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a blog for a bunch of hypmic translations.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
hipumaitranslations · 5 years ago
Thought it’d be most reasonable to conduct the poll here since this where the first one was. If you could please fill out this poll on Hypnosis Mic Character Popularity, it’d be greatly helpful! Prelim results will be posted earlier, but this poll closes on the 5th of January. 
Thank you!
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hipumaitranslations · 5 years ago
This post is about Japyon/Neru. This person is the one who started HypMic Zone/ fpp_posse.
Under the cut, we detail what has been happening behind the scenes. Essentially, the entire mod team was lied to by Japyon who was illegally obtaining all the content for her google drive and distributing it to over 4000 people. In this, HypMic has suffered massive monetary losses. Please continue reading this post to see what the effects of pirating a small series like this leads to.
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hipumaitranslations · 5 years ago
How to submit to HypRadio
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Hypnosis Radio is a programme supported by Spotify where the Hypnosis Mic characters take and respond to questions sent in by viewers. You can listen to the broadcasts after they have been played - that is every other Monday at  21:30-21:55 Japan time. Here’s a guide by heeShinju on twitter on how to send in a question!
Please bear in mind that Buster Bros, Samatoki and Jyuto (11/11) will have had their turns already so will not be taking questions. You can however send to Rio and Fling Posse now, and Matenrou next month.
Click the read more to submit to see how to submit to HypRadio.
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hipumaitranslations · 5 years ago
Yo! Thanks everyone who supported hipumaitranslations, but we’ll be moving over to HypMic Zone to make things more easily accessible for everyone. Please give that account a follow!
HypMic Zone Tumblr!!
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We’re a group dedicated to providing accessible content for Hypnosis Microphone.
From this page, we’ll be giving updates on official HypMic content as well as reblogging content on tumblr as well. 
Please follow us on our main account on twitter where we share much more content. You can access our GoogleDrive by messaging us on twitter for it! 
Use the hashtag #hypmiczone so we can reblog your layout edits, theories, fanarts, manga fake translations and colored manga panels related to the fandom!
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hipumaitranslations · 5 years ago
HypMic Discord: HypHell
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Yo yo yo! Got a server, yeah we’re back again! It’s the Hypnosis Hell server - rebranded and back for round two!
Come join and chat about #HypMic! A chill space with a lot of safety to keep the weirdos at bay!
LGBT+ friendly Not ship-focused, but welcome Custom roles to support your divisions!
Invites are limited to keep the server clean, so why not hop in and take a look around while it’s up! Any likes and reblogs would be greatly appreciated!
Link’s over HERE: https://discord.gg/Tm9Te73
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hipumaitranslations · 5 years ago
Alternative Rap Battle - Division All Stars || Kanji, Romaji & Eng
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Alternative Rap Battle is the a song for the upcoming mobile game ‘Alternative Rap Battle’, by Division All Stars - The full HypMic cast.
Lyrics, Composition, Arrangement: invisible manners (Daisuke Hirayama ・ Sei Fukuyama) MV Creator: Pink Janakutemo Vocals: Division All Stars
Lyrics under the cut! Apologies for taking a while with this!
ICHIRO Yo yo yo! Play the gameだぜ! Back again、yo 固唾を呑みな起こすぜフェノミナン おもねんなメンバー下げんな縦フェーダー(Let’s go) 叫ぶスピーカーでブクロをBig up この国家は今一度洗濯しかないぜ 円卓の騎士が起死回生の為に凱旋 いかんせん邪魔ばっか嫌になるぜパイセン(Let’s go) 謳えアンセム山田一郎が参戦
SAMATOKI ナチュラルハイでイキったクソガキが いっちょ前にマッチョな事言ってまちゅねぇ? アティチュードは血も凍るゼロ・ファーレンハイト 我に返っても既にToo late Mother Father Sister Brother 俺さまはGod Father 言霊ぶつけるぜまざまざと バイオハザード級の災いだ まだやるか
RAMUDA ハート型の光線をコンセントレート チョコで包む洋酒入り怖~いダイナマイト! inner zoneに入り交じり愛憎を倍増させる メッ!する対象広くユニセックス 乱数の事グルグルと何回考えちゃう? Love感情生産する脳内マニファクチャー 飴玉が甘いなんてダメだ決めつけちゃ? 特別なレクチャーはぐちゃぐちゃにチャーミングだよ?
JAKURAI それは理にかなうクリニカルなスキル クリティカルな状況 狼狽しパントマイム などは堅く禁ずだが進む淡々とTime 万全とは何か問われているAll time
壊れている人体涙目のクランケ ブランケットにくるむ腐乱する痛ましい フランス・ルイ17世の幼気な魂 神よ全ての子供たちにMercy
CHORUS 騒乱動乱 ヒプノシスマイク 群雄割拠 Alternative Battle illなビート寄越しなDJ バチバチの捨て鉢 ぶちこんでくライム
エキシビションじゃない歴史上のBattle 格式容赦ない異次元の魔法 欲張りだぜ東西南北 分捕るまでぶっ放すぜ罵倒
奪い奪われても恨んでる暇はねえ Are you game for more? Do you want more?
JIRO 無人のリムジンに火をつけて木っ端微塵 バチバチに燃えてるぜ俺は風神雷神 阿吽の呼吸でRollin’ Rollin’ 何かに取り憑かれたゴロツキ 冗談抜きで火気厳禁の ごぼう抜きのスキルは 物好きくらいじゃ到達できん(Let’s go) 殺す気でかかって来るが良いが ウチの一兄の出る幕も無いようだ
JYUTO はいはいはい ウザい余罪つかムカつく重過失 蛇足だぜ その無駄すぎるライム もはやクライム 初動で動員する押韻 そうさ機動捜査隊のスタンス 滅相もない! 元も子もない もっともな言い分なんてない ニューナンブの銃弾に代わる ニューロンを蹂躙するマイク 公務執行妨害だぜ 頭部ぶっとぶがいい
GENTARO 明治大正昭和平成令和 厭世的時代考証 真似し青年は 永遠なるパラダイムからも抗えるポエジー 物狂で不器用な文豪のイメージ 流刑地から一等地まで 伝播して蔓延るこの活字のステージ 弁は立つ 衒学趣味 無知蒙昧 no mind エクリチュール 高慢な鼻を抉り取る
HIFUMI バトルもある意味接客業務 せっかくだし盛り上げとくゲーム ウェイとか言っときゃ良いとか無え?(ウェイ!) ��都会生きるエンターテイメント 延滞料金は不要だぜメンズ? 弁解無用さツケにしてやんぜ? 顔は殴らんよライムでもそう ただしアンタのメンツはぐちゃぐちゃでしょ?
CHORUS Run & Gun ヒプノシスマイク 蛮勇韻力 Alternative Rap Dopeなビート繋ぎなDJ たちまち奪うガチ ぶちこんで詰める!
one for the treble two for the bass 痛いガキ死すともフローは死せず 韻の攻防は因果応報 分捕るまでぶっ放すぜ罵倒
奪い奪われても恨んでる暇はねえ Are you game for more? Do you want more?
SABURO 三郎の出番 何喋ろう? とりま愚弄 しとく マイクロフォン ワーカホリックなリックで奪う 不道徳なFlow所得 フォトショして書き換えてく ブクロの青写真(ブループリント) Bring on Bring on キンコンカンコン 義務教育をお前に施してやろうか? You know what? 有能な僕の助言さ まずはブクロの法律の授業だ
RIO ようそろ! さあようこそ お前の不安要素の 戦場の霧 小官がメイソン理鶯 弁証法により勝利を 導く道理を 一字一句 お前に軍事指南進ぜよう 心理的シンドローム 伴う心底 死んでも死にきれんほど 擦り切れるだろう前頭葉 前途多難だなジェントルマン ああ残念 当面は火力演習の的となる
DICE おいおいおい go humble おいあんちゃん go gamble 丁半も知らん唐変木 チンチロならションベンだぜ マジ勘弁 テンション下げ まず1勝 次は本気で来いよ Once again 今日の賭場はラップゲーム ショバ代を払っとけ Dead or Alive 降りんならとっとと払えよ ZionだろうがBabylonだろうが 財を成そうが滅びようが 要は賭け(Bet)だろうが
DOPPO 死に敵う救済なんて シニカルな冗談 商談相手にいつだって 媚び諂ってshit damn 疾患寸前ぐらいなら 失敗なんてノーカン 儲かっても無いけど まだ食えてるならいっか 一回や二回じゃ覚えらんない ルーティンワーク 雨天決行する結構なハードワーク 営業トークで隠された封印解く 日本刀のごとく突き刺す深く深く深く
CHORUS 騒乱動乱 ヒプノシスマイク 群雄割拠 Alternative Battle illなビート寄越しなDJ バチバチの捨て鉢 ぶちこんでくライム
エキシビションじゃない歴史上のBattle 格式容赦ない異次元の魔法 欲張りだぜ東西南北 分捕るまでぶっ放すぜ罵倒
Run & Gun ヒプノシスマイク 蛮勇韻力 Alternative Rap Dopeなビート繋ぎなDJ たちまち奪うガチ ぶちこんで詰める!
one for the treble two for the bass 痛いガキ死すともフローは死せず 韻の攻防は因果応報 分捕るまでぶっ放すぜ罵倒
奪い奪われても恨んでる暇はねえ Are you game for more? Do you want more?
ICHIRO Yo Yo Yo Play the game da ze Back again, yo katazu wo nomi na okosu ze fenominan omonen na menbaa sagen na tate feedaa (Let’s go) sakebu supiikaa de bukuro wo Big up
kono kuni wa ima ichido sentaku shikanai ze entaku no kishi ga kishi kaisei no tame ni gaisen ikansen jama bakka iya ni naru ze paisen (Let’s go) utae ansemu yamada ichiro ga sansen
SAMATOKI nachuraru hai de ikitta kuso gaki ga iccho mae ni maccho na koto itte machu nee? atitchuudo wa chi mo kooru zero.faarenhaito ware ni kaettemo sude ni Too late Mother Father Sister Brother ore-sama wa God Father kotodama butsukeru ze mazamaza to baiohazaado kyuu no wazawai da mada yaru ka
RAMUDA haatogata no kousen wo konsentoreeto choko de tsutsumu youshu iri kowa~i dainamaito! inner zone ni iri majiri aizou wo baizou saseru me! suru taishou hiroku yunisekkusu
ramuda no koto guruguru to nankai kangaechau? Love kanjou seisan suru nounai manifakuchaa amedama ga amai nante dame da kimetsukecha? tokubetsu na rekuchaa wa guchagucha ni chaamingu da yo?
JAKURAI sore wa ri ni kanau kurinikaru na sukiru kuritikaru na joukyou roubai shi pantomaimu nado wa kataku kinzu da ga susumu tantan to Time banzen to wa nanika towareteiru All Time
kowareteiru jintai namidame no kuranke buranketto ni kurumu furan suru itamashii furansu.rui juunanasei no itaike na tamashii kami yo subete no kodomotachi ni Mercy
CHORUS souran douran hipunoshisu maiku gunyuu kakkyo Alternative Battle ill na biito yokoshi na DJ bachibachi no sutebachi buchikondeku raimu
ekishibishon janai rekishijou no Battle kakushiki yousha nai ijigen no mahou yokubari da ze touzai nanboku bundoru made buppanasu ze batou
ubai ubawaretemo uranderu hima wa nee
Are you game for more? Do You Want More?
JIRO mujin no rimujin ni hi wo tsukete koppa mijin bachibachi ni moeteru ze ore wa fuujin raijin aun no kokyuu de Rollin’ Rollin’ nanika ni toritsukareta gorotsuki joudan nuki de kaki genkin no gobou nuki no sukiru wa monozuki kurai ja toutatsu dekin (Let’s go) korosu ki de kakatte kuru ga ii ga uchi no ichinii no deru maku mo nai you da
JYUTO hai hai hai uzai yozai tsu ka mukatsuku juukashitsu dasoku da ze sono mudasugiru raimu mohaya kuraimu shodou de douin suru ouin sou sa kidou sousatai no sutansu messou mo nai! moto mo ko mo nai mottomo na ippun nante nai nyuu nanbu no juudan ni kawaru nyuuron wo juurin suru maiku koumu shikkou bougai da ze toubu buttobu ga ii
GENTARO meiji taishou shouwa heisei reiwa enseiteki jidai koushou mane shi seinen wa eien naru paradaimu kara mo aragaeru poejii bukkyou de bukiyou na bungou no imeeji ryuukeichi kara ittouchi made denpa shite habikoru kono katsuji no suteeji ben wa tatsu gengaku shumi muchi moumai No mind ekurichuuru kouman na hana wo eguritoru
HIFUMI batoru mo aru imi sekkyaku gyoumu sekkaku dashi moriagetoku geemu wei to ka ittokya ii to ka nee? (wei!) daitokai ikiru entaateinmento entai ryoukin wa fuyou da ze menzu? benkai muyousa tsuke ni shite yan ze? kao wa naguran yo raimu demo sou tadashi anta no mentsu wa guchagucha desho?
CHORUS Run & Gun hipunoshisu maiku banyuu inryoku Alternative Rap Dope na biito tsunagi na DJ tachimachi ubau gachi buchikonde tsumeru!
one for the treble two for the bass itai gaki shisu tomo furoo wa shisezu in no koubou wa inga ouhou bundoru made buppanasu ze batou
ubai ubawaretemo uranderu hima wa nee
Are you game for more? Do You Want More?
SABURO saburo no deban nani shaberou? torima gurou shitoku maikurofon waakaahorikku na rikku de ubau fudoutoku na Flow shotoku fotosho shite kakikaeteku bukuro no buruupurinto Bring on Bring on kinkon kankon gimu kyouiku wo omae ni hodokoshite yarou ka? You know what? yuunou na boku no jogensa mazu wa bukuro no houritsu no jugyou da
RIO yousoro! saa youkoso omae no fuan youso no senjou no kiri shoukan ga meison riou benshouhou ni yori shouri wo michibiku doori wo ichiji ikku omae ni gunji shinan shinzeyou shinriteki shindoroomu tomonau shinsoko shindemo shinikiren hodo surikireru darou zentou you zento tanan da na jentoruman aa zannen toumen wa karyoku enshuu no mato to naru
DICE oi oi oi go humble oi an-chan go gamble chouhan mo shiran touhenboku chinchiro nara shonben da ze maji kanben tenshon sage mazu isshou tsugi wa honki de koi yo Once again kyou no toba wa rappu geemu shobadai wo harattoke Dead or Alive orin nara tottoto harae yo Zion darou ga Babylon darou ga zai wo nasou ga horobiyou ga you wa Bet darou ga
DOPPO shi ni kanau kyuusai nante shinikaru na joudan shoudan aite ni itsudatte kobihetsuratte shit damn shikkan sunzen gurai nara shippai nante nookan moukattemo nai kedo mada kueteru narai ikka ikkai ya nikai ja oboerannai ruutin waaku uten kekkou suru kekkou na haado waaku eigyou tooku de kakusareta fuuin toku nihontou no gotoku tsukisasu fukaku fukaku fukaku
CHORUS souran douran hipunoshisu maiku gunyuu kakkyo Alternative Battle ill na biito yokoshi na DJ bachibachi no sutebachi buchikondeku raimu
ekishibishon janai rekishijou no Battle kakushiki yousha nai ijigen no mahou yokubari da ze touzai nanboku bundoru made buppanasu ze batou
Run & Gun hipunoshisu maiku banyuu inryoku Alternative Rap Dope na biito tsunagi na DJ tachimachi ubau gachi buchikonde tsumeru!
one for the treble two for the bass itai gaki shisu tomo furoo wa shisezu in no koubou wa inga ouhou bundoru made buppanasu ze batou
ubai ubawaretemo uranderu hima wa nee
Are you game for more? Do You Want More
ICHIRO YO YO YO! Let's play the game! Back again, yo Don't be scared, get up to this new phenomenon No backing down! No fade us out! (Let's go!) Shout it through the speakers, big up 'Bukuro! This country’s all washed up again The Knights of the Round Table have been revived Sorry senpai, but you best not get in our way Sing the battle anthem! It's Ichiro Yamada on the set!
SAMATOKI You think too high of yourself, damn brat. It’s almost natural. Acting all macho with the big dogs now, huh? My 0°F attitude's enough to freeze blood. Try to come back to me, it's already too late Mother Father Sister Brother, I'm the Godfather Samatoki These words'll crush you,  cause I'm a biohazard. So you still up to fight?
RAMUDA My heart-shaped beams will strike your through♡ Wrapped in chocolate and wine, it's scary dynamite! Both love and hate mix and explode in the inner zone! This punishment is unisex~ Hey, is Ramuda's cute face stuck inside your head yet~? Brains are manufactured to produce love, you know! Who says candy has to be sweet anyway? That's silly! My special lecture is chaos, let’s make a charming mess~!
JAKURAI Clinical skills are defined by logic Panicking and pantomining in critical situations, these are forbidden, though apathy and time never halt. I ask myself “what is perfection?” is all the time. The eroding human body, patient with teary eyes I swathed in blankets, they still decay.  How pitiful.The innocent soul of Louis XVII May God have mercy on his children
CHORUS Chaos and mayhem, Hypnosis mic! This means war! Alternative Battle! DJ, bring that ill beat! Crackling tension, rhymes are bullets! This ain't an exhibition! It's a historic battle! The brutal magic of this new dimension! Everyone here's greedy as hell! We're gonna rap you to death! No hard feelings, ain't no time for that! Are you game for more? Do you want more?
JIRO Set the limousine alight and blow it up! Let's burn it all up! I’m the God of both Wind and Thunder. The three of us, Rollin' Rollin'! Punks who fight us'll end up dizzy Seriously, you gotta bite harder than that if you wanna match my skill (Let's go!) It's aight if you're aiming for the kill, but this fight would be too easy for Ichi-nii!
JYUTO Yeah, yeah, all right! How annoying, shut your trap! You’re in for the arrest. It's ridiculous how useless your senseless rhyming can get! It's a crime in itself! Striking at the first sign of trouble, that is our criminal investigations department's stance! Absurd? No way! We can't afford mistakes or losses! Take this mic instead of a revolver, to fry your neruons! Obstruction of justice is a felony, you know? Don't blame me if I blast your head off!
GENTARO Meiji, Taisho, Showa, Heisei, Reiwa I'm but a copycat, looking back to every pessimistic era Writing poesies that resist even eternal paradigms, I create the image of a mad and bumbling wordsmith. This verbal stage spreads like an epidemic, from the depths of the slums to the royal palace Your manner of speech clearly indicates what an ignorant fool you are (No mind) This ecriture dictates my desire to gouge out that haughty nose of yours.
HIFUMI Battles are like a customer service, in a way As long as we're here, why don't we up this game? Nothing wrong with a little party and fun, hm? Let's enjoy some big-city entertainment. No need to pay the late charges guys, but your excuse is useless. It'll go on your tab. So no hits to the face, but let's settle this in rap. Though, your appearance is just a mess, isn't it?
CHORUS Run & Gun, Hypnosis Mic! The merciless rhyme, alternative rap! DJ, bring that dope beat! We'll beat you down before you know it! One for the treble! Two for the bass! Even if you knock us down, our flow's here to stay! Fight or flight, it's still your win or loss! We're gonna rap you all dead! No hard feelings, ain't no time for that! Are you game for more? Do you want more?
SABURO Saburo's turn, what should I say? For now, it's time to wreck ‘em with this microphone Workaholics earn their money through dirty work Photoshopped, rewritten, it's 'Bukuro's new blueprint. Bring on, bring on, ding dong ding dong Why don't I teach you a lesson, right here right now? You know what? Take it as a lesson from someone smarter than you. First off, how bout we talk about 'Bukuro's rules?
RIOU Keep the ship stead! Welcome, come on! I am the unstoppable force on the battle field. I'm Mason Riou. The path to victory is through sound logic and reasoning I move with the guidance of the military way. The psychological syndrome that afflicts your heart shall wear out your brain until you perish. Many difficulties lie ahead of you gentlemen. Unfortunately, you are my target and I’m opening fire.
DICE Oi, oi, oi, go humble! C'mon, let's go gamble! Don't know how, then I'll teach ya dumbass! Chinchiro's easy! Still can't play? Gimme a break! It's my win now, so come at me seriously next, got it? Today's a gamble! Fork over your bets! Dead or Alive, if you gonna call quits, hurry and pay up! Zion or Babylon, win or lose, it ain't matter! What matters is we bet it all!
DOPPO Salvation in the face of death, what a cynical joke Doing business means nothing but sucking up, shit damn If you're on the verge of collapsing, making mistakes is fine, I guess Sure, there's not much profit. But as long as you get paid, it's all good. Just doing it once or twice isn't enough for this routine work Rain or shine, it has to be done. It's pretty hard work. Hiding it on normal days, I'll unleash myself during sales talks. I'll stab through you with my blade, let it go deeper, deeper, deeper
CHORUS Chaos and mayhem, Hypnosis mic! This means war! Alternative Battle! DJ, bring that ill beat! Crackling tension, rhymes are bullets! This ain't an exhibition! It's a historic battle! The brutal magic of this new dimension! Everyone here's greedy as hell! We're gonna rap you to death!
Run & Gun, Hypnosis Mic! The merciless rhyme, alternative rap! DJ, bring that dope beat! We'll beat you down before you know it! One for the treble! Two for the bass! Even if you knock us down, our flow's here to stay! Fight or flight, it's still your win or loss! We're gonna rap you all dead!
No hard feelings, ain't no time for that! Are you game for more? Do you want more?
Ichiro refers to the knights of the Round Table - 12 here, but the original numbers are something like 24, 36 or some even as 72.
Paisen - Another way of saying senpai, but for one you're much closer to/familiar with.
Samatoki's referal to himself as 'the Godfather' is related to how he brought up Ichiro's rap skills.
Jakurai uses the german word for patient/ill person, Kranke
Since these verses are shots at their rivals, Jakurai is addressing Ramuda in this verse. Louis XVII was a child king. Jakurai is asking mercy on Ramuda's soul because he's about to beat this kid to the ground.
Chinchiro is the game that Fling Posse played in the 2nd Drama Track and 4th Chapter of Side FP/M
Zion - synonym for Jerusalem. Babylon, once the largest city in the world - This line possibly refers to how Dice is risking it all with his bets. All or nothing.
Want more HypMic content? Catch our discord here: https://discord.gg/GFRESW5
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hipumaitranslations · 5 years ago
1. We’re currently working on getting out this season’s group songs, but right now Alternative Rap Battle is our main priority. 
2. Both people working on this blog are busy with work so would definitely appreciate some people coming on to help us. 
3. Are you guys happy with our format? We’re doing things by each format rather than having translations right next to the Japanese since it’s easier for rapping along. 
That’s all for now, but we can probably get Alternative Rap Battle out either this week or next!
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hipumaitranslations · 5 years ago
Papillon - Matenrou || Kanji, Romaji & Eng
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Papillon is the ninth track on the Enter the Hypnosis Microphone album, by Matenrou - Jakurai Jinguji, Hifumi Izanami, Doppo Kannonzaka.
Lyricist: Toshiki Iwama 岩間俊樹 (MC Liberal) (SANABAGUN.) Composer: Ryozo Obayashi  大林亮三 (SANABAGUN.) Arrangement: Toshiki Iwama・Ryozo Obayashi   MV Creator: Pink Janakutemo Vocals: Sho Hayami, Ryuuichi Kijima, Kento Ito
Lyrics under the cut! Extra ‘dialogue’ in the song will only be written in the English.
CHORUS Let's get it on うつむいてない?  まあ たまにはこんなのもあり  Let's get it on 幸せの鍵  見失わぬよう 目の前の愛
HIFUMI カーテン開けると眩しい太陽  憂鬱な気持ちなら昨日で最後  テンションアゲ↑ like a ☆CHAMPAGNE NIGHT☆  ねえ 独歩 早くしないと 
DOPPO 「すみません…すみません…あ!夢か!」
HIFUMI 今日はみんなで釣りだぜ?
DOPPO 終電 中堅 社員の宿命  億年ぶりの有給をとって  ブラックな企業からブルーな海 
HIFUMI ハメ外して遊べるクルーが好き 
HIFUMI/DOPPO 麻天狼  遊び方も 負けんぞ  意気込んだ先に 潜む破天荒  凪の海すら騒めく二人  ジゴロ 独歩 休日の始まり  フィッシング行くなら狙う大物 
HIFUMI 言ってる間にも迎えのクラクション
JAKURAI Good morning!! 時間どおり  お二人とも さあ行きますよ  動き続ければ 喉が乾く  ���迫した日々のループからワープ  おや?寝不足ですか?独歩くん  引き換えハイテンションだね 一二三くん  特別にリカー飲んでいいかな?  帰りの運転はお二人に… [s c r e a m i n g]
CHORUS Let's get it on うつむいてない?  まあ たまにはこんなのもあり  Let's get it on 幸せの鍵  見失わぬよう 目の前の愛
DOPPO トンネル抜けるとそこは普段
HIFUMI 無いものしか無いところ 
DOPPO つまり楽園 身なりラフで って、なんでお前スーツ着てんだよ 
HIFUMI 子猫ちゃん達が大群で回避 真ん中にダイブ 携帯スワイプ
JAKURAI 海パンにジャケット 大胆なセット  正気じゃ無い 興味深い  潮が満ちて 釣れる釣れぬは 一蓮托生 仲間と運命に託そう
DOPPO  一二三の釣りってまさか… 俺は花より団子より魚派  焼きジャケ食えなきゃ やけ酒するだけ  またクラゲ 釣れるまで諦めん
MATENROU  我ら新宿ディビジョン 描いた“VISION”の為に遊ぶ日々を
HIFUMI 今日という日は残りの人生の最初の日  最後のシーン悔いを 残すわけには行かない  効かないブレーキ 
JAKURAI すべきことがある 
DOPPO 毎日こうだったらいいのに  その為に繋ぐ言葉 
JAKURAI 韻と韻 生きる意義 生きる全ての者の為に  戦い続けなければならない
CHORUS Let's get it on うつむいてない?  まあ たまにはこんなのもあり  Let's get it on 幸せの鍵  見失わぬよう 目の前の愛 
CHORUS Let’s get it on. Utsumuitenai? Maa tama ni wa konna no mo ari Let’s get it on. Shiawase no kagi Miushinawanu you me no mae no ai
HIFUMI Kaatan akeru to mabushii taiyou Yuutsu na kimochi nara kinou de saigo Tenshon AGE like a CHAMPAGNE NIGHT! Ne, Doppo hayaku shinai to!
DOPPO Sumimasen. Sumimasen. Ha! Yume ka!
HIFUMI Kyou wa minna de tsuri da ze?
DOPPO Shuuden chuuken shain no shukumei Okunenburi no yuukyuu wo totte Burakku na kigyou kara buruu na umi
HIFUMI Hame hazushite asoberu kuruu ga suki
HIFUMI/DOPPO Matenrou asobikata mo maken zo Ikigonda saki ni hisomu hatenkou Nagi no umi sura zawameku futari Jigoro Doppo kyuujitsu no hajimari Fisshingu iku nara nerau oomono
HIFUMI Itteru ma ni mukae no kurakushon
JAKURAI Good morning! Jikan doori Ofutari tomo saa ikimasu yo Ugoki tsuzukereba nodo ga kawaku Kinpaku shita hibi no ruupu kara waapu Oya? Nebusoku desu ka, Doppo-kun? Hikikae haitenshon da ne, Hifumi-kun Tokubetsu ni rikaa nonde ii ka na Kaeri no unten wa ofutari ni… [s c r e a m i n g  b u t  i n  r o m a j i]
CHORUS Let’s get it on. Utsumuitenai? Maa tama ni wa konna no mo ari Let’s get it on. Shiawase no kagi Miushinawanu you me no mae no ai 
DOPPO Tonneru nukeru to soko wa fudan 
HIFUMI nai mono shika nai tokoro
DOPPO Tsumari rakuen minari rafu de tte nande omae suutsu kiten da yo 
HIFUMI Omatase shimashita! Koneko-chan tachi ga taigun de kaihi mannaka ni daibu keitai suwaipu
JAKURAI Kaipan ni jaketto daitan na setto Shouki janai kyoumibukai Shio ga michite tsureru tsurenu wa ichiren takushou  nakama to unemei ni takusou
DOPPO Ore wa hana yori dango yori sakana ha Yaki jake kuenakya yakizake suru dake  Mata kurage tsureru made akiramen
MATENROU Warera Shinjuku Dibijon egaita VISION no tame ni asobu hibi wo
HIFUMI Kyou to iu hi wa nokori no jinsei no saisho no hi Saigo no shiin kui wo nokosu wake ni wa ikanai Kikanai bureeki
JAKURAI Subeki koto ga aru
DOPPO Mainichi kou dattara ii no ni Sono tame ni tsunagu kotoba in to in
JAKURAI Ikiru igi ikiru subete no mono no tame ni Tatakai tsuzukena kereba naranai
CHORUS Let’s get it on. Utsumuitenai? Maa tama ni wa konna no mo ari Let’s get it on. Shiawase no kagi Miushinawanu you me no mae no ai 
CHORUS Let's get it on You're looking down, aren't you? Well, things like this can be good too, sometimes. Let's get it on. The key to happiness. So that we won't lose sight of it, the love before our eyes. 
HIFUMI Opening the curtains, I see the dazzling sun! All gloomy feelings gone with yesterday! Tension UP, like a champagne night! Hey, Doppo, wake up already!
DOPPO I'm sorry...I'm sorry…Ah! A dream?
HIFUMI We're all going fishing today, remember? 
DOPPO (That's right!) Catching the last train's every office worker's fate. But somehow, I managed to get a day off this time. Out of the black office and into the blue sea!
HIFUMI A free and fun team’s the best!
HIFUMI/DOPPO Matenrou, even when we're relaxing, we won't lose! Exciting surprises lie in store! Causing chaos wherever they go, it's Gigolo and Doppo's day off! If we're going fishing, we'd better catch a big one!
HIFUMI And while we're talking, our ride's already here!
JAKURAI Good morning! Right on time, I see. Now, both of you, let us be off. Working too much only brings fatigue. Taking breaks is important as well. Oh? Are you still tired, Doppo-kun? On the other hand, you seem to be in high spirits, Hifumi-kun. A special day like this calls for a drink, no? I'll leave the drive back home to you two. [s c r e a m i n g  b u t  t r a n s l a t e d]
CHORUS Let's get it on You're looking down, aren't you? Well, things like this can be good too, sometimes. Let's get it on. The key to happiness. So that we won't lose sight of it, the love before our eyes. 
DOPPO The minute we exit the tunnel,
HIFUMI it's a place we've never seen before!
DOPPO In other words, it's paradise! All of us roughing i- Wait, why're you wearing your suit?
HIFUMI (My apologies for keeping you waiting) The little kittens are all avoiding me. Diving right into their midst, I swipe my phone screen!
JAKURAI A suit jacket over swimming trunks. That's quite a bold set. Clearly, this isn't sane. How very intriguing. The waves are teeming with fish, and whether we reel in anything or not depends on how well we work together. Let us leave it to our comrades and fate.
DOPPO (Don't tell me Hifumi's idea of fishing is…) I prefer fish over anything else! It's completely pointless unless we catch salmon, at least,  and jellyfish! We're not giving up till we get them!
MATENROU We Shinjuku's division dedicate even our leisure days to the VISION we've painted for the future.
HIFUMI Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Your last scene mustn't be filled with regrets. Slam on the brakes till they break.
JAKURAI Everyone has something they must accomplish.
DOPPO It'd be great if every day were like this. That's why we join words together, from rhyme to rhyme.
JAKURAI The meaning of life, and all living beings in this world,  for their sakes, we must strive on.
CHORUS Let's get it on You're looking down, aren't you? Well, things like this can be good too, sometimes. Let's get it on. The key to happiness. So that we won't lose sight of it, the love before our eyes. 
JAKURAI Did you enjoy our fishing trip together?
HIFUMI It was super fun!
DOPPO  I didn’t know fishing could be this fun! But I guess it's back to work tomorrow…
JAKURAI Let's all go fishing again some time.
HIFUMI That's right, Doppochin!
DOPPO A-alright!
JAKURAI The three of us make a good team, don't we?
What does this song have to do with butterflies?
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hipumaitranslations · 6 years ago
Hypnosis Microphone Translations
Sup! We’re a new Hypnosis Microphone translations blog - if you couldn’t tell by our name.
We’ll be doing sons, drama tracks and whatever we have the time to do! Please note that we are not nativeJapanese speakers, but students doing this to learn.
Translations will come out slowly, but we hope that our work will be useful to the fandom!
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