The HIPNOS Files
4 posts
On January 1st, 20██, The Selenelion Event occurred on New Years Day. Several minors between the ages of 5-16 who bore witness fell into a comatose state immediately after. Following this mass unconscious event, Anomalous Phenomena, Objects, and Creatures began to manifest - each tied to a child exposed to The Selenelion.
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hipnosanomalies · 3 months ago
HIPNOS Anomaly #24 - Christmas Decorations
Dreamer Agent: Susie █████████
Anomaly Type: Seasonal Anomalous Plant Growth and “Offspring”.
Overseer’s Notes: Handler ███████ Roman was assigned to Susie █████████ after she was moved to a private HIPNOS Facility, T4-RTS-Alpha, after it was determined that there were no legal guardians to deter full reclamation of the Dreamer Agent. Though Anomalies may vary when it comes to their activation dates and manifestation periods, Susie’s linked phenomena is theorized to have been active since the first year following The Selenelion Event. Its manifestation period is seasonal, and subtly growing, for a total █ years now.
It’s currently unknown if there is a more specific set of criteria that causes the manifestation of Anomaly #24, but as of today the parameters are as follows:
Anomaly manifests in the Front, and occasionally, Backyard of a Residential Home housing a family that includes at minimum: Two (2) parents; One (1) Child.
Anomaly will begin its growth around the beginning of December August, coinciding with the changing of seasons from Fall Summer to Winter Fall.
Regardless of environmental factors, The anomaly will continue to grow unless deterred with High Temperature Fires or Specific Chemical Compounds.
Geography and soil type have shown no relevance to the anomaly’s manifestation, as it so far had become widespread in both the Midwestern and Southern States. Standard procedure is to collect samples of Anomaly #24 and its “offshoots”, and then destroy the manifestation through a controlled HTF with an HFF-Omega Team’s assistance.  
The Anomaly begins with its original form, resembling Ilex aquifolium, the common Holly Plant, that grows on whichever wall of the home faces north the most. As it grows it produces vines of varying lengths that quickly grow to take over the entire wall, mimicking the explosive growth of Kudzu Vine. In a few days several vines will meet in the middle of the surface they’re occupying, and begin an “interweaving” process. The vines rapidly form the shape of a wreath, and newer vines will grow outwards from this wreath to produce the Anomaly’s “Offshoots”. Each offshoot is superficially reminiscent of common Christmas Decorations, made of an organic matter blend containing the DNA of several species of plant, animal, and human.  
The current list of Offshoots include:
“Randy Stripers” - Bamboo-like stalks that grow in interchanging bands of red and white, topped with a bulb that holds its syrupy “jelly”. Once the offshoot reaches a height over five feet, the bulb will begin to weigh down the thinning stalk, curving two feet of its upper-length into a cane-like shape.
“Angler Lights” - A fast growing vine that’s 1.02mm in diameter that will grow in elevated areas such as on rooftops or along the upper-floor windows of the residence. Vine grows translucent, pointed bulbs that become bioluminescent as they ripen. Bulbs come in five different colors. When extremely agitated, bulbs will vibrate and create a rattle-like sound before bursting open. The insides of each bulb contain a luminescent, acrid fluid that triggers behaviors akin to their Festive Phase in its fellow offshoots. A burst bulb will then shrivel up and blacken. 
“Snowmelons” - A white-colored gourd whose body cavity expands three separate times in its lifespan, mimicking the three differently-sized spheres that make-up a snowman’s body. As it ripens, black spots may form on its rind resembling bruises, especially on the uppermost sphere where they cluster together in a pattern reminiscent of a crude face. When it grows large enough to break away from its mother vine, the stem will often resemble a cylindrical “Top Hat”. A brittle, humanoid tangle of internalized roots can be found inside its hollow interior.
 “Rootdolphs” - Bone white, thorny roots that grow no additional flowers, leaves, and fruit - with one exception - that interweave together to form the shape of miniature reindeer. These groups will grow in packs of five, with only one member of the group growing an additional flower bud on its “snout”. The flower only unfurls during its Festive Phase, during which it can only be handled by agents wearing appropriate hazmat gear.
“Jesus Christ-Mas Trees” - Abies balsamea grown from underground vines that create spherical, brightly colored fruits instead of Pinecones. Fruits are covered in glittering scales that further layer in micro-spines that can shear soft tissues in a way similar to a shark’s skin. Each branch is hollow and able to draw in fluid through the sharp points of its “leaves”.   
“Babykisses” - After a Festive period, the original “Wreath” created by the anomaly will promptly shrivel up and die - its many offshoots perishing with it - before entering a state of carbonization. A Festive Period will provide enough sustenance for one of the offshoots, typically a Tree or Cane, to grow a parasitic sproutling that will pluck itself from its dying sibling to then scurry away into any surrounding woods or neighboring gardens. These sproutlings are little more than a cluster of red berries with woody stems resembling Viscum cruciatum. These sprouts will then continue the cycle next year. 
Most offshoots are carnivorous, and if not, rely on sustenance provided by their complex web of vines that connect them to their more active siblings. Most infestations rely on the cover of fallen snow to hide their vines, their offspring “decorating” lawns and gardens as a form of lure for prey. Anomaly will feed on any prey that interacts with it, but prefer larger mammals such as Raccoons, Deer, Canines, Cats, and the occasional Bear. They ration food in the days leading up to the third week of December, avoiding human prey for reasons unknown. Despite its growing manifestation period, it reliably stuck to a specific time frame for its Festive Period - where all of its offshoots advance inwards towards the residential home and its occupants. 
Notes: Hey Marcus here, from office B4. The Higher-ups are on my ass for accidentally including “Unauthorized Appellations” (Probably the prick with the word a day calendar) for that last file so remove the names I gave this thing’s offshoots. Also find a way to naturally bring up the fact that firetruck sirens make these things freeze in place like they’re scared shitless. Oh, and get rid of these notes too. Thanks.
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hipnosanomalies · 3 months ago
HIPNOS Anomaly #81 - Self Portraits
Dreamer Agent: Katy ██████████
Anomaly Type: Collection of Similar Objects tied to Disappearances and Anomalous Activity.
Overseer’s Notes: Dr. Mikaela ████ oversaw Katy ██████████ after she was permanently transferred to Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital. Katy fell into her coma at the age of 14 and remains hospitalized to this day. Visitation hours have been limited without exception due to several instances of attempted violence on the immobile patient. 
If a significant portion of the subject’s face is not obscured, or hidden from view, human beings, mostly older persons above the age of twenty, will enter a state of hysteria and violent rancor. This only worsens if there is an attempt to prevent any harm from occurring, though this anomalous effect seems limited to one person at a time. Even if the affected individual is removed from the room, they remain in this state of agitation until forcefully sedated into unconsciousness. The anomalous effect resets after a previously affected individual goes unconscious, so it is recommended that Katy ██████████ at all times wear a face mask designed to not obfuscate her breathing. 
While the main criteria that allows Anomaly #81 to manifest is still unknown, it is expected for those affected by the hysteric hatred of Katy ██████████’s face to fall victim to the anomaly without failure. 
Anomaly was uncovered after the discovery of a piece of artwork bought at a local Thrift Store, obtained alongside other items belonging to the original artist. More of these artworks would be discovered after the first incident. These artworks vary in both materials used and art style, but retain a few key similarities. First, and most importantly, is that each one will be titled as “Self Portrait” in large messy lettering. This is likely because the contents of each artwork would draw attention away from the title almost immediately. While no two artworks are the same, they will often focus on the facial features of their artistic subject, as their titles would suggest. Eyes in particular will vary in how they are drawn or painted in a single art piece.
Artworks are often discovered before the artists are, as they will often disappear without prior warning after creating their “Self Portraits.” Where they can be found depends on geographical limitations and the availability of resources. Once they are discovered, it is imperative that the area that they are found in is isolated from the public and monitored for future activity. 
Destruction of “Self Portraits” has yet to yield any tangible results, and the state of the artists cannot be fully analyzed without risking death. Currently, HIPNOS has had only one specimen to conduct an autopsy on. 
Level 0 has granted permission for Project: Metamorphosis. Three of the Five Specimens under HIPNOS Surveillance have been cleared, as they retain living relatives.
Transcribed from the Personal Journal found on Dr. Mikaela ████’s Desk (Censored when Necessary): 
Jennifer ███████ went missing on March 3rd, 20██. Her body was discovered two months afterwards in an abandoned factory - suspended from a steel girder on the roof. Body was covered in twenty-seven layers of Titanium White Acrylic Paint. Jennifer’s body was curled into itself, in a way physically impossible for most bipedal vertebrates without fracturing several bones in various areas of their body. Item 81-B is monitored by HIPNOS personnel as of 02/12/20██. Her painting was recovered from the ████████ on ██████ Street, Houston. Donated after she was officially Presumed to be Deceased.
Michael ███████████ went missing on March 5, 20██. His body was discovered in a condemned building that was once home to cheap apartments. He was discovered in the basement, affixed to the wall in an outstretched position about five inches off the ground. His body was coated in nineteen layers of Red Acrylic Paint, potentially from the building’s storage itself. While Jennifer was an earlier Person of Interest relating to Anomaly #81, Michael is the first one officially discovered in our records. As such, this was the first attempt from our team to collect the specimen for analysis in a more sterile environment. Unfortunately, while trying to chip away the piece of wall the body was attached to, a large crack was created in its surface. Due to the fragility of its exterior, an entire piece of the subject’s carapace broke away exposing its chest. From its exposed musculature came a cloud of short thin hairs that irritated human skin and airways on contact. From the expansion and contraction of the subject’s ribcage, it has been determined that all specimens are likely still alive. Item 81-A died shortly after this incident.
Autopsy conducted on Item 81-A reveals that the human body had gone through a severe state of cellular degradation, beginning from the extremities before moving inwards, turning the item’s limbs into a slurry of liquified tissues and fluids. One specific substance discovered is an unidentifiable liquid that hardened when it was exposed to air. This mysterious substance was distributed throughout the Item’s vascular system. Inside this cellular soup, a silver crown made for a left molar was discovered. Dental records corroborate with the subject having a crown implanted at the age of ██, yet all teeth at the moment of recovery seem to be in perfect health. It should also be noted that, despite the subject’s choice of occupation, no fractures or sprains, healed or otherwise, were discovered in the medical examination.
Item 81-C has yet to have its identity confirmed, likewise, an artwork with no known artist has yet to be recovered either. Item 81-C was discovered in an abandoned stripmall, tucked into the vents in a fetal position.  Item 81-C is monitored by HIPNOS personnel as of 03/16/20██.
Alice ██████ went missing on March 19, 20██. She was officially declared a Missing Person two days afterwards, after her parents were notified that she skipped school the day of her disappearance. She was discovered underneath an underused bridge in an abandoned part of her local park, closed off due to reports of invasive Lanternflies.  As of 09/21/20██, the bridge has been boarded up and Item 81-D is monitored by HIPNOS personnel planted amongst the Park’s workforce.
Laura ███████ was never officially reported missing, as her body was discovered fairly quickly. She had drenched herself in thirty layers of Blue Paint within her own apartment, and was discovered by the landlord after three months of missed payment. She was found suspended in an unused closet. Laura’s painting was actually a gift delivered to her Step-Mother, who currently lives in Virginia. Item 81-E is monitored by HIPNOS personnel as of 02/12/20██.
“John,” Surname Unknown, was not reported missing. However, due to witness testimonies it can be determined that he likely disappeared between the ninth and twelfth of March 20██. John was a homeless man whose painting was discovered in the shopping cart of another vagrant, gifted to them by the original artist. He was discovered in the attic of a foreclosed home, curled up in the corner. He was covered in twenty-nine layers of egg-white acrylic paint.  Item 81-F is monitored by HIPNOS personnel as of 09/03/20██.
Missing Persons who have yet to be discovered, despite their “Self Portraits” residing in HIPNOS Archives, include the following Persons of Interest: Laura ██████████, Nick ██████████, Julia ███████, Kim ████████, Jonathan ██████, Lawrence █████, Allison █████████, Heather █████████, Jane ████████, Ken █████, and John █████. 
Several pages after the previous entry are either empty, or ineligible due to the shakiness of the handwriting. It becomes difficult to determine how long this period of incomprehensible writing lasts as there are no dates listed on any of these pages. The rest of the journal is occupied by the following drawings:
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hipnosanomalies · 3 months ago
HIPNOS Anomaly #45 - The ███████ Plushes
Dreamer Agent: Mike ██████ Anomaly Type: Collection of Physical Objects and connected paraphernalia, as of yet not fully accounted for; Manifestation of Type F-2 Physical Entity.
Overseer’s Notes: The following recording was recovered from the previous Overseer’s office a week after its owner had abandoned the project. The current location of Overseer Martin’s body has yet to be discovered, as of now, they are presumed deceased and missing. Official HIPNOS documents require heavy editing and a more professional prose than presented in Level 4 Documents, thus, it is expected for Overseers to continuously record their findings and experiences through any mode of recording for further streamlining by Level 0 Personal.
The subject, Mike ██████ currently resides in St. Judah Memorial in Caleburg, Wisconsin. The child has recently aged one year since the date of the following recording, which was created when the subject was still fifteen years of age. 
As of today, 11/12/████ all items, paraphernalia, and evidence towards the existence of Anomaly #45 has yet to be completely neutralized through either collection, destruction, or erasure. The entity manifested by the anomaly, likewise, remains active and at large.
Permission was granted for the Destruction of the entity known as The ███████.
Transcript of Recording:
There is a moment of silence, though there can be faint breathing heard from a distance.
Dr. Martin: Anomaly #45, as Overseen by Dr. █████████ Martin. I am currently in my office, recording everything I have discovered so far relating to the Anomaly produced by Subject #0128,  Mike ██████, who currently resides in St. Gabriel Hospital here in Wisconsin. Subject remains comatose, and has made no advances in his recovery. Mike is under the hospital’s full care after the deaths of his Foster parents. 
Dr. Martin: I have been sending constant reports as the Anomaly evolved, and as of today I find myself uncertain on how this Anomaly can be contained or thwarted. It has gone past what I first thought it was, becoming a situation that will no doubt affect much more than Wisconsin if allowed to spread. The Anomaly feeds off the history of the land itself, and it will likely spread outwards as it recognizes the connection other territories share with it.
Dr. Martin takes a deep breath, there is a rustling of papers. The instinctive thumbing through a stack of sheets to gauge their length.
Dr. Martin: To summarize what has already been documented, and to highlight the extremes to which it has grown, I will begin where my first submission had. Anomaly #45 began its manifestation two days after Mike had fallen into his coma. Beginning as a series of commercials and advertisements aimed towards minors between the ages of four-to-fifteen. These would range from pop-up ads hosted on websites with heavy traffic, such as those for watching and reading online content, and fully produced commercials aired on television and certain streaming networks. These advertisements feature a plush toy of a character named Mr. ███████…
Dr. Martin coughs, pausing for a moment to gather his bearings.
Dr. Martin: For those listening to this tape, understand that there is nothing wrong with my recording device. A major factor in why this Anomaly is so difficult to keep track of lies in the name itself. Mr. ███████’s name can be spoken out loud and heard by another in-person, but all attempts to record the name of this character will result in failure to produce anything legible. Video and Audio recordings will often glitch out or randomly distort any utterance of the name after the honorific, even footage will distort over a person’s mouth if they are recorded speaking its name. This may be to prevent lip-reading. Buttons will refuse to work if you attempt to type its name, and materials such as ink or granite will smudge immediately if the name is written down manually. 
Dr. Martin: A similar phenomenon occurs when mentioning the █████████ ████, as I later discovered during my discussions with CPS. It should be noted that Mike was born on a Reservation, but was relocated after the forest fire cleared -
Dr. Martin coughs, interrupting himself.
Dr. Martin: My apologies, when the fire decimated the land and killed Mike’s birth parents. He was relocated to the ██████ Household at the age of ten. At the behest of his Foster Father, Michael ██████, Mike had his name legally changed. He would live with the ██████s for several years without issue, though there had been two domestic incidents reported to CPS from both a teacher and neighbor of the family. Both calls were dismissed. At the age of 13, after The Selenelion, Mike fell into his coma and has yet to wake up two years later. A few days after falling comatose, the advertisements for the Mr. ███████ plush began. These advertisements appear to be the only form of visual and auditory medium that is immune to the self-censoring effects of Anomaly #45. Mr. ███████ is depicted as a humanoid bipedal entity, with a pale blue body and white face. Its face has faint markings on it, almost making its face resemble a skull - or perhaps, like its face was painted to have a skull-like pattern. It has large round yellow eyes, and big blocky teeth. It has white fur growing from its head and chin, like a lion’s mane, and it is long enough to reach past its pelvis like an overgrown beard. There’s an implication that the creature is naked at all times. The final thing to note about its appearance are the pair of stag-like horns growing out of its head; the end of each antler has two smaller spikes jutting outwards from the tip. The creature is always depicted in a crouched position in promotional materials. Its plushie is based on a heavily simplified redesign, caricaturing the creature for mass production. Mr. ███████’s plushies are advertised as “New,” “Friendly,” and “Lonely.” 
Dr. Martin rearranges the papers he’s holding as to read from another page. 
Dr. Martin: These advertisements were first reported by parents seeking information on their distribution, as attempts to use the provided phone number to purchase these toys had failed. Calls were made to several shopkeepers and online vendors, but the anomalous effect on the toy’s name made the search impossible. However, several children in the Wisconsin area would still be able to acquire these toys if they themselves were to call the number. Interviews with owners of the Mr. ███████ plushies recall trying the phone themselves and receiving instantaneous service. They were simply asked questions regarding guardianship, without any mention of payment or where the object should be shipped to. The person on the other line is said to have a “clacky” voice due to what must be - based on descriptions - a constant chattering of their teeth. The children, ranging from five-to-sixteen, were questioned on their readiness to start a family, their ability to love, and how they’d meet the needs of their Mr. ███████ toys. It is unknown if a potential buyer can be rejected based on this questioning, as there have only been two fully recorded conversations retained by HIPNOS agents. Both children, under the guardianship of HIPNOS personnel, have acquired Mr. ███████ plushies regardless of how they answered their questions. The person on the other end of the line has yet to be identified.
Dr. Martin: These plushies by themselves present no anomalous properties, with the only oddity in their construction being a lack of information in both their packaging and materials. They lack a tag or any other form of identification, leaving both its company and manufacturer unnamed. If these plushies are destroyed, thrown away, or torn in any way, however, the anomalous properties begin to manifest. The most frequent is a sudden drop in temperatures in an enclosed radius, often regardless of the temperature of the area. This cold spike can occur even in a fully heated home, without actively turning off the heating apparatus it’s overpowering. Other ailments can occur as well, such as an increased and unpalatable appetite, a nervous rash, and minor epidermal bleeding in extreme cases. These effects can oftentimes be negated by returning the plush to its “owner,” repairing the damage done to it, or by gifting it to another child. It should be noted, with extreme importance, that the previous guardian grants their permission for the exchange. If given away to another owner without the previous holder’s blessing, it will result in the appearance of Anomaly #45’s most dangerous attribute, Mr. ███████.
Dr. Martin: Mr. ███████ is a seven foot, ten inch tall humanoid with a gaunt, nearly skeletal appearance. Their body exhibits the effects of hypothermia, age, and starvation all at once. They bear a striking resemblance to the promotional render of Mr. ███████ used in packaging and ads, though without the details that clip-art cannot fully replicate. Rather than actual horns on its head, it has a lankier set of arms growing from its temples. These arms are thin and short, more similar to a prepubescent’s arms than a fully grown adult’s one. The hands on its cranial appendages lack thumbs, and the middle finger is slightly longer than a human’s should be. Its pale blue skin and pure white fur allows the creature to camouflage in snowy environments, which is necessary as its arrival is signaled by sudden and powerful blizzards. Overnight snow storms will manifest, with the home of a Mr. ███████ plush owner acting as its “eye”. As mentioned, Mr. ███████ and his accompanying storms only manifest when specific criteria are met. If a Mr. ███████ plushie is taken away from its child guardian, and given away to another person, regardless of age, without their expressed permission.
Dr. Martin teeth loudly chatter, their chair lets out creaks as he readjusts himself. There is a rustling of clothing indicative of a person zipping up a coat or jacket.
Dr. Martin: C-currently, there is no way to prevent the following event without rectifying the guardianship dilemma. Mr. ███████ has demonstrated the ability to endure massive amounts of physical damage, including loss of limbs and organs, while still retaining enough motor skills to enact its extraction. If the guardianship is not resolved before its arrival into the homes of those who oversaw the theft- the exchanging of the plush, it will abduct the child’s current guardians and the new owner, and leave with them in its grasp. It…it then…
Dr. Martin’s breathing becomes haggard, interchanging with a squeaky wheeze.
Dr. Martin: Mr. ███████, t-that thing, will then disappear with its captives. The snowstorm will abruptly end, and the bodies will, routinely, be located in the closest body of woods. The b-bodies…
Dr. Martin abruptly sneezes.
Dr. Martin: My apologies. The b-bodies, as I was saying, will often be discovered in a body of woods nearby the homes where the v-victims were abducted from. The bodies are burned beyond recognition, so that only dental records can be used to confirm the identities of these corpses. The corpses, beyond their third degree burns, will also be found hollowed- hollowed, out. A cut as thin as a seam can be found, beginning at the throat before reaching down to the stomach of the victim. Organs, the front part of the ribcage, and body fat will be found missing. In their stead, miscellaneous forest debris can be found packed tightly inside the charred corpses. Leaves and twigs of nearby species of trees are the most common, but the most frequent plant matter found in these bodies is a rare type of endangered wild flower - previously thought lost due to the Forest Fire of ██.
Dr. Martin: And that’s as far as I knew a week ago, but something’s come up. That th-thing has claimed eight bodies by now, and after each incident the Mr. ███████ products at the center of the conflict would vanish from the residence. The owner of the plush will only faintly remember ever owning such a toy, and will provide even less acknowledgement to any parties taken and killed by Mr. ███████. Since the first incident, maybe a day after the Hendricksons and Tyler ███████ were discovered, a plush was delivered to the doorstep of the ██████s. Regardless of their several attempts to rid themselves of the plushie, more would be delivered to their residence. After the first few deaths, this number increased and changed. Now, stickers depicting the entity could be found in random locations in their house. Figures made from vinyl, wood, plastic, and rubber would be positioned in areas where they could be sat or stepped on. Paraphernalia including posters, sculptures, ornaments, and even foodstuffs would manifest in the ██████ home. It would heavily impact the physical and mental health of Mr. and Mrs. ██████, to the point that they would isolate themselves in an attempt to evade the e-entity responsible for the appearance of these items. In fact, HIPNOS would not have any idea of what was going on in the ██████ Household if it were not reported by Mr. Delaney-
There is a loud slam against the wall, the door swings out and strikes the wall several times.
Dr. Martin: (Startled) Damnit! 
Dr. Martin gets up from his chair and walks towards the door. He slams the door closed and locks it. The sound of outstretched duct tape can then be heard, alongside some tearing and barely audible muttering. Steps can be heard getting louder, before the office chair creaks under the weight of its occupant returning.
Dr. Martin: The Draft is getting stronger. [Expletive], Mr. Delaney. Yes. That Delaney. He reported the ██████s odd behavior, a close friend of the family apparently. And that’s how we found out about each other - I mean of course, how HIPNOS took notice of Mr. Delaney and vice-versa. He was worried, is all. For them and M-mike.
Dr. Martin can be heard uncomfortably shuffling around in his seat. There is a faint scratching sound, like a nail on wood. He is completely silent otherwise.
Dr. Martin: Michael and Laura ██████ were found d-dead a week later. No Mr. ███████ paraphernalia could be recovered from their residence, as the entire building was engulfed in flames for five hours before the estimated time of death. Despite the length and volume of the fire, the building’s foundation was left intact. Likewise, the Main Bedroom where Michael and Laura, the ██████s, slept in was relatively unscathed. The b-bodies were in a state similar to previous victims of Mr. ███████, so it is considered, until proven otherwise, responsible for these deaths as well. The only difference between the corpses is the material used to fill the hollow interior of the bodies. In this case, crushed up ice was found packed into their body cavities.
Dr. Martin lets out a long sigh, shuffling more in his seat. A clicking can be heard, that of a lighter. Dr. Martin can be heard trying to light something, likely a cigarette, or at least attempting to. The clicking continues, before Dr. Martin suddenly yelps.
Dr. Martin: Ow, [Expletive]! I felt that.
The crisp sound of a cigarette lighting can then be heard, followed by the last click of an extinguished pocket lighter. Dr. Martin takes a long drag before exhaling the smoke. 
Dr. Martin: Can’t even feel the heat off of it. It’s like my nerves are d-dead. Where e-even was I? Right, the ██████s. Later an attempt was made on Mike, maybe someone thought it would all end if h-he died. Who knows. It failed. So maybe waking him up won’t even change anything, maybe we’re just stuck with this thing and all it’s [Expletive] merchandise. Who is making all of this, why? Is it that thing? Does it have its own personal printer or something, [Expletive] Hell, is it making all this [Expletive]. Is it sitting in its little cave or hut, or teepee and just building these useless knick-knacks for free? Of all Anomalies, why this one? What does it gain, does Mr. ███████ even know? For [Expletive]’s sake, there has to be more. It has to be the fire! It has to be - It has to be! [Expletive] how the hell did more stickers get in here.
Several seconds of scraping can be heard, Dr. Martin had gotten up to pick up a sharp implement, likely the staple remover found at the scene. He then uses it to carve pits into the material of his desk.
Dr. Martin: (Muttering) [Expletive]...they just keep coming. [Unintelligible] why now…[Unintelligible]
Scraping stops. The chair loudly creaks as something drops onto its seat with excessive force.
Dr. Martin: (Quietly) It’s freezing, but you w-wouldn’t know it. I can feel it, but my sweat is b-bleeding through my clothes. It feels like I’m burning on the inside, but the outside won’t s-stop shivering. 
There is complete silence. Breathing can be heard, but it becomes more strained as the recording continues. Eventually it is reduced to a shaky wheeze. 
Dr. Martin: (Whispering) The lighter earlier…it burned me. 
Complete silence.
Dr. Martin: (Whispering) I need a bigger light.
[Recording Ends]
Final Notes: Security Footage managed to capture Dr. Martin at his last known whereabouts. Footage shows Dr. Martin left through an emergency exit, triggering the alarm, by his own volition. It should be noted that he was severely underdressed when accounting for the severity of the snowfall in the area. Despite having access to several paraphernalia connected to the Mr. ███████ character, none of these items have been recovered from his vandalized office. 
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hipnosanomalies · 3 months ago
Intro Post
Hello, Name's Bear He/Him.
This blog was mostly set up to post my short form horror stories, all varying experiments in horror, from the straightforward to the surreal. HEAVILY based on The SCP Foundation, though with less comedy and heartwarming entries since I want to focus on horror first and foremost.
All stories have varying levels of Horror Themes, such as Body Horror, Death, Injury, and other dark topics. While reading, some hints may be dropped relating to subjects relating to the traumas and dangers that can shape a child's world view.
There will be no explicit details on things such as abuse or self harm, but they can still be alluded to.
Speaking of explicit, do not expect answers to be immediately given. In universe, you are only given access to the very first drafts of these files. Many of which were taken from the emails of several low-rung employees. I want to give everyone the chance to come to their own conclusions, which is another reason why giving specific warnings may not always be applicable.
I hope you enjoy, or at least find my stories interesting enough to piece together the clues I leave you all.
Backstory: Here
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