hiisoyakani · 3 years
you know what *gives jan suk a bigger b00ba*
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hiisoyakani · 3 years
since I’ve been replaying the arkham games these past few months again, here’s my list of personal unsorted Top Arkham Moments™️, 99% Rogues based:
- Mr. Freeze: We’re not friends Batman >:( Mr. Freeze, 5 mins later: but thank you for finding my wife, I owe you man sorry for trying to kill u earlier
- Batman and Bane fighting some thugs together and Bane just going “sorry Batman :)” after “accidentally” hitting him
- I can recite the entirety of Hugo Strange’s monologue thanks to that one Arkham City song by Panic! At The Disco
- Penguin: Don’t talk to me or my shark ever again.
- Selina: Fuck Batman, Actually
- Scarecrow and Mad Hatter playtesting their DnD campaigns on Batman 
- The Electrocutioner: Fight me Batman! *dies immediately*
- Batman: You were almost killed.  Harleen: Eh, occupational hazard.
- Arkham Asylum Scarecrow: Who are you? Arkham Knight Scarecrow: I’m you, but my voice is sexier and also british
- The Robins stealing the show CONSTANTLY
- Thug: We fucked up, boss!! Penguin: Aww that’s alright luv :) Thug: Really? Penguin: N O !!!!!!!!! 
- Riddler: It was such a pleasant surprise to find out you and Catwoman were together, you know, after the initial gag reflex.
- Batman when confronted with any venom/toxin related problem: IVY HELP
- Joker’s worst toxin-induced fear being Harley ending up with Riddler
- Selina mercilessly fucking up Riddler’s entire operation until he BEGS for mercy, and still coming out on top with a fat amount of cash: iconic
- Actually getting to beat the absolute shit out of Professional Asshole Edward Nigma after getting all 243 collectibles might be my top gaming moment of the decade
- Hush: How did you know I’m not Bruce Wayne??? Batman: Ok so you might wanna sit down for this,
- Harvey: Batman we just want to rob this 1 dirty bank and then fly off to Hawaii to retire, please let us have this
- literally all of Oswald’s and Harvey‘s bitching in Knight
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hiisoyakani · 3 years
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big family dinner 🍰🎉  
last piece of the decade!! i’m glad it turned out to be this one with all my fav rogues, love a gay crime family 💜 here’s what everyone brought in in case anyone’s interested: Penguin got some milkfish shipped in which Selina prepared (part of my catwoman is pinoy hc), Ivy brought homegrown fruits and veggies, Edward got a bunch of takeout from the restaurant beneath his hideout, Jon brought his coveted homemade dumplings and a strawberry cake for Harley bc turns out he is actually a good cook, Harvey was in charge of drinks (all of them are spiked with whiskey. It’s the last time anyone ever asks him to contribute.)
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hiisoyakani · 3 years
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flirty flightless bird 💜💜
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hiisoyakani · 3 years
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Riddler ??? in 2020?????
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hiisoyakani · 3 years
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“Where do fish keep their money? In the river bank” Realised it’s middle of may already and I hadn’t drawn any mermaids yet. So, have merman Eddie.
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hiisoyakani · 3 years
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busy and troublesome
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hiisoyakani · 3 years
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hiisoyakani · 3 years
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you know how kristen has this werther complex of not beeing able to tell her partner what she wants? how about😳 in this au she could be the dorky book-y self that enjoys to stiching her clothes and isnt afraid to voice out what she wants and if shes intrested in someone and also is able to kick a guy in the face anyway my kristen > canon kristen also bonus for those trans oswald enjoyer :
Keep reading
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hiisoyakani · 3 years
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In riddlerbat Edward definitely uses Bruce’s credit card for shopping
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hiisoyakani · 3 years
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some gamer riddler…. my beloved
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hiisoyakani · 3 years
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⁉️Trade Offer⁉️
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hiisoyakani · 3 years
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The holidays are an excellent time to share a depression meal with your closest friends and enemies.
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hiisoyakani · 3 years
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was in the mood for some brief tenderness
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hiisoyakani · 3 years
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Here are some Riddler valentines to send to your sweetheart
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hiisoyakani · 3 years
how can you look at the riddler, an absolute mess of a man, and say he ‘represents order’. his idea of living is chugging as much coffee as a human could possibly drink in one sitting without dying and then staying up for 72 hours coming up with a new contraption that he’s dead certain will (this time) make batman fall in love with him made entirely of green fingerpaint and metal and only takes any care of his image if he knows people are going to be looking at him because he has to impress them and otherwise he lays on the floor of his house in question mark themed pajamas and cries and goes two weeks without shaving his stubble 
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hiisoyakani · 3 years
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These two smartpants are made for one another : A compilation.
I could go on.
-Harley Queen: Make ‘em Laugh
-Batman: Reptilian
-Batman (2016) # I forgot
-Detective comics
-Gotham Underground
-Archie 66′s Batman crossover
That should cover it.
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