heterophobednp · 4 months
my boyfriend is currently living with his abusive mom and needs help moving out. she's forced him to quit jobs multiple times so he isn't able to work right now, and he might end up living in a car soon because there isn't anywhere for him to go. i wish we could move in together but i live with my parents and am not financially independent either so that's not an option yet. i'm just trying to help however i can
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heterophobednp · 5 months
my boyfriend is currently living with his abusive mom and needs help moving out. she's forced him to quit jobs multiple times so he isn't able to work right now, and he might end up living in a car soon because there isn't anywhere for him to go. i wish we could move in together but i live with my parents and am not financially independent either so that's not an option yet. i'm just trying to help however i can
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heterophobednp · 8 months
dnp are at $98,720 for PCRF!!! we know phannies can smash the goal and make it $100,000!!! LETS DO THIS!!!
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heterophobednp · 8 months
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thank you everyone for the support as we all work together to expose dan and phil's lies.
next we have another lie from phil. this is from THE FINAL GOOGLE FEUD (2018, dir. daniel howell and phil lester). phil claims that he does not have any legs and therefore is unable to get the pizza. however, this is a blatant LIE. please see below for proof of legs:
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clearly, this LIAR of a man thinks that he can pul the wool over our eyes and convince the masses that he is legless. but as we have shown here today, this is just one of many deceptions from mr. lester
more lies will be exposed soon...
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heterophobednp · 8 months
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Hi!! My name is Nikki (she/they) and I’m the host of the time machine meetup!! I started watching dnp in December 2015 and started using tumblr in like July 2016
I was a freshman in high school when I started watching them + went to tatinof, a senior when I went to ii, then I fell off of tumblr, and now I’m momentarily back and in graduate school idk how that happened
For those who weren’t previously mutuals with me, I was very active 2016-2018ish (too active for my own good imo) and then had my own hiatus until like a week ago
From then to now I graduated HS and college, got a girlfriend, and did many things in between. I feel wiser, gayer, and happier :) just like dnp :) hope everyone has fun with this meetup + nice to meet you (in advance)
meetup info if you want to participate
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heterophobednp · 8 months
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this was meant to be a quick doodle to pass the time and maybe dm to a friend but i accidentally hyperfocused so here's some Gay Rights
(oo wow it's transparent that's fancy)
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heterophobednp · 8 months
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heterophobednp · 8 months
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i don’t like how this turned out but,,,he leg
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heterophobednp · 8 months
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something fun i did this summer was crowdsurfing at a rise against concert! ignore how obviously fake my smile is lmaoo
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heterophobednp · 8 months
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first image: me in 2015, around when i first joined tumblr. my first ever account was for doctor who
second image: me at interactive introverts at the peak of my dan and phil phase. i impulsively decided to get tickets four days in advance and i had an amazing time and still remember it as one of the best days of my life
third and forth: me recently, at the broadway museum in manhattan, and with my partner @deanisdamned who has been one of my best friends this whole time
i started watching dan and phil when i was 13 and the joy their videos brought me and the fun i had on here got me through the worst years of my life. their videos gave me something to look forward to, and now i have a lot of other things to look forward to. i'm about to go back to college after spending the past year working. i was 13 when i first started watching dan and phil, and now i'm almost 21 and actually kind of feel like an adult now?? i'll be 4 years on T soon. i have my few amazing queer friends.
i'm not the absolutely obsessed weird little kid i was, and i'm not that active in the phandom anymore, but i still will always love watching dnp
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heterophobednp · 9 months
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hi everyone :) I was stalking my old posts since I decided to use Tumblr again and saw how meetups used to be super popular (back in my day.. lmfao). I'm not sure how often meetups still happen, or if they are still as popular, but I thought it would be fun to do a "then and now" meetup! It doesn't matter if you started watching them yesterday or 10 years ago, just have fun with it :)
If you've never participated in a virtual meetup, all people really do is post something about themselves (related to the meetup topic/theme) and reblog other people's posts! I found that I often followed new accounts too after seeing them on other blogs.
purpose ♡
I thought it would be fun to post "then and now" photos of when you started watching dan and phil OR when you started using tumblr, etc.. to how you've changed to now!
if you feel uncomfortable posting photos of yourself, you can also reblog your old work, old art, silly posts you made that you are proud of/think are funny [do what is comfortable please!]
how to participate + rules ♡
reblog this post so others know and can participate
on january 11th, post selfies, old posts, reblog your old work, whatever it may be! And tag it with #time machine meetup
if you feel uncomfortable posting about yourself, feel free to reblog other people's posts! make new friends!
this is a dan and phil blog but if you want to post old work about other tv shows, games, etc.. idgaf bestie go crazy and have fun [aka this is not a phandom-specific meetup]
this is strictly online, not a physical place!
be kind [this was a given]
feel free to send me [@energeticwarrior] a message or inbox me if you have any questions
this is a digital meetup starts 12pm CST and lasts a full 24 hours! here is a timezone converter
if this flops forget i said anything i just thought it would be fun
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heterophobednp · 10 months
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heterophobednp · 10 months
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no thoughts just catboy dan lol
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heterophobednp · 10 months
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HOUSE BUILDING SPECIAL EPISODE - Dan and Phil play The Sims 4: Season 2 #3
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heterophobednp · 10 months
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I must be fucking crazy bc I should be finishing my monograph (google how to say TCC in english) for uni but I'm depressed and the only thing keep me going this last few days are these two. I'm obsessed w the calendar pics and I wish I could buy it :')
Anyway I'm sorry the cats look like that.... I honestly tried kk
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heterophobednp · 10 months
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heterophobednp · 10 months
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Phil leaked the cat calendar!
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