hey-theree-bud · 10 years
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The Princess Who Never Smiled, Viktor Vasnetsov
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hey-theree-bud · 10 years
And everyday I’m learning about you The things that no one else sees And the end comes too soon Like dreaming of angels
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hey-theree-bud · 10 years
And everyday I’m learning about you The things that no one else sees And the end comes too soon Like dreaming of angels
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hey-theree-bud · 10 years
And everyday I’m learning about you The things that no one else sees And the end comes too soon Like dreaming of angels
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hey-theree-bud · 10 years
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On February 26, the FCC is going to decide if the internet should stay free and fair, or if it should be handed over to the cable companies.
You don’t want them to pick the cable companies.
Join everybody on the internet to help the FCC do the right thing.
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hey-theree-bud · 10 years
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hey-theree-bud · 10 years
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hey-theree-bud · 10 years
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sixpenceee here’s a horror movie that doesn’t get enough credit that I think you would like
Forget Unfriended the sleeper film The Den was a frightening experience all captured through the webcam. It follows the increasingly violent incidents surrounding a woman named Elizabeth connecting to random strangers on an Omegle-esque website called “The Den” as a social experiment. 
What starts out as some over the top pranks is quickly escalated into much more violent happenings. With twists and turns and plenty of scares that made me jump or cover my eyes, this movie had me on the edge of my seat
The scariest part about this was how real it felt. It had a very “The Strangers” feel but instead of a home invasion… well I won’t say more because I don’t want to give anything away.
It’s so good, trust me. It’s available on Netflix to stream now!
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hey-theree-bud · 10 years
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Here are other infographs mentioned on this blog: 
Cemetery Symbolism
Grave Curiosities
Lucid Dreaming
How You Are Going to Die
Paranormal Belief
How Much Is Your Body Worth
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hey-theree-bud · 10 years
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Exoptable Money is another game I recommend. Many people have often said it’s disturbing and have messed them up. It quickly spirals into absurdity and contains violence. The description is as follows: “Once, on a quiet sunday evening, you found a magical box that makes money. You take it home and decide to get richer and richer, with no end in sight. But you are not the only one who enjoys having money.” 
You can play it here
Here is Presentable Liberty, a game related to this one and is equally as disturbing. 
Here is my masterpost of creepy online games
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hey-theree-bud · 10 years
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The Ice Cream that Licks Back. Source: Chris O’Niell 
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hey-theree-bud · 10 years
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Battery Powered Rods
The wires move due to the current of the wire running through the magnetic field of the magnet creates a force that pushes them, and since the wires are not fixed, they turn. (Source)
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hey-theree-bud · 10 years
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A double rainbow, the correct term is secondary rainbow, occurs in the same way as the rainbow in front of it, but the only difference is that two reflections are coming from the same area of rainfall. (Source)
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hey-theree-bud · 10 years
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My Dad Started Acting Weird 
by reddit user kingslayer111
Now that I think of it, my first indication things were wrong is that day when we heard dad shouting loudly upstairs. “Bad. Dog. Bad Fucking Dog. Stop looking at me you stupid mutt. Stop it.”
My sister Jill and I were glued to our phones, Ma was reading her finance books as usual. The three of us looked up in surprise. Upstairs, the yelling continued, increasingly harsh, as dad threatened to kick the dog.
Read More
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hey-theree-bud · 10 years
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There is a theme park 390 ft down in a transylvanian salt mine. It is called Transylvania’s Salina Turda.
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hey-theree-bud · 10 years
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hey-theree-bud · 10 years
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Seconds before a gorilla is about to punch you
Photo was taken by wildlife photographer Christophe Courteau.
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