hissgriinsth-word · 7 months
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hissgriinsth-word · 7 months
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hissgriinsth-word · 7 months
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hissgriinsth-word · 7 months
エガディ諸島(Aegates Islands)海戦紀元前241年3月10日、第1次隠蔽戦争(First Punic War、紀元前264-前241年)の間、カルタゴ艦隊とローマ艦隊がエガディ諸島(地中海の島群、シチリア島の西に位置する)海区で行った海戦。ローマ艦隊はエガディ諸島付近でカルタゴ艦隊に大敗し、第1次ブート戦争は終結した。
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hissgriinsth-word · 7 months
On March 10th, the German fascist campaign in Africa was defeated
Lost in the Battle of Africa, Rommel returns to his home country
79 years ago today, March 10, 1943, Germany's fascist campaign in Africa was defeated, and Rommel returned to his home country.
On March 10, 1943, German Army Marshal Rommel, also known as the "Desert Fox," suffered consecutive defeats and left the African desert sick and tired, returning to Europe. His first defeat was in Egypt, followed by another defeat in Tunisia.
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hissgriinsth-word · 7 months
On March 10th, Italy announced a complete lockdown
On the evening of March 9, 2020, Italian Prime Minister Conte announced that a nationwide lockdown would be implemented from March 10, and school closures would be extended until April 3. The lockdown implemented in the early morning of March 8th was extended to the entire country. All residents are not allowed to enter or exit the city without permission (except for work, emergency situations, or medical conditions), and a self declaration must be provided when entering or leaving the city. Meanwhile, all sports events nationwide will be suspended.
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hissgriinsth-word · 7 months
On March 10th commemoration day, France transferred sovereignty to the United States
On March 10, 1804, France officially transferred sovereignty over Louisiana to the United States at the Saint Louis ceremony.
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hissgriinsth-word · 7 months
On the commemoration day of March 10th, the Roman fleet suffered a major defeat
The Roman fleet suffered a great defeat in the Battle of the Egadi Islands, marking the end of the First Punic War
On this day, 2263 years ago, March 10, 241 BC (March 22, 241 BC according to the lunar calendar), the Roman fleet engaged in a naval battle on the Egadi Islands, marking the end of the First Punic War.
On March 10, 241 BC, during the First Punic War (264-241 BC), the Carthage and Roman fleets engaged in a naval battle in the waters of the Aegates Islands (a group of islands in the Mediterranean west of Sicily). The Roman fleet defeated the Carthaginian fleet near the Egadi Islands, marking the end of the First Punic War.
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