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herauralash · 6 years ago
“W O W “ What nice lashes you have!!?!?!! A very first reaction to an artistic set of ✨ V O L U M E✨ lash extensions. This angle was taken on purpose for you to see how Symmetry & Uniformity is integral in creating that perfect lash line! The re-lash on volume styled lash extensions averages 3.5 weeks! If you haven’t tried this styling, make it a goal for 2019🥰 . Perfect for getting the maximum fullness even if your natural lashes are short & fine! * * * * * ✨HER AURA✨ LASH & MUA “Lets Lash & Makeup!” * * •LUXURY EYE STYLING •PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP •EYEBROW MICRO-PIGMENTATION •FACIAL WAXING + BROW TINTING •EYELASH EXTENSION TRAINING 📍2072-A Ayrsley Town Boulevard 📞(980) 312-1299 📚For trainings & services visit us online www.herauralash.com * * * * * * * #her_auralash #eyelashextensions #luxurylashextensions #volumelashextensions #volumelashes #individuallashes #classiclashes #lashtraining #charlottesgotalot #ayrsley #ayrsleytown #charlottespa #charlottebeauty #charlottemua #charlottebride #exploreclt #charlotteinfluencer #womeinbusiness #allstar2019charlotte #charlottephotography #charlottestyles #minklashtraining (at Her Aura Lash & Makeup Artistry) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqco9oFA-YJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cqh6nkaccydc
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herauralash · 6 years ago
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R I S K.......TAKE THEM (happily☺️Its Friiiiiyaaaay again!!! Whoop! Whoop! Okay sooooooo....How many of you take them?🙋‍♀️ How many of you have a ton of ideas or aspirations that are inside your head and you fear the possibilities?🤔 But what if the outcome is successful? What if its not? How would you know if you never gave it a try?🤷‍♀️ Maybe you want to try eyelash extensions or permanent makeup 🧐 Maybe your career goals is to be a great LASH ARTIST🧐 .....🗣 TAKE THE RISK for either and anything else you want to do otherwise you may live with regrets and at some point it may be too late🥺. As entrepreneurs, we constantly and consistently take R I S K! We love it, we embrace it. Is it always a great outcome? NOOOOO!! However we keep taking them and learning from prior experiences to make us better. You should definitely go for it💪 * * * * * * 📚📚Speaking of RISK: We will soon announce our last course of the year for 2018. Proudly enter the New Year with another goal accomplished if this has been something you’ve contemplated. You will have all the support you need from talented Lash Professionals that will ensure you are completely comfortable before offering lash extension services to your clients. Let go of the “what ifs” and TAKE THE RISK💪 * * * * #her_auralash #risktakers #taketherisk #eyelashextensions #ayrsleytown #ayrsley #learntolash #lashprofessional #charlottebeauty #charlotteinfluencer #charlottesgotalot #minklashtraining #learntolash #womeninbusiness #lashartistry #lashpro #exploreclt #lashgoals #lashtipsandtricks #charlotteseen #quoteoftheday #charlottemakeupartist #charlottelashclasses (at Her Aura Lash & Makeup Artistry) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqPwl9sgrRd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1aqk0ige2bnrx
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herauralash · 6 years ago
Is there a term for ✨Overly Gorgeous✨ The art created on these eyes could do no wrong for such a beautiful sweet soul as @britneyandbaby .........Quick Story: It was our 1st time meeting as she had been researching some lash salons and decided to try our services (completely satisfied with the results yay!!!🙌) soooooo our convos led to how much of a loving mother & wife she is and her bravery to share her journey of motherhood with the world🌏 Thats hugeeeeee!! Very courageous and thoughtful❤️. Thanks again Britney for trusting us with your lashes, they look amazing! ✨H E R A U R A LASH & MUA✨ * * * * * * #lashextensions #her_auralash #eyelashextensions #charlottesgotalot #exploreclt #charlottephotography #womeninbusiness #charlotteblogger #charlottebeauty #charlottestyle #charlotteinfluencer #southcharlotte #ayrsleytown #ayrsley #minklashtraining #lashsalon #nomascara #classiclashes #charlottebrows #charlottemua #charlottespa #charlottebride https://www.instagram.com/p/BqFwEA0giDV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xp62c7p26awg
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herauralash · 6 years ago
#LashTip ...... M A S T E R your challenges first☝️. You will thank us later! With social media as popular as it is sometimes it can be tempting for us to want to add more than we are really ready for (skillfully). We see talented artists with some next level lash game and we want to get there. Right?🙋‍♀️ LISTEN:🗣 IT WILL COME! You must master your current challenges first. Do not rush yourself. Work at a pace comfortable for you and do your very best💪.......If you’re still having challenges after maybe 6-8 mths since your training course you may want to seek mentorship. {Our mentorship program offers a one on one hands on setting where you can bring all your questions/concerns and get what you need to improve your skillsets} Only after mastering your current challenges should you add on another skillset to level up another lash level or any additional services for that matter. 👩‍⚕️Do not skip the steps for the elevator it will come back to haunt you😌 * * * * * * 🔸 For trainings/mentorships/class hosting feel free to hop over to our website 💻www.herauralash.com * * * * * #her_auralash #lashtips #lasheducator #lashtraining #masteryourcraft #lashclass #eyelashextensions #ayrsley #ayrsleytown #lashpro #lashgoals #lashboss #womeninbusiness #charlottesgotalot #exploreclt #southcharlotte #charlottebeauty #learntolash #lashartistry #nclashes #lashcertification #classiclashes #charlottephotography #lash101 #minklashtraining #lashtipsandtricks (at Her Aura Lash & Makeup Artistry) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp7LXOEACyp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xgot0pb5r0c
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herauralash · 6 years ago
✨N O V E M B E R ✨ You’re here!!!! This is a major month for us as we have the opportunity to expand hence the theme “Bigger is Better” ....Our current boutique has been nothing short of an amazing experience and we appreciate the love we received and our relationships with you all but so with growth and ability to offer more services our time has come to happily announce our Soft Opening of our very own Salon🥂🍾🎉🔑 Thank You so much for your continued support it really means alot! We hope you will follow us on this exciting journey as we promise to deliver the same results on another plato💁‍♀️ Without further due we welcome you on NOVEMBER 5th to our salon : 2072-A AYRSLEY TOWN BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE NC 28273🎈🎈 Whoop Whoop! {The official grand opening announcement will be announced soon along w/ some goodies you dont wanna miss } There will be opportunities to join our team soon so stay tuned!!! * * ✨HER AURA✨ A Lash & Makeup Artistry established to strengthen women and a create a profound AURA through our artistic abilities!👩‍⚕️🎨✨ * * * #her_auralash #ayrsleytown #ayrsleytownblvd #lashsalon #charlottebrows #charlottemua #charlottespa #charlottebeauty #charlotteblogger #minklashtraining #charlotteeyelashes #classiclashes #womeninbusiness #volumelashes #charlottephotography #exploreclt #charlottesgotalot #charlottestyle #charlotteseen https://www.instagram.com/p/Bprf5MugHEH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11dryz2xeijjr
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herauralash · 6 years ago
L A S H T R A I N I N G D A Y ✨ | With a gorgeous MUA🎨 “Lady” all the way from the DMV area🙌 who was determined to expand her beauty business by adding Eyelash Extension to her services. Wise choice😉 especially since she grasped the concept rather quickly! During this segment we had just discussed curvatures with “Lady” and helped her setup her lash tile to begin the process on her model. Under great supervision she was confident in applying what she learned thus far. * * 👩‍⚕️Understanding curvatures will not only help create a good lash set but it also aids in long lasting extensions hence, good retention☝️...........We truly appreciate “Lady” for trusting us over in NC to provide professional eyelash extension training! {Aspiring artist feel free to register for November’s Eyelash Extension Training Workshop}: (see a few posts back for locations and dates) or logon to www.herauralash.com💻 * * * 🔸ARE YOU AN MUA🎨 AND READY TO INCREASE YOUR BOOKINGS BY ADDING EYELASH EXTENSION SERVICES? LET SEE THISE HANDS🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ OR YOU CAN EMAIL US FOR ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS 📧 [email protected]. Our team will be happy to discuss a Free Consultation to see determine if eyelash extension application would be a good fit for you🔸 * * * * #her_auralash #lashtraining #learntolash #lashclass #eyelashextensiontraining #lashtip #charlottebeauty #charlottemua #lashpro #lasheducator #charlottesgotalot #exploreclt #womeninbusiness #ayrsleytown #charlottephotography #eyelashextensions #lashes #lashboss #lashcertification #minklashtraining #lashartistry #charlottespa #lashboss https://www.instagram.com/p/BphW3u2ArF5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19bfuiip9rnf0
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herauralash · 6 years ago
L A S H T R A I N I N G D A Y ✨ | With a gorgeous MUA🎨 “Lady” all the way from the DMV area🙌 who was determined to expand her beauty business by adding Eyelash Extension to her services. Wise choice😉 especially since she grasped the concept rather quickly! During this segment we had just discussed curvatures with “Lady” and helped her setup her lash tile to begin the process on her model. Under great supervision she was confident in applying what she learned thus far. * * 👩‍⚕️Understanding curvatures will not only help create a good lash set but it also aids in long lasting extensions hence, good retention☝️...........We truly appreciate “Lady” for trusting us over in NC to provide professional eyelash extension training! {Aspiring artist feel free to register for November’s Eyelash Extension Training Workshop}: (see a few posts back for locations and dates) or logon to www.herauralash.com💻 * * * 🔸ARE YOU AN MUA🎨 AND READY TO INCREASE YOUR BOOKINGS BY ADDING EYELASH EXTENSION SERVICES? LET SEE THISE HANDS🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ OR YOU CAN EMAIL US FOR ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS 📧 [email protected]. Our team will be happy to discuss a Free Consultation to see determine if eyelash extension application would be a good fit for you🔸 * * * * #her_auralash #lashtraining #learntolash #lashclass #eyelashextensiontraining #lashtip #charlottebeauty #charlottemua #lashpro #lasheducator #charlottesgotalot #exploreclt #womeninbusiness #ayrsleytown #charlottephotography #eyelashextensions #lashes #lashboss #lashcertification #minklashtraining #lashartistry #charlottespa #lashboss https://www.instagram.com/p/BphNSTMAYPv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cyu2w2kb8kyj
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herauralash · 6 years ago
#LASHTIP Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake your “glue” (adhesive) thang☺️🙌 Well Hi there Lash Babes so sorry for the delays in posting but we been a little busy on “beauty duty”🤷‍♀️ Can you relate?!? So here’s a little tip for this “fallish” hump day that should be a given although we often have to remind our students of this during training as sometimes artist forget: Shaking of your adhesive👩‍⚕️ This should take place a few minutes before your day begins and a few seconds upon each use. (Don’t forget to close the cap back very tight after each opening) Shaking of the adhesive ensures the ingredient are as effective as possible to get the best retention from your lash application. Minor details such as this can make or break a great lash application. How many of you have been shaking it like a salt shaker?!?🙋‍♀️How many of you forget sometimes and realize it afterwards?!🤦‍♀️ It happens! Anywho we are glad to share these tips anytime you need a quick refresher as life happens, beauty happens and then the “ahhah” moment comes and youre back on track!😉 * * * * Ready to learn more or contemplating whether the lash industry is right for you?!?! Now may be the time👌 (Go back two posts back for details on our upcoming classes) * * * * #lashtipsandtricks #her_auralash #lashpro #lashgoals #lasheducation #lashclass #minklashtraining #lashcertification #charlottebeauty #charlottesgotalot #charlotteseen #charlotteinfluencer #womeninbusiness #charlotteblogger #learntolash #lashartistry #charlottephotography https://www.instagram.com/p/BpUYAheAD7y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dd075kslc64d
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herauralash · 6 years ago
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✨N O V E M B E R ENROLLMENT✨ You asked and its here!!! Finally another EYELASH EXTENSION TRAINING WORKSHOP! We take our training so seriously and believe it when WE say 🗣its super intense and all about HANDS ON learning💪 We only want to work with those who are really goal crushers!!!! * * 👩‍⚕️If the Lash Industry has been something you’ve been contemplating then this could be your time right?!?!💁‍♀️ Find out if its really right for you with our FREE CONSULTATIONS! We discuss your needs and skillsets to determine if you are a potential student for our class. If your needs match our needs we invite you to participate in our intense hands on eyelash extension workshop! Filled with knowledge, very small classes and ongoing support so that you’re completely comfortable applying the proper techniques to continue growing in this rapid industry. Below are a few FAQ’s check them out below to see if this answers your question👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 * * * 🔸Will there be additional support after class? AbsoFREAKNLutely! Its so important to have ongoing training 🔸How do I know if I’m choosing the right training program? Definitely do your research. Check reviews, check pictures, inquire about credentials etc. 🔸Is this workshop for students that already been trained? Yes, in fact you can take it as a refresher at a reduced rate; especially if you’re struggling in your current process. ——— Hope this helps☺️, Feel free to inquire further 📧[email protected] * * * * * * #lashtraining #her_auralash #lashclass #lasheducator #minklashtraining https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo2Z-d1ljRd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1swylor2b66qz
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herauralash · 6 years ago
✨A B S O L U T E I S O L A T I O N A Must!!! Lets chat about it: One of the most important components in achieving the art of lashing. It can be a struggle but it gets better with practice. By absolute isolation we are referring to ensuring that there is only “☝️” lash “comfortably” in between your tweezers. (if there is any other lash present including a baby lash, you have not properly isolated a lash) Poor isolation leads to damaged lashes, short term lash loss, and can eventually lead to a short term career in lashing due to poor work and bad reputation. 😟 * * * * * For more tricks and tips and Absolute Isolation we invite you to join our Eyelash Extension Workshop Training or our Mentorship Program👩‍⚕️ * * * ✨Training Date| Special mini training takes place on 9.30.18 with only limited seating✨Register 💻👉www.herauralash.com * * * #her_auralash #lashtiptuesday #lashtips #lashtraining #lashclass #learntolash #lashpro #charlottelashpro #lashprofessional #lasheducator #lashinstructor #charlottesgotalot #exploreclt #charlottespa #charlottephotography #lashboss https://www.instagram.com/p/BoJ2ppZFXTL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nps90dj3b0et
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herauralash · 6 years ago
✨A B S O L U T E I S O L A T I O N A Must!!! Lets chat about it: One of the most important components in achieving the art of lashing. It can be a struggle but it gets better with practice. By absolute isolation we are referring to ensuring that there is only “☝️” lash “comfortably” in between your tweezers. (if there is any other lash present including a baby lash, you have not properly isolated a lash) Poor isolation leads to damaged lashes, short term lash loss, and can eventually lead to a short term career in lashing due to poor work and bad reputation. 😟 * * * * * For more tricks and tips and Absolute Isolation we invite you to join our Eyelash Extension Workshop Training or our Mentorship Program👩‍⚕️ * * * ✨Training Date| Special mini training takes place on 9.30.18 with only limited seating✨Register 💻👉www.herauralash.com * * * #her_auralash #lashtiptuesday #lashtips #lashtraining #lashclass #learntolash #lashpro #charlottelashpro #lashprofessional #lasheducator #lashinstructor #charlottesgotalot #exploreclt #charlottespa #charlottephotography #lashboss https://www.instagram.com/p/BoJwzJ8luyA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17y4uptzohbkc
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herauralash · 7 years ago
L A S H T R A I N I N G D AY✨| When one of your Lash Babes who is really particular about her own lashes says “I think I wanna learn lashing”🤔 welp thats exactly what took place on this day. It was so interesting because she originally felt like it was rather complicated (and it is girls) during the first half of training but she refuse to be defeated by the technique and instead brought on excessive effort from that day on and has continuously worked on models and reached out for assistance until she felt confident that she could provide great service and has recently accepted an offer at a well known salon Rock Hill SC to push forth the Lash Life🙌 Whoop Whoop! The word for Kristie is OVERACHIEVER🏅 She truly cares about our Lash Industry and is learning like the rest of us the lingo “progression over perfection” (as my dear Lash/Brow rockstar @facexcape has quoted😉) ........... It really says alot about us (✨HER AURA LASH & MUA✨) & the quality of our work when our clients want to be trained by us....{Let that sink in☺️} ................................... Are you an overachiever? How serious are you about our Lash Industry? Could you benefit from additional training/mentoring to offer better service to your clients? Then we may be the right Artistry for you to learn with but its always a great idea to contact us and find out👍 * * * * * 🔸Training Dates & Mentorship Info can be found online 💻www.herauralash.com * * * * * * #her_auralash #lashextensions #lashtraining #lashclass #charlottesgotalot #classiclashes #volumelashes #lashvideo #eyelashextensions #charlottestyle #charlottebeauty #charlottespa #southcharlotte #minklashtraining #charlotteinfluencer #lashpro #exploreclt #charlotteblogger #lashtips #learntolash #charlottephotography #lasheducator #lasheducation (at Her Aura Lash & Makeup Artistry) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn2QYEEldBu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15ldq49h1hq2m
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herauralash · 7 years ago
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✨ S W E E P I N G B E A U T Y✨ Who is obsessed with a clean sweep?!? These are just darling! We transitioned her to volume and now she’s officially a volume addict ☺️ {yeah these kinda addictions are actually healthy so don’t panic} 👩‍⚕️Sweeping the lashes is a great way to elongate the eye, your lash babes will love it. * * * With Fall slowly approaching, we have opened the schedule for you newbies or those lash babes looking to join a new artistry that truly cares about the health of your lashes. If you are getting lashes that are too heavy for your natural lashes, it will cause your natural lashes to become weak and break. ..... * * * With the increase in our industry, there are inexperienced lash stylist that really need our help and are encouraged to enjoy our mentoring session. If you know someone that could really benefit from additional coaching we encourage you to refer them to our artistry to sharpen those skills👍 Lets help build one another! * * * * 🔸For additional information or a FREE Consultation regarding mentorship or training 📧 [email protected] or visit our website@💻 www.herauralash.com * * * * #her_auralash #lashextensions #lashpro #lashtraining #individuallashes #lashprofessional #volumelashes #lasheducator #lashboss #volumelashextensions #lashtips #southcharlotte #charlottephotographer #charlottebride #exploreclt #eyelashextensions #hybridlashes #charlotteblogger #charlottemakeup #charlotteinfluencer #charlottestyle #womeinbusiness #lashlifestyle #charlottebeauty #nomascara #lasheducation https://www.instagram.com/p/BnWB3VDFVbl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=t4nsc4vkk5n3
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herauralash · 7 years ago
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✨ S W E E P I N G B E A U T Y✨ Who is obsessed with a clean sweep?!? These are just darling! We transitioned her to volume and now she’s officially a volume addict ☺️ {yeah these kinda addictions are actually healthy so don’t panic} 👩‍⚕️Sweeping the lashes is a great way to elongate the eye, your lash babes will love it. * * * With Fall slowly approaching, we have opened the schedule for you newbies or those lash babes looking to join a new artistry that truly cares about the health of your lashes. If you are getting lashes that are too heavy for your natural lashes, it will cause your natural lashes to become weak and break. ..... * * * With the increase in our industry, there are inexperienced lash stylist that really need our help and are encouraged to enjoy our mentoring session. If you know someone that could really benefit from additional coaching we encourage you to refer them to our artistry to sharpen those skills👍 Lets help build one another! * * * * 🔸For additional information or a FREE Consultation regarding mentorship or training 📧 [email protected] or visit our website@💻 www.herauralash.com * * * * #her_auralash #lashextensions #lashpro #lashtraining #individuallashes #lashprofessional #volumelashes #lasheducator #lashboss #volumelashextensions #lashtips #southcharlotte #charlottephotographer #charlottebride #exploreclt #eyelashextensions #hybridlashes #charlotteblogger #charlottemakeup #charlotteinfluencer #charlottestyle #womeinbusiness #lashlifestyle #charlottebeauty #nomascara #lasheducation https://www.instagram.com/p/BnWB3VDFVbl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n4negmudgrf1
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herauralash · 7 years ago
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✨ S W E E P I N G B E A U T Y✨ Who is obsessed with a clean sweep?!? These are just darling! We transitioned her to volume and now she’s officially a volume addict ☺️ {yeah these kinda addictions are actually healthy so don’t panic} 👩‍⚕️Sweeping the lashes is a great way to elongate the eye, your lash babes will love it. * * * With Fall slowly approaching, we have opened the schedule for you newbies or those lash babes looking to join a new artistry that truly cares about the health of your lashes. If you are getting lashes that are too heavy for your natural lashes, it will cause your natural lashes to become weak and break. ..... * * * With the increase in our industry, there are inexperienced lash stylist that really need our help and are encouraged to enjoy our mentoring session. If you know someone that could really benefit from additional coaching we encourage you to refer them to our artistry to sharpen those skills👍 Lets help build one another! * * * * 🔸For additional information or a FREE Consultation regarding mentorship or training 📧 [email protected] or visit our website@💻 www.herauralash.com * * * * #her_auralash #lashextensions #lashpro #lashtraining #individuallashes #lashprofessional #volumelashes #lasheducator #lashboss #volumelashextensions #lashtips #southcharlotte #charlottephotographer #charlottebride #exploreclt #eyelashextensions #hybridlashes #charlotteblogger #charlottemakeup #charlotteinfluencer #charlottestyle #womeinbusiness #lashlifestyle https://www.instagram.com/p/BnWBO_kFfIM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nfu60zomix03
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herauralash · 7 years ago
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✨G I V I N G B A C K ✨never gets old! {SWIPE LEFT} Kicking off September with a huge gratitude and thank you to the instructors and awesome students of @healthandstyleinstitute ! Our Master Artist/Instructor gladly accepted an invite to discuss our growing Lash Industry as well as performing a Live Demo touching on key points such as proper sanitation in the salon setting and how critical it is to be properly trained. Its safe to say the students now have a better insight of our industry! “ONE PERSON CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE, AND EVERYONE SHOULD TRY” - John F. Kennedy ♥️ * * * * * * #her_auralash #givingback #payingitforward #lashartistry #lashindustry #lashpro #beauty #lasheducator #lashtips #exploreclt #charlotteblogger #exploreclt #lashstylist #charlottespa #charlottephotographer #greensborolashes #gso #esthetician #lashextensions #eyelashextensions #lashtraining #individuallashes #minklashtraining #eyelashextensiontraining #charlottemua #charlottestyle #charlotteinfluencer #eyelashes #charlottebeauty #lashboss https://www.instagram.com/p/BnMp5hXDm3S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kew1owgdk2k1
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herauralash · 7 years ago
✨H Y B R I D 50/50✨ You can have the best of both! Super cute lash look that gives our Lash Babes💕 their desired fullness and texture (especially when working with few natural lashes) Its one of our most sought after lash looks that just keep becoming more and more addictive! Cant determine if this look is right for you? Schedule a consultation to have a complete examination of your natural lashes! 👩‍⚕️ A bomb Lash Artist/Artistry should always give you insight on the best lash looks for your lashes while understand your needs and being transparent about state of your current natural lashes. We are expanding our team which means we are accepting new clients! Make the switch to get the lash care you desire✨HER AURA LASH & MUA✨ * * * * * * * #her_auralash #hybridlashes #lashes #volumelashes #classiclashes #eyelashextensions #eyelashes #individuallashes #lashpro #charlotteblogger #charlottestyle #charlottebeauty #charlottespa #southcharlotte #ayrsleytown #lashboss #charlottephotographer #charlottemakeup #charlottebride #charlottesgotalot #exploreclt https://www.instagram.com/p/BnGfdk0DLY6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wjhvgrkewbc6
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