Welcome to the New York Hetalia Friendlies! Follow this blog for events and meetups around the city. Hetalia Day 2017 will on October 21 at 12:00 PM, near the Dinosaur Playground at Riverside Park's 97th Street entrance.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Please, fellow New Yorkers, have a meetup or two (we know WNY’s had some in the past so it’s possible)! It’s not that we don’t want you in the big city, but we worry about you all having to travel so far! People have come from Long Island, Hudson Valley, even as far away as the Capital Region to NYC: we love that you love us, but you can totally make your own, have fun closer to home, and maybe not get back so late, either. ♥
Thank you for waiting, and I am so sorry for posting an official announcement this late.
Hetalia Day 2017 is set on the 21st of October!
There are 23 meetups so far, including cities in Australia, Vietnam, Belgium and France. If your gathering is not on the list, email me at [email protected] so I can include it.
Some meetups are happening earlier or later than October 21; check your host’s website to be sure.
Meanwhile, there have been requests for meetups in the following locations:
England, UK
Stockholm, Sweden
Sydney, Australia
Several cities in California, New York, and Washington states, USA; Washington DC
Finally: whether it is your first time to attend our annual fan event or you are a Hetalia Day veteran, keep in mind the Code of Conduct, as well as your host’s rules, if any.
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pokes head in do we know when hetalia day is gonna be this year
Yes, on October 21, 2017.
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So far, so good.
The first day of live survey has come and gone and it was a great success! Not one bounced e-mail, not one lost e-mail, and only one very minor clarification necessary.
Keep up the good work, everyone!
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Welcome back to Hetalia Day NYC! This year’s attendance survey has just gone live!
Please be gentle~
#hetalia nyc#hetalia day nyc#hetalia day#hetalia day 2017#hetalia#hetalia day nyc: attendance survey
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aph lafayette and the fancy mcdonalds ; ova 2
hetalia day nyc was such a good experience!! im going next year,, i wont forget to bring venus a card bc i made a google reminder for oct. 1st next year,,
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Feedback time!
Hello, everyone! Now that we've all had a couple of days to recover from the weekend, we hope you're doing well.
Thank you to everyone who came out on Sunday and helped make this year's Hetalia Day another success. We all hope you had lots of fun and enjoyed yourselves and made friends and that we'll see you again next year! In an effort to make next year's Hetalia Day even better than this year's, we'd like you to take another survey, whether you were able to make it to Hetalia Day or not (we tried to take you off this list if we know you weren't there but we probably didn't catch everyone). Any feedback at all that you give us would be GREATLY appreciated. This is going to be posted on Facebook as well and has already been sent through e-mail, but you don't need to fill it out more than once.
If you have any photos, we'd love to see them! Post them on whatever social media channels you like using #hetalia day nyc (or #hetaliadaynyc) so everyone can find them, or on the Facebook group. We also thought you'd like to know that our UNICEF total this year was $651.16, bringing our seven-year total to $7,319.81 (we'll be posting a copy of our donation form within the week; we always try to submit our donation before Halloween). Thanks to everyone who contributed.
See you next year!
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Thank you for an incredible Hetalia Day this year! Everything went smoothly, however...
One of our attendees left a pair of glasses down by the pit. If anyone has seen or took home a pair of green glasses that says "Paris [something]" on the side, please let us know. And please, ONLY RESPOND TO THIS POST IF YOU HAVE THEM.
Thank you for your time! And be on the look-out for the post-event survey!!
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We all hope you had a lovely UN Day/Hetalia Day, whether or not you were able to celebrate with us. And speaking of the United Nations, we managed to raise $651.16 for UNICEF this year! That brings our seven-year total to $7,319.81! Thank you all so much for your hard work!
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The weather forecast for Saturday has gotten worse, and so the admins have decided to move the event to the following day. We’re greatly sorry for any inconveniences or conflicts of schedule this might cause. Halloween is next weekend, but if we wait any longer, the risk of poor weather increases; we’d rather not cancel outright.
We hope you understand this decision and are still able to join us in the celebration. If not, we’re terribly sorry, and hopefully we’ll see you next year (with better weather)!
We’ll be sending out an e-mail with this notice shortly, so please respond to it if you have questions, or would like to change your attendance status. And please tell your friends about the change!
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The FUNimation Pack o' Goodies came today! Inside:
Sticker sheets and postcards! We have over 100 sets, so proooobably everyone attending will receive one whole set (all six items pictured)! The stickers are rare and available only through Hetalia Day or the FUNimation booth at conventions!
Bandanas! We have a limited amount -- about 15? -- so they'll probably be game or raffle prizes.
An assortment of items! There's a soccer!France magnet; Japan, Germany (x2), China, France, and England patches; England keyring (x3); America and England buttons; America and England metal charm straps; and an Axis keyring, a Russia/China keyring, and an America/England/Russia keyring.
Everyone, if you haven't already, PLEASE take a moment to thank FUNimation for their generosity. They don't have to do this for us, but this is the third time they've put a pack together for us -- and the first time they've done it for EVERY meetup in the US and Canada -- so they really deserve some praise. Don't forget, they're having a HetaDay celebration too, on Friday at 4, which they'll be streaming and tweeting about, so you can join them. And Season 6 is coming out November 8th -- that's just three weeks from today! -- and is available for pre-order:http://shop.funimation.com/The-World-Twinkle-Season-Six
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FUNimation update!
*blows dust off* Evening, everyone!
So remember a few weeks ago when we said FUNimation was going to send us a box of stuff? It hasn't gotten here yet BUUUUUT we did get an e-mail saying that it's been sent out and should be arriving soon! We'll post pictures of all the goodies when the package arrives. :D
We might have mentioned that the FUNi staff is ALSO celebrating Hetalia Day in their office next Friday, October 21 (a day ahead of us). They'll be livestreaming and livetweeting their potluck party so you can check them out on any of their social media channels starting at 4 PM. I'll be at work, so I can't watch, but I urge you all to enjoy it in my stead!
facebook.com/hetalia twitter.com/hetaliaofficial hetaliaofficial.tumblr.com (I don't think they said liveblogging though)
And, as another reminder, Season 6 is coming out on November 8, and you can pre-order that right here: http://shop.funimation.com/The-World-Twinkle-Season-Six
GET HYPED, we're under 10 days to go!
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Taking the day off today!
Hey folks!
We’re gonna take a short break today (Saturday, September 24), so any e-mails, asks, messages, etc. sent between last night and tomorrow night won’t be answered right away! Service resumes tomorrow evening. Thanks in advance for understanding.
That said, wow, we’re just four short weeks away from the party! Who’s excited?! :D
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I hate doing this so much as I have never wanted to ask for donations. However, I am currently low on money, have a few decent sized bills coming up, and on top of that my domain for Hetarchive is coming up for renewal next month. So I am moreorless in need of some extra funds. I hate asking for donations, so instead I have updated an old sales post of mine with doujinshi and some other items I have to sell.
I am also will to take art commissions. I can currently offer postcard sized (4″x6″) color commissions with one chibi character (preferably canon Hetalia characters since I love them so much). I don’t normally do commissions for this cheap, so this is only for a limited time.
Traditional Copic Coloring: $10 (original can be mailed out) Digital Coloring: $5 (will include full-res PSD)
Traditional Samples:

Digital Samples:

If you’re interested in any of the items I’m selling, or in getting a commission, please e-mail me at [email protected]
Sorry to bother everyone with this notice. I hope I never need to ask this again. OTL
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Get the word out to your LA friends, guys!
when uve been hyped since last Hetalia day for this years but there's no meet ups close to where u live and ur not old enough to host one ; ; @peeps who live in the LA area plz someone host a Hetalia day meet up I'll love u 5 evr
Calling LA Hetalians!
#hetalia nyc#hetalia day#hetalia day los angeles#such a shame: LA's one of the cities that's never missed a hetalia day!
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Looking for someone
We're looking for Jenelle D. She filled out her reg form two weeks ago but the e-mail address she gave us was no good. We texted the contact phone number and asked that Jenelle e-mail us but it's been over a week and we haven't heard from her. Just tonight, we e-mailed the old address we had on record. If you are (or know) Jenelle, please (have her) contact us as soon as possible!
Thanks everyone, we found her (rather, she found us)!
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FUNimation prize pack returns!
Did you attend Hetalia Day in 2013 or 2014? Do you remember the load of awesome stuff that FUNimation sent us? Were you sad when they didn't send us anything last year (we know we were)?
In honor of season 6 of Hetalia coming out on DVD on November 8 -- which you should totally get, btw. Don't look at us like that you know you secretly want to. Good thing there’s a pre-order link at the end of this post -- FUNi's sending out swag bags to ALL the North American Hetalia Day organizers. There'll be the usual postcards and bandanas, but also a few rare sticker sets and some other items. Probably posters, a bag, some other trinkets like we got in 2014. We don't know what it'll be yet, but we can be certain that most of it's gonna be raffled off with the rest of our prizes on Hetalia Day. We'll post pictures when we get our hands on it, promise!
If you can, please take a moment to thank FUNimation for their generosity, and keep November 8 circled on your calendars. You can pre-order the DVD now at http://shop.funimation.com/The-World-Twinkle-Season-Six! Thanks guys, and remember to check your e-mails! ♥
#hetalia nyc#hetalia day nyc#hetalia day nyc: announcements#hetalia season 6#thank you funimation you guys are awesome#maru kaite chiqueue
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*gasps* Is it what I think it is? IS IT BACK????
Organizers: if you still haven’t submitted the info for your meetup, please send them as soon as you can.
Especially if you’re in the US/Canada 😉
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