J&F Plaza Language School Information
23 posts
Many people from all over the world come to Japan to learn Japanese. Japanese subcultures, such as anime, pop music and fashion, are popular all over the world, stimulating people`s interest to learn Japanese. J&F is an agency that provides Japanese language school information. We also introduce language schools to those who would like to study abroad in Japan. We promise to do our best to introduce the best Japanese school for you. In addition, we would like to share Japanese culture and help create bonds with Japanese people through learning. From the bottom of our heart, we hope that through Japanese language learning, we can create a bridge from Japan to the rest of the world.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
hide99-blog · 4 years ago
J&F House is “International Community House” and the 50% of residents is Japanese! So,if you would like to brush up your Japanese skills and make friends with Japanese, it will be the bestt place to stay!
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hide99-blog · 4 years ago
★★J&F House Kansai2 Campaign★★
J&F Kansai.2 Campaign! It is a shared house and if  you are looking for your place to stay in Kansai area, this house is so recommendable! The half of residents is Japanese and you can have opportunities to practice Japanese and be friends! Also, there is no agency fee and key money! It is fully furnished! 【WEB】 http://www.jafplaza.com/landing/kansai2/index-en.html
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hide99-blog · 6 years ago
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J&F House Musashi-Urawa was build only for a shared house. It is RC building and it is a kind of skyscraper in this area. Both interior and exterior are well-designed and we are sure that all tenants enjoy stays! Not only Japanese but also people from all over the world are staying at the house. Therefore, there are lots of opportunities to get to know in your shared house life! With the location of the house, you can use 3 stations, Naka-Urawa, Musashi-Urawa and Urawa station and take JR Saikyo,Shonan-Shinjuku, Keihintohoku and Musashino line. So, it is a good access to Ikebukuro, Shinjuku, Shibuya, Nippori, Ueno, Tokyo and other the center of Tokyo!
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hide99-blog · 7 years ago
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J&F Plaza manages one great shared house, J&F House Kansai.2! It is located between in Umeda,Osaka and Sannomiya! It takes about 20 minutes to get both areas! Now, there are some rooms available and if you would like to preview the house, it will be possible! Also, the house is in a residential area and the neighbor is safer and quiet!In addition, there is a park near the house so that you can make some exercises! With equipment, the house  has a big theater room with a big screen! Therefore, you can watch your favorite movies with your house mates and friends. Lastly,the house is "International Communication House"! We are sure that you can meet up a variety people from different backgrounds and countries! 〇http://www.jafnet.co.jp/plaza/en/?action_obj=Estate&action=detail&estate_code=7&room_code=1
【Contact】 TEL: 06-6430-9935 Email: [email protected] 
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hide99-blog · 7 years ago
J&F Plaza manages one great shared house, J&F House Kansai.2! It is located between in Umeda,Osaka and Sannomiya! It takes about 20 minutes to get both areas! Now, there are some rooms available and if you would like to preview the house, it will be possible! Also, the house is in a residential area and the neighbor is safer and quiet!In addition, there is a park near the house so that you can make some exercises! With equipment, the house  has a big theater room with a big screen! Therefore, you can watch your favorite movies with your house mates and friends. Lastly,the house is "International Communication House"! We are sure that you can meet up a variety people from different backgrounds and countries! 〇http://www.jafnet.co.jp/plaza/en/?action_obj=Estate&action=detail&estate_code=7&room_code=1 【Contact】 TEL: 06-6430-9935 Email: [email protected] 
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hide99-blog · 8 years ago
★2017/4/21(Fri)Japan&Taiwan with Asian&Int`l Party in Aoyama★
J&T is going to have J&T is going to have Japan & Taiwan with Int`l Party on the 21st of April!!
This time, we will collaborate with 3 organizations! Therefore, it will be more exciting and you can meet more friends!
If you are interested in this party, please come join us!!There are many Japanese and various of people from different countries!!
So, it makes possible for you to make many friends at our party!!
The detail is below! Check it out now!
Our party will be finished at 21:00. If you would like to stay at the bar, it will be possible. In this case, the drink is not "all you can drink", it will be cash on delivery.
Aslo, J&T will not touch anything after 21:00.
All you can drink and food will be served!
*One glass for one guest
*Beer is 500yen
Tokyo Minato-ku Akasaka 8-10-22 NEW SHINSAKA Bldg.B1
*Station: Aoyama-1-chome or Nogizaka station 6-7 minutes walk
If you want to join the party, please contact me!I will give you the details
2017年4月21日(金)にJ&T日台交流 with アジアンパーティーを他の団体とコラボレーションをして開催を致します!
【日 時】
2017/4/21(金)  19:00~21:00
* 受付開始:18:30~
* ドリンク・フード提 供:19:00~
* ドリンクラストオー ダー:20:50
* パーティー終了:21:00
【場 所】
*東京都港区赤坂8-10-22NEW SHINSAKA BLDG.B1
URL/地図 :
access-map/ *最寄駅:各線青山1丁目駅より徒歩約6分、乃木坂駅より徒歩約7分 【ドリンク・フード】 ド リンク飲み放題・軽食提供 *ドリンクはグラス交換制になります。 *ビールのみは500円/杯になります 【参加費用】 3,000 円 *受付が込み合いますので釣銭のないようにご協力をお願い致します *両替はできませんので予めご了承下さい 【クローク】 クロークをご利用される場合はバースタッフにお尋ねください。その際、クローク料金として500円が発生致します。 【WEB】 http://www.jatplaza.com/guestbook/web/index.php(日本語) http://www.jatplaza.com/guestbook/web/index.php?language=t(中国語) 【参 加申請】 参 加希望の方は以下まで、お名前・ 性別・国籍・参加人数・連絡先を必ずお伝え下さい。 参 加登録をして詳細をお送り致しま す。 TEL:03-6455-0360 Email: [email protected]
★2017/4/21(星期五)J&T日台交流 with Aisan Party in Aoyama★ J&T在2月10日於原宿舉辦了J&T日台交流會Party,共有112位朋友前來到場與不同國家的朋友進行文化交流,度過了一個非常有意義且充實的夜晚。接下來,我們將在2017年4月21日星期五再次舉辦交流會Party,為了使各位有寬敞的空間可以使用,我們將在原宿舉行。以下是關於Party的詳細參加資訊,歡迎想結交朋友的你一起共襄盛舉。 【時間】 2017年4月21日(星期五) 19:00~21:00 *進場:18:30~ *輕食及飲料提供:19:00~ *飲料提供結束時間Last Order:20:50 *Party結束:21:00 Our party will be finished at 21:00. If you would like to stay at the bar, it will be possible. In this case, the drink is not "all you can drink", it will be cash on delivery. Aslo, J&T will not touch anything after 21:00. 【地點】 EDDITION IN AOYAMA 1-chome 【Address】 Tokyo Minato-ku Akasaka 8-10-22 NEW SHINSAKA Bldg.B1 *Station: Aoyama-1-chome or Nogizaka station 6-7 minutes walk *MAP: http://edition-site.com/
access-map/ 【餐點】 飲料無限暢飲・提供輕食 ※这将是玻璃交换系统 ※Only Beer 500yen 【参加費用】 日幣3000円/一人 【注意事項】 ①   請不要外帶食物或飲料進場 ②   店內有付費保管私人物品服務。(請注意:費用部分請自行負擔且本服務與J&T無相關) ③   當日無法準備零錢,交付參加費時請自行斟酌 【Baggage】 If you would like the bar staff(not J&T Plaza staff)to keep your baggage, it will be 500yen/per person. 【WEB】 http://www.jatplaza.com/guestbook/web/index.php(日本語) http://www.jatplaza.com/guestbook/web/index.php?language=t(中国語) 【參加申請】 希望參加者請統一將姓名、性別、國籍、參加人數及連絡電話寄郵件至以下的信箱,我們會將Party的詳細資訊寄給您。TEL:03-6455-0360 Email: [email protected]
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hide99-blog · 8 years ago
★Are you looking for your place to stay in Kansai Area!?★
If you are looking for your accommodation in Kansai Area, we will strongly recommend
J&F House Kansai.2!
It is located in Mukonoso on the Hankyu Kobe line which is connected to both Osaka/Umeda and Sanmomiya station!
Therefore, it is quite convenient to stay and come and go both Osaka and Hyogo!
Also, the house manager is stationed and he is very responsible. Then, if you have any questions, please ask him!
To move in the house, guarantor,key money are not required! It makes you possible for you to save your initial cost.
If you are interested in the house and would like to view it in advance, please feel free to contact us!
#kansaisharehouse #sharehousekansai #osakasharehouse #sharehouse #osaka #sharehouse #guesthousekansai #kansaiguesthouse #osaka #kobe #amagasaki #umeda #kansai #japan #japanesefriend #japanese #accommodation #osakaaccommodation #accommodationosaka #kansaiaccommodation #accommodationkansai
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hide99-blog · 8 years ago
J&F House Shinjuku Available!!
J&F Plaza is assisting foreigners in their accommodations!    We manage Shared house in Kanto and Kansai area!    Now, there is a private room available at Shinjuku House!     ○http://www.jafnet.co.jp/plaza/en/?action_obj=Estate&action=detail&estate_code=1&room_code=1        For Japanese, if you would like to make many friends who have    different backgrounds and are from different countries,    our place will be the best for you!        So, if you are interested in this house and would like to view the    house, please feel free to contact me!    We will look forward to your inquiries!        【Contact】    TEL:03-6455-0360    Email: [email protected]
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hide99-blog · 8 years ago
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Why don`t you stay at this International House in Shinjuku!? http://www.jafnet.co.jp/plaza/en/?action_obj=Estate&action=detail&estate_code=1&room_code=1
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hide99-blog · 11 years ago
★Studying abroad in Japan!!★
If you would like to study abroad in Japan, I will highly recommend you! As you know, we are going to host Olympic games in 2020 and the
attentions from all over the world have been increasing!  Also, if you come visit here, you will be able to enjoy fantastic Japanese  foot and feel Japanese culture directly.
If you need our assistance, we will definitely assist you! ○J&F Plaza: http://www.jafplaza.com/index.html ○J&F Japanese Language School Information: http://www.jafnet.co.jp/school/school_en/school%20business.html 【Contact】 TEL:03-6455-0360 Email:[email protected]
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hide99-blog · 11 years ago
★Are you looking for Japanese schools!?★
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J&F has established a new business. If you are considering studying abroad in Japan, we will be able to assit you in introducing Japanese language schools! Here are our official site and facebook page below! http://www.jafnet.co.jp/school/school_en/index.html 【Facebook】 ○https://www.facebook.com/pages/JF-Japanese-Language-School-Information/617278121680432 There are about 500 Japanese schools in Japan. It is very hassle for you to search for them by yourself.  However, J&F can introduce you to good Japanese schools in tie with us! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me! *If you enter a Japanese language school through J&F Plaaa, you will get a special deal, such as discount of tuition fee(not all schools) or J&F Japanese-learning fund.  【Contact】 TEL:03-6455-0360 Email:[email protected]
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hide99-blog · 12 years ago
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J&F House Osaka is in Osaka city. It is a good access to the center of Osakaas!! This house has 91 rooms and it is the biggest house in Kansai Area!! Our house is "International Community House"!! There are Japanese and different people from other countires!! If you are interested in making friends with many people, it will be the best place. 【Conditions】 ■No key money, guarantor, renewal fee of your contract ■The minimum length of your stay is from 1 month ■Fully furnished and you can get a free internet connection both in the common space and in your room ■ Possible to reserve your room from overseas If you are interested in this house, please feel free to contact me!! ■J&F House Osaka: http://www.jafnet.co.jp/plaza/en/?action_obj=Estate&action=detail&estate_code=6&room_code=1 【Contact】 TEL:03-6455-0360 Email: [email protected]
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hide99-blog · 12 years ago
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J&F House Minami-Gyotoku is on the Tozai line. It is a good access to the center of Tokyo, such as, Monzen-Nakacho, Nihombashi, Takadanobaba, Nakano and other areas!! Our house is "International Community House"!! There are Japanese and different people from other countires!! If you are interested in making friends with many people, it will be the best place. 【Conditions】 ■No key money, guarantor, renewal fee of your contract ■The minimum length of your stay is from 1 month ■Fully furnished and you can get a free internet connection both in the common space and in your room ■ Possible to reserve your room from overseas If you are interested in this house, please feel free to contact me!! ■J&F House Minami-Gyotoku: http://www.jafnet.co.jp/plaza/en/?action_obj=Estate&action=detail&estate_code=3&room_code=1 【Contact】 TEL:03-6455-0360 Email: [email protected]
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hide99-blog · 12 years ago
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J&F House Nishi-Kawaguchi is on the Keihin-Tohoku line. It is a good access to Shinjuku ,Ikebukuro and other center areas in Tokyo!! Our house is "International Community House"!! There are Japanese and different people from other countires!! If you are interested in making friends with many people, it will be the best place. 【Conditions】 ■No key money, guarantor, renewal fee of your contract ■The minimum length of your stay is from 1 month ■Fully furnished and you can get a free internet connection both in the common space and in your room ■ Possible to reserve your room from overseas If you are interested in this house, please feel free to contact me!! ■J&F House Nishi-Kawaguchi:http://www.jafnet.co.jp/plaza/en/?action_obj=Estate&action=detail&estate_code=2&room_code=1 【Contact】 TEL:03-6455-0360 Email: [email protected]
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hide99-blog · 12 years ago
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J&F is going to have "J&F X`mas Party collaborated with Japan & Korea Party and Japan & Taiwan Party"on the 14th of Nov!! There will be many people and it will be so exciting!! If you wanna make many friends, please come join this awesome party!! This time, Bingo games will take place at the party!! If you win, we will give you X`mas presents(*there is a possibility that Bingo games would be canceled)!! The detai is below!! Please check it out now!! Let`s enjoy the time all together!! 【Date】 2012/12/14(Fri) 19:00-21:00 【URL】 http://www.guesth.com/keitai/inter_party_e.htm  【Place】 XANADU(Shibuya) 【MAP】 http://www.guesth.com/keitai/party_pic/image/20121026/20121026_gallery.htm 【Fee】 3,000yen 【Contact】 Mail:[email protected]
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hide99-blog · 13 years ago
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J&F House Urawa has a private kitchen, toilet, bathroom in each room!! The room is the largest of our houses!! There are dorm rooms both for male and female!! If you would like to see the house, please feel free to contact us!! ■J&F House Urawa: http://www.jafnet.co.jp/plaza/en/?action_obj=Estate&action=detail&estate_code=4&room_code=1 【Contact】 TEL:03-5366-6356 Email: [email protected]
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hide99-blog · 13 years ago
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There are poeple from 15 different countires at J&F House Warabi!! It is really interntional!! If you would like to share and experience different cultures, this house will be quite recommendable!! They are outgoing and friendly!! If you would like to preview the house, please contact below!! ■J&F House Warabi:http://www.jafnet.co.jp/plaza/en/?action_obj=Estate&action=detail&estate_code=5&room_code=1 【Contact】 TEL:048-299-6065 Email: [email protected]
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