hex-fox · 1 day
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my brother in christ his legs are gone
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hex-fox · 1 day
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hex-fox · 1 day
has anyone else ever noticed how good i am at picking pictures to reblog
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hex-fox · 1 day
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hex-fox · 1 day
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Redwall art envisioned as an 80's animated film look. (Milt Kahl / Don Bluth) --- I know nothing abt Redwall. I havent read the books and know very VERY little of its lore. Years ago I remember seeing a tv series but never finished it.
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hex-fox · 1 day
I have never once wished for Tolkien to still be alive as much as I do in this moment
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hex-fox · 1 day
On this day in 1936, the last known thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus) died at the Hobart Zoo in Tasmania. The animal’s passing marked the extinction of its species. Also known as the “Tasmanian wolf,” the thylacine was Australia’s largest marsupial predator. It sported a dog-like form, with distinctive stripes, and a jaw that could open up to 80 degrees—one of the largest gapes of any mammal.
The thylacine fed primarily on small mammals and birds. Nocturnal and shy, it was seldom seen by humans. However, beginning in the 19th century, settlers believed the animals threatened their livestock and, spurred on by a bounty offered by the government, hunted them relentlessly. Attempts at protecting the species in the wild came too late: Despite numerous unconfirmed reports of sightings in recent decades, no definitive sightings have occurred since the 1930s.
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hex-fox · 1 day
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I love the gif because there’s an incredible number of mistakes crammed into just a couple of seconds. 
1. how the hole starts in the wall but it keeps moving forward
2. then magically heals itself
3. the triceratops walks right through the wall
4. the table blinking before the dinosaurs appear
5. both tables disappear
6. so suddenly appear again as they are toppling over
7. two people clipping into running without any transition 
8. the table outline hides a man’s legs but there is no table
9. the triceratops horns aren’t white in the second clip
10. tables changing both color and material in the second clip
11. a carnivorous dinosaur’s first instinct is to go and eat a whole plate with salad
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hex-fox · 3 days
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hex-fox · 3 days
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applying for internships and i think the job market may be irreparable
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hex-fox · 3 days
Oh woah hey there 🐱 I think that was a funny little accident just now. 🐱 You see I was just licking this plate of food left on the counter and you 🐱 pushed my face right out of the way. I think you just did not notice 🐱 my face was there so no worries, I’ll just go back to 🐱 OH you’ve pushed my face away again? Sorry I don’t mean to embarrass 🐱 you but I am in the middle of something here so I will simply just 🐱 You have pushed my face away again?????? 🐱🐱🐱
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hex-fox · 3 days
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hex-fox · 3 days
say something funny
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hex-fox · 3 days
Messmer needs to go to the grocery store
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He seems like an apple enjoyer...
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hex-fox · 3 days
Yeah no the little guys sealed malice in a big treasure chest. We don't know how he did it either. Yeah evil has truly been defeated. Like the concept of evil. It's gone. It's coasting on momentum now. Their armies descended upon the prison planets by the millions and converted the weapons factories into a planet wide system of charming cottages and bakeries. They mainly produce apple pies now.
Yeah all the prisoners were fine with it. They all got new homes and fulfilling communities where they get to grow apples and bake pies all day.
Oh yeah, as far as we can tell their combat mechs are powered by friendship. Yeah like the concept of friendship. They figured out a way to convert friendship into mechanical motion, and it powers their combat mechs. We have no idea how it works. We've asked. They actually gave us like 1000 friendship drives for free. They look like giant AA batteries, but when you open them up there's just like, teddy bear stuffing and little paper hearts inside.
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hex-fox · 4 days
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hex-fox · 4 days
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