henryxsanford · 3 years
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Anne always liked talking to Henry.  There was something about him that aired of kindness and he reminded her a bit of her son, Pete.  Would he enjoy the kind of cut throat job like this, she sometimes wondered, but if she had survived it…  “Oh, Senator Byrd!”  Anne worked with her in the past, and she was closer friends with her wife, Helen.  Though that was a touchy subject in the past few years…  “I can introduce you, if you’d like.  She’d be a friendly face to know around here.”  Rhonda would work with Henry at least, Anne figured, on the bipartisan issues.  Maybe lunches, coffee in passing.
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He wasn’t expecting a introduction, and in fact had not been hoping for one. But he trusted Anne’s opinion and if she said that the woman might be nice to him, she believed him. “That would be nice,” he agreed, though inwardly bore some hesitance about it. Henry didn’t like to be hated and knew that his time as senator would have a lot of people hating his guts (due to his association to the newly placed vice president). “You must be really busy,” he blurted out, which sounded like the dumbest thing possible. “With security...” It was what was on Henry’s mind the most...
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henryxsanford · 3 years
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When he agreed, Anne echoed his smile and started walking with Henry towards the kitchenette, hoping it was in the same place as she remembered from when it was her job to brief Congress.  She hesitated when he asked how they were, but not because of any trouble between them.  They were fine, but their relationship with Henry’s father… “Oh you know, good with the same old security stress.  Don’t tell him, but I’ve been trying to get in touch with Bruce Springsteen as a surprise, to cheer him up.”  Her hands shook when she opened their tea bags, and quickly plopped them in two mugs.  “Anyone you’re looking forward to meeting tomorrow?”
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He walked alongside her, still feeling lost in these halls. He looked at her silently, and he had always felt a kinship towards her, in that he felt they had similar personalities. But just thinking about the job she had and the weight it all carried... the security of the whole country... how did she do it? It felt like he was the only one in the world on the edge of a breakdown every day. “That’s really nice of you,” he said with a soft smile, and wished he had someone in his life that he could do things like that for. “Oh, um,” he thought, imagining that most people at the inauguration were going to hate him, because of his association to the vice president. “The inaugural poet,” he said as a throwaway answer, though imagined that she wouldn’t be wanting to come up to him either. 
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henryxsanford · 3 years
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The day felt long and drawn out despite how busy she’d been, traveling across the city to different offices.  “Oh, Henry!”  At first it catches her off guard as to what brought him to the Capitol, but then she remembers that he’d been sworn in a few weeks back already.  “Or should I say Senator now, congratulations!”  She felt bad for not wishing him so sooner.  Between his father’s campaign and the results of the election, her own job dangling on the line, timing for everything had been off.  “I was just about to go get some tea on a break, would you like to join me? I’d love to catch up.”
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He smiled when she said his name (as if there was the fear that after not seeing each other for awhile that she would have forgotten who he was). The smile dropped off ever so slightly at his title. Every time he heard about it he had the inclination to look around; that was his father’s title. But the fact was that now, they meant him. He was relieved when she offered an invitation so that he didn’t have to awkwardly fumble through on. “That would be great. I would love to hear about how you’ve been.” Mostly because he didn’t want to talk about himself. “You and Alex — Director Ward.” He was so happy for the both of them. They were such good people who deserved happiness. 
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henryxsanford · 3 years
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In the advent of the Inauguration Day, Henry is a walking ball of nerves. As he has been since he became senator. Or before that? He had thought about calling Anne Kane this week, but imagined that she would be too busy to pick this call, and that it would probably be too embarrassing to do so. So he’s just been silently praying all week that providence would have their paths cross. So when he saw her a hallway away on this day, he does a light jog to make sure that he can catch up to her. “Director Kane!” He called out to get her attention. He cleared his throat, slowing down his pace, trying to appear every inch the professional senator he was supposed to be. “Director Kane, how are you?” Stupid! Stupid question. 
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henryxsanford · 3 years
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Parties were his forte, cheese plates and wine bottles galore.  Networking with all the right people, though he’d barely made it through the crowds yet to speak to his star candidates.  “Oh, Henry!”  Sanford’s boy caught him mid unsalted cracker.  “I can’t say I do.  I was always more of a business man myself,” he answered, honestly for once.  Although he left out the details about how he hated public speeches, and reading through dense law making, and losing on a personal level. “You father on the other hand is a genius at it.”
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Perhaps his father telling him that his friends were his friends too was true. He felt like he could let out a breath around Mike, even if it was for the simple fact that there was nothing Mike would ask him about his father because Silas would have told him everything that there was to know. He’s surprised to hear that Mike hadn’t seemed to enjoy his time as a senator, considering he had stuck around in politics rather than heading a company. He felt sheepish as Mike complimented his father. His father and his achievements were an impossible bar to achieve. “And we’re both grateful to you and the Republican party for recognizing it,” he answered idly. A pause. “Why didn’t you enjoy being a senator?”
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henryxsanford · 3 years
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What kind of world has it become where he is willingly crossing across the room towards Michael Connelly? Better the devil you know than the one you don’t. With his father’s rising popularity and political clout, Henry had become the next best thing to getting access to the sought after senator. “Wonderful party,” he greeted with a forced smile, just managing to escape an ambush.. Did Mike enjoy these sorts of things? He seemed to. Henry wished he could understand how to do so. He tries to think of something to say and then is struck with a curious thought. “Do you miss it? Being a politician?”
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henryxsanford · 4 years
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On the other side of the coin (or, restaurant, in this case) Anne was quietly fuming.  The Director of the Secret Service running behind for lunch she could understand, but it seems he’d cancelled with barely a call or thought of sending someone else from the department.  Though most things had been dealt with in the past few days, she’d like to wrap up any loose ends re: the State Dinner incident as soon as possible.
Lost in a flurry of scrolling through her contacts, the familiar voice caught her off guard.  She looked up and her whole demeanor shifted, waving back.  “Henry!”  In a moment she was up out of her seat and trailing carefully after the waiter towards his table.  “It’s good to see you!  How have you been?  And I hope I’m not interrupting your lunch,” she smiled, acknowledging the empty seat.  If she had to take a guess outside of a business meeting, she thought his father might be right around the corner.  Then she gave a peripheral glance at the menu and near the empty table.  “I heard the stuffed mushrooms here are highly recommended.”
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He brightened up as she returned the greeting, the smile only falling slightly when she said that she hoped she wasn’t interrupting. “Ah, I’ve been well.” Such was his stock answer when anyone asked. It had been instilled him by his father not to reveal how he was really feeling. And besides, he should have been stronger... “I was waiting for someone but it seems they’re stuck in traffic so I’ll be eating alone.” He’s not that disappointed, to be honest. He felt even more pressure when it come to such meetings now with his father’s campaign. He feared doing anything that would reflect poorly on his father. He couldn’t bear to imagine doing anything that would hurt the campaign. He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. He wanted to be perfect. For his father.  As she gave him a recommendation, his eyes trailed to the empty seat at her table and smile. “Are you waiting for Director Ward?” It seemed to be an open secret that they were together, having gone to many functions together. He was glad for them that they could date openly. He wondered what that would be like, not having to fear getting caught. He couldn’t imagine it. 
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henryxsanford · 4 years
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These days it felt like every moment of the day was packed, though he knew not quite as much as his father’s schedule, and Henry couldn’t imagine how his father wasn’t absolutely exhausted by it all. But his father had always been stronger than everyone else. It was why his father, and William Bell, would win the election.  He checked his watch as the meeting time inched closer, checking his phone when he got a ping and letting out a relieved sigh when it seemed that the person he was meeting would be cancelling. He’s been so absorbed in the anxiety of the upcoming meeting that he hadn’t even noticed a familiar face a few tables over. “Anne!” He exclaimed, with a joyful, childish wave but he scolded himself and stuck his arm down. “Director Kane,” he corrected more politely, adding on a nod in her direction. 
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henryxsanford · 4 years
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The phrase struck him.  Anyone would be honored, Mike nodded, of course they would with a father like Senator Sanford…but not you.  He understood the hesitation, the inclination to stay away from the public eye.  Direct public service and criticism could crumble.  Thomas Connelly, esteemed ambassador hanging over Mike’s head for every step along his career and every anguishing breath on the senate floor.  An election failed and spun into a different story when the man when finally gone.  Mike preferred to handle things behind the scenes where he was best at them.  Business had its benefits and a hell of a lot more money for doing nothing.  Though he’d never convince Silas otherwise, especially if a congress career for Henry had benefits for their party, he could relate to this one thing.  “I didn’t end up following in the footsteps of mine.”  It’s offered as a sentiment, the ghost of further conversation.  Thomas existed only as a grave in his mind rather than elaborate story.  When Henry goes off, Mike simply turns and weaves his way back into the crowd looking for another opportunity.  He’s sure it wouldn’t be the last time they talked.
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henryxsanford · 4 years
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“It’s no big deal.  It’s a time of celebration,” Mike grinned, as no doubt of showing up empty handed had ever crossed his mind.  He could be cheap when it came to grabbing beef jerky off the shelves at Target but never for a birthday gift.  Especially not of the son of his esteemed friend and future vice presidential candidate.  Blue eyes immediately dart towards the corner of the room following Henry’s and looking for anyone who stood out that might fit Mike’s mental image of ‘business executive’.  Spying them easily, he starts sauntering over on the same breadth as his answer, mumbling the follow up question.  “That would be great.  Which departments are they in?”  He didn’t look to see if Henry was following him, but he hoped the younger Sanford would fill in the details before Mike made a half bullshitted scripted introduction.
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He doesn’t like his birthday now as much as he did when he was a kid. This felt... impersonal. Perhaps it was just that he felt like he’d had more real friends then than he did now. Now, he didn’t really feel like he knew anyone well. He had never felt at ease among the rich and powerful. Not like his father had, who he knew hadn’t been born into such a life like him. If only he could be more like his father... He’s ever so slightly trailing behind Mike as they made their way towards his work colleagues. “They’re from HR. I’m sure you’ll have a lot to talk about,” he replied, coming into view to offer the man one last parting smile before veering away into the crowd of people before he could get pulled back into conversation. END.
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henryxsanford · 4 years
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“Great, they’re around here somewhere,” Mike guessed, though he hadn’t talked to them yet during the party.  They’d cross paths eventually he was sure. If not by the time they came to talk to their mother than in some other crossing where Mike was doing a little networking.  “You should go talk to them when you see them.”  He encouraged, thinking at least Henry and Adam were friendly.  Sure, Sanford’s boy wasn’t also a politician, but there were plenty of things to talk about between young men.  Golf, baseball, beer.  “Maybe we’ll see you and your dad at the fireworks.” Mike suggested, if he stayed around for long enough that the literal fireworks were happening and not the other…show.
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“I will,” he said with a nod and a smile. He’d seek them out, as given his nervousness tonight, he wanted to find some familiar faces. And he’s doing his best not to let anything slip about what was going to happen tonight. He’d die of shame if he ruined the big night. It was strange to speak so subtly about an event that only they knew about, with these hints of subterfuge. Henry wasn’t much one for deception in his normal life. And plus, he knew that very few people had been privileged to know this information. Did Adam and Delilah know about it? Now he had to rethink if he could even hint at anything with them “I’m sure he wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he replied, and no matter how much Henry might try to think of his father as being something else, he knew this father was gleeful about what was going to occur tonight. “Enjoy your evening, Mr. Connelly,” he said, giving another nod and walking away, thinking about what tonight meant for all the years that followed. And the rest of their lives. END.
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henryxsanford · 4 years
Charlie couldn’t help but stifle a laugh at Henry’s naïveté. “I do pride myself on the fact that I try not to be too much of an ass, but that doesn’t stop a fair number of politicians and journalists from tearing me limb from limb, whether that be on my politics or my identity.  A Queer STEM Major doesn’t bode well for a lot of the right’s policies, to say the least….” they trailed. No way Henry hadn’t seen Esther Danvers and her little Fox News Friends tear Charlie apart at least once. “I do try to keep an open dialogue, though, and I’m glad there are people like your dad at least trying to do the same,” Charlie shrugged. It was something they were working on, trying to open the eyes of other congress members, but it was a slow, tumultuous and often draining process. Moreover, they really didn’t care much to debate the concept of climate change and its existence, nor their own identity with people who weren’t willing to concede even the slightest. “We’ll see where the future takes us, I guess. Hopefully the election season will bring me back into office and we can keep these conversations going.”
Henry didn’t want to believe that the world was like that; hateful and mean. There might be some who might accuse him to turning his gaze away from such behaviour, when his own father was one such people. But he pretended not to know those accusations either. One had to do what they had to so to keep their life from falling apart. But he felt good about hearing praise from his father, and it reinforced that unconscious shield that he’d put up, with that idea that his father wasn’t like everyone else. He nodded along, “That’s what my father wants. A stronger, unified country. People working together.” While from someone else the words might feel rehearsed, from Henry they were real. He believed in his father, and in William Bell, who his father had told him so much about. He’s curious, and perhaps it’s not at all the intent of Charlie’s words, but he’s spent so much time thinking about the election that he can’t help but think. “If Berkeley wins, do you think he’ll bring you onto his team? Rather seems like you’re the face of transportation right now.”
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henryxsanford · 4 years
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Mike had never gotten along well with his own parents.  His father had too high of expectations and his mother, well, there was a lot that could be said about Esther Connelly before she’d even met his father.  Next time Mike stopped to visit her she’d surely have a novel’s worth of remarks waiting for him.  Charlotte was as opposite from Esther as he could get and he’d admired his wife for those aspects, among other things.  He wondered if Silas found that about Henry’s mother.  Mike had never asked much about Serena, he didn’t like to prod into his friend’s personal life, but he knew the basics.  Enough to make a good political story of a tragedy.  Or however Silas wanted to spin it, he knew the man was smart enough to make the story his own.  “That’s good,” Mike commented about Alabama and politics.  Nothing like a family’s home or a family’s legacy for one to follow.  He hardly noticed the indirectness of the notion, assuming if anything Henry would be worried to give up the company and follow another path.  Fears he once understood before his own business failed.   “Of course.  I won’t keep you,” he finished his drink and stepped out of Henry’s way.  Another time, another party, they’d talk some more.
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henryxsanford · 4 years
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Mike nodded when Henry said he was good, and further into the conversation.  He can’t say he remembered much talk about Silas’s father, or perhaps it was Henry’s mother’s family.  “Does it?  He and your father must have different tastes.”  Mike commented, regardless of which side of the family, he figured Silas was likely to have known the man for some time if Henry remembered those things. “I edge a little more on the modern myself.  Not that I mind traditional.”  Charlotte liked to remodel a new room in the house every few years and, ironically, they got along when it came to decorating.  “Oh, have you been to Alabama a lot this year?  That’s great,” he nodded again.  It would look great for Silas, too, if his son was out doing PR in his home state.  Charities always made politicians seem more concerned with the people, especially when it came from their families.  “Yeah, she’s been doing a great job.  Would you ever consider doing politics like your dad some time down the line?”  It didn’t hurt to ask, though the question must have seemed a bit bold all things considered with Henry’s company.  Perhaps it was a thought on the boy’s mind if he ever decided on a career change.
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God had not blessed him to know his mother, but he had been able to know his grandfather for thirteen years of his life. Many people might have thought that his father and his grandfather were quite similar, given that they were both businessmen, but Henry knew that wasn’t completely the case. He remembered the late night talks with his father, who would say not to listen to everything that his grandfather said. And not to tell him that. Like it was their little secret. And he hadn’t said anything. Because he loved his father more than anyone else. He couldn’t bear to hurt him. It’s why... he hadn’t told him that which weighed heavily on his soul. He knew it would break his father’s heart. “I have,” he nodded. He liked to go home. Though, home had always felt like where his father was. He thanked God that he didn’t freeze when Mike asked him if he wanted to do politics like his dad. He knew he needed to give an answer that he would be fine with his father hearing word for word. “Anyone would be honoured to follow in the footsteps of my father,” he said reverently, though failed to actually give an answer, taking a long sip of champagne afterward. “I’m sorry to cut this conversation short, but I think I see an old friend,” he said, offering an apologetic smile and getting away before he can be stopped. 
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henryxsanford · 4 years
Percy could feel the weight of the election bearing down on them - with only a month and a bit left till November, Percy could feel the tension in the office shifting to last ditch efforts to get every voter possible, which meant that more and more visitors had been making their way into the office. Between Alfred and Admiral Bell, other senators as Senator Sanford discussed policy and legislation between presidential pushes, Percy felt like the room was spinning around him. Percy had been making his way back to the office after his lunch break, doffee in hand for himself and his boss’ in a tray in his other hand , when he ran into Henry, seemingly headed in the same direction. “Mr. Sanford, how are you?” Percy smiled, trying to make friendly conversation. “Headed back to the office?”
[ @henryxsanford​ ]
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As much as he’s gotten the chance to spend more time with his father, as much as it feels like he’s barely spending any time with him at all. Thoughts of the election dominated their time together and he avidly waited for it to be over. He can’t help but feel stressed all the time, wondering if he was doing enough, and with the constant concern that he was going to mess up somehow, which would affect the campaign. He’s on his way to his father’s office when he spotted a familiar face, putting on a friendly smile that hid the tiredness underneath. “I’m well,” he said, which was his default answer, nodding that he was on his way there too. “And yourself, Mr. Andrews? I can only imagine that you’re very busy.” No doubt everyone in Silas’ office was. “But it’s exciting, too? Getting to see a presidential campaign first hand?”
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henryxsanford · 4 years
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“Oh don’t you boys all know exactly what to say,” Cindy said with a bright laugh but she was actually very grateful for what he said. She was very uncertain about her position right now though she did her best to hide it when she was out in places like this.
“Well hopefully the American public will think the same way. I’m just glad that Will and I have people like you on our side.” She said with a smile. She meant that, she and Will didn’t have a history as politicians, which wasn’t a secret but it certainly made things harder.
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He gave a shy smile and wondered if that might have been a reference to his father, and it made him proud to think for even a moment he’d said something as witty and persuasive as his dad. Henry was always trying to be as good as his father, but it was an impossible task. No one was like Silas. “I’m sure they will. You’re authentic.” Not like the too-perfect image the Berkeleys portrayed, propelled by ambition and falsehoods. “It would be good for someone to interview you, so the American people can see that you’re a real American just like them,” he said, imagining it to be the kind of advice that his father would give.
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henryxsanford · 4 years
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“I hope its not too obvious,” As much as it was public knowledge that the Bell’s were not career politicians Cynthia hated the idea of her uncertainty hurting Will’s campaign and she’d done a lot of work to try and adjust. With Henry though she felt like she could be honest and she did nod her affirmation to his questions.
“Of course I’ve thought about it, it isn’t too far away now. All seems a little bit absurd if I’m honest. A good absurd though, an exciting idea.”
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“I think you’re doing great!” He said encouragingly, as if he might hope his own facade of pretending like he knew what he was doing was working. Though perhaps he possibly also wasn’t the best judge when it came to all of this. It was father who had always been so good at being able to read people. He could tell if they were nervous or if they were lying. Henry had never been good at all of that.  “I think you’d make a good First Lady,” he said with a gentle smile. From the little they had interacted she seemed quite kind, and she seemed normal, but in a good way, not like all of these politicians. People who only cared about themselves and their ambitions. 
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