hiccups · 3 years
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Once they see you as one of their own, even the testiest dragons can be trained. Right, bud?
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hiccups · 3 years
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You sure you want that kid running the village? You can still delay your retirement.
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hiccups · 3 years
Sometimes I forget I have this blog, I'm so awful lollll. I've been feeling an urge to gif, so I may make some random dragons gifs in the near future! Feel free to suggest some! (: I hope everyone is doing well! Also I just preordered this amazing statue from Sideshow collectables (to go with the first one they made!) and I can't wait!!
You can also check out my main account @catloafs because I'm on there all the time with my nonsense (:
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hiccups · 3 years
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an artistic idea!
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hiccups · 4 years
The scene from the first movie when hiccup feeds toothless the fish and you can just. See toothless b like “oh this boy is just a friend and not like the others” esp when hiccup throws away his knife as gesture of trust and it’s so /tender/
I love the way he slowly inches toward Hiccup and opens that gummy mouth. Forbidden Friendship as a whole is a cinematic masterpiece.
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hiccups · 4 years
For favorite Toothless moments? Probably when he has Stoick pinned is ready to blast, but Hiccup says no and Toothless relents and looks back at him with this look that has so much emotion in it. Sometimes I look at it as, "I trust you know what you're doing" or "are you sure this what you want?"
Oh yes!!!! That moment is so powerful--Toothless looks so sad that he upset Hiccup ;;
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hiccups · 4 years
Ooh! In response to the toothless moments thing, I love the scene in the first movie where hiccup is like "welp we're dead" and toothless just sort of shrugs and flounces away like "not my problem"
Yes!! That’s a total classic one!
“Da da da! We’re dead!”
-shuffle shuffle shuffle-
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hiccups · 4 years
Friends! I’m curious.... what’s your absolute favorite Toothless moment from any of the three films? :3c It can be a certain shot, or just an overall moment.
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hiccups · 4 years
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baby boy!
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hiccups · 4 years
Hi! I pulled a baby night fury gif from google and put it on a post, and am now just realizing that it’s your gif. Would you like me to take the post down? I just noticed the watermark on it. Thanks ❤️
I’m fine with people using my gifs in things like text posts as reactions/examples, as headers or whatever on tumblr :) 
I just don’t like when people take my gifs and reupload them into their own photosets or what have you. That’s what reblogging is for.
Thanks for reaching out, I’m sure it’s fine as is <3
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hiccups · 4 years
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Ohhh, ya feelin’ it yet, huh? Pickin’ up on all my heartfelt remorse?
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hiccups · 4 years
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It’s okay, bud. You belong there.
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hiccups · 4 years
Your gifs are the most beautiful, clearest gifs I’ve ever seen. How do you do it?
Aw, thank you! 🥺🥰
Most important thing is footage! I always use bluray quality downloads, personally. 1080p is the next best thing. I make my gifs in photoshop 2020, make sure the coloring is good, and use smart sharpen!
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hiccups · 4 years
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hiccups · 4 years
when is httyd 4 coming out
Hopefully never because that would just be a cash grab!!
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hiccups · 4 years
Not sure when you’re returning, but know that I eagerly await your arrival! :) (take your time!!)
Thank you!! Life is just crazy for me now. Plus I got a new computer and my external harddrive with my movies had to be reformated so! That happened! But I’ll return! I’m also active on my main blog @catloafs and @tangledincassandra
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hiccups · 4 years
do you have a tangled focused account? i also love it!!! im dying to watch the finale but im gonna miss everyone so much 😭
I have a Cassandra/Cassunzel blog (with a smattering of ot3!) if you’re interested!! @tangledincassandra
Also there’s plenty on my main blog @catloafs!
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