hiddenfenceblogs ¡ 2 years
“Why does my cat keep running away?”
“How to stop my cat from escaping?”
“How to build a fail-proof fencing for my cat?”
After reading a couple of blogs with titles like these, you will find out that conventional fencing is not going to work for an escape artist.
Cats are known for their irksome behaviour of always jumping and running away. No matter how unique your fence design is, the kitty will soon figure out a way to explore the world outside its home territory.  Therefore, most pet parents swear by the innovative solution of an electric cat fence, more correctly known as an electronic cat fence australia.
The pet containment system works wonders for pets that are infamous for roaming in the neighbourhood. An electric (electronic) cat collar fence system comes with a collar receiver and a transmitter that sends a signal via a cable to train your pet.  The cable is buried under the ground and works best for yards and driveways. However, when you have to design territories inside your house, burying wires under the ground is definitely not a feasible option.
An electronic or electric cat fencewireless system is best suited for indoor use. You can create pet free zones and keep your cat off-limits, such as the kitchen island, dining table, couch area or home office.
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How does a wireless cat fence work?
As discussed above, a wired pet containment system has cables buried under the ground to send signals. A wireless invisible cat fence works on a similar principle, except you get a wireless transmitter. The portable containment system works on similar engineering principles to a wired fencing product.
The transmitter comes with a signal field of 0 to 3 metres and can efficiently train your cat to keep its claws off the couch or your office files. Your cat wears a collar receiver that delivers audible warnings when it approaches the pet-free zone.
There are various models available, in which you can use the same collar receiver for both indoor wireless systems and outdoor wired containment zones.
How long does it take to create pet-free zones?
When you DIY a cat fence barrier, keep one thing in mind - that training and consistency are essential. It takes weeks and sometimes even months to teach your cat about areas that are off-limits.
When you use a wireless fence, you need to mark the perimeter with white flags. With adequate training, your cat learns to avoid entering areas which are delineated by a line of marker flags.
To put it simply, wireless containment systems are equally efficient to wired fencing systems. Cats can be successfully trained to stay off-limits for both indoor and outdoor areas. Make sure to follow the training protocol and give adequate time for your cat to learn the new pet-free zones that you have created in your living room.
Shop for invisible electric fence for cats from Hidden Fence. It is the largest dealer network of sophisticated training tools for both cats and dogs. Hidden Fence lets you build your own pet containment system from scratch. Visit the link given below to order a wired or wireless cat fence from Hidden Fence.
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hiddenfenceblogs ¡ 2 years
“Why does my cat keep running away?”
“How to stop my cat from escaping?”
“How to build a fail-proof fencing for my cat?”
After reading a couple of blogs with titles like these, you will find out that conventional fencing is not going to work for an escape artist.
Cats are known for their irksome behaviour of always jumping and running away. No matter how unique your fence design is, the kitty will soon figure out a way to explore the world outside its home territory.  Therefore, most pet parents swear by the innovative solution of an electric cat fence, more correctly known as an electronic cat fence.
The pet containment system works wonders for pets that are infamous for roaming in the neighbourhood. An electric (electronic) cat collar fence system comes with a collar receiver and a transmitter that sends a signal via a cable to train your pet.  The cable is buried under the ground and works best for yards and driveways. However, when you have to design territories inside your house, burying wires under the ground is definitely not a feasible option.
An electronic or electric cat fencewireless system is best suited for indoor use. You can create pet free zones and keep your cat off-limits, such as the kitchen island, dining table, couch area or home office.
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How does a wireless cat fence work?
As discussed above, a wired pet containment system has cables buried under the ground to send signals. A wireless invisible cat fence works on a similar principle, except you get a wireless transmitter. The portable containment system works on similar engineering principles to a wired fencing product.
The transmitter comes with a signal field of 0 to 3 metres and can efficiently train your cat to keep its claws off the couch or your office files. Your cat wears a collar receiver that delivers audible warnings when it approaches the pet-free zone.
There are various models available, in which you can use the same collar receiver for both indoor wireless systems and outdoor wired containment zones.
How long does it take to create pet-free zones?
When you DIY a cat fence barrier, keep one thing in mind - that training and consistency are essential. It takes weeks and sometimes even months to teach your cat about areas that are off-limits.
When you use a wireless fence, you need to mark the perimeter with white flags. With adequate training, your cat learns to avoid entering areas which are delineated by a line of marker flags.
To put it simply, wireless containment systems are equally efficient to wired fencing systems. Cats can be successfully trained to stay off-limits for both indoor and outdoor areas. Make sure to follow the training protocol and give adequate time for your cat to learn the new pet-free zones that you have created in your living room.
Shop for invisible electric fence for cats from Hidden Fence. It is the largest dealer network of sophisticated training tools for both cats and dogs. Hidden Fence lets you build your own pet containment system from scratch. Visit the link given below to order a wired or wireless cat fence from Hidden Fence.
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hiddenfenceblogs ¡ 2 years
Most pet owners struggle to keep their dogs and cats safe inside the yard. When conventional fences fail, pet experts inventedthe solution of an invisible fence.
The electronic fence more commonly known as a dog electric fence,has a technologically advanced feature that contains pets inside a boundary. In this containment system, a dog learns to stop at the boundary with the help of electronic stimulation. Such systems are immensely popular among pet parents.
Perhaps recently, you were planning to shop for a dog electric fence kit and your friend who read something on Google commented that these systems are noteffective. The confusion about the efficacy of such systems is totally understandable.
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It’s important to know that there is so much misinformation associated with pet containment system. In order to attain 100% efficacy from the system, you needto understand the role of consistency and repetition. In this post, we share 5 facts that will help you understand whether an electronic dog fence is worth it or not.
5 Lesser known facts about a hidden dog fence
Brand selection: The efficacy of a product majorly depends on the authenticity of the brand. If you buy cheap DIY kits that you purchased from a hardware store, the outcome is definitely not what you expected. For instance, a poor quality collar receiver doesn’t work properly and thinner fence cable shortens the lifespan of the product.
Installation: Apart from using the right product, the key to attaining total efficiency from a product is to install it properly. The transmitter that sends signals should be located strategically. Fence wires should be installed properly with surge protectors and other essential components that offer all-round performance with skilful planning for pools, decks, driveway crossings etc.
Training: The efficacy of a system also depends on training protocol. You can DIY a dog fence using the best-in-class technology and the most sophisticated collar receiver, but if you don’t train your dog adequately, all your efforts are of no use. Keep in mind that you can’t set and forget about such systems, consistency is the key. Train your dog to attain 100% efficiency of the system.
Duration: Have a little patience when you start using a hidden dog fence. Afteronly using it a couple of times, some pet owners comment that such containment systems are a waste of money. It is important to understand that every breed is different. You have to be patient with training and consistency to see improvements.
Experience: Here is a myth buster for all pet parents who think pet containment systems are inhumane. The collar is equipped with modern technology that only works on sensory receptors. Electronic stimulation is only used for positive reinforcements, it can’t hurt even a 4 month old puppy. Wearing this collar, your dog doesn’t feel any pain as the stimulation feels a bit like the sensation you would get from a TENS machine., teaching themto stay calm and overcome problems with their anxious and hyperactive behaviour.
Although a lot of myths are associated with the feature rich pet containment systems,most dog trainers and pet owners still recommend using an innovative solution to control the anxiety and curiosity of their furry friends. Visit the link given below to order the most effective and everyone’s favourite electric (electronic)dog fence kit.
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hiddenfenceblogs ¡ 2 years
Bored and lonely dogs try to escape the premises of a property all the time. Even if you tackle boredom and loneliness efficiently, some breeds have this underlying curiosity that turns them into escape artists.
No matter how innovative your fencing is, sooner or later a dog might figure out a way to escape.
Dogs have lots of energy, they are curious and anxious most of the time. Therefore, it is a challenge to keep your furry friend happy and safe inside a yard. A conventional fencing system is definitely inefficient to stop your dog from running away.
Thousands of pet parents have trusted the advanced solution of an electric dog fence australia (more correctly known as an electronic fence) to overcome the problem of dogs wandering off. Indeed it is recognised as the only effective solution to stop your dog from jumping over the fence.
The invisible dog fencing system allows your dogs to roam freely inside the boundary. With the right equipment and right training, you will gain confidence that the dog will never cross the boundary again.
Keeping a dog inside the fence is a difficult task- try a dog boundary collar
There are countless reasons that encourage a dog to run away from the yard. An industry leading and innovative solution to the problem is an electric dog collar fence (more correctly known as an electronic fence).
In this innovative system, a fence wire cable is installed around a property. It can be installed under the ground or alongside your existing fence. The system also includes an FM Digital Transmitter that sends signals through this cable.
You will get a collar with this product that your dog will wear. When the system is activated, the wireless receiver on the dog’s collar detects the signal sent via the transmitter and tells the dog to back up.
When a dog crosses the fencing cable, the collar sends a customised electrical stimulation. Once trained, a dog doesn’t ignore the audible warning that is given right when it approaches the boundary of your premises.
How does a dog learn to stay inside the boundary?
The fencing system comes with professional dog fence training protocol and visual marker flags.
Repetition and consistency is the key to letting your dog learn the rules of the new fencing system. If you get it installed by a renowned installer, their experienced representatives will guide you with dog training protocol.
With the placement of marker flags, your dog learns to stay inside the boundary. These flags are only used during the training period. Once the dog learns to stop with the audible alarm, the flags are slowly taken away.
Does an electric fence for dogs hurt?
The electronic fencing systems are designed with the most sophisticated technology. The collar receiver is extremely lightweight and waterproof. When a dog crosses the premises, it receives a customised electronic stimulation and not an electric shock. The stimulation is only meant for sensory receptors. So rest assured, your furry friend won’t get hurt.
Is the invisible dog fence worth it?
The feature of customisable stimulation according to size, age and temperament, makes an electric (electronic) fence for dogs an excellent solution for the escaping problem. Visit the link given below for the most preferred dog fencing system in Australia.
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hiddenfenceblogs ¡ 2 years
Are you searching for an effective solution to keep your cat from wandering outside the premises of your property?
Cats use their claws to climb trees, which enables them to escape easily from traditional fencing, no matter how high you build the posts. Therefore, pet lover brands have come up with an ultimate solution which is inaccurately called an cat electric fence.
The electric cat collar fence system is specifically designed for cats. In this product, a special wire runs across the property. With the help of a digital transmitter, a radio signal runs through the cable. Cats need to wear a collar that acts as a receiver of the signal frequency. Whenever a cat escapes the boundary, the collar receives a harmless signal and an audible warning to keep the cat contained. After the audible warning, a customizable electronic stimulation is emitted that tells the cat to stay within the boundary.
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The invisible fence for cats is a perfect solution to wandering cat problems. With complete adherence to training protocol, the fencing system is 99% effective in protecting the escape experts.
How to DIY an invisible cat fence?
You can DIY a cat fence according to the size of your property. From a small doorway to a 2-acre wide boundary, an electric fencing system can be built. To secure a property, consult with an expert to determine the best boundary configurations for optimum protection. Below is a list of some simple steps to create a cat fence from scratch:
Choose a trusted brand: It is important to ensure that the product you are buying is backed with the assurance of research and development. Most importantly, you should spend money on a product that comes with a lifetime equipment warranty.
Choose a suitable fencing system: The available products come in two variants, i.e. wired fencing for outdoors and wireless cat fences for indoors.
Choose collar size: After picking a suitable fencing system, you get to choose the collar size and colour.
Boundary cable length: You can enter the length of cable you require for your property or simply mention the acres of your property to let the professional do the calculation for wire length. This link will help you calculate what you need 
Installation: After selecting the model and the cable, you seethe final investmentbreakup. You can select between self-install or professional installation. Letting the expert install the fencing system for you is totally worth it. Experts are backed with the required skills, tools and knowledge to offer you the best solution. Hiring the experts also offers the benefits of training protocol and round the clock customer service.
Hidden Fence is a brand recognised by pet lovers across Australia for its highly efficient electric dog fence australia and wired solutions. Their fencing kits are easy to install and feature professional grade components. The offered solutions come with a lifetime warranty receiver collar. Visit the link below to order the best in the class of DIY electric cat fencing system from Hidden Fence.
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hiddenfenceblogs ¡ 2 years
If you are a pet parent struggling with the nuisance barking habit of your furry friend, a neighbour or your dog’s trainer might likely have recommended for you to use an anti-bark collar.
A dog watch collar is an innovative training tool that helps with your dog’s uncontrollable barking habit. These collars workcombined with a positive behaviour modification technique and with proper training, you can teach your dog to stay quiet, especially when the mailman arrives, a bird flies into your yard and at midnight when everyone in your neighbourhood is sleeping.
After some research about antiquated shock collars, you will discover this ‘wonderful’ training tool actually delivers a shock to teach your dog to keep calm. Like every other dog parent, you only want the best things for  your dog and would straightforwardly reject such a product that might harm your pet. Here, you need to understand the difference between e-collar and shock collar.
These anti-bark training devices are extremely popular. Here we discuss the innovative and high-tech e-collars vs shock collars - let’s find out the difference between them. 
E-collar vs shock collar
If you look at the bigger picture, both e-collars and shock collars appear to do the same thing and pretty muchaim for the same outcome. However, if you don’t want to face legal repercussions or hurt your dog, you would not want to buy a shock collar.
Shock collar is a term used interchangeably for e-collar, however, the previous one is illegal in Australia. It is outdated technology and definitely not the right thing to modify your dog’s nuisance barking habit.
Shock collar is an older technology, where no regulations were applicable regarding the stimulation levels. Whereas, the new age e-collars are permissible in certain Australian states with closer regulation. These collars work on innovative technology and deliver mere vibrations to distract the dog.
Do e-collars hurt?
E-collars, which are equipped with the latest technology and programmable correction levels are not at all inhumane. When used sparingly, e-collars are the best training tool for hyperactive breeds that don’tlisten to your cues to stay quiet.
You need to pick a brand that manufactures reliable, tested and assured quality products with all the hi-tech features like vibration option, bark forgiveness, adjustable settings and progressive correction levels.
There is a lot of misinformation about dog watch. Training collars equipped with modern technology are extremely safe to use. They work wonders for dogs with behavioural issues. Moreover, they arean effective training tool and areoften recommended by experienced dog trainers. To pick a legitimate and safe anti-bark collar, make sure to consider the different variations available at Hidden Fence. It is a recognised name in Australia for the supply and support of themost advanced DogWatch brand no-bark collars. Refer to the link given below to find a suitable no-bark training product from the growing dealer network of Hidden Fence.
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hiddenfenceblogs ¡ 2 years
If a dog has access to the yard, it is understandable that the dog parent would be constantly worried about keeping them safe and contained.
While you might be temptedto build a traditional fencing system, two points advocate the use of a more advanced and sophisticated electric dog fence australia. First of all, conventional fencing might affect the curb appeal of your property.Secondly, if you have a dog who is an escape artist, it’s likely that they would be able to jump and get to the other side of the fence in no time.
To overcome the shortcomings of conventional boundaries, pet parents have started using electronic dog fences. The fencing system includes a hidden boundary wire that transmits a signal to the receiver installed on your dog’s collar. When a pet crosses the boundary, it receives static corrections. After a while, your dog learns that crossing the boundary is not allowed. With positive behaviour modification training, a dog understands to have fun, run and play inside the premises but not to cross the boundaries.
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Do dog boundary collars hurt?
Pet parents and pet trainers have recognized the benefits of using an electric dog collar fence. Despite the increasing demand for innovative techniques, brands manufacturing the pet containment system are receiving negative attention due to consumers not properly understanding the new technology
Animal cruelty is a hot topic of debate and the safety of an electric fence for dogs has always been a focal point in discussions.
If you are considering the legal angle, rest assured that you are making a legit choice by using an electronic pet containment system. According to Schedule 1 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulation 1996, usage of invisible dog fencing is allowed. However, the rules and regulations may vary from state to state, so make sure that containment collar systems are allowed in your locality.
To understand if an invisible fencing system really hurts your dog or not, you need to understand how it works and what happens if your dog crosses the perimeter.
When the sensor wire is buried on the boundary, white flags are placed for a few days to tell the dog about the visible boundary at the premises. Before the collar transmits static correction, an audible alarm sound alerts the dog to stay within the limit. If the dog refuses to retreat and ignores the audible alarm, users get the option to choose between vibration and stimulations. Here is what you need to know about the corrections:
Innovative technology has made it possible to design a collar. The stimulation is minimal and safe to be used for all ages and sizes of dogs.
Modern day ‘electric’ fencing systems are designed with customisable correction settings, which means you can modify the stimulation level depending on the size, age and breed of your dog.
After a few days of training and proper behaviour modification, your dog won’t even need the collar to stay within the boundary.
Law permits using an invisible dog fence as the correction and stimulations are delivered at a permissible level and not via an electric circuit.
An electronic dog fence is a great way to rest assured that your puppy will be playing and running safely inside the boundary. These collars are not going to hurt your dog - just make sure to use a quality product from a trusted brand so that you get thebenefit of programmable stimulation levels. Explore the available range of invisible pet fencing at Hidden Fence on the link given below.
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