Bethesda teams up with Carlsberg for Fallout Beer
Bethesda has teamed up with Carlsberg to produce a limited run of Fallout Beer in the UK
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Girl...You’ll be a woman soon...
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So dope!
When The Lights Go Out, My Glowing Murals Turn These Rooms Into Dreamy Worlds
Really nice recipes. Every hour.
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Can’t win ‘em all.
This is a match at the RoboCup, an international competition for soccer-playing robots. By 2050, roboticists hope to have full-sized humanoid AI robots compete against the champions of the World Cup. Sounds crazy, right? It’s not as insane as you’d think.
Learn more about hyper-intelligent robots»
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Coffee cup that fills in constellations with heat.
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What do you see? Some kind of band spinning around, or something twisting?
The motion of the first band shown above is ambiguous. Its more obvious that the band on the left is spinning, whereas the band on the right is twisting. The particular dynamics are made evident by watching the two black points on the bands edges. But without these defining features the motion of the gray band is indistinguishable between the two cases.
Perhaps the band is not moving at all, and instead its just the observer’s perspective rotating around this twisted yet inert band!
Can you think of any other shape that might exhibit this kind of symmetry?
Inspired by Bees&Bombs
Mathematica code:
x[ r_, w_, s_, t_] := {r (1 + w*Cos[2 Pi*t]) Cos[2 Pi *s], r (1 + w*Cos[2 Pi*t]) Sin[2 Pi*s] , w*Sin[ 2 Pi*t]} P[ Q_, N_, r_, w_, f_, S_, T_] := Table[x[r, w, -s + n/N, f*t + q/Q + f*n/N] , {s, 1/S, 1, 1/S}, {t, 1/T, 1, 1/T}, {q, 0, Q - 1, 1}, {n, 0, N, 1 }] V = P[2, 200, 1, .25, 1, 50, 50]; Manipulate[ Graphics3D[{ {{Thickness[.001], Line[V[[s, t]]]},
{FaceForm[GrayLevel[.5]], Opacity[1], EdgeForm[None],
{V[[s, t, 1, n]], V[[s, t, 2, n]], V[[s, t, 2, n + 1]],
V[[s, t, 1, n + 1]], V[[s, t, 1, n]]}]},
{n, 1, 200, d}]},
{PointSize[p], Black, Point[{V[[s, t, 1, 1]], V[[s, t, 2, 1]]}]}}, Background -> White, Lighting -> "Neutral", PlotRange -> 3.5, ViewPoint -> .4 {1, 1, .6}, Boxed -> False, ImageSize -> 500], {t, 1, 50, 1}, {s, 1, 50, 1}, {d, 1, 5, 1}, {p, {0, .015}}]
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"@ShaunKing: I’m sharing these horrific cases to press into your mind that a legal & practical precedent is being created for the ease of black death."
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I feel so much more insignificant. I'm starting to enjoy this feeling.
(Source) Follow Ultrafacts for more facts!
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So creepily Awesome.
Cement eclipses; tiny cement skeletons haunt the streets in Mexico.
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Watch The World’s Largest Firework Explode Over Japan
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This made my morning for some reason.
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Modern asymmetrical cardboard table. Home furnishings at low cost skid row prices. @ryanisnogood #cardboard #modern #
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