herbieham1 · 5 years
Dec 4, 1941 Hiroshima Naval base East Wharf. “I am too old for this” Captain Kiichi Hasegawa stiffly alights from the creaking Ford saloon. The air is cool, a wet breeze coming across the bay, seeping into his bones, his soul. Yes. He is too old. But not, apparently it seems, to First fleet command. The old dog is going to have to learn a few new tricks……… He stands, faces his new command, contemplating her strange, foreign shape. So this, it seems, is what a carrier looks like close up. And again that feeling of bitter disappointment wells up inside; reluctantly he pushes it back down. So this is the weapon that will replace the battleship, and somehow, he just cannot believe it.     CVL Zuiho rides easily against the wharf, low, grey, ugly. Her crew man the rails, stand in formation on her flight deck, waiting for that moment so critical to any warships future.  Kiichi grasps his sword, taking comfort from its familiar feel, its power, its strength; it is time for him to meet his crew, his new ship and, of course, them to meet him.     He strides up the gangway with purpose; keen, as always to show his authority.  First Fleet may have let him down, but he knows his duty. The pipes shrill. There are salutes.  A tall man steps forward, thin, heavy braid, his Executive Officer.   Formal greetings: Salutes.  And the process begins…………………     He is led to the flight deck, eyes quickly assessing everything; the fresh new paint, the slight movement beneath his feet(if she moves here, alongside, what will this little thing be like at sea?). And now the first ladder, steep, awkward, leading upwards to yet another narrow passageway.  Eyes picking out a hose reel – incorrectly stowed…… Another ladder, the whip of the breeze: cold on old skin, the flight deck.  He takes his place –process, process.  Papers are given to him.  The formal words:     The Navy Regulations.  He sees them waiting, nearly 600 men, and expectant, curious, and judgemental, always judgmental. And now the regulations:  so familiar, yet always so shocking in their hardness, coldness, implacability. He must read them with authority…………… And yet –the wind conspires against him, and he knows too many on this deck cannot hear him, hear his high pitched voice…….. Damn.  That did not go well.     A thunderous voice, a coxswain who knows his business it seems.  Good.  The men crash to attention, erect. White, still, swaying slightly in the breeze, on the swell.  And now he must inspect them………..these, what does the Emperor call them? : His human bullets?  Kiichi takes his time –he knows too well the importance that they see him, that they see he watches, and notices. Battleship, or not – Command will always be the same Ney?
“Your Engineer sir”. Short, squat. And suffering a hangover it seems………. “Your name?”
“LCDR Minobe sir”
“You’re last posting?”
“Junyo sir”
“She suffered a major fire last year didn’t she?”
A hesitation.  You can read a lot in a hesitation………
“yes sir”
Move on, enough has been said………
The faces flow past.
“PO Okano sir”
“Been long on board PO?”
“Almost from the beginning sir”
“and the engines?”
“they are good sir”
Grunt agreement. He is hardly going to tell you they are not will he?
“PO Hirate sir.”
“Long on board sailor?”
“Two days sir.”
“Still getting lost then?”
A smile; good. Honest too. “Yes sir”
“You are not the only one”
   The parade takes some time…….. He makes his decision. “Who is the flight commander?”
“Lt Hidaka sir. They are down in the hanger, awaiting your pleasure”
So – aircraft and ship –two separate identities on Zuiho it seems.  Something he will change as a matter of priority.
“Dismiss the parade.” Get the men back to work.  We must be ready to sail December 6th. Take me to the airmen please gentlemen”.
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herbieham1 · 5 years
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Welcome to the Zuiho, and a little fictional tale about her.
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