Hetalia Big Bang
74 posts
A blog for the Hetalia Big Bang Challenge! Check the blog pages for all the information you need.
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hetaliabigbang-blog · 7 years ago
Is this event going to repeat itself anytime in the future?
It’s very likely! There seemed to be enough enthusiasm for it. I didn’t have the opportunity this year, but I would love to run another round at the end of the year.
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hetaliabigbang-blog · 8 years ago
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The very first edition of the Hetalia Big Bang is officially over, and it was a success!
View all the amazing works that have been made here! Thank you to all those people who dedicated their time to making this challenge a success, with extra thanks to the artists who volunteered to pick up fics left without art.
Many thanks too for everyone who didn’t participate, but has enjoyed seeing all the finished works and liked or reblogged them!
It was great to host this and see the enthusiasm right from the start.
Thank you, and who knows, see you next year?
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hetaliabigbang-blog · 8 years ago
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Author: @schnano Artist: @leathersama click the picture to see the full image!
Rating: Mature
Pairings: America and Romano
Characters: America, Romano
Tags: swearing, slurs, prostitution, character death, and sexual situations. Detective AU
Summary: Detective Alfred F. Jones is an ex-cop with a horrible burden to bear after a case that takes his partner from him. His past torments him. Is there any hope of redemption?
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hetaliabigbang-blog · 8 years ago
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Jan and His Flower Shop Never Fail to Cheer Me Up
Author: @mthemage Artists: @matistama click on the picture to see the full image!
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Denmark/Norway, Denmark/Netherlands
Characters: Denmark, Netherlands, Norway
Tags: Cursing
Summary: After almost completely isolating himself for decades, Denmark is finally pushed into reuniting with his family. He rekindles his passionate love with Norway, builds his relationship with his estranged family, and starts returning to all of the duties he’d been professionally skirting for a long time. But with his past returning to haunt him even in his dreams and his self esteem creeping close to rock bottom, Denmark finds himself relying more and more on alcohol and the support of his best friend, the Netherlands.
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hetaliabigbang-blog · 8 years ago
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Eile mit Weile
Author: @dynamicthesaurus Artist: @blueforest20  click on the picture for the full image!
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Denmark/Germany, with minor Lithuania/Sweden
Characters: Denmark, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Prussia, N.Italy.
Tags: Human AU, Slow Burn
Summary: At what point do we begin to ask ourselves what we really want in life? Is it power? Money? Love? Ludwig has always had a clear goal in mind. Get through school, get his degree, go to work in his parents’ legal firm and take over from them once he’s old enough. Stable career, stable life. It’s all he’s ever needed. Through a shared passion, a chance encounter, and no small amount of dumb luck he meets Hans, who turns every notion he has ever held about the world on its head and challenges him to discover what he really wants.
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hetaliabigbang-blog · 8 years ago
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If you will be my sword
Author: @wandschrankheld Beta: @aphamericanhero Artist: @aph-memepan click the picture to see the full image!
Rating: Teen and Up
Pairings: Hungary/Ukraine
Characters: Hungary, Ukraine, America
Tags: Violence, trauma description, warnings updated as chapters are released
Summary: 10 years after an unspeakable evil destroyed large parts of the world in an earth-shattering war, the rebuilding efforts are just starting to make life bearable in those zones that were hit the most when ugly beasts rear their heads again. Ukraine, a young soldier in the first war, is forced to take up the sword again to protect her family. A story about a group of adventurers facing off against demons, old and new, and two women finding strength in one another.
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hetaliabigbang-blog · 8 years ago
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City of Grey
Author: @aph-memepan Artist: @oceandeer click the picture to see the full image!
Rating: Teen and Up
Pairings: Japan/Prussia, France/China, America/Canada/2p!Canada
Characters: Japan, Prussia, Germany, Italy, Romano, France, China, America, Canada, 2p!Canada
Tags: Violence
Summary: With light creatures and dark creatures pitted against each other, Gilbert and Ludwig formed a group to try and break the black and white stereotype that has been set in place for light and dark creatures, the king of the city constantly placing such pressure to keep control of everyone, being unfair to the poor and the dark, unkind to many, spreading propaganda and hate. A local assassin, along with others, is brought into their group in order to help aid them in their efforts.
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hetaliabigbang-blog · 8 years ago
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Author: @celestialenigma  Artist: @leathersama click the picture to see the full image!
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Prussia/Canada
Characters: Prussia, Canada, France
Tags: Age Gap, Omegaverse, Soulmates, NO shota
Summary: Gilbert is an alpha who has not found his soul mate, has never smelled that intoxicating scent; has never felt that throb in his heart. Inwardly lonely, he continues to live his life until he attends the role unveiling ceremony of his best friend Francis’ son Matthew, a child he has known for years. Gilbert is appalled to find out that his soul mate is simply a ten year old boy but vows to wait until the omega reaches the age of majority at seventeen. Then the boy is raped by a stranger and everything changes.
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hetaliabigbang-blog · 8 years ago
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Rifts and Thought-drifts
Author: @nikkilaurinaitis Beta: anonymous Artist: @matistama click the picture to see the full image!
Rating: Mature
Pairings: 2P Belarus/Poland, Nyo Austria/France, 2P Belarus & Russia
Characters: 2P Belarus, Nyo Austria, Poland
Tags: Excessive shipping
Summary:  The rift between the world starts to fade, and the first evidence of it is that slowly alternative version of our beloved countries appear out of nowhere. The first to fall into their world is a surprisingly shy and friendly version of Belarus. She first thinks she is the only one to fall and just tries to find a way back, but as time goes by more and more of her friends show up and also some weirdly feminine or masculine version of her new won friends. As all their universes slowly break apart they need to work together to find a way to stop it.
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hetaliabigbang-blog · 8 years ago
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Author: @grayxcale Artist: @tescoeverydayvalue click the picture to see the full image!
Rating: Teen and Up
Characters: Russia, Prussia, Belarus, America, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania
Tags: Swearing
Summary: A superpower is always quiet in their home. And while we hear everything outside it, we don’t hear things within. In three short drabbles, we see how the people that lived with the eastern world’s greatest actually saw him. The perspectives of the fallen, the grappling, and the victor.
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hetaliabigbang-blog · 8 years ago
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Old Haunts
Author: @rosiethero Artist: @cosyanet  click the picture to see the full image!
Rating: Teen and Up
Characters: America, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland
Tags:  Dead/undead characters, some morbid humor, past violence, period-typical xenophobia
Summary: Alfred goes along with a stupid dare and visits the old abandoned house on the edge of town by himself, only to find much more history there than he could have ever imagined.
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hetaliabigbang-blog · 8 years ago
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Lawnsigns: An American Musical
Authors: @nellsie-j & @verystrongarms Artist: @alexadoodle click on the picture for the full image!
Rating: Teen and Up
Pairings: Hong Kong/Iceland, Belarus/America/Japan, Taiwan/Seychelles
Characters: Hong Kong, Belarus, America
Tags: Bigotry and prejudice, alternate universe - human.
Summary: The trials and tribulations of Alfred, Natalya, Leon, their shitty dads, and their fellow millennial friends as they grow up in conservative Virginia. Sweet tea (Southern style) is on the house!
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hetaliabigbang-blog · 8 years ago
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All Knotted Up
Author: @polarisrrose Artists: @yesterdarling (top) & @saorsay (bottom) follow the links for the full images!
Rating: Teen and Up
Pairings: Spain/Nyo!Romano, Italy/Nyo! Germany
Characters: Nyo!Romano, Spain, Prussia, Italy, Nyo!Germany, America, France
Tags: America mafia, pi au
Summary: When Feliciano goes missing, Chiara sets out to hire private investigator Antonio Fernandez C. With an in-severable tie to the mafia and each other, it seems everyone has a secret. However, this time, satisfaction isn’t going to be enough to bring the cat back.
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hetaliabigbang-blog · 8 years ago
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As we sink into the open sea
Author: @aph-suecia Artist: @prunormis click the picture for the full image!
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Denmark/Norway,  Norway & Iceland, Denmark & Iceland, Austria/Hungary, America/England
Characters: Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Hungary, Prussia, England, America,
Tags: Pacific Rim Fusion, Character Death, Angst, PTSD, Slight gender dysphoria, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Violence
Summary: It’s been several years since the beginning of the Kaiju war and countless lives had been lost. With the surface of stronger Kaiju and the decline of the Jaeger program, humanity fights for its survival.
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hetaliabigbang-blog · 8 years ago
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Author: @wolfthefangirl Beta: @ultramarineicecream Artists: @kuzeykirkland (top) & @darkcreamz95 (bottom) follow the links for the full images!
Rating: Teen and Up
Pairings: France & England
Characters: France, England, Canada, America
Tags: Major death
Summary: The FACE family go on a little vaction before they have to go to the world meeting on a boat called the Titanic watch as they survive the biggest disaster in the 20th centuray.
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hetaliabigbang-blog · 8 years ago
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Author: anonymous Beta: @missbelgium Artists: @wavrn (top) & @time-speculo​ (bottom) follow the links for the full images!
Rating: General
Pairings: Greece/Turkey
Characters: Greece, Turkey
Summary: Every time Greece and Turkey met, they start fighting .But Greece is facing a lot of problems lately and Turkey will be there to help him. A small, cute, funny story about Greece and Turkey 's more loving relationship.
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hetaliabigbang-blog · 8 years ago
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Author: @punk-rock-fairy-princess Beta: @hello-friends-its-me Artists: @artofthero (top) & @ninnislullaby (bottom)  follow the links for the full images!
Rating: General
Pairings: Denmark/Norway, Sweden/Finland
Characters: Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland
Tags: Pottertalia, Werewolves, Mild Violence
Summary: It's 1987, and everything at Hogwarts seems perfectly normal: the Gryffindors hate Slytherin, there’s a zany new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and the Forbidden Forest is, naturally, forbidden. Still, Ari Jensen visits the Forest with his friends after dark and gets way more than he signed up for when a werewolf bites him.
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