there once were 6.... now there’s 1 😔 tragedy
- mod Romano
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💀 welp, this blog is officially deceased. 💀
time of death... who fucking knows.
lol.... its funny looking back on it now
although i’m not sure if it will ever come back, as the mods have had our differences since the original creation, i feel as if everyone is owed some explanation, or updates on everyone?
we all got busy with life and had some falling out.
none of us are minors anymore, except Liech is about to be an adult soon.
“Prussia” and I have since gotten married....... and divorced. Lmao.
and liech and sealand broke up a long time ago.
I’m not sure what Norway is doing,
but germany and i are still friends.
if enough people showed some genuine interest, i myself could try and revive things, even if I were alone, because regardless of views (some may have changed) this blog had some genuine tasty good humor 😔👌🏽
-mod Romano
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anti sjw hetalia sign me up mmmmmmmmmm
yes daddy uwu
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If you guys never come back I'm going to flip my fucking shit all over and then drag you into the depths off hell
do it
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Hey guys, what would you do if we were to come back? ~Mod Norway~
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I keep hearing bad things about this blog, but she. Checking it out it doesn't seem that bad. What exactly is this blog about? I'm sorry im a bit confused.
who even still talks about this blog im a bit confused
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I've been looking for this blog! I'm a hetalian and an anti-sjw too. Well, my sister basically likes anti-bullshit more. Why do people think that this is the troll blog?
aha wow! i almost forgot this blog existed. i should really call the other mods and we should get back to posting here. if they’re up for it of course. we might need some new ones.
i guess they thought it was a troll blog because of the shit going on at the time with sfrj. they may have inspired us but they were a huge joke. letting their own personal vendettas & opinions & issues get in the way of the point they were trying to prove. i’m glad this blog never ended up that way, even though it died.
- mod Romano
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Omg im a hetalian and anti-sjw uhh u want to be a mod on this awesome blog so freaking bad!
we usually only let people be mods if they know one of us personally
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People keep asking if this is a joke blog and I think it may need some clearing up. All opinions you see on this blog are the real opinions of the mods. While you may not agree with some of them, or even all of them, that doesn’t matter. They’re our opinions not yours.  Furthermore, as far as us being anti sjw. Yes, most of the mods on here are anti sjw. Although we do agree with some things the movement has to say we all agree that it is too harsh and has too much of a mob like mentality. Hopefully this helps clear some stuff up. If you have any questions feel free to ask us!
~Mod Norway~
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Seriously, this blog is fucking me up. A friend of a friend who was going to become a mod (?) said this is a joke blog. I'm autistic and really confused so. What is it? Idc if you answer privately to ~preserve the humour~ just please explain it..?
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Well, I’ve gone through the the “hetalia for real justice” tag and I have seen that there are quite a few blogs much like our own. Your friend is joining another blog. I can guarantee that this is not a joke blog.
✌☮ Mod Germany ☮✌™
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mod sealand you are now my child
But I already have parents. Gomen!
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☆Mod Sealand☆
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Hiya! I'm new to this blog so please be nice to me, anons!
☆Mod Sealand☆
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Be prepared to lose. 
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~Mod Norway~
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Hi! I’m Mod Sealand, but you can call me Sealand-chan! I’m dating Liech, and I want to right out all of the wrongs!
☆Mod Sealand☆
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Hey guys! Long time no see! ~Mod Norway~
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Actually, Germany, suicide jokes are okay, but only when used around people you know are okay with them. Most everyone in my main group of friends (myself included) have been suicidal and we make jokes about it amongst each other all the time. Humor is a way of coping. Much like how I also make jokes about child abuse (which I also dealt with) and jokes about drug abuse, something my parents are still heavily involved in. You just needs to learn that there is a time, a place, and a certain group
i am not mod germany, but...
coming from the mod who has attempted suicide before (mod Prussia may have as well?), there is a time, and a place. but that time and place is not publicly... i’m all for jokes in moderation and when it’s appropriate. i agree with mod Germany that it really wasn’t necessary. as much as i dislike (hate seems strong) some people, i’d never tell them to kill themselves (even jokingly)... it just seems to lack something... it’s just never really made me all that comfortable. to each his own, i guess.
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♥ ♚ mod romano ♚ ♥
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Okay, you say this blog is inspired by SFRJ, but how exactly? That blog had been the butt of tumblrs jokes and ridiculed to the point the mods on there had mental break downs. They accomplished nothing. I'm just curious as to what you guys saw in that blog.
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Well, our blog was inspired by the idea behind sfrj, not the events of what went down on that blog. The idea of sfri, to us, was to create a place to express our feelings of what real justice is, versus tumblr’s warped version of “justice”.
✌☮ Mod Germany ☮✌™
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