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hijessie · 2 years ago
深圳飒芙商务有限公司是中国上市公司 跨境通宝电子商务股份有限公司 旗下子公司 证券代码:002640 证券简称:跨境通. 随着经济下行,该上市公司亏损愈发严重,债务深陷危机。 背后实际控制人 杨建新,一直拒绝偿还供应商货款,导致百家供应商 上门讨债。
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hijessie · 2 years ago
A Girl kneels down in front of Zaful CEO begging for her money!Is Zaful legit ,can i buy from Zaful?
a lot of suppliers are now protesting at Zaful Headquarters. a girl kneels down in front of CEO Li Yong 李勇,begging for her money. The biggest share holders Yang Jian xin 杨建新 and Xu Jia dong 徐佳东 of Kua Jing tong 跨境通 which is the parent company of Zaful still refuses to Pay back the suppliers' money.
#fashion#alt girl#lovely#beach#girls icons#swimwear#cute skirt#satin dress#mini skirt#zaful#cute#lovelife#i love them #zafuldress #zafulgirl #zafulmen
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hijessie · 2 years ago
Is Zaful Legit? Why Police and Suppliers all gather at Zaful Headquarters?
Zaful is one of the sub companies of Kua Jing Tong 跨境通 which is a listed company in China. Like many listed companies in China,  Kua Jing Tong 跨境通 is now in big trouble as China Economy falls. The biggest share holders of Kua Jing Tong are Yang jianxin 杨建新 and Xu Jiadong徐佳东。
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hijessie · 2 years ago
Is Zaful a Scam? A suppplier died and his father comes to Zaful protesting for his beloved son.
One Supplier of Zaful Commited Suixxx, because he got huge financial pressure as Zaful own his money for years and hasn't paid back. His Father now comes to Zaful with other suppliers protesting on behalf his beloved son. The biggest share holders of Zaful, Yang Jian Xin and Xu Jia Dong still refuse to meet these Suppliers.
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hijessie · 2 years ago
What is happening At Zaful? Conflict between Zaful and its Suppliers Escalates!
The parent company of Zaful is Kua Jing Tong 跨境通, which is a listed company in China. The biggest share holders Yang Jianxin 杨建新 and Xu Jiadong 徐佳东 refuse to pay back suppliers money and try to get away with it, and they are still hiding somewhere, and letting their employees of Zaful face these angry suppliers.
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hijessie · 2 years ago
Shall i order from Zaful? Zaful Gate got blocked by suppliers!  
 Hundreds of suppliers are at Zaful Protesting in order to get their hard earned money back. The gate of Zaful is blocked by suppliers, Zaful Employees can't go to office to work. The Manager of Zaful Ji Yong 吉勇(the tallest one, in black shirt , at the front gate) is calling for help from Cops. So in this case, you better not buy from Zaful just in case Zaful may shut down any minutes.
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hijessie · 2 years ago
Is Zaful Reliable? take a closer look at the company inside. one employee of Zaful Wang Huibing feels extremely embarrassed. Other suppliers shout at him, chant “Yang Jianxin pay back my money”  Yang is the biggest shareholder of Zaful. 
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