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Yoho National Park, Canada September 2017
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Roses are red, violets are blue :)
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i just want to sit in front of the ocean for a little while
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New Beginnings
If I have learned anything this year, it is that I won’t ever be ready for what life throws at me. I won’t have the right words when it counts; I won’t know what to choose when fate itself is staring me down. But now, I know I don’t always need to have the right answer.
I have learned I can go on waiting for something, sustained by hope and nothing more- or I can put it aside and shrug my shoulders. Bravely accept the fact that I can’t keep my heart safe anymore than I can stop love from taking everything from me.
I have learned to stop saying yes when I don’t mean it- to live as authentically as I know how. To allow the tips of my fingers to skirt the darkness, as long as I remember to keep my eyes fixed on the light. And as one door opens and another closes, I will move forward with the knowledge that unlike so many others, I have another year ahead of me- another shot at making it all the way around sun, and chance to get it right this time round.
Lang Leav
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Even if it’s to start all over again, I would still choose to meet and knowing you. Otaru, Feb 6th, 2016
I’ve changed my mind, maybe I would choose not to know you at all.
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Faith is understanding Allah even when you don’t understand His plan.
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Akhirnya sampai di penghujung sebuah perjuangan kehidupan merantau 1460 hari,
Terimakasih Bandung - dan sejuta kenangan di dalamnya
Artnice Mega Fathima S.Si
photographed by: Dita Desvianti
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Taukah anda, bahwa.. di satu jam pertama pelaksanaan kelas inspirasi.. saya hanya terduduk lemas di pinggir lapangan, pengen pulang. Hasil foto saya selama satu jam itu gerak semua, blur semua, dan item semua serta diiringi ratapan "ya Tuhan, aku harus apa..." Tepat, ada dua kata yang sangat bisa mendeskripsikan saya saat itu: miris dan amatir hahahaha (sedih pisan). Dari awal saya mendaftar menjadi relawan hanya bermodalkan nekat, dan memasukan galeri foto yang sering saya post di tumblr, dimana semua foto diambil dengan kamera analog. Ternyata oh ternyata berpindah dari analog ke digital bukanlah perkara mudah, apalagi ditambah dengan faktor G, Gaptek. Luar biasa membuat saya se-tres. Tapi dari kejadian ini lah saya justru belajar. Belajar seperti kata quotes yang selalu tertera sejak SD di bagian bawah buku tulis Sinar Dunia, "experience is the best teacher, pengalaman adalah guru yang paling baik". Yap, dan Kelas Inspirasi ini telah mempertemukan saya dengan guru yang paling baik.. :) Dengan album ini saya ucapkan terimakasih kepada tim dokumentator Kelas Inpirasi Bandung #2 atas kesempatan belajarnya :) - Artnice Mega, Mahasiswa, Relawan Fotografer Tim SDN Gegerkalong KPAD
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