hereditaryshrinking · 3 years
Too many things are going on at the moment.
I can‘t handle anything anymore. I really can’t!
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hereditaryshrinking · 3 years
self care sounds so basic but please don’t underestimate how difficult it is just to clean your teeth and wash your face when all you want to do is die
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hereditaryshrinking · 3 years
No offense…: but you’re doing this for YOU. And you know when you sneak an extra serving without tracking the calories. Or put in half the the effort to your workout. You know when you cheat yourself and you can see the results all over your stomach, thighs, calves, arms, and back. You get what you put in. Put in the effort to take the stairs each time, leave the last few bites on your plate, drink the extra glasses of water. Simple. This is for you. Don’t cheat yourself.
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hereditaryshrinking · 3 years
“I love that hour of the party when everyone’s settled into their discomfort and someone tells you something really important—in passing—because it’s too painful any other way.”
— — Alex Dimitrov, from “Love,” Love and Other Poems
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hereditaryshrinking · 3 years
Ed tumblr is a fucking trip because you’ll go from reading a really gorgeous, poetic post about how eating disorders ruin your life, then scroll down and one post later you’re reading inspo about how being thin will make everyone magically obsessed with you
Bonus points if they’re reblogged by the same account
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hereditaryshrinking · 3 years
I simply do not vibe with food
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hereditaryshrinking · 3 years
it really sucks when everyone talks about their morning skinny and you can't understand what it's like because you don't even get to experience morning skinny
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hereditaryshrinking · 3 years
A list of reasons to keep myself going because I feel shit about myself:
1. Low waisted pants will finally look cute on me
2. I can wear swimsuits without having breakdowns and ruining everyone’s day
3. To be the small sister for the first time ever
4. So my grandma will say how I’ve really slimmed out instead of saying I shouldn’t eat my pie ((true story thanks grandma))
5. To look cute in all my friends clothes
6. It will be easier for my girlfriend to carry me around
7. So mom jeans actually look like mom jeans on me and my thighs don’t ruin everything I want to wear
8. My face and shoulders will be slimmer and I’ll finally be so pretty
9. I won’t have bad angles anymore
10. So my collarbones ((which my girlfriend adores)) will stick out more
11. I’ll look less short and stubby
12. My peers will ask me what I’m doing to lose weight and I can just tell them soccer and eating healthier
13. So that my soccer uniform will look cute on me and won’t make me look chunky
14. I’ll finally look nice in shorts and tank tops this summer
15. I don’t know what it’s like to be skinny so it’s worth a shot
16. My abs will be defined all day, not just in the morning
17. My arms will be slim and toned
18. I will feel so much achievement if I can just reach my goals
19. I’ll still look skinny in sweaters and big winter coats
20. So that I’ll feel comfortable in my own skin. I won’t feel like I need to shrink into a corner or wear huge clothes to hide myself. I’ll be successful after so many years of struggling with this stupid fucking disorder.
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hereditaryshrinking · 3 years
daddy issues make u a people pleaser but mommy issues make u like. a sociopath
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hereditaryshrinking · 3 years
i really fucking hate my body and i want to tear myself apart so i don’t exist anymore
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hereditaryshrinking · 3 years
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hereditaryshrinking · 3 years
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Writing my goals and aspirations into existence is the first step to achieving them. It’s time to put the work in. I am no longer allowing myself to be someone I do not want to be
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hereditaryshrinking · 4 years
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hereditaryshrinking · 4 years
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hereditaryshrinking · 4 years
A HUGE warning about gaining back weight and metabolism and stuff.
If you are heavily restricting and losing weight, eventually you will get to your goal weight. You metabolism will have slowed so if you go back to eating even something like 1400 calories you will likely gain. But don’t worry!! I have a fix.
Many people with eating disorders act like they hate food - but I know most of us love it. It’s wonderful. But scary. And too tempting. But once you’re at your goal weight, don’t you want to go back to eating at least semi-normally? While doing this process, it takes about 3-6 months to complete. There might be times when you gain a pound or two but I promise you, it’s physically impossible to. (Unless you went from 200 daily calories to 1000 in one day) Give your metabolism time to adjust and trust the process.
If you want to stay the low/goal weight, you need to maintain it that weight. For a while. Your body has a set weight it wants you to be at. It can take 3-6 months for your body to normalize and move the set point to your new weight.
In this example let’s say you have been restricting to 500 calories everyday. Once you hit your goal weight (or within 5 pounds of it) you should increase to 700/800 calories per day for a month straight. You may gain a pound or two in the beginning but don’t freak out. It’s not real. You are likely to even lose more weight.
For the second month you should increase to 850/950 calories per day. Same thing might happen with a tiny bit of weight gain but it will go away within a week or so. And yes, you still might be slowly losing weight. For the third month you should eat around 1000/1100 calories everyday. Expect the same as above.
Fourth, fifth, and half of sixth month should be 1200-1400 calories. I know it’s scary. You can do this. Even an increase up to this high, you physically can’t be gaining weight. I promise.
If you want to stay at that calorie limit, you can. Or you can figure out your TDEE with an online calculator, and slowly increase calories (no more than 150 per month)
Good luck! Don’t binge, drink your water, and take your meds!!! 💗
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hereditaryshrinking · 4 years
daily reminder:
dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge dontbingedontbingedontbinge
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hereditaryshrinking · 4 years
Ultimate Binge Prevention
10. Drink a glass of water : binging will make you gain weight
9. Grab a piece of gum : binging will make your body and face bloat
8. Get out of the kitchen : it will take you double the amount of time to get to your goal weight
7. Drink more water : your clothes will become tighter
6. Go for a walk : you will regret binging in the morning
5. Watch a TV show : wearing a bathing suit will be so much harder
4. Draw yourself at your goal weight : you will feel greasy
3. Do a YouTube workout : binging ruins your teeth and skin
2. Write down the reasons you want to lose weight : you will feel guilty
1. Drink a hot tea : control yourself for future you
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