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himaneko25 · 7 years ago
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Happy Anniversary Day, The 7D!! >;)
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himaneko25 · 7 years ago
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Happy Halloween/Jollyween!!!!!!!
Gosh, it had been a long time since I drew the 7D Monster AU year ago…
Hope you guys have a perfectly wonderful day!!
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himaneko25 · 7 years ago
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I love how Bashful is kinda hugging Sneezy and Sleepy like “friends pls protect me from that evil child”
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himaneko25 · 7 years ago
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It’s magic… Maybe.
The 7D members who can use magic: Sleepy, Happy and Dopey.
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himaneko25 · 7 years ago
How each of the 7D would react if you offer them a hug:
Sleepy: "Sure, but hugs could make me sleepy."
Bashful: "Oh, gee, um..."(blushes)
Grumpy: "What are you, five?"
Doc: "Of course, but be careful of my delicate hat."
Sneezy: "Absolutely, but I hope I won't sneeze you away."
Dopey: (opens his arms)
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himaneko25 · 8 years ago
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Throwback Thursday: Model sheets of the main characters of The 7D, posted by Stephen Stanton on Instagram (Jan. 30, 2016)!
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himaneko25 · 8 years ago
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7Dの中で私が好きなキャラクターは、ねぼすけ,くしゃみ,てれすけ,おとぼけです。 My favorite characters in The 7D are Sleepy, Sneezy, Bashful and Dopey.
でも、最も1番好きなキャラクターを選ぶなら、てれすけが好きです╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ But if choose the most favorite character, I like Bashful very much.
勿論、せんせい、おこりんぼ、ごきげんも 私は好きです。 Of course I like Doc, Grampy and Happy, too.
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himaneko25 · 8 years ago
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やっほー☆ 暇猫(himaneko)だよ〜 YAHHO☆ It’s Leisure cat (himaneko).
今回は、私のイラストで7Dのプラ板を作ってみました〜 This time, I tried making plastic shrink wrap of 7D with my illustration ~
『Things to prepare』 (用意する物) *plastic shrink wrap (プラ板) *Scissors (はさみ) *Aluminum foil (アルミホイル) *Toaster oven (オー���ントースター)
プラ板は、コピー機で印刷できるのを用意しました。 The plastic shrink wrap has prepared the thing which can be printed with the copier.
『Hints』(注意事項) プラ板は、縮むと色が濃くなるので、印刷時には、色を薄めに印刷する。 Since the color of the plastic shrink wrap becomes dark when shrunk, when printing, print the color lightly.
①まず、プラ板にイラストを印刷します。 ① first, I print an illustration on a plastic shrink wrap.
②ハサミでいらない部分を切り、形を整える。 ② Cut the part that you do not need with scissors, and shape it.
③アルミホイルの上にプラ板をのせ、オーブントースターで焼く。 ③ Place plastic shrink wrap on aluminum foil and bake in oven toaster.
④縮んだプラ板を分厚い本でおさえ、平らにします。 ④ Press down the shrunk plastic shrink wrap with a thick book and flatten it.
これで完成です。 It’s completion in this.
2個、色が濃くなって、失敗しましたが、他のは、上手に作れました。 2 pieces, the color darkened, I made a mistake, but the others were able to make it well.
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himaneko25 · 8 years ago
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My part of an art trade with @russian-rowlette! They wanted me to draw a Sneezer, so a Sneezer I drew. With flowers, because it’s cute~ 
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himaneko25 · 8 years ago
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hi,7D wiki. I am pleased that you planned the “We love the 7D” project. Please use this illustration in “We love the 7D” project!
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himaneko25 · 8 years ago
お久しぶりです、Nieさん。 リク絵、ありがとうございます〜(*´∀`*)ノ わーい、おとぼけ と てれすけ だ〜❤️
DopeyのA4とBashfulのA2をお願いします( ;∀;)
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himaneko25 · 8 years ago
Some random little Sneezy headcanons I feel like sharing:
He dislikes raisins.
His two hidden talents are bird calling and beatboxing.
He’s terrified of getting shots.
Despite his hayfever, he loves flowers. Daisies are his favorites.
He can’t handle eating spicy food (sort of canon, since he can’t even smell something spicy without sneezing).
He likes going to the Jollywood spa and getting manicures. He tried getting a pedicure once but was too ticklish.
He likes citrus flavored things.
Cats are his favorite animal.
He has trouble drinking fizzy drinks because the bubbles make him sneeze.
It’s difficult for him to give kisses because his nose gets in the way, so he opts instead to nuzzle with his nose. That usually makes him sneeze, though.
He loves wearing dresses/skirts and trying on makeup. He likes to feel beautiful (but what he doesn’t realize is that he’s always beautiful).
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himaneko25 · 8 years ago
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遅くなって、すみません(´;ω;`) I’m sorry for being late.
少し遅れて、ハッピーバレンタイン♡ A little late, Happy Valentine♡
せんせい、ごきげん、おこりんぼ… 本当にごめんね。全員描けなかった… Doc,Happy,Grumpy… I’m very sorry. All the members couldn’t draw…
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himaneko25 · 8 years ago
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More BG designs from Disney’s The 7D
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himaneko25 · 8 years ago
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久しぶりに投稿です〜 Posting after a long time ~ おとぼけ&てれすけを描きました(*´꒳`*) I drew Bashful and Dopey(*´꒳`*) 彼らの服にボタンや縫い目を付けてみました☆ I applied buttons and seams to their clothes.☆
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himaneko25 · 8 years ago
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Various outfits through the season 1
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himaneko25 · 8 years ago
7D Anniversary Fic!
(There is no way I’m using the canon ‘Two Grumpies Make a Grumpy’ thing. And let’s hope this goes under a read more.) Here we go. ***** “We were all heading for each other on a collision course, no matter what. Maybe some people are just meant to be in the same story.” 1D ** When Doc settled in Jollywood, he never expected others. He had come for career opportunities, after all, not friends. The aspiring inventor had heard about the enchanted land. People said that every one was happy there, that there was a wide variety of job opportunities. So Doc took his toolbox and left for Jollywood. He came into town as an inventor. The dwarf had a pretty solid reputation…at the start. Business had been booming. Lots of money was coming in, and Doc planned on moving out of his apartment soon. Each of his inventions had worked perfectly, and people loved them. Eventually, he got two orders at once. One was for the local milkgirl, who said she could wait, the other for an important traveler. Doc had ended up working on the girl’s invention, completely forgetting about the other. It wasn’t that he didn’t try. He just couldn’t focus. Or…come up with anything at all for that matter. Of course, the thoughts of the important person traveled faster and farther, and meant more. Doc was rethought as rash, forgetful, rude, and an awful businessman. The income shrunk, and business was horrible. Doc was stuck in his small home, afraid of going back and admitting that he failed. To make things worse, his cousin came along to live with him. ** 2D ** Happy was more than excited to get out in the world, so full of wonderful and incredible things! And what better way to get started, than to move in with his smart cousin? Doc was a genius, and could show him the ropes to adulthood. He had bounced the whole way to Jollywood. The city looked so friendly, and the castle was gorgeous! It was sure to be a great kingdom. The blond arrived at his cousin’s apartment and cheerfully rapped on the door. Slowly, the door creaked open, revealing a worn out Doc. “Come on in, Happy.” “Doc!” Happy immediately grabbed his relative in a bear hug. Doc smiled. His cousin always did have that effect. He simply radiated joy, true to his name. After Happy had finished, he ran into the apartment, dragging his luggage behind him. “Nice place, Doc!” It really wasn’t. The apartment was small, not big enough for two people. The paint was chipping, and the place wasn’t very decorated. “How’s the inventing going?” Doc pushed his glasses back into place. “Not great. I’ll need to find a new job.” The inventor traveled to one of the many machines that filled the room. “I’ve been detecting high magic readings around this area, though. Maybe we could do something with that.” And they did. The duo set out the next day with two of Doc’s magic detectors. “These ratings are off the charts!” Doc scribbled numbers and notes on a piece of paper. “The kingdom alone is extremely magically active, but this area seems to have even more!” “This place is the coolest!” Happy gushed. “According to my calculations, the height of the magic is underground.” “Let’s dig it up!” “What?” Happy grinned. “It’ll be fun! Plus we’re bound to get plenty of money from whatever it is.” A week later, it became routine: wake up, eat, grab some tools, and set off to mine. They really did hit the jackpot. From Doc’s readings, there were miles and miles of fantastic gems, filled with magic. It started slow, as there were only two of them, but soon, Doc was getting back into business. It took a while, but they eventually got a heaping load of cash. “Where do you wanna move, Doc?” “I think here’s good.” Doc drew out the plans for a cottage near the mine. Living in the town meant a long walk to work every morning, and another long one at night. It seemed better to just live near the mine. A cottage sprung up in the following months. It was small, but still bigger than the apartment. It became home quickly. But somehow, it was still missing something. ** 3D ** Grumpy moved out, taking his goat with him. He couldn’t stand living in that town anymore. He couldn’t stand being laughed at anymore. His criminal record wasn’t the cleanest there, either. The first building that appeared on the horizon was a cottage. It showed no signs of being part of a town. The dwarf thought about stopping by, getting some food, maybe rest a bit. He thought about it, but that would require interacting with people. He wasn’t that hungry. Grumpy kept walking, his goat at his side. They barely passed the cottage, when the door burst open, and a blond dwarf came running over to them. “Hi! My name’s Happy! Are you traveling? Do you need a place to rest? You can stay here. Are you hungry? There’s still some soup left over from dinner! C'mon!” It all happened so fast. The next thing Grumpy knew, he was being dragged into the cottage. Grumpy had to give this guy points, though. He let Giselle inside the house. The dwarf was quickly seated, and a steaming bowl of succotash soup was placed in front of him. “Happy, I’ve been mapping out the mine and-…who is this guy?” Another blond dwarf had walked in, carrying some papers. “He’s a traveler, Doc! I figured he could get a bite to eat and rest here! Look, he’s got a goat!” The dwarf named Happy beamed and tried to pet Giselle. Giselle tried to bite his hand. “Having a goat in the house is really unsanitary,” Doc commented. Grumpy and his pet both turned to glare. “I’ll have you know, my Giselle is the cleanest goat I’ve ever seen.” “That doesn’t necessarily make it clean. You’ve just seen a lot of filthy goats.” Grumpy and Doc argued back and forth, Happy standing awkwardly in the middle. “Hey, it’s getting late! Maybe you should just stay for the night. I’ll sing a good night song!” Happy smiled and pulled out a guitar. Grumpy huffed. “No way I’m stayin’ here. Let’s go, Giselle.” The two were nearly out the door, when a large rumble of thunder and crack of lightning shook the house. Rain came down like bullets on the roof. “Come on, you have to stay now!” Happy grinned hopefully. Both Grumpy and Doc grumbled, but eventually agreed. There were thunderstorms for a week straight. They were all trapped in the house, forced to interact. When the sun finally came out after seven days, the dwarves were fairly used to living together. Grumpy remembered, though. He took his goat and got ready to leave. Doc had stepped outside with him, turned to the cottage. “If we’re all gonna be living here, I think it’ll need more room.” It was as good an invitation as any to stay. And stay they did. ** 4D ** Dopey didn’t remember much, just being afraid. Granted, he was a baby. He couldn’t be expected to remember all of his story. Giselle had been wandering around the land. It was still new to her, and she wanted to check it out. She expected ant hills and flowers. She did not expect a crying baby. The source of the noises was in the woods. It was tiny, too tiny. Freckles spotted his cheeks, which were also covered in tears. The goat panicked. She ended up knocking a flower toward the child, who curiously grabbed it. He sniffed it, and giggled. The baby’s red nose was dusted with pollen. Giselle figured she couldn’t leave the kid. She knew dwarves couldn’t handle the cold as well as animals, especially babies. So, the goat lifted the smiling child onto her back, and trotted back to the cottage. Grumpy had found out about the kid soon enough, and Doc had tried to interfere. Giselle snapped at him. The dwarves couldn’t take the baby away from the goat, and they tried everything. The three did still offer baby clothes, high chairs, and the like. As the baby grew, he spent more time in the forest than at the cottage. Sometimes he would disappear for a few days, but he always came back. With more cuts and bruises, yes, but he came back. Doc, Happy, and Grumpy didn’t see the kid much, but Doc still worried. “Shouldn’t he be walking on two legs by now?” That cut looks bad!“ “Has he been eating?” Happy assured his cousin that the child was fine. “See? He’s always smiling that dopey smile.” Dopey grew, and Doc figured he could live in the house now, without Giselle bleating angrily and trying to protect Dopey. They tried to talk to him, but Dopey just frowned and shook his head. He couldn’t understand what they were saying. He didn’t know why they were talking in a weird language. The dwarf was a quick learner, though. He grew up learning the languages of all the animals in the forest, after all. He slowly began to understand what the other dwarves were saying, but he never could make the sounds himself. Every time he tried, it came out as a whistle. The dwarves all struggled to grasp the language of their newest member. Doc was the most successful, and translated often. Dopey didn’t grow out of his animalistic nature like the dwarves thought he would. He still barked, ran on all fours and loved fetch. There was no changing him, but he did find an interest in dwarven art. ** 5D ** Sleepy found it difficult to hold a job. He was always dozing off and getting fired, or never getting hired at all. His so called “disorder” didn’t leave him with a good reputation. The white haired dwarf really didn’t understand what the big deal was. So he got tired during the day, that didn’t mean he was a bad guy. He still needed money, though, and that meant he needed a job. Sleepy figured he could just keep himself awake, and the job would run smoothly. It wasn’t as smooth as he hoped. The dwarf worked in the factory during the day, and tried to sleep just at night. It wasn’t enough sleep for him to function. He was sluggish and dizzy as he worked. His boss told him to step it up or he was gonna be fired. Sleepy went home that day, barely registering what was happening around him. He collapsed in the middle of the road. Doc and the others had been out buying a few things, and they saw the dwarf fall into the road. Grumpy was opposed to bringing the stranger home to see if he was alright, but nobody paid the comment any mind. Happy and Dopey ended up carrying the white haired stranger back to the cottage, where he slept for three days. The four worried about that. Maybe it was a curse? Nothing they tried could wake the snoozing dwarf. Even Happy’s one man band failed to release the dwarf from his slumber. There was nothing to do but wait. Eventually, the tired grey eyes did open. Sleepy smiled and stretched, and was instantly bombarded. “Are you alright?” “Are you hungry?” “You’re awake, now get out.” “What’s your name?” Sleepy blinked. “Uh…I’m Sleepy. Where am I? How long was I out?” Happy smiled. “You’re at the cottage of the 4D! It’s been three days.” “Three days!? Winkers!” Sleepy tore off his blankets and tumbled out of bed. “I’ll be fired for sure!” “You collapsed in the street.” Doc spoke up. “I don’t think you were getting enough sleep.” “I know.” Sleepy looked down. “I would get fired if I got enough sleep.” “That’s ridiculous!” Grumpy crossed his arms. “Grumpy is right.” Doc looked back at Sleepy. “If you need a different job, we’re always looking for more dwarves to work with us in the mines.” “That’s a nice offer, but…I’ve never held a job for more than a week. I fall asleep a lot.” Sleepy could feel his cheeks redden. “That’s alright!” Happy cheered. “Dopey here can’t talk, Grumpy is rude, and Doc is sometimes has trouble focusing. We all have our faults.” “Happy sings too much,” Grumpy mumbled. “Our offer still stands, if you want it.” Doc smiled warmly. Sleepy considered it, but there really wasn’t much to consider. He would either be pushed around and constantly worn out, or he would have a steady job and possible friends. “That sounds great.” ** 6D ** “ACHOO!” Queen Delightful nervously watched a building crumble. “This has only gotten worse. I need to ring the Bing Bong Bell!” Instantly, a rope fell from the sky. The queen tugged on the end, sending a familiar chime of bells echoing through the kingdom. Recently, the queen had noticed the extraordinary abilities of the local miners. They had saved the kingdom, and she figured they would be useful to have around. Now, whenever she rang that bell, the 5D would come to her aid. “Heigh ho!” The dwarves shot out of the tubes installed into the castle. “What do you need, Queen Delightful?” Doc stood at the front of the group as the leader. “There’s a dwarf in the village, and his sneezes have been wrecking things! The construction workers have been working overtime to keep up with him. I need you to find a way to stop him destroying the kingdom!” “A super strength allergy pill should do the trick. Come on, fellas!” Doc pulled a bottle of pills from his hat and led his team back down the tubes. The group quickly reached the housing of the destructive dwarf. Happy was about to knock, when the door completely flew off of its hinges. “I guess that’s an invitation to go in!” The blond dwarf stepped right inside, followed by the others. “Winkers! This place is a mess.” Sleepy stepped over some broken glass. Dopey stopped walking on all fours in fear of getting his hands badly injured. “Hello?” Doc called out. “Beezers! I’m sorry!” A nasally voice responded. Grumpy scoffed at the apology. “It’s alright!” Happy spoke cheerfully. “We brought you some medicine!” A figure peeked its head out of another room. He had a medical mask and a mop of fluffy brown hair. A box of tissues was held close to his chest. “Careful, I don’t wanna sneeze atcha.” Queen Delightful didn’t specify how old the dwarf was, but he looked to be pretty young. He wasn’t a kid, but he didn’t have a beard either. “Thanks.” The brunet took the bottle of pills that was held out to him. “Alright, mission’s over. Let’s leave.” Grumpy was already halfway out the door. “Bye!” Happy followed Grumpy. Sleepy lingered for a bit longer. “Good luck with your allergies.” The five were pretty satisfied with their solution, but the next day, the Bing Bong Bell rang again, and Queen Delightful had the same problem. “The p-pills didn’t work. ACHOO!” The 5D ducked to avoid the flying snot. Doc tapped his chin. “Those were the strongest pills I had.” “Well, clearly the only solution is for nose-boy to go live somewhere else,” Grumpy commented. The nasally dwarf’s face fell. “Well maybe, if I had, what’s your name?” Doc asked. “Sn-sneezy.” Doc continued. “If I had Sneezy at our cottage, I could run some tests on his sneezes. Then we could find out how to stop them.“ Thus, Sneezy came over to the cottage nearly every day. After his sessions with Doc, he would hang out with Sleepy. None of the dwarves could remember a time that Sleepy had been so energetic while awake. Try as he might, Doc could not find a way to cease the sneezes. They were as powerful and dangerous as ever. But maybe that wasn’t a bad thing. An attack on Jollywood had happened in the middle of Doc’s exam. Sneezy went along with the group when the Bing Bong Bell was rung. The Glooms’ latest plot to take over the kingdom involved birds. Sneezy had gotten one whiff of those feathers and… “He’s gonna blow!” “ACHOO! ACHOO ACHOO!” The force of the sneezes blew the birds away, and left the Glooms screaming for mercy. (Hildy, mostly because of the snot.) Sneezy blew his nose. “Ugh. Sorry about that , guys.” He got answered with a group hug (minus Grumpy). “You saved Jollywood!” “You’re a hero, Sneezy!” “A…hero?” The beardless dwarf grinned. “Yeah…a hero!” After that, Sneezy was part of the now 6D. His sneezes were helpful, and he had lots of bravery when it came to saving the kingdom. Sneezy had never been happier. ** 7D ** Bashful ran, and he never turned back. He didn’t even dare think about looking back. The cold air stung his uncovered skin, and seeped into his cuts. His worn shoes were no match for the snow. The dwarf shivered; he probably should’ve waited until after winter, but he had to get out of there as soon as possible. A warm light gleamed not too far away. A cottage! Bashful could get some food there, and get out of the cold. He wouldn’t go in, of course. Bashful had had enough of people. The strawberry blond was relieved to find an area outside with a goat. It was covered and warm. He sat near the goat, trying to a get some warmth from it. “Alright, Giselle, dinner!” Another dwarf was coming, a plate in hand. Bashful tried not to squeak, and just let himself fade into the hay. The dwarf set down a plate of vegetables, then he went back into the warmth of the cottage. The goat began to pick at the food. Bashful crept over, and reached out to take a small carrot. The rumble of his stomach gave away the dwarf, but the goat let him take the food anyway. Bashful smiled and scarfed down the vegetable. He planned to reach for more… “Giselle, I almost forgot your water…"The same dwarf with the brown beard from before came out with a dish. He made eye contact with Bashful. “HEY!” The dwarf dashed toward the thief. Bashful screamed at the top of his lungs. By reflex, he faded completely, turning invisible. “STAY AWAY FROM MY GOAT!” The stranger shook his fist. Bashful tried not to breathe; he couldn’t risk getting caught. Then, his stomach betrayed him by making its hunger known. What’s going on out here, Grumpy?“ Five more dwarves were out now. More to hide from. "I caught a thief!” Grumpy gestured to the hay. “He"s hiding in there. I just heard him.” If it wasn’t so cold, Bashful would’ve started to sweat. One of the dwarves went up to the hiding place. He was on all fours, and sniffed around the hay. Bashful held his breath, hoping his invisibility would continue to conceal him. It clearly didn’t, as the dwarf whistled, and the others gathered around. A sneeze sent the hay flying, leaving Bashful out in the open. Seeing six pairs of eyes on him, and no way out, prompted the dwarf into tears. “I-I’m sorry! I was c-cold and hungry a-and I thought you wouldn’t mi-mind a few missing carrots!” Bashful folded in on himself. “Aw, it’s alright. Come on in and eat with us.” A blond dwarf grinned at him. Bashful stared. He didn’t know if these dwarves were trustworthy. Plus, he preferred to be alone. His stomach growled, settling the debate. “…Alright.” It was barely a whisper, but the blond dwarf heard it. “Come on! Let’s eat!” Bashful slowly stood and followed the group. He was given a blanket and a steaming plate of chicken and potatoes. He didn’t hesitate to cram as much food into his mouth as fast as possible. “Thank you!” Bashful tried to race back out the door. He just wanted to get away from others. Something latched onto his shirt, keeping him from freedom. It was a dwarf in glasses, holding out a first aid kit. “You’re not leaving until I patch up those cuts.” “I….uh…” Bashful didn’t have the courage to refuse, and so he was covered in bandages after twenty minutes. “Thanks!” He got ready to leave again, when a beardless brunet spoke up. “Do you have a place to stay?” No. “I’ll be ok. Thank you.” The door was open, letting swirls of snow into the cottage. The 6D shared glances. They saw right through the lie. “You can stay here, if you want,” Doc offered. Bashful looked back. They seemed friendly enough…and he did need a place to stay. “Only if it’s alright.” The 6D became the 7D that night. All became right with the world. Well, at least Jollywood, anyway. ***** A/N: I’m worried I wrote Bashful and Sleepy out of character. In my defense, I’ve been writing for six hours.
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