Fallout Barrel
13 posts
Hydroflorix's sideblog to host Fallout comics. Updates happen whenever possible. Check out the Directory for the comic archives. This blog will not contain NSFW art or writing (suggestive at best), but will contain depictions of violence and strong language. Content warnings will be applied. Blog is stil under construction :)
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hf-wasteland · 5 years ago
OC Interview
Tagged by @marvilus73!
Tagging @cancrunchgoats​ @hawkfurze​ @secretagentdragon​
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name ➔ Uh, Wash- er-- Washington..... but just Wash for short.
are you single ➔ Y... yeah, yeah I guess- I guess so.
are you happy ➔ ...........Not really. N-not- uh, not ever, really.
are you angry ➔ Not uh.... not... right now?  Uh, I guess um, I can be kind of... angry.... sometimes....
are your parents still married ➔ They were uh- they were before, y-know, before the- before the bombs... and all... I mean I guess they’d still be considered married even if they’re.... or.... I don’t- Sorry I don’t know how uh, how that would work.
birthplace ➔ Virginia.
hair color ➔ Red.
eye color ➔ Brown.
birthday ➔ June uh, 22nd
mood ➔ Uhm. It’s okay? For now..?
gender ➔ Guy- or- I mean, uh, male. Sorry.
summer or winter ➔ Fall? There’s... four seasons, and I don’t like either of those other two.
morning or afternoon ➔ Morning’s nice.
are you in love ➔ I- I mean, I think I was? But that was- that- I don’t know. I think it’s supposed to be.. d-different when they’re gone but- I don’t know. I don’t know. Sorry...
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ Maybe it happens to some people? I don’t think I uh, work that way.... I guess.............
who ended your last relationship ➔ I don’t want to talk about this.
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ M-maybe... I think, maybe... Um, I don’t really.. I don’t really know, though. S-sorry.
are you afraid of commitments ➔ Uh... I guess I... well... When I was younger I think like, I wasn’t afraid so much as I, I didn’t... care... I guess that sounds kinda shitty, sorry. I’m kinda- I’m kind of afraid now, I don’t know. I don’t want people around me long enough for them to- see o-or, for something bad to happen to them, because- because of me...
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ No. Um, and that isn’t- don’t do it either. Please.
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ How am I supposed to know that.
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ ......Uh.....I don’t..........know.... what this means... Can we- can we skip this one?
love or lust ➔ ......L...ove...?
lemonade or iced tea ➔ Both suck.
cats or dogs ➔ CATS.
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ I guess just a few people, but maybe not.. best friends? Just- just a couple people to uh... y’know. Not be really close with.
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ Can I- can I combine these? Like, Romantic Night Out? I don’t want to uh, like, party, but I like going to restaurants- or.. I did... like that... nevermind.....
day or night ➔ Day.... It’s- yeah.
been caught sneaking out ➔ No. I did a lot but wasn’t uh, wasn’t caught.
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ How do you fall UP stairs?
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Um... no. Sh-should I..?
wanted to disappear ➔ ...............I don’t think... disappear, just, just die- just, no- I, just, j-just, uh. Mh. N-nevermind I didn’t- sorry, just. Sorry. Next question please.
smile or eyes ➔ Smile, I guess? I don’t know if I really... look at the face by like... by the uh, by the... the parts. Just kinda the whole.....face.............Sorry, I guess that’s kinda dumb...
shorter or taller ➔ I don’t... really... care...
intelligence or attraction ➔ What does this mean. Uh, I think I usually date people smarter than me? Not- I mean, not on purpose, the bar is- the bar for that is just pretty low.
hook-up or relationship ➔ Uh.. relationship... not right now but.. I guess in general?
do you and your family get along ➔ I uh, wasn’t really.... a-a good kid.... I left for awhile too but we were... we were a little better when I got back? They didn’t really... like... the- the military thing... and we didn’t... we didn’t see each other a whole lot... but I guess- I guess we were okay...
would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ Uh... mmh.
have you ever ran away from home ➔ Yeah...
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ I just said I ran away.
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ I have some... problems.... but I don’t think I need to bring them up or anything- I mean, it’s- it’s fine. It’s nothing. I’m just dumb.
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ No.
who is your best friend ➔ Was I not clear on this like the 50 questions about this before.
who knows everything about you ➔ ..Someone I shouldn’t have told.
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hf-wasteland · 5 years ago
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Charity commission for @hydroflorix of their boy Wash, thank you for helping!
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hf-wasteland · 5 years ago
Tagged by: @mars-colony​
Tagging: @hawkfurze​ @secretagentdragon​ @prezs​
Using Wash!
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Asked someone to marry you? - Guilty
Kissed one of your friends? - Innocent
Danced on a table in a bar or tavern? - Innocent
Ever told a lie? - Guilty
Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have? - Innocent
Ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? - Guilty
Ever kissed someone of the same sex? - Guilty
Kissed a picture? - Innocent
Slept in until 5pm? - Innocent
Fallen asleep at work or school? - Innocent
Held a snake? - Innocent (Went to the zoo one (1) time as a kid and screamed until they had to leave)
Keep reading
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hf-wasteland · 5 years ago
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the wash figure i commissioned from @kasbprak arrived today, and im literally so ecstatic yall! he is so cute, look at him!! :DD
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hf-wasteland · 5 years ago
Meet the Muse
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Taken from @falloutfandomeventhub​, original by @tarberrymentats​ ! Thought this would be a fun quick get-to-know him on here :D 
If you want to do this too, consider yourself tagged by me!
|| The Basics ||
Name: Washington Lee Graves
Nickname(s): Wash
Age: 31
Species: Human Disaster
|| Personal ||
Alignment: More Lawful Neutral leaning
Religious Belief: Raised Catholic, leans agnostic
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Sins: Lust / Greed / Gluttony / Sloth / Pride / Envy / Wrath
Virtues: Chastity / Charity / Diligence / Humility / Kindness / Patience / Justice
Primary Goals In Life: Do right
Languages Known: English, Moderate Spanish
Secrets: :)
Quirks: Wrings hands when stressed/anxious/nervous, bit of a stutterer, hums or taps/drums fingers when bored
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Savvies: Very fast learner when it comes to physical things- like sports or playing instruments (in general just a very hands-on, I need to try it myself learner), very good with animals despite only liking cats and disliking all the rest, good listener and while not necessarily super charismatic he tends to win people over easily because of this, better at playing music by ear than reading it (works with Magnolia to get a lot of otherwise lost pre-war songs rewritten too)
|| Physical ||
Build: Slender / Scrawny / Bony / Fit / Athletic / Herculean / Babyfat / Pudgy / Obese / Other
Height: 5′7
Weight: I don’t know
Scars/Birthmarks: Small cut over his left eyebrow, freckles all over body, tattoo of a cat riding a motorcycle on his right shoulder with a banner that says “Get Meowta Here”
Abilities/Powers: Can tap dance on roller skates, has approximate knowledge of many musical instruments, can befriend any cat, good at.. improvisational fighting- he tends to use whatever else is in the area and can make quick strategies on the fly (though it doesn’t always work out)
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Restrictions: Gullible/easily deceived, anger management issues, major depression and anxiety, poor immune system/easily sick especially in the wasteland mostly due to excessive smoking, bad tendency to over exert himself especially in combat; he tends to fight a lot high on adrenaline and because he’s more of a close combat fighter, he gets injured easily - crashes hard and crashes badly
|| Favorites ||
Favorite Food: Watermelon/Melon
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Favorite Drink: Tea
Favorite Color: No strong affinity for any color, but primarily wears black and white clothing. Piper’s nickname gives him a nice association with the colour blue too.
Favorite Music Genre: Rock n’ Roll, Jazz, Showtunes
Favorite Book Genre: Sometimes reads comics but overall not a big reader
Favorite Movie Genre: Musicals/Anything Gene Kelly is in. Not typically invested in movies or TV really, what he likes about musicals is the music and choreography more so than the actual plot and characters
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Butt Type: Big
Favorite Swear Word: Says the fuck word the most
Favorite Scent: Clean linen, lavender, fresh cut grass
Favorite Quote: None
|| Fun Stuff ||
“Boss” Theme Music: Werewolf Gimmick - The Mountain Goats
Loud Burper Or Soft Burper: Loud / Soft and never in public if he can help it / Neither
Sings In The Shower: Yes / No
Likes Bad Puns: Yes /No / Only if they are relevant to the situation He is indifferent
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hf-wasteland · 5 years ago
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Chapter 1: Part 1.5
Thanks for your patience! This one’s just a one page update, to tide things over while I work on the next batch.
Stay safe everyone.
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hf-wasteland · 5 years ago
Realized I should put this here too. Thanks for your patience, I’m working on a page to put up as a quick update before I go in for surgery- and hopefully after all this I can update more regularly! I’m eager to get back on track.
Cross-posting from Twitter,  a couple weeks ago I was diagnosed with Stage 1 papillary cancer. Fortunately (as far as cancers go lol) it’s a kind that has a high cure rate and was caught early, I’ll be going in for surgery later this month for it.
Commissions will remain closed indefinitely, but Pokemon A Day will continue on as normal. Thanks for your support during this time!
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hf-wasteland · 5 years ago
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I’ve been listening to The Black Parade excessively and I realized that Wash is just a personification of the album…. so obviously I needed to draw him in his true form.
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hf-wasteland · 5 years ago
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Sole Party 2.0 Day 5:  May 5th: Does your Sole Survivor have any crazy party stories from parties before the war? Let’s hear them.
thtpbpbt not as polished or paced out as id like but oh well orz;;
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hf-wasteland · 5 years ago
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hf-wasteland · 5 years ago
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trying to practice with markers which is, a lot of internal screaming i always have a lot of fun with lineart no matter the medium, at least!
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hf-wasteland · 5 years ago
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Chapter 1: Part 1
And it begins! Excited to finally kick this off. I’m gonna start out posting updates in chunks and see how that goes for awhile. I wanted to keep the art loose, but I still need some practice at loosening up lol. Enjoy!! More to come soon :D
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hf-wasteland · 5 years ago
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Chapter 1: Alone We Must See It Through
Chapter Cover Page/Beginning
This will be updated with each scene as it progresses.
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