916. Note that Hadley’s outgoing correspondence, which was not brought to the October 1st class session, is filed chronologically in boxes 98-127 of RU 25.
Bingham Family Papers (MS 81)
Personal papers of several generations of the Bingham family, including Hiram Bingham, the Machu Picchu expedition director. There were four generations of Hiram Binghams, and confusingly three of them at times referred to themselves as Hiram Bingham, Jr. In the finding aid they are referenced as Hiram Bingham I (1789-1869, missionary to the Sandwich Islands, now Hawai’i), Hiram Bingham II (1831-1908, missionary to the Gilbert Islands), Hiram Bingham III (1875-1956, explorer, Yale professor, and U.S. senator), and Hiram Bingham IV (1903-1988, diplomat and humanitarian).
Box 18, folders 91-92 & Box 19, folder 93: Bingham’s personal correspondence during the period of the 1911 and 1912 expeditions.
Boxes 23 & 24: Bingham’s personal correspondence during the period of the 1914-1915 expeditions.
Box 36:  reprints of Bingham’s 28 December 1907 address before the American Political Science Association, “The Possibilities of South American History and Politics As a Field for Research” (folder 2); “Journal of an Expedition Across Venezuela and Colombia, 1906-1907”, bound manuscript journal published in 1909 (folder 3); typed edited drafts for 1909 publication of Bingham’s Journal of an Expedition Across Venezuela and Colombia, 1906-1907 (folders 4-9).
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hist426j · 5 years ago
Materials used in Sept. 17 session in Manuscripts and Archives
Links from collection titles below lead to the online finding aid for each collection in Archives at Yale.
From Divinity Library Special Collections
Miscellaneous Personal Papers Collection (RG 30) - William Whiting Borden (Yale College Class of 1909) was a founder of the Yale Hope Mission, and served as a traveling secretary for the SVM. He went to Cairo, Egypt, to study Islam and Arabic in preparation for working among the Muslims in China, and died there in 1913.
Box 120, folder 10: Correspondence and other material related to Borden’s work with the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, 1911-1913.
Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Mission Records (RG 42) -  The Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions (SVM) was an organization that sought to recruit college and university students in the United States for missionary service abroad. Records document the activities of the SVM and provide valuable information on various aspects of American religious life during the period 1886-1964, as well as conditions on American college and university campuses.
Series I, Box 26, folder 14: Application blanks, Albro-Aldridge, circa 1902-1932.
Series I, Box 27, folder 22: Application blanks, Allenby-Allison, circa 1890-1948.
Series II, Box 138, folder 1379: Volunteer correspondence, Alb-Aldrich, circa 1920s-1930s.
Series II, Box 139, folder 1388: Volunteer correspondence, Anderson, A.-Anderson, C., circa 1920s-1930s.
John G. Magee Family Papers (RG 242) -  Correspondence, writings, photographs, films, and other documentation of the life and work of John Gillespie Magee, his son John Gillespie Magee, Jr. and other family members. The Rev. John G. Magee (1884-1953), a graduate of Yale College (Class of 1906), served as a missionary to China under the Episcopal Church from 1912-1938. John G. Magee witnessed the Japanese invasion of Nanking (Nanjing) in December of 1937 and the subsequent Nanking Massacre.
Series III, Box 5, folder 2: Diary documenting missionary work in China, 18 September -28 December1916.
From Manuscripts and Archives
Dwight Hall, Yale University, Records (RU 47) - Correspondence, minutes of meetings, financial records, membership lists, program records, committee records, scrapbooks, subject files, conference records, publications and printed material, and related materials concerning the activities of Dwight Hall at Yale.
Accession 19ND-A-163, Box 9, folder 38a: Catalogs, articles, and other printed ephemera relating mainly to the Yale Mission in China, circa 1902-1909.
Yale-China Association Records (RU 232) - Records document the activities of the Yale-China Association in mainland China (1901-1951), Hong Kong (1951-present), and the United States (1901-present). They consist of administrative and policy files produced by the home office in New Haven, correspondence and memoranda written by staff members while serving in China, and administrative files and correspondence produced by the New Asia office in Hong Kong.
Series I, Box 14, folder 154: Early academic reports from Changsha, 1908-1912.
Series II, Box 32, folder 265: Hsiang Ya, curriculum reports, 1911-1920.
Series II, Box 54, folder 594: Yali, data on students and faculty, 1908-1924.
Series III, Box 57, folder 45: Chang, Fu Liang (Yale Sheffield Scientific School Class of 1913s) (Middle School staff), correspondence 1915-1921.
Series III, Box 62, folder 134: Farnam, Louise (Yale PhD 1916, MD 1920) (Medical staff), correspondence, 1929-1930.
Series III, Box 65, folder 182: Gage, Brownell (Yale College Class of 1898), correspondence, 1907.
Series III, Box 66, folder 204: Gage, Nina (Nursing staff), correspondence, 1904-1912.
Series III, Box 67, folder 228: Hail, William (Yale College Class of 1904) (Middle school teaching staff), correspondence, 1911-1912.
Series III, Box 107, folder 938: Yen, Fu-Chun (Yale MD 1909) (Medical staff), correspondence, 1909-1913.
Series VIII, Box 146: Scrapbook, “The Changsha Riots of 1910 ... Made up by Dickson H. Leavens at Kuling in the summer of 1910″.
Series VIII, Box 151, folder 2: Articles about Yale-in-China, 1910-1919.
Series IX, Box 154, folder 7: Photographs, Changsa campus, site before clearing, gateway, and panoramic views, early 20th century.
Series IX, Box 155, folder 22: Photographs, Changsha campus life - classes, daily routine, and study activity, early 20th century.
Series XIV, Box 191, folder 5: “History of the Class of 1917,” College of Yale-in-China, 1917.
John Lawrence Thurston Papers (MS 493) - General correspondence of Thurston (Yale College Class of 1898), missionary in China and active member of the Yale Foreign Missionary Society, makes up the major portion of these papers. The main topics are his work in China, including his interest in the Yale Missionary Band and the organization of the Yale Foreign Missionary Society.
Series II, Box 1, folder 29: Correspondence to Edward Bliss Reed, 1903.
Series II, Box 2, folder 39: Correspondence with the Yale Missionary Band, 1898-1903.
Warren Bartlett Seabury  Papers (MS 790): Correspondence, essays and memorabilia of Seabury (Yale College Class of 1900), a missionary in China who helped plan and organize the Yale Foreign Missionary Society. Correspondence with his family (1904-1907) and reports on his work for the Society and the founding of the Yali Middle School is included.
Series I, Box 1, folder 3: Letters to family, January-May 1905.
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