hexenkistchen · 6 months
windvexer's spellcrafting and spellcasting checklist
These are the sorts of things I think about when I work the style of magic that I work. This stuff is based off of my beliefs which might include UPG and is therefore definitely not applicable to everyone. Take what you want and discard the rest.
I do not rigidly follow this checklist. These are just the kinds of things I think about and consider when planning and executing spells. For small, simple spells, I ignore almost all of these factors. For serious and large spells I may consider many more of them.
Do I know exactly what I want to occur?
Have I thought through a few obvious logical consequences of my intended goal?
Have I performed divination on the outcome of this intent?
Am I sure that what I'm asking for is the same thing as what I want? (e.g. do I really want more people talk to me or is my true desire make more friends?)
Do I need to crystalize my intent into one specific phrase, or is it okay for me to leave it casual or even improvise?
How soon is it rationally possible for my spell to manifest?
Do I expect the spell to manifest very rapidly? If so, what components or spellcasting style am I going to use to encourage rapid manifestation?
Do I expect the spell to work "just okay," or to be very powerful? If I want it to be very powerful, what extra steps am I going to take to fill the spell with power?
If the spell does exactly as my intent dictates, what is the most likely outcome?
Am I bound to any gods or spirits that would frown upon what I want to undertake with this spell?
Have I taken any vows or oaths that would conflict with my goals?
Does casting this spell intent conflict with personal goals I've set for myself?
If casting for others, is this truly a situation I want to involve myself in?
If casting for myself, is this spell in my own best interest?
Is there any chance I am casting this spell to side-step self care, responsibilities, or personal healing? (I don't mean don't cast a self-love spell if you actually need therapy! Cast that spell every gosh darn day if you please. I literally mean, are you using magic as an avoidance tactic, when the reality is you really really just need to eat a sandwich and do your homework?)
Have I chosen a style of spellcasting which matches my intent? (e.g., if I want to banish, have I chosen a spellcasting style that includes sending away actions such as burning a paper or throwing away a rock?)
Can I be creative with what I have to avoid delaying this spell? (e.g. I usually use candles as a beacon to draw things in, but when I think about it, a candle burning down would also be a good sending away action for a banishment).
If I have already heavily cast in the past, do I have any ongoing spells (such as wards) which would interfere with the work I want to do now?
Do I want to include a physical indicator that the spell manifested or stopped working? (Such as tying a thread around your wrist that breaks when the spell stops working)
Physical Components
What physical object will be used to anchor this spell? I believe that manifesting in physical reality is much easier if you tie magic to a physical object.
Do I know how the physical objects I'm using are linked to the design of the spell? (e.g., I want to banish, so I choose to use a candle for a dwindling away effect.)
Do I have a safe and practical plan for storing or disposing leftover physical objects from the spellcasting?
How can I make storage or disposal of leftover objects a part of the spell? (e.g. I take the leftover melted wax from the banishment candle and walk to the dumpster down the street, completing the spell as I throw away the last bits of their presence in my life in the garbage).
Am I intending to invoke gods, spirits, or entities in this spell? If so, do I need physical components to represent them within the casting space, or within the spell itself?
If I am intending to invoke gods, spirits, or entities in this spell, and I need physical components to represent them, is it a good idea to save and re-use these components? Do I need to make disposable representations, or can I use permanent devotional objects?
What physical components have I gathered which are unnecessary?
Does each component that I've chosen have a specific job in this spell?
Does each component and their jobs fully align with my chosen intent and spell style?
If not every component and their jobs align with my intent or method of casting, do I need to re-examine my intent and rework the foundations of this spell?
Do I need to modify or prepare any physical components? If so, do I need to do any of this ahead of time?
Energy and Power
How much power do I believe it will take to successfully perform this spell? If the energy requirement is large, do I need to break this operation up into smaller parts and cast multiple small spells?
Will it be necessary for me to craft a physical spell vessel ahead of time so I can slowly charge it until it has enough power?
How do I intend to power this spell? (for me, I power it with my own energy, or call on external forces)
If I will use my own energy, do I have enough personal power reserves to successfully cast this spell? Or, will it burn me out, even on a day when I'm well-rested?
If I will use an external energy, how do I plan to raise or call this energy into my casting space?
How do I plan to combine power with my spell components? (sometimes this is inherent in spell style; if doing knot magic, the power is held within the knots. At other times, it must be thought through - if I draw a symbol on a rock, maybe my power will be consumed by the spell at the singular point where I draw the symbol on the rock. Or, maybe I'd like to charge the symbol ahead of time.)
If I'm using many physical components, do I need to individually charge each one?
Do my chosen energy sources align with my spell needs? (e.g. if I require very rapid manifestation, have I ensured that I am using airy, fiery, mercurial, swift, or rapid energies? Or, have I accidentally used lots of heavy, slow, earthen, saturnine, creeping energies?)
Spirits, Gods, and Entities
If asking spirits, gods, or entities for help, how is my relationship with that power? Do I need to visit them ahead of time and make sure we're on good terms before I call on them?
If asking spirits, gods, or entities for help, do I need to plan a formal invitation or petition?
If asking spirits, gods, or entities for help, do I need to repay them? If so, what do I need to collect or prepare for this purpose?
Aftermath and Upkeep
Is this a one-shot or continuous spell? Will I be maintaining and watching over the spell after it is cast, or will I let it go do its thing?
If it's an ongoing spell that will require upkeep, have I chosen a physical vessel that's practical to be worked with over a long period of time?
Will I need to make notes about this spell so I can remember what the vessel is in a few weeks or months?
How often will I need to recharge or maintain this spell?
If something went wrong, how would I undo this spell?
Have I gathered everything I need into one place?
If I forget something, is it okay for me to walk away from the spell to go get it, or is it really important I don't leave casting space until the spell is complete?
Is there anything special I need to do to prepare my casting space?
Do I need to take notes or write anything down so I don't forget it once the spell starts?
If I'm going to do a fancy ritual, do I need to write or print the ritual steps ahead of time?
If I've chosen to perform my spell at a special time, how much earlier do I need to prepare my casting space so that I can begin working within the correct time?
Pre-Casting Self Check
Do I feel safe and comfortable casting this spell?
Do I have enough personal energy to cast a spell right now? (even when conjuring external energies, you always use some of your own energy to cast spells)
If there is a risk that I will be drained, do I have anything important to do today or tomorrow that would be bad to miss or under-perform on?
Do I have enough free time today to have extra rest after spellcasting?
Do I have enough extra food to help restore me after spellcasting? (especially carbs, by the way)
Are there any tasks or activities I should do before I cast this spell, in case it is more draining than I expected?
Will I have enough energy to clean up my spellcasting space once I'm done? This includes properly disposing of or storing any spellcasting remnants or vessels.
Do I want to pray and ask for aid before I begin the spellcasting process?
Do I have any last-minute gut feelings about casting this spell? Is there a negative or worrying emotion that has been with me through this entire process that I've tried to ignore?
Do I want to exert my will upon the world?
After Care
How do I feel? (Including the physical, emotional, and mental)
Did I properly pay any spirits, gods, or entities involved in my spellwork?
Did I properly close down the spellcasting space (if applicable)?
If the working took place in my resting area, does my resting area feel comfortable? Is there anything I need to do, such as opening the window or playing music, to help my space return to normal?
Do I need a snack?
Do I need to perform a restful, low-energy activity for a little while?
Would it feel nice if I went and talked to people, or would I prefer to be alone?
Did I have any special insights during spellcasting that I want to write down before I forget?
Did the spell go how I imagined it would?
Was I able to feel power being raised?
Did I end up feeling drained or buzzed after spellcasting? (note that you're not always bound to feel either, but it's worth noting as they're decent indicators that "something happened")
Did I ever feel a moment where I was still working over my physical components, but realized that they felt complete and the magic was ready?
If I called on spirits, gods, or entities, did I feel their presence? Did it seem like they had thoughts or feelings about the spell?
If I cast a spell like this again, what would I change? What would I keep the same?
Did I feel good about my disposal or storage methods for physical components?
Do I want to perform divination on how the spellcasting went?
Did I over or under-estimate how much energy the spell would require?
Did I like the style of spellcasting? Do I want to explore more spells of this style, or try a different type?
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hexenkistchen · 6 months
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she has a flower for you!
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hexenkistchen · 6 months
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hexenkistchen · 2 years
What is it that motivates the gods to have relationships with us? What do they get out of it?
I get stuck on this question now and then. I got stuck on it yesterday, sitting at Loki’s altar. There are many answers to this question, and a few of them make good sense to me; but a sensible explanation is not the same as a deeply felt truth, the kind of truth that lives and breathes inside of you, that changes the way you interact with the world.
Over the course of the day an answer began to unfold for me. The answer was another question, directed at me: why do you leave seeds out for the wild birds? What are you hoping to get from them in return? And the answer of course, is that I don’t want or expect anything in return. There is no reason or explanation I can give for why I want to see the wild birds outside my window. I just love them, entirely for their own sake, not because I want or need anything in particular from them.
Another question directed at me: why did you adopt a cat? The answer is simply that I had love to give, and cats tend to be enthusiastic recipients of love.
I concede that it is possible to have a transactional relationship with a deity, and that there is nothing wrong with such an exchange, but my close relationships are not about us “getting” anything from each other. I may give offerings to my deities, and my deities may share their blessings with me, but as Lewis Hyde writes, “It is the cardinal difference between gift and commodity exchange that a gift establishes a feeling-bond between two people.” My relationship with Loki is not a commodity exchange.
Perhaps the gods feel for us something like what I felt when I picked up my cat at the shelter. Perhaps they feel for us something like what I feel when I am rewarded for my stillness in the woods with the sight of a wild owl close to the ground. Perhaps we are beautiful and fascinating to them simply for our own sake.
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hexenkistchen · 2 years
Snakes in the Grass: Banishing spell
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What it does: 
Have some people who you feel aren’t being real with you? People who have bad intentions? This is to drive out the snakes from your life
What you’ll need:
Green and red yarn
What to do:
Wind together the green yarn into roughly a snake shape. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Make a tongue for it with the red yarn.
Then take a piece of the yarn and tie it around the “snakes” tongue and say
“Your venom and lies can’t hurt me any longer
I don’t need you, I’m stronger
I have no space in my life for those who don’t give and only take
So from now on, be gone snake.”
Then take the yarn snake outside and bury it
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hexenkistchen · 2 years
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banishing vs warding
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hexenkistchen · 2 years
Hex Breaking and Protection
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When someone is putting a hex on you or cursing you they are actively manifesting negative energies/entities and sending them your way to cause emotional or physical harm. These are just a few ideas of mine to help get rid of those negative energies and protect yourself from more. If you are unsure if you have been hexed, cursed, or if you just are getting bad vibes, here are some indicators there is some negative energy:
1. You feel fatigued even though you've taken good care of your body today and don't have an illness.
2. You feel off emotionally or mentally and you know its not from medication or illness.
3. You just feel kinda icky and can't explain why.
You can always ask your pendulum or cards if you've been cursed or hexed or if a negative energy has chosen to mess with you.
Hex/Curse Removal:
I find the most effective way to get rid of negative energies that make you feel physically ill is to do an egg cleansing. You take an egg, fill it with a healing intention, and rub it counter clockwise on your body from your head to your toes. Get a clear cup, fill it with water, and crack your egg into it. You can look up how to interpret the yolk in the water to better understand what's going on but when you're done just flush it all down the toilet.
A purification bath or shower can help wash away negative energies, especially if you use lavender soap, oil, or dried lavender. Other herbs you can include in your bath are:
And Valerian Root
Another idea is to give the negative energy and offering and simply say "I free you from having to cause me harm and I wish you a good day."
Wearing hagstones and hanging them around your house can protect you.
Cleansing a space with sound, your own energy or smoke.
Hanging bells around your house like on your altar, above your bed, and above doors.
A protection charm i came up with for my cats that can be changed according to your own intent:
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You will need:
• Three white oak acorns (can be swapped out for a jar, or other large nuts with big shells)
• White string
• Glue
To ward off intruders:
• Chilli pepper flakes
• Salt
• Rosemary
• Catus
For pet protection:
• Red clover
• Rosemary
• Fennel
Take the tops of the acorns, cut the tops off of the acorns with a serrated knife. Take out the nut inside making it hollow.
Place all your ingredients inside, charging with your intention and then glue the acorn shell to the acorn cap securing all your ingredients inside.
When dry, draw a protective symbol on each acorn and tie white string onto the tops and make it into a little ornament to hang by your front door.
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hexenkistchen · 2 years
For whatever its worth, I can't see the Gods.
I can't hear Them, or talk to Them like I could with another person (not that others can necessarily do that, either, it may just be how they describe their experience that it comes across that way☺️).
I find it really hard to deal with, sometimes. It's difficult for me when I can't see someone that I love so much, and I find connecting to Them quite a challenge, some days, because of this.
The experiences I have had with the Gods are small, but not insignificant. Sometimes it's a tarot reading to ask Them about something I feel is important, sometimes I see something that makes me think of Them and it feels like They are around🥰
I just want to reassure anyone else who is similar to me, that it's okay. I don't feel the Gods all the time, either. I cant see them, I can't hold a conversation with Them like I could with another person. I struggle to communicate with Them, and to feel connected with Them.
It's different for everyone, and it doesn't mean that you are hated or viewed as unworthy by the Gods. At least, I don't think that to be so ☺️
So, for whatever it's worth, you're not alone🧡
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hexenkistchen · 2 years
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[[ Credit @foxwitchmoon on IG ]]
~Reposting because the person who originally came up with it had to change their shop name, please show them support by spreading the new repost, it was an unfortunate situation having to change the name~
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hexenkistchen · 2 years
I am BEGGING new witches and even more experienced witches to PLEASE, learn that witches are NOT part of a hive mind!
PLEASE stop asking “what is the ideal job for a witch?” ; “what do witches wear?” ; “what’s the best gift for a witch?”
We have DIFFERENT opinions, beliefs, likes, dislikes, etc! Witches are not part of a hive mind. We don’t all want the same things. We don’t all look the same. We don’t all have the same thoughts. We are individuals.
Simply being a witch doesn’t somehow make us all begin to have the same beliefs, the same likes/dislikes, we don’t suddenly become one mind. It seems like A LOT of people are believing this.
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hexenkistchen · 2 years
Prayer to the Allfather
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Hear my call, High One,
As you watch over the Einherjar’s hall,
Sitting on your throne
With a raven at each of your sides,
Hand gripping your spear
As the other strokes your wolves.
Hear my plea, Hooded One
For I am sailing foggy waters
And the threads of my fate are hidden from me,
As they are known only to your wife Frigg
And the Norns at the bottom of the holy ash.
When it is lost in a storm,
Won’t you hear your child’s prayer?
When it has lost its way,
Won’t you offer your divine wisdom?
After so many sacrifices made,
Won’t you mercifully ease my pain?
Hear my despair, Wise One,
I am asking you to guide me,
To be the favorable wind which pushes me in the right direction,
To light a torch at the end of my path,
To show me the shape of my Wyrd,
To reveal yourself to me in all your glory.
When there is nothing before me but walls of flame and smoke,
I plea for you to quiet the fires which obstruct my path
And to lead me back from where I have strayed.
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Artwork by Meredyth
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hexenkistchen · 2 years
May the autumn months bring you closure, understanding, and a feeling of contentment.
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hexenkistchen · 2 years
Contrary to popular belief u can support trans women for reasons other than pissing off terfs
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hexenkistchen · 2 years
actually a very cool psychic trick, if you're trying to be a psychic:
I'm on a quest to rework my regular practices to become much lower energy.
Psychism - whether it be through Sight, Hearing, Taste, Touch, Smell, Knowing, or any of the senses - can be A) difficult to learn for the first time, B) draining, and C) often frustratingly symbolic or vague.
Today I remembered a trick I used to do :) it works really well.
Don't open your mind to detect just whatever comes up. Instead, choose a very specific set of symbols and see whether or not they are activated.
Let's say you're playing a game with friends where you try and guess what element an object is charged with.
Reaching out and feeling whatever vibes come can be very symbolic, like "I sense depth and coolness, darkness. I get the same feeling as looking at a mountain drenched in rain. But there is a strong flow here that moves everything..."
Try not doing that. We all agreed at the start of the game there would only be the four classic elements used, right? So why are you trying to see whatever vibes? You just need to see one of four things: a symbol of earth, air, fire, or water.
Specifying to yourself what each elemental symbol looks like, then reaching out to see which one appears to you: "I see an inverted triangle and the color blue."
It sounds stupid simple but it works ridiculously well.
Don't accept all input and then put the onus on yourself to interpret it. Choose a highly limited symbol set, and see which symbol appears.
Need to check on whether or not an object is charged? Maybe you can choose the numbers 1 through 3. If you hear "One," the object is without charge. If you hear "Two," it's moderately charged; "Three," fully charged.
A game where you check each other's emotions? Tell yourself what to do. Tell yourself what symbol sets are allowed. Maybe you just tell yourself, "look, remind me of a memory where I felt or observed as near to that emotion as we can get."
Just tell yourself what kind of symbolism you want!
This works for spirit contact too. "Tomato, you're showing me a desert but I don't know if that's because you need to dry out or because you're too dry. Please show me water if you want water, or a desert if you want to dry out, or food if you need fertilizer."
In a big way, psychism is just establishing a mutual language between you and the hidden world :) it can become a lot easier if you define and explain symbol sets that make sense to you - whether you are defining them to yourself or to the spirits around you.
"I've started to get strange psychic input since I began my practice but I don't know what it means, how do I find out?"
Maybe the spirits/your subconscious are working on trial and error just as much as you are! Establish and communicate what things you understand and are prepared to receive.
If you want tips:
Choose small symbol sets. You can have lots of them, after all. You don't need one all-encompassing symbol set for every kind of reading you do.
It is helpful to have a "not here" or "something else" symbol in each set :)
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hexenkistchen · 2 years
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I had to draw it 🍄 🐭✨
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hexenkistchen · 2 years
I havent seen anyone talk about this yet so im making a post. 
So lets say you’re researching something for a paper (or just for fun) and the research paper you want to read is behind a paywall, or the site makes you create an account first, or makes you pay to download, or limits you to only 5 free articles, or otherwise makes it difficult for you to read what you want.
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do not fear! copy the link to the article
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go to sci-hub.se         (the url is always changing so its best to check out whereisscihub.now.sh to find what the current url is)
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slap the article link in there
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bam! free access! 
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hexenkistchen · 2 years
please imagine some cosmic beings cheering for you like this whenever you accomplish little goals
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